In the clouds

Casey Daniels

Metal Charmer | Wanderer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Casey was close to the end of his first year at Hogwarts. It had been a good year for the most part, in truth he wasn't over being sorted into Slytherin and as much as he hoped it wouldn't put a strain on his relationship with Alison it had become clear that the strained relations between Gryffindor and Slytherin had begun to transfer itself onto him and Alison. The recent Quidditch match between their two houses hadn't helped things either. Knowing that his love life was on the downward spiral, Casey decided to head up to the Owlery, through the use of his Owl to send letters back home it had become one of his favourite places at school.

The sound of screeching owls has become a comforting sound to him over the last few months. He made his way up to his own owl's perch and gently stroked the creatures neck. The truth of it was Casey wasn't the same person he was when he arrived at the school, sadly being in Slytherin had changed him, his peers had influenced him. He wasn't the happy go lucky friend to all he had been, Gryffindors had taken the brute of his change of personality, he remained on speaking terms with only a handful of students, Alison was one of them but that wasn't the relationship he wanted it to be.
The year was coming to a close and Alison must say that her relationship with Casey was not as good at it was before. They barely spoke and when the spoke it was just quick chitchat about nothing, non of them wanted to be seen by their house mates. Alison had heard all the rumours about bad Slytherins, mean ones that wanted to use spells to harm and hurt students. Alison needed some time of, be a Gryffindor and be away from all the horrible stories that she had heard about Slytherins. Alison had borrowed her sister her owl, the only good thing in this year was that she had spoken more and more with her sister. She liked the owlery all of the little noises that the owls made. It was relaxing and Alison was in desperate need of some relaxation.

Alison was patting his owl on his brown feathers, the owl made a cute screeching sound. When she saw Alison her heart was beating in her throat. ''Hello.'' Alison said, he was still her friend and she was still in love with him.
It hurt to look at Alison. That's all he could think of when she appeared before him in the Owlery. All Casey could think was that somehow she was the only person he wanted to be with but the last person he wanted to see. He remembered the first time they saw each other after the sorting, Alison was heartbroken just thinking about him changing, but he had. Casey had broken Alison's heart without saying a word. The truth was, she had done the same. Alison hadn't changed, she was still the same girl Casey fell in love with at Obsidion harbour but the problem was she had heard the stories of bad Slytherins and they had turned her against him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he continued to stroke the Owl beside him. He tried not to look into her eyes, the eyes he used to get lost in, now broke his heart. Now when he looked at her he just wanted to tell her that he was still Casey. That he was the same, but he couldn't do that. He couldn't lie, not to her.
Alison had not really changed this year, she wanted to be in Gryffindor and she ended up there. The fact that Casey had betrayed her by getting in Slytherin was the thing that Alison hated the most. A hole appeared where her heart was and every time she saw Casey the hole grew bigger. Casey was the person that she wanted to be with, but seeing or talking to him made the situation worse. Come to think of it a Slytherin and a Gryffindor together could not work. She had heard the stories the gruesome ones about killing and harming students, even killing other girls out of pure jealousy. In her heart Alison wanted to believe that this was the same sweet Casey, her soulmate the one that she wanted to share her life with. At that time everything seemed so close they would have get beautiful kids and have a lovely wedding day, now everything seemed dark and far, far away.

''I am sending a letter to my parents.'' Alison said, normally she would look him straight in the eyes and melt away. Every time they would meet the would ignore each other and in classes they would sit as far away as possible. Alison wanted everything just as the way it was, but that could never happen anymore Casey had changed. Although Alison liked the badboy side to him, sometimes it was really hard to be alone and not feel loved by anyone. ''What are you doing here?'' Alison had to look at him and to be honest he still looked really cute.
Casey was caught of guard by her question. What was he doing here, he wasn't sending a letter he was just loitering. "I just wanted to be alone, the Slytherin common room isn't exactly a warm and nurturing environment to be alone with your thoughts," Casey sighed, he hated reminding Alison that he was a Slytherin but she needed to accept it if they were ever to be together. Casey thought Alison had become too fixated on his house, they had only been in school for a few months and she had turned against him, he hated thinking about the next few years with their relationship the way it was. Casey had such high hopes for the two of them and their time at school, however their relationship had turned sour before they had finished their first year.

Casey really didn't feel like he was only twelve years old. He hadn't felt like it since he met Alison, now it wasn't for good reasons. He felt like being in Slytherin had matured him but he matured into something he didn't like. Something Alison didn't like. "How have you been, it's been a while," They saw each other a lot, but the truth was they had taken to avoiding each other. Sitting apart in class, walking on different ends of the corridor when they passed each other. Casey didn't know why, but Alison seemed to want nothing to do with him anymore, and Casey didn't want to go out of his way. He'd never hear the end of it if he perused a Gryffindor girl.

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