Open In Search of Mushrooms

Ryan Fisk

Odd Duck | Silver Snake Assitant |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
03/2039 (23)
Open after Ryan posts with Ignatius

After his conversation on the train about magical fungi, Ryan had been on a mission. He wasn't sure what sort of fungi the school greenhouses had, but he was eager to find out. It had helped that the boy on the train, Ignatius, was sorted in Ravenclaw, so it had been easy to get him to come along for the expedition down to the greenhouses.

"I bet the upper year greenhouses have something interesting in them," Ryan said, his face pressed to the glass of the door as he peered through, trying to make sense of the blurry shapes he could see beyond. "Do you think Professor Castillo locks these?" He murmured, checking over his shoulder to check on Ignatius as well as make sure no one else had followed.
Ignatius following along behind Ryan to the school green houses was excited he was sorted into Ravenclaw as well as the fact that he was invited by Ryan to go look for mushrooms he had been really busy with classes and hadn't had too much time to socialize with his fellow students at hogwarts his first week and was excited to be included as well as the thought of making a friend. upon hearing Ryan say I bet the upper year green houses have interesting stuff in them ignatius also tried peering into the green houses but couldn't see much when asked if Professor Castillo locked these? Ignatius Stated "Only one way to find out " he said grinning at the older boy and indicating for Ryan to try opening it excited to see what was inside whether it be mushrooms or not. "So what types of plants do you think they keep in here and have you learned about any interesting magical plants while at hogwarts? Ignatius asked waiting to see if the door was unlocked
Ryan was glad to have someone as keen to explore things as he was for once, smiling back at Ignatius before trying the greenhouse door. It was locked, unsurprisingly, but Ryan was pleased to discover it was just a normal lock, able to unlock it simply with a quick 'Alohamora'. "I'm not sure, I've heard some of the greenhouses have carnivorous plants in them," He said, poking his head inside the greenhouse and immediately noticing the increase in humidity and warmth inside. "Some of the older students have mentioned snargaluffs, which I think are man-eaters," He added, motioning Ignatius to follow him as he stepped inside. Ryan doubted they'd find any snargaluffs just laying around, but it was cool to hope. "Do you think there's carnivorous mushrooms? I mean, a lot of fungi eat dead things, does that count?" He wondered aloud, carefully scanning the various plants about the room to see if he recognized any.

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