In Obsidian

Leah Winters

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13" Sequoia Dragon heartstring
Leah stood beneath a large canopy in Obsidian Harbour, feeling somewhat irritated at Ashton's tardiness. She had planned the day to be spent with her newly found half brother, something she had not been looking forward too, for his sullen manner and depressive aura never failed to annoy her. He had suffered a lot, something she desperately tried to understand. His entire family had been killed, leaving the boy with a sister he had never before met. Neither knew where their father had disappeared off too, only that he had abandoned Ashton just as he had his previous family.

He was questioned often by Leah, for she suspected he did know something vital. William would be found, and perhaps one day Ashton would trust her enough to actually inform her of what he knew. Regardless, her irritation still lurked around for the autumn day did not feel like the cool one it should. The sun beat down upon the canopy, seeping through the fabric, forcing her levels of annoyance to rise further. What she really wanted was to find an air conditioned place and wait for her little brother, but they had agreed to meet here.
A silver lighter had been used to port key Ashton here on such a hot bothering day. The lighter, a silver snaked, which happen to have yellowish sick looking eyes,hissed whenever he flicked the little wheel to ignite the flames. The flames changed from a bright orange to crimson hue, this lighter a gift from his sister whenever he needed to come back to New Zealand. A place he felt he didn't look belong, after his sister expressed her feeling of not wanting anything to do with Ashton. He was nothing but confused by the invite of wanting to meet him here. But that was just the two voices telling him to be aware of his elder sister tricks, she's done dark arts worst than your own father boy whisper one. Yes, yes she have whisper another, Ashton force to ignore the bickering inside his head. If he wanted to really know more about his sister he would ask. For now, he could careless that she didn't want him. But his sorrow mood surly betrayed that feeling.
He had arrived before the time approached, and knew he was late. For all that its worth, he would've missed meeting her. Tis no point really when you get down to it. The galleons he received every month help him survive at Scotland, he had shelter, clothes, and food. What he didn't have really was a place to call his own during the summer. Netherless, he's stuck with Leah till he becomes of age. Just a few more years, that's if your not dead my lord... came the rasphy tone he was to familiar with. Its hard to ignore them, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the right way of getting rid of them. Luckily for him, he wasn't submitted yet to St.Mungos, well till they found out. Striding halfway across the walkways, he saw her, Leah, standing beneath a canopy. Looking horribly annoyed as ever. Its to late to turn around now, Ashton could feel her stares stinging the side of his face, no matter how hard she tried to ignore her inticing stares.

The lure of going inside was becoming stronger and stronger. The sudden appearance of Ashton did little to ease the anger rising up through Leah's chest. She despised tardiness. The look upon his face, somewhat down trodden was what forced her lips to curve upward into a welcoming smile. He deserved to be coddled and spoiled, for his situation was traumatizing. Leah could not go quite that far, but perhaps she could try and be a big sister to him at least for today.

"Hello, Ashton. Is there a particular reason why you are over twenty minutes late? Or did William install the lack of consideration for others gene in you as well?" F*ck She immediately cursed herself, surprisingly feeling guilty about her outburst. She crossed over to him, exiting out from under the canopy and now directly under the hot sun. "Anyway, are you hungry? We haven't spent much time together, is there anything you would like to do today?"
"I dunno" he paused before getting any closer to Leah. The distant away from them were a couple feets dividing them apart. With the lack of attitude and no particular reason to notice her change demeanor, he stood back looking down. "I think the lighter you sent me didn't direct me to the right place. Maybe its your fault that I'm late?" he stated more than question. He let his tongue slipped, Leah for sure would be spazzing out with an acid tongue. Sometimes he forgets he's not with Jane anymore, and that he lives with Leah when he's not at Hogwarts.
"Or it could just be mistaken" again he shrugged except this time he looked up. "Do you have any pop tarts?" strange food request to ask, but the last time he was here. That's what he ate at Leah's apartment, pop tart and a pop. Nothing more, nothing less.

Ashton had grown bolder since the last time she had spoken with him. He had always had a bit of a smart mouth on him, but that was expected for he did happen to be a Winters. Even her sister Natalie could offer a sharp remark when the timing happened to be right. Instead of allowing her temper to flare yet again, she fixed another smile upon her lips and said, "Or perhaps you used the lighter wrong. You aren't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, you know?" Too mean. But did it even matter? It was quite funny how such cruel things could fall from such beautiful lips, and how such an icy tongue could be part of this fiery woman.

"We aren't at Wal-Mart." She snapped, feeling impatient. Pop tarts were certainly something he consumed a lot of, but why did he want to ruin such a perfect chance to get to know each other with his stubborness? "Let's go." Instead of yanking his arm like she wanted to, Leah walked towards a lovely little cafe located across the street. She had dined there before and had been quite pleased with the food and the service.
"What the hell is a walmart?" he continued to be bane towards her just for the hell of it. He follow but halfway the distant than what she wanted him to be. His feet basically did the walking, his sneakers scuffing underneath him. He walk with no energy, he talk like if there was something horrible mixed in with his taste buds. He felt irregular as always, thought this nothing compare to how'd he act around at school. In school he's more outcast than a half breed goblin with a bit of its pointed ears missing, still no one knew what happen to that kid.

"And why can't we just go to your place?"
he paused and looking up. When he did, something strange occurred just about that time. He observed the old establishment, and just like a dark aura surrounding it, Ashton watch as if something imaginative just happen, it had seem so real not to be the truth. Something or whatever happen here, he could tell. "Someone died out here?" he asked his sister. Whatever passed life was still taking dwelling here, but not this place precisely. Somewhere around here, he turn his face to Leah. She had a connection with the dark aura he could feel, but it something he couldn't admit to being able to tell. Or else his sister here would take the better chance in locking him away at St.Mungos for good. Jane never did it, but Leah he couldn't tell from the wicked of all Winters, if she was just as nasty as William.


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