in need of parents and friends:)

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Fayt Aurelious

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Fayt comes across as being a mostly emotionless, cold child, focused solely on his interests and his vow to protect his sister. For him, the most important thing in his life is his twin which is the only blood kin that he knows. He is prone to being over protective with her to the point that he always scolds her whenever she hurts herself. He loves his twin more than his self.

Though he is capable of portraying himself as a charming, cheerful, lenient individual, typically when on the presence of his adoptive parents, he is quick to revert to being unsympathetic when he no longer has to hide his true self. Fayt is a person that doesn't like to admit defeat, and it's with this stubborn behavior that he'll push through obstacles with a single-minded resolve to win, to advance, and to do anything and everything perceived as necessary to achieve his goals.

Despite everything, however, under the surface there's still a 10 year old boy. Prone to acting egoistically with a self-centered point of view, he can be quick to irritation when his demands aren't met, and sink into a moody frustration when his plans are compromised.
The past reminders and the numerous things he's suffered through however, are just as difficult to let go of. Fayt has a obvious aversion to unnecessary touch- especially from that of strangers and even his adoptive parents- and his vulnerabilities lurk just underneath the strong-willed and reasonable person he often presents.

In his heart though, he still longs for his real parents and for some friends, but his own bitter words and the harshness of reality keep him from dwelling on it for very long. He is not someone who easily trusts anyone, he is afraid of betrayal but still, deep inside, he wants to meet someone whom he can trust other than his sister.
Gabrylle's emotions are quite unpredictable; one of her consistent traits is her attachment to her twin, Fayt, whose attention she is frequently trying to attract. She seems to have an overall cheerful disposition in spite of hardships and misgivings, making her a sort of foil to Fayt. Gabylle can be easily frightened (of such things as the dark, being alone) and is somewhat hyperactive. She is also exceedingly loyal to Fayt, who she views as a savior of sorts. She is prone to breaking out into tears whenever she does something wrong. She loves being outside and works hard to please her adoptive parents as well as her brother Fayt.

Gabrylle describes her adoptive parents' house as being one filled with laughter and love. However, she knows that her brother doesn't feel the same, he did not smile truthfully or laugh much anymore, which is the reason why Gabrylle goes to great lengths to make him smile, although she admits she overdoes it a lot.

She loves and cares for Fayt and her new parents very much, as she works hard to make them smile. However, being young, she is still prone to temper tantrums and bouts of self-centeredness, which often annoy and anger Fayt.

So here are my new characters Fayt and Gabrylle Aurelious. They are twins and supposedly, they have been adopted by a kind couple a few years ago. What I need for them is someone who is willing to play the part of their adoptive parents. I can make them, but well, it would be really lonely to Rp with myself would it not? The parents' personality is up to you guys...

They also need some friends:

For Fayt, he needs a best friend whom he can trust. Someone who he can open up his real self to.

For Gabrylle, since she is very friendly, any number of friends will do. She can have a crush too I might add, but this crush of hers should be ready then for the over protectiveness of her brother... :) After all, Fayt doesn't like it when his sister has someone whom she likes too much...

So any takers?
If you make the mother, I will be glad to take her off your hands ^_^
I'll make the character then give her to you is that it? :)
Thats right ^_^
alright, I'll make her... Am i the one who's going to request for the family group too?
No I can do that. You just make her pm me the details, like password and then I will take it from there. Also pm me anything you want me to include in her development. :DE:
Oh.. I see, her personality is up to you then I presume? Thanks for taking her! :)
doesn't anyone want to take the father role? :D
Ok I can take the father role, because I love playing adults :r
Anyway I can also give out a few friends because my unsorted cupboards are rather full of many different personalities :)
Daniel Hydran, 11, Daniel is energetic and very enthusiastic, he plays many, many sports ranging from swimming, to cycling to ballet. He gets most of this energy from his very energetic parents ~So I was thinking that Gabrylle could crush on him, but it is your choose ;)
Justin Kuya, 10, Justin is very close to his twin brother Drake, he is mischievous and somewhat closed, he would much rather spend time with his twin brother than talk to others, they dont seem to understand the closeness he has with his brother not even other twins, they like to play games and have their own special language. Justin and Drake have two fathers.
Drake Kuya, 10, Drake is younger than Justin, he is slightly less closed and is quite willing to talk to people, when with his brother though they tend to build walls, and then watch people try to break through them. Drake is the one that makes the ideas while Justin has the determination to carry them out, the twins are completely identical, except Drake has grey eyes while Justin has blue ones. ~So for the twins I was thinking they could find some common ground, they are very close and very strange, it is your choice on who they become close too, but I am willing to allow one to be closer with the twins than the other. :D
Andy Hydran, 11, Andy is very sweet and kind, but he is also very timid and shy. Andy likes to sit in his room and play his guitar. Andy is thinner and shorter than most 11 year olds as he is scared of nearly everything, including eating. He lives with his father as his mother is dead, he is ignored by his father and can speak native American. ~He could be a close friend of Gabrylle, because Im not sure if him and Fayt would mix well.
The top four are cousins BTW, thought you should know :)
Samual Kaster, 11, Samual is cheeky and loves riddles, he is quite loud at times but has a tough shell he crawls into from time to time, he has a great voice and a big family, he is Australian and has a very strong accent so sometimes it is hard for people to understand him because he speaks so fast, Samual enjoys the simple things in life, he has his right ears pierced, when he finally goes to school he will be going through a depressed stage, as his brother and parents will die by that time :r so I am hoping for him to have some friends that knew him before all of that happened, so they can try and help him.
Drew Handler, 10, Drew is very shy and is a huge pacifised, he cannot stand any fighting, not verbal or pshsical, he cant even hit an inanimate object, this makes him quite the target for bullies as he does not tell anyone that he is being bullied, he has a big brother that is mean to him but if he found out that Drew was being bullied he would go after the bully and sort them out, Drew is also very caring and likes helping people even if they dont know it and is very loyal. ~Drew could be friend to any of them, or if you feel like it they could pick on him, same goes for Andy Hydran too ;)

Yeah I have no girls to give out :r anyway it is up to you, but I can still take the father character, just PM me the details ;)

Really? Great! Thank you for taking him.. his personality if up to you really... I just request that you name him VIncent.. :)

By the way, for Gabrylle, I've given her account to my cousin, but nevertheless, it would be a great idea if she would have a crush on Drake or Sammy... Well it's up to you, either of the two....

And Andy would be a great friend for her, They can both be easily scared, though for Gabrylle, she's kind of strong.. :)

For Fayt though, I'm thinking that Drew can be a friend, though at first he'll surely be harsh to him, but nevertheless, learn that he should not bully the young boy... :)

And lastly, your twin character can be friends with my twin character since they are pretty much the same, but I think Gabrylle would be much closer to Drake... :)

Oh, another thing... I have a new character, name's Finnian Rosenkranz, he's kind of shy and his so called friend often talk him into trouble. He is very calm as well too and prefers to do things with a smile... would you like any of your character to be some what friends with him?
Thats OK, do you want me to make the father? And dont worry his name shall be Vincent.

I dont mind, it is up to your cousin to who she likes, I dont mind either way :)

Yeah and maybe she could help him with his fears while he can help her with hers, overall I think it would do them both good.

That was what I was thinking, since he and Fayt are so different they would probably clash but then trust each other. :D

Yeah Drake is more open and friendly than his brother, especially when alone. :)

Well he can be friends with Danny and Andy, they would keep him out of trouble :)
Alright... who's going to start the topic then? And yes, I'll inform the one one made the mother character that you've already make the father... :)

Great thanks!
Hi there! I think Gabrylle would do well with Sammy, she'll help him in his depressed stage, she is that type of person after all. :)
OK I shall make him right now :D
And could you two pretty please start the topics? :D I have made so many and I am completely unable to think of something :r
Alright, I'll make one maybe today or tomorrow and then give you the link, Alice will probably make one for Gabrylle too, probably a few days from now, maybe tomorrow, she's quite busy with school since it will be Christmas break for her soon.. :)
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