In Between

Bowie Oz

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OOC First Name
Kingwood 11 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
The streets of the magical section in New Zealand. Well one. It was odd, for Bowie to be walking these streets. He had for quite some time, just been traveling. Going between countries like he was walking on air. Never staying more than a week in any given area. But, then he had returned, and a lot of things needed to be done. Even though Bo is still young, with his entire life a head of him, he knew he needed to start making decisions as to where he was going to work. The ministry seemed like a good place, but he wasn't sure if he had the correct grades, he hadn't been very studious at school. He'd much preferred messing around with friends and doing adventurous stuff, that more often than not had landed him in trouble. Obviously he couldn't actually tell any of his family, His parents at least, how many detensions he'd gotten over the seven years he'd been at the school. It was clear to him, that him messing around had lead to his grades being worse than he'd originally hoped they'd be. He had always thought himself as fairly smart and while he had done fairly well, it was clear that there needed to be some form of improvement. He needed to now, show he was capable of working and able to hold down a job. His university degree would not be much use to him, in the wizarding world, but it did at least show he was determind to work to achieve something. A factor which he hoped possible future employers would take into account. If they didn't it would be fine, but, still, he knew if he'd done better, his mind wouldn't be so worried. Being home, was however something that made Bowie smile. He missed the place, if he was honest. As much as he had enjoyed himself, being home, in New Zealand was also something he liked. It made it easier for him to enjoy himself, and he found he wasn't constantly worry about if he was or wasn't going to have a proper place to sleep at night. There were now less odd worries in his brain. And it did mean he could start making friends with people. He knew he would see again. It was odd thinking of his last year as one, where he met lots of people, and knew he'd probably never ever see them again. It was just the way things were for the blue eyed man. he didn't know why he had actually gone away for the year. He's curious and adventurous nature had lead him on many roads through the different countries and continents. It had been great and he had amazing memories, but it had not help him decide what he was to do with his life. In fact it made him less certain. But, he was sure, it would come to him soon. That eventually he would figure it out and he would be the best that he could be in whatever he eventually picked. He just knew that it would not only be the best option for him, but it would be the most interest option on offer.

As he wondered down the streets he became aware of how little things had changed. how everything seemed almost exactly the same as the last time he had been their. It was easy for a place like that to stay exactly the same, but it was also possible for him to retrace his last steps there over a year before. It was simple, and he was excited because of it. it would always be that way for him. He would always be excited for whatever there was offered to him. And he knew that since nothing had changed readjusting would be as simple as counting to four. Which was for some, under the age of four difficult. But, here he was walking down the street, counting to four. The streets were busy and he couldn't wait to see a few of his old friends, it would be amazing to see the old faces of those he knew. A smile was clear upon the Hogwarts Graduate. He was glad to be back, despite not knowing what would be next for him.​
"Mommmmmmmy! Mommmmmy! Candy!"a small but familiar voices called after his mother, boy he was learning a lot at a fast pace. Little Isaiah crest to surprise his mother everyday that he was growing. Last week he had just learn saying his first few words, now he was saying two words at a time. This could be her younger behind this, repeating candy all the time that Isaiah amazingly picked it up so fast. Or he really did it learn himself, which would mean he was advancing for someone his age. Either, whatever he end up learning or picking up by someone else, Leia couldn't be more proud that her son was just alive and healthy. He could be delayed in speech and know what two times four was till he was eight, she didn't care about that. Though whatever he did learn she encourage him along the way. A child growth always went along easy with a mother's support, being a first time mom she could say she was doing fairly well. Without Connor around and all to help, they were doing fine without. Plus Isaiah look after his uncle all the time. Mostly Ash and Embry, since Seth has gone and move out of the house, Leia living close by to help always. She just wish a little, Connor could be apart of Isaiah's life. As much as she denied it, she could never replace the child's father, ever.

"No I don't think so Isaiah no candy for you, remember we have to go meet grandma pretty soon." she said in her Hawaiian accent, Isaiah accent was just like her family. Broken in some parts but clear so that many outsider understood them. Leia grab for his hand, walking down the cobblestones of the village. It was their first visit to New Zealand, since Makaylah started school here. Leia tag along so that Makaylah could see Isaiah, the last time Makaylah saw Isaiah, he was just a few months. Now running and talking, she would be joy to see her little nephew. He was the first born grandson between them, Leia had conceive him without being married. Her mother was less disappointed, it was Rhy who took the news hard. She didn't care what he said though, he wasn't much of a father after abounding them for less of reasoning to being apart of the family. After finding out that Leia was a squib, he totally forgot to be a father than. So why did he care so much now? It bane her nearly to aggravation when she heard how he felt. She didn't care.

Born as a squib there was very little she could do compare to her siblings. She knew it be difficult to catch up to them, though it never really discourage her. She was still capable of transferring back and fourth with her mother's help. She still knew how some magic spells and taught them well to her younger siblings when it came to home schooling. Both her and mother taught her brothers, during the morning they attended tribal school, at night she taught them. She had the license for it. Leia didn't let magic put her down.

"Well be staying here for a while, grandma went to get aunty Makaylah, kay Isaiah.." he look at his mother pouted with big hazel eyes. He had the mixture of both his parents blended it one. Leia chuckle, she swipe him up from the ground, carrying in his arms. He was still light, even at a yeah and a half. He felt like feathers in her arms. Isaiah rested his head down on his mother's shoulder, there was no point fussing with his mom. She would go on explaining stuff he wouldn't understand, he just sighed a little and wrap his arms around his mother's neck.
The fact he'd been away for a while did not help how easy it was for him to find things. He still got lost on more than occasion as he walked the streets. It wasn't easy for him to be able to easily walk around and just knew the way. Bowie had never been very good at directions, it was why he loved apparation. No matter where he ended up if he was walking. All he had to do was find a dark space, make sure was watching and then with a crack he would back home. Simple as. It had been particularly good when he'd been traveling and ended up in tights, which albeit had not been that often, but it was definitely useful. He'd long since picked up running instead of fighting. His fight or flight was constantly set on flight. Despite being a gryffindor, and facing some issues, if someone was wanting to fight him, Bowie had picked up smartly insulting the person, before running. It wasn't great in school, because the person would eventually look for him again, but he at least had a few days to figure out his plan of attack as the boy spent at least three days to figuring out that he'd been insulted. It was the british humour which made the blued eye man smile. It was nice to know that he did have a lot of humour. He liked that about others. Sure, it was about time that he settled down and just got some form of work done. it was taking a while for him to know what to actually do with himself. But, it was a decision he had to make. One that would form his future and how much he gained. Money had never ever bothered Bowie. He'd grown up in a fairly fine environment, with enough money so that it was settled. However now, with out the constant support of his parents. Which he was fine with. he wasn't doing horribly, but if he didn't get a job quickly then he was sure his money would slowly run out. And this wasn't something he wanted. He wanted to keep funding going so he had proper food and so he could afford lighting and water. It was all the challenges of a jobless student. As Bowie turned the corner, not paying attention to where he was doing, he felt himself collide ever so slightly into someone.

Attention now back fully, he noticed it was a young women, and a child. His cheeks went a deep red colour. He smiled, apologetically. "I'm really sorry about that. A little lost, and Not paying attention." Bowie said, his english very lightly accented with an english accent. He wasn't from around the New Zealand area. He'd moved when he started university, and then hadn't ever thought about moving away. His english accent had however stayed. he smiled at the woman. "Who is this adorable little fellow?" If Bowie had a soft spot for anything, it was children. Babies, he thought them all adorable. He knew they were difficult, and he wasn't really ready for one of his own, but, seeing them made him smile like crazy. He looked up at the woman holding the child and smiled brightly at her too. Hoping she didn't think him too weird​
Leia had occupied Isaiah with an old Cherokee hymn, playing with the boys hair, as she sang amazin grace in her brothering language. Isaiah familiar with this hymn hearing his dear mother sing to him many often, join in the tune, the old hymn made him think of Maui all th etime when they were okay . "Mommmmy, home?" said Isaiah rather tied of being here than their house back in Maui. She could tell he had enough of their trip here, and it struck her odd he would know that they weren't in Maui. This just proves her wrong about the young ones after all. They knew more than what they wanted adults to think. "Mommy, home?" he pleaded with his big doe brown eyes. She almost wanted to say, okay let's go.

"I'm afraid we can't go home now, Isaiah" she tried to explain for him to understand. Isaiah had witness his mother's capability without magic. He must've picked that up somehow, she just couldn't do it. It made her upset sometimes that she was born this way. It was almost saying she was defected or something. She saw it that way, to her family she was fine. But she knew sometimes she can be a burden, even when they didn't say it, she knew it. "How bout we go to the park? Hmm you like the swings" she said smiling and describing what she was saying by hand to the boy. She tried to make the wheeeee sound without sounding a little silly, so he could get what she was saying.

In the mist of explaining the park out to her son, someone had took a sharp turn by the corner they had just reached. And had softly nudge them back a step or two, by accident. The man apologizing already and explaining why he wasn't paying attention. "It's okay" she spoke in her Hawaiian broken down English. "We were trying to get to the park's alright" she smile at the man, his eyes were blue and his skin tones was an olive tone compare to hers. She was the lightest out of her siblings, so she may have struck a few to be English, when she really was not. "This is my son Isaiah, and I'm Leia were here visiting the country. It's nice so far" she said smiling more wider than usual.
It wasn't often that the blue eyed man ran into someone. Literally. He was by no means no a klutz but he had a tendency to not actually watch where he was going and that generally ended in the same way as it had right their and then. For Bowie it was odd to be in a place with so many people and yet be alone. Traveling the world had meant he was going from country to country with nothing much to do apart from be with people, friends and alcohol. It had been a great year of his life. He'd done more than most others would ever do. He'd done more than most would dream to do. It was just what he had needed. After his kind of school life and the way university had been good but boring, Bowie had found himself needing something else. Something more. And his trip had been that. It basically meant he wasn't even annoyed at the fact he was back to normality. He was in fact pretty happy with it. He had to worry about a lot less being back. And while worries were fine, he still preferred being less worried and he was sure that most would agree with him. Although this women in front of him, was pretty beautiful and the child in her arms was simply gorgeous. Despite being not very good with people, Bowie had a real soft spot for children. It was clear in the smile upon his face. Although he was surprised to her it was the woman's son, she didn't look too old. But then he wasn't going to judge. He just had no idea how at a young age anyone could cope with having children. He loved children, but he was happy to hand them back to the person when they began annoying him. Or when they started being sick. he just wasn't ready for any himself. Little Bowie's would be great but he was happy to wait a couple of years before he did anything. Bowie did smile at the women and her child. "I'm Bowie." He said, his english accent playing lightly on his words. he'd moved to New Zealand when he'd started University and since his sister now went to school at Hogwarts New Zealand. So he was more than happy to stay in the country. "I moved here a couple of years ago, but, I've been traveling. New Zealand is a great place. Good place to come and visit or live. it has a lot to offer either way. And the people here are great." He then remembered her accent. "Where are you from? The accents one I've heard. Hawaii perhaps?" He took a wild guess. he'd adored Hawaii when he'd gone. Surfing and lounging on the beach had been the best.​

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry It's so lame

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