Open Imperius Thoughts

Shane Ackley

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
In an Open Relationship
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12” Rigid Acacia wand with Unicorn Hair core
09/2033 (28)
Shane had left the defense against the dark room in a bit of a weird feeling. The way it had made his brain feel had been odd, it was to be expected of course, it was an unforgivable curse, it was dark and evil, but maybe when people were always making the worst decisions it wouldn’t be a bad idea. However, he couldn’t get over the way he’d just jumped on the table, not even thought about how odd it was, or the push ups. Who did push ups in class without thinking. There had been not part of his mind that hadn’t sad, no maybe not. Don’t do this. The professor had told them that you could fight back, but it wasn’t like they’d been given much of a chance to actually try and fight back against it. He didn’t know if he would’ve been able to even if given the change, so maybe it was better that he hadn’t been given such a chance to see how he would fail. The boy had wandered out of the room and was just wandering the halls. If he had friends they would be a good way to distract himself from what had happened. But, he didn’t have that. This was a new school and whatever he’d thought might happen from that experience just hadn’t. Shane had been silly to expect anything. He liked Hogwarts far more than his last school but most of the time he was just frustrated that he had been allowed to go here in the first place. The boy felt so out of place. He sat himself down at the nearest step just at the fifth floor, not feeling the dorm room or anywhere else with other people, but not sure he wanted to venture elsewhere. He just needed to sit and think, free of whatever had grasped his mind in the class.
Kinsey was cursing herself internally for being such a clumsy fool as she washed off some unknown dirt from her robes in the old bathrooms that barely had running water. She had finally gotten the spill off the sleeve of her robes before picking her things up and leaving the toilets. Without much of a plan now that she had finished her lessons for the day Kinsey was in no great rush to be anywhere so when she came across a boy sitting on the steps she only somewhat hesitated to approach him. "You alright?" she asked him as it seemed an odd place to sit by oneself what with the staircases moving every so often. Kinsey smiled politely, albeit awkwardly. She had so little interactions with people these days that she almost forgot how to do so.
Shane was surprised when someone spoke, he had been a little lost in his own head, something that happened with him sometimes, his face would blank as his head would think about this, that and the other thing. Giving him as his aunt had called it, the expression of someone who was looking but not seeing. He blinked a few times and looked at the girl in front of him. He didn’t know if he should say anything, he was fine, but fine had varying meanings and his head was just all over the place. His natural reaction was to ask her to leave, but perhaps his lack of friends and people to surround himself with was part of his problem currently. His head too lost in itself, had nothing else to focus on but the way it had felt under the spell. With someone perhaps it would be okay, ”Yeah,” he said with a shrug that seemed to contradict what he’d just said, ”Difficult lesson,” his face stayed blank, fairly devoid of much, unable to be bothered with making himself even fake a smile. His mind was still on what had happened and he couldn’t yet shake it. So he forced himself, ”I’m Shane,” he offered a hand out to her, just speaking to think of something else. He didn’t smile, but he attempted to put some warmth in his tone, if it was good or not was not something he cared about.
Kinsey hoped she wasn’t intruding on this boy who seemed miles away despite sitting before her but she felt genuinely concerned for him and so when he answered her she felt only a little relief - even if something told her that he was just responding in the way society expected them all to speak. When he gave her a glimpse of reality she smiled sympathetically and sagely said, “Ah.” She had a few of those in her short time a Hogwarts thus far. She accepted this boy's hand and shook it before quickly releasing her grasp again. “Kinsey Wilde.” She looked at Shane for a brief moment, weighing whether she should stay with him or leave him to his thoughts but instead of making that call for herself she simply asked, “Want to tell me about it?” She didn’t mean to pry but she would be surprised he would find transfiguration upsetting aside from how weird and illogical certain changes were - at least from the muggle born perspective.
Shane nodded at her name, Kinsey was a bit of an odd name, but the surname struck him more, ”Like the poet?” he asked, sure that she might know what he was referring to, there was a curiosity on his expression, genuinely curious to know if any relationship at all, if it was spelt the same way. Really anything that could take his mind away from what it lingered on. Shane looked at her when she asked if he wanted to talk about it. He couldn’t help but shrug a little, showing his uncertainty, ”Do you know the unforgivable curses?” the boy settled on asking her. It probably wouldn’t be a bad thing to talk about it. Shane tended to bury things, allow things to remain in his head, deal internally. But perhaps because of the weird hold it had taken on him it was better to do the opposite, if he got it out maybe it would stay out. Maybe it wouldn’t affect him nearly as much as it was. Maybe talking about it would give him an outlet to let his mind process and deal with the fact that for a little bit of time. He was looking at her, but he kept his face as neutral as he could, trying to not think too much about it.
Kinsey shrugged her shoulders as the boy, Shane, asked if her last name was similar to that of Oscar Wilde. Sure, it was. They were obviously not relatives. So to be contrary she said, “More like the scientist.” A small smile found it’s way onto her lips at the thought of how pleased both her parents would be with what she just said, referencing both them but also Henry Wilde - a big factor in the reason Kinsey’s mom had kept her name and given it to the family. She quickly shrugged that thought off and went back to the topic at hand. “I’ve heard about them a little,” she confirmed. They seemed like a nasty business and had learned as little of them as possible since hearing of them originally. Sometimes there was too much knowledge and the unforgivable curses seemed like exactly that. “You didn’t have to practice them did you?!” she asked shocked and nervous for this boy but from the way Styx acted she wouldn’t be entirely surprised if he wanted the student body flinging these curses left and right.
Shane frowned a little when she said like the scientist, he was racking his brain for who the name was after, ”That’s a bit beyond me, I’m afraid,” the boy countered a hint of a genuine smile edging into his features but it quickly faded away. He’d never really done science in any of the schools he’d attended, reading and poetry were a little guilty pleasures and he really liked the work of the muggle wilde which was why he’d know the name at all, but he got that she was perhaps just having a bit of joke with him. The boy’s hint of a smile faded entirely once they got back on to the subject of his defence against the dark arts classroom. She seemed to think the worst had happened, that they’d had to do them, ”We don’t, but Professor Styx does, he has to show them to us,” the boy told her, glancing quickly at her and then away, keeping his expression rather devoid of any emotions, ”He needed a volunteer for Imperio, and I signed up for it,” he could admit he couldn’t be too upset or frustrated with it, he’d signed up for it, but it had just felt weird, ”It’s messed with my head, messing,” the boy used the past tense first and shifted to the present, since he was left now still figuring out his own head. ”I can’t stop thinking about it,” he didn’t know how to explain how it weighted in his mind or why he was so stuck on it.

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