I'm the prettier one.

Justin Kuya

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
Justin looked at all the shops and sighed. He didn't know why he decided to come here, it was a little boring for the young Slytherin. Justin never did like crowded spaces, especially if he was alone and right now, he was very alone. He didn't have Drake to annoy or push over, but then Justin remembered why he was here, to get Drake a present. He wasn't sure why he was getting a present for his brother, but Drake had insisted that Justin get him something because he owed him one for tripping him over on the first floor.

Justin looked closely at the windows, but frowned. Drake wouldn't like anything from here, it wasn't his style. So Justin decided that Drake could live without a present and sat down on a bench. He had to think about what he was going to do now, he wasn't shopping and he didn't come here to eat, he just came for the sake of coming, maybe not the best decision he ever made, but what could he do? Cry about and go back to school? Nope, he had already come here, he was going to find something to do, anything.
Shiloh sighed when she looked down at the picture in her hands. Creta had sent her a photo of her with their mum, dad and the new cat they had bought, and evidently named it Shiloh. Not that she really cared that they had bought a cat and named it after her, it was just the fact that she felt like they were trying to replace her. Ofcourse Creta had been sure to point out that this was not the case in her letters, but she felt like she was being left out of something important, like a part of her life was passing her by and she had no time to stop it. She was feeling miserable and judgemental at the same time. Things seemed to keep going from bad to worse. Even when she had her friends with her it was sometimes hard because none of them knew what i was like. Sure, Sara and Kate Moon, were twins, but it wasn't the same because they both still could see each other every day. She could hardly see Creta during the holidays let alone during regular school days. Though she knew that it was important for Creta to have her own friends, she just wish she was there with her. Not that she would ever want to drop out, she could never do that. She knew that she would end up hating herself and Creta if she ever did give up her education, and that would be really unfair.

Placing the photo back in her bag, Shiloh picked a piece of cotton off of her clothes that had been annoying her since she left the castle earlier that morning. The sky wasn't bad, it was overcast, so there was a small chance of rain. Shiloh wasn't that worried. She hadn't cared about rain since she was eight. Though she did hate when her hair got alittle frizzy, that was an annoyance, but even that wouldn't be enough to make her miss a chance to shop for gifts for her family. She liked sending them things. And seeing as her mothers birthday was coming up very soon, she thought she might buy her a present. She had gotten it late last year, but this time she was determined that her mum would get it on the day. It was mostly because she had buried herself into her music that she had nearly forgotten, but not this time. She would have no excuse, and she knew that. She would have to come shopping again, nearer to June, August and Septemeber, for her sister, Grace's and her fathers birthdays respectively. Then ofcourse she would buy herself a present. Last year her parents had simply sent her more money so that she could but herself a present from them, and that had upset her alittle. But she knew why they had done that and so she had eventually gotten over it. Besides, it was no big deal anyway. Right?

As she walked along the path, Shiloh was so deeply into her thoughts that she failed to notice the boy who had stopped on the bench in front of her. She didn't notice that there was a turn and so she continued walking, until she fell awkwardly into the boy in question. They were sprawled out along the bench for several seconds before she recovered herself and slid off of him. "Oh my gosh. I am sooo sorry." She said as she rubbed her stomach from where his knee had landed. She was probably going to have a bruise in the morning.
Serves me right for not watching where I am going she thought as she smiled awkwardly. "Um, I'm Shiloh. Shiloh Denton" She added as she looked at his faced intently. She knew this boy from somewhere, she could feel it. She thought really hard. He looked about the right age to be a student. But was he a Hogwarts student. Wait a second, isn't he that boy, the class clown one? She asked herself. "Hey, your that Kuya kid. Aren't you?" She asked. "I've heard alot about you. You keep pulling pranks on people right?" She hoped to god she had the right person. She didn't want to be even more embarrassed than she already was. She could feel herself going red at the thought of it.

x- 727 words.
Justin had gone into his thoughts, he was trying to figure out what he was going to do when he went back to school. He didn't like the Slytherin Common room too much, the people there were insufferable, half of them would bag out 'mudbloods' or they would act like they ruled the planet, Justin was considering switching places with Drake and making him have to deal with their annoying personalities. He couldn't annoy Hazel-smurf, after what he did to her earlier in the week, she would curse him, only because he threatened to push Andy in the lake if she didn't do his homework, he wasn't really going to do it, but Hazel-smurf took it as a huge offense, Justin found it ridiculous. Visiting Daniel was out of the question, he was too hyper at the moment, Justin didn't feel like being dragged around the school on a jog at six in the morning, so he tended to avoid Daniel. And Justin knew Drake would put up a stink about no present, so he had nothing to do at all, except maybe see Andy, but Andy always managed to make Justin feel depressed.

Justin was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt someone fall on him, he couldn't help but wonder how they managed to do this, it was obvious that he was on the bench, because the bench was right out in the open. "What the?" He asked, looking at the slightly taller girl sceptically, he wasn't transparent, how could she have not seen him? When she said her name, it didn't change Justin's annoyence with the pretty girl, knowing her name only made him able to talk about her to Drake and express how much she managed to annoy him in uder three seconds, it had to be a record. Justin frowned when she said she knew him, he certainly didn't know who she was, perhaps she meant his brother? It was very possible. Not many people realised that Justin and Drake were twins and were not the same person, though they had been going to Hogwarts for three years, people never seemed to get a clue, they just thought that this 'Kuya Kid' was the most horrible, mess making kid alive. But he did have to admit, he and his brother weren't the best kids ever, but they weren't that bad, a few tricks and a few naps in classes, maybe a bit of teasing and pushing people into the lake, but nothing too serious, besides, they mainly only teased their cousins and each other. "Yes... I am that 'Kuya Kid'" He answered, his face deadpan. "But I do occasionally go by Justin." He added, letting the girl know that he didn't like being called 'Kuya Kid', it had to be the worse nickname around.

Justin held his tongue, he was going to yelled at the girl when he remembered how she fell on him, but decided that he would try to be a little nicer, he did find the girl pretty and didn't want her to hate him, but since it appeared that he was going to say something, he had to think fast. Justin wasn't sure why, but he looked at Shiloh Denton's shoes, they were very bright indeed. "Nice shoes."
Shiloh smiled. "I love you Justin and your creator is awesome too, I know we'll be deliriously happy."

Shiloh bit her lip nervously. She wasn't sure if she should sit with him or just stand awkwardly infront of him and continue to immitate a tomato, because right now, that was the colour she was turning. She was extremely embarrassed and she couldn't believe that she had been so stupid as to not pay attention to where she was going. Boy Creta would think this was the most funniest thing to ever happen to her, ever. She still had no clue how she had even managed to just walk right into the guy. The kinda cute guy. Shiloh shook her head. He was definately younger than she was, and slightly shorter to. He was not a guy. He was a boy. Two completely different species of man. Definately a boy. There were three species, man like her father, guy, like the Headboy Justin Cliffeton and boys, like this one, Kuya kid. It was alittle strange though, just standing in front of him, holding her bag to her chest, just waiting for something to happen. He had a sort of meanish demeanour. He was definatley a Slytherin. Definately. What would he do if he knew she was a Gryffindor. She had met a really mean Ravenclaw once and she was told that Slytherins were worse, so what was she going to do if he asked her what her house was. Lie? No that wouldn't work. He would definately see her at school at some point. Eating at the House tablr or what have you. But she had to do something. So, Shiloh simply grinned. That was what she used to do when she was scared back in England. Grin.

This boy, Kuya kid or Justin as he had enlightened her, just seemed to stare at her as if she had three heads or something. He was obviously in shock over the fact that she had landed on him in such a manner that if he were older could have ended badly for the both of them. However, as she thought about it, the landing hadn't been that bad, not really. Though it was strange, she was sure she had seen this boy around the Gryffindor common room atleast once, during all her time of studying. Grace had even commented on his slouchiness at one point, making him rather grumpy and walk away. Grace of course was very offended and did not see what she had done wrong. She never did. It was usually left to Shiloh to explain to the people she offeneded, or to why they were offeneded. In a way, she was sort of like Grace's keeper, or her Handler, of sorts. She figured that was why they were such good friends. You can't be bestfriends if you don't know everything about each other right? It was sort of an unofficial, unwritten rule in the girls bestfriend hand book. That and never trash the other behind the others back. But no-one ever seemed to listen to that rule. Shiloh talked about Grace all the time, though it was never trash talk. Somethimes just some complaining because she was angry or frustrated or hungry, but never just for the sake of it.

It wasn't long after recieveing his name that Shiloh heard the most peculiar words come out of the boys mouth. He said that he liked her shoes. That wasn't something you heard every day. And to be completely honest she was alittle taken aback. She was wearing shiny silver heels. And he was complimenting them? They didn't even match the rest of her clothes. There was obviously something wring with him. "Um... I'm sorry, but did you really just say that I had nice shoes?" She asked. "Seriously? Um... that's not really something boys say to girls, especially if they aren't gay. Unless you are, which is totally fine aswell. I was brought up not to judge people." And indeed she was. She would feel even more embarrassed though to have been thinking that the boy was cute. Things were getting really weird now, but she could sort of sense a small similarity between them. She could sense an emotion she was all to familiar with and it only came from one sort of person. A twin. Justin Kuya was a twin, and his twin was probably the boy from the Gryffindor commonroom whom Grace had insulted not long ago. Now she really felt bad. "Hey, your a twin... Aren't you?" She asked as she moved to sit beside him on the bench. Which to be perfectly honest, was rather uncomfortable.

x- 781 words.
Justin watched slowly as Shiloh Denton made this situation more awkward, if she had of just apologised and walked away, Justin wouldn't be staring at her like she was crazy. He noticed that she was going a bright shade of red, which was probably because she was making the situation they were both in, more awkward. Justin did not understand why she just didn't go away, it would be perfectly fine, it wasn't like he was going to hunt her down and kill her for trying to squish him, or for calling him 'Kuya Kid', or for making the situation awkward, that would just be ridiculous. To make matters worse, she kept grinning at him. Justin was not used to talking to girls, he really only had a couple of actual conversations with girls, otherwise he just hung out with boys, he didn't see why he needed to communicate with girls, he never grew up with that female influcence, so he didn't see why had needed it just yet, he was too young to care.

Justin continued to watch Shiloh Denton closely. If he was fully comfortable he would be stirring her up, but she kept making the situation awkward, it was like a special power she possessed. It was very difficult to make Justin want to leave a conversation because he found it awkward, but this girl was doing all the right things, she was staring at him, grinning at him and had tried to crush him and now? She had just called him gay. Could she make Justin feel any more selfconcious? Justin didn't think so. Justin couldn't help but mentally slap himself, this girl was questioning a thirteen year old boys sexuality because he tried to not yell at her and so decided to say that first thing that hit his mind, which happened to be a polite comment on her damn shoes. Justin thought they were nice, it didn't mean he wanted to buy a matching dress, steal her shoes and kiss the first guy he got his hands on, that would be ridiculous and very stereotypical. Justin smiled slightly, not because he was happy, or amused, but because the situation was so awkward, all he could do was smirk. "No, Shiloh, I am not gay." He said, shifting his weight slightly at the end of her sentence. "And to be honest, your home life, not something I want to hear right now..." He admitted, right now, Justin wanted to hear her footsteps leaving in the other direction. "And you're kind of being judgemental now, just thought you should know." He added, he was quite sure that he was hiding the fact that he was slightly insulted quite well.

Justin couldn't help it, he felt like slapping Shiloh, it was an urge he got, she was still grining annoyingly at him and staring at him like he was an animal at the zoo and had automatically thought he was gay becuse he commented on her shoes, Justin's father was guy and he wasn't crash-hot on womans shoes, he thought they were okay and left it at that. So he was slightly insulted, for his dad, but let it slide, atleast she didn't seem homophobic, or Justin would have slapped her, girl or not. Justin clapped slowly, finally a sentence tumbled out of her mouth that was not completely ludicrous, insulting or awkward, she deserved a medal. Justin moved over slightly as she sat down and turned to her, crossing his legs and running his fingers through his hair. "Yes... I am a twin, my brother is in Gryffindor, Drake." He answered. "Why do you ask?" He questioned. He thought he was coping quite well without Drake by his side, he still got lonely and missed him, but he saw him every morning when they went to get breakfast and night before they went to bed and throughout the day if they had classes together or just to hang around and have fun, it wasn't like he cried at night because Drake wasn't with him, that would just be a little weird, Justin loved Drake, but he was sure he would not die if Drake didn't sleep in the same room as him.
Shiloh couldn't believe how uncomfortable the bench was. she had never felt such an uncomfortable bench in her life. Her butt was getting sore. Right now the ground looked more comfortable than this bench was. But she knew that it would look odd if she suddenly plopped herself on the ground, the hard stone ground, and just continued to talk to this boy. It would definately be odd and she knew what she would say if Justin did that. She would say something like, Justin what on Earth are you doing sitting on that hard ground, are you crazy? or even, Now you look even more stupid, get up. She could tell that he was feeling slightly awkward, but she had no idea why. She was completely oblivious to the fact that she had made him feel selfconcious and uncomfortable by calling him gay. Of course she hadn't meant to, it was just her opinion. She had become more inclined to spout her opinion everywhere after being around Grace for so long. Really you could blame her. If Shiloh hadn't been hanging around Grace all the time then she wouldn't be so opinionated. Well that was a lie, she would be, she just wouldn't voice them, especially opinions like that. She had to admitt to herself she felt very bad for what she said, but she didn't really know what to say to make up for it. So she just kept her mouth shut. Maybe that would work?

When Justin rebuttled her and said that he wasn't gay, she felt even worse. She had sounded very demeaning and she knew that. She wondered how she could make it up to him but she really didn't know how to start the conversation. She was afraid that she might say something else to upset him. "Um.. I-" She was about to just come right out and apologise when he cut her of by telling her that he didn't want to hear her home life and that she was being judgemental. She knew that. Of course she knew that, but did he have to be so mean. shiloh stood by what she had said earlier. This boy was definately a Slytherin. His whole demeanor told her that. She wondered how one twin had gotten into Slytherin and the other into Gryffindor. Shiloh was sure that had Creta been magical she would have been in Gryffindor too. They are very alike, and she was always able to act like Shiloh, though they never switched places and tried to fool people. They weren't completely identical so that would be very hard. Afterall, Shiloh's eyes were blue, and Creta's were grey. If that wasn't a big tell, than nothing was. She couldn't believe the rudeness though. She had met plenty of Slytherins and none were like him. Stefan Archer for one. Koboshi Aiko for another, though she had been a b!tch until recently but it still counted. "You know what Justin Kuya. I hope your brother is a hell of a lot nicer than you are. Yeah, I get I insulted you. I get that you felt upset, but come on, I was trying to apologise. It's not my fault I was bought up like this, just like its not your fault you were brought up to be such an arse!" She yelled as she stamped her foot at him. Who the hell did he think he was anyway.

"The reason I ask, Justin Kuya, is because I was curious." She said still fuming. This boy really was such an arse. Why was she even still standing here. "I too am a twin and I am able to tell these things. I was going to ask how you were coping, but you can bloody well just forget that now, how old are you anyway? Ever heard of respect you elders, because i sure have." She continued loudly. She was acting like a brat, a Slytherin brat, but she didn't care. She was angry, and she wanted him to know it. She had to admitt. She really missed Creta.

x- Gosh, he really brings out the worst in her.
xx- 693 word count.
Justin shifted his weight slightly, Shiloh's presence was making him uncomfortable, she was an awkward person and it was her fault that Justin felt this way. It was her fault for not watching where she was going, but still, how could she had not seen him? Justin was not a ghost, he was quite sure that he was fully coporeal and capable of being seen, but apparently he wasn't visible enough for Shiloh's sight. Shiloh Denton was a silly girl and needed to grow a brain before Justin was going to treat her like a person, for now he was going to treat her as an annoyence, which was what she was, a very large, quite pretty annoyance.

Justin wasn't sure if he wanted to listen to her words, all they did was made him feel worse about himself, it was ridiculous, why didn't the girl go away? Or atleast stop being so stupid, surely she was capable of that? Justin didn't even register that he was coming off as mean, it wasn't that he was trying to be mean, but he wasn't trying to be nice either, Shiloh Denton did not deserve Justin's nice side, that was reserved for people he didn't mind having conversations with, right now? He was sure a monkey would be a better conversationalist, because Shiloh seemed to be horrible at it. Justin rolled his blue eyes, Drake was probably more understanding than him, but he was not nicer, just more open when meeting people. Justin frowned grumpily, how dare she full name him, no-one full named Justin, it was not something that was done. "You know what, Miss Shiloh Denton, I hope you do meet my brother, and I also hope he throws you out of the Gryffindor tower!" He yelled, standing up stubbornly. He was sure that if Shiloh angered Drake enough, he would throw her out a window.

Justin glared, Shiloh had no right to be curious about his life, who was she? A blind random from Hogwarts, that's all, so she was a twin, he didn't care, twins were not some rare thing that never happened, so why would he care if this girl happened to have a twin? The answer? He didn't, he didn't care one bit about Shiloh and her twin, the only twin on the planet he cared about was his own. "You know what I have to say to you?" He yelled. "Curiousity killed the cat, that's what!" He cried, playing on the fact that she was in Gryffinfor and their animal was a Lion, a form of cat. "And I don't care if you're a twin, you could be an alien for all I care, why would you care about how I'm coping? We just met and you insulted me first!" He continued. "And I do respect my elders, when they're dead." He added, crossing his arms across his chest and standing up, still glowering at her. "You make me so angry Drake!" He yelled. Not realising that he had just said 'Drake' and not 'Idiot'. This may have been because he was thinking about Drake, or the fact that Shiloh was an idiot and he considered Drake to be in that category of person also.
Shiloh glared at the boy as he began to yell back at her. What the hell? It was his fault she was like this. She had never yelled at anyone in her life and now all she was doing was yelling. Was he purposefully trying to get her angry? Because that is what it felt like he was doing. It wasn't fair, why was he being so mean to her? She had tried to apologise and all he was doing was yelling at her. "Well, now its my turn, Mr Justin Kuya I hope I do meet your brother, because he couldn't do crap to me. Your both in a younger year!" She hadn't meant to nearly scream, but she was on the verge of tears. People were watching them, they were making quite a scene, sitting on a bench, two kids screaming at each other. It was really very ridiculous to say the least. She should have just left when she had first run into him, but obviously she had wanted to talk to the boy. What on earth had she been thinking. She was obviously not in the right mind when she had sat on the bench next to him. If she could go back and change things she definately would. She would really have loved a time turner right now. That way she could have somehow gotten herself to not run into Justin or perhaps get Justin to have left, or something. But right now she had none of those objects and so had to live with the decision she had made. She stood up angrily when he continued to yell at her. Though she wasn't completely listening.

He was going on about her being a lion and making some sort of stupid pun for it. Curiousity killed the cat. Yeah funny. The stupid filthy snake. What did he think she was going to do. Let him insult her. She was so angry at him for making her think and speak as she was about to. "Justin, let's see what i have to say to you then. You are a coldhearted filthy little serpent and you only pick on people to make you feel better. For Merlin's sakes I said I was sorry for what I said to you. I get that it was awkward, but bloody well grow up. You are acting like a friggen two year old!" She yelled as she crossed her arms over her chest. He was so infuriating. How could anyone live with this boy, let alone a twin. "At first I didn't care either..." She continued as he went on about her caring about his twin and how he was coping. "But I have met a few sets of twins in my four years and not all of them are coping!" She screamed as she threw her hands up on the air. She could not believe this guy. It was like he was purposely pushing all the right buttons, just to annoy the poop out of her.

"You are a goddamn first rate idiot! How can anybody possibly live with you! OR even be related to you! Your just a... thing, your just a thing and that is all you will ever be." She said. She was trying to control her self, but it was too late, she had already swung her hand out in front of her in an attempt to slap him. And he was bloody well going to deserve it too. "I make you angry?! You think that I-" Shiloh cut herself off. Justin had not said her name... He had said Drake. He had called her Drake. Wasn't it just established that Drake was his twin?

She sighed. She knew what was happening. She had seen this before. Justin was associating her with Drake. Odds were this was how they acted with each other. "Justin... I miss Creta too" She told him as she breathed deeply attempting to calm herself before she sat next to him again. "You miss him don't you?" She asked as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her head. "Thats something you and me have in common you know. We both miss our twins." She knew this was no way to apologise but she had to say something. It was obvious that he was anxious. Or something anyway. "Really though, are you okay?"

x-732 words.
Justin stared blankly at Shiloh as she yelled at him. He was used to being yelled at, so it did not faze him, his father's yelled at him, teachers yelled at him, cousins yelled at him, even Drake yelled at him. So what was one more person? Justin rolled his eyes as Shiloh once again full named him, who was she to think that she was allowed to full name him? He laughed, just because they were a year younger, she thought she had the upper had, Justin rolled his eyes, if Drake really wanted to, Justin was sure he could easily throw Shiloh Denton out the window, she was not very big. "You think age makes you better?" He questioned, pulling his hair out of his blue eyes, it would appear that he didn't care about what Shiloh was saying to him, but he did, in a way. He cared that she was about to cry, Justin didn't like people crying, especially because of him, he was mean and loved to stir people, but making girls cry? Wasn't his thing, though he would never allow Shiloh to sense this, his pride stopped such an event from occuring.

Justin sighed when she had more words to say, he was barely listening to her, he was just watching her eyes slowly water up, his face was blank, he was completely expressionless, he would not allow Shiloh to make him completely angry, if she thought he was angry now, she was wrong. "Serpent? You're calling me a coldhearted serpent? That's very stereotypical, Miss Denton, do you make a habit of sounding stupid?" He questioned, glaring slightly, his face still expressionless. Justin put his hands on his hips in annoyence, this girl was maddening! "Well good for you, start up a I-miss-my-twin club, just don't think that I'm going to be buddy-buddy with you because I have a twin, that is crazy!" He yelled stubbronly, ignoring the looks they were getting, because Justin was pretty good at causing a scene. "I am coping quite well, Drake is in a different house, not dead!"

Justin glared, she called him a thing? was that supposed to be an insult? He had been called much worse. "A thing? You are calling me a thing?" He asked. "Well, if I am a thing, what are you?" He questioned. "You don't even deserve to be called a thing, you are just a waste of space, an oxygen eater with no purpose!" He yelled, he was startled when she hit him. Justin had been hit beofre, with a personality like his, fighting was very common, but he had not expected it, not for a second, then Shiloh's sudden mood change also startled him. Justin bit his lip in anger at himself, his cheek going red where she hit him, it was going to bruise.

Justin sighed, there she went with her life story. Justin guess that Creta was Shiloh's twin, did he care? Not that much, but there was something, which annoyed to high heaven. "Yeah, I miss him." He muttered grumpily, looking away so he could glare at some random kid, they ran away from his horrifying glare, he didn't mean to make the kid run, but he wasn't going to apologise for it either, the kid should not have been so nosey. "I suppose..." He muttered again, not wanting to talk about him missing Drake, it was stupid. "No Shiloh, if you must know, I am a wreck, are you happy? Is your curiousity filled now?" He asked, crossing his legs and still not looking at the girl he found very annoying, he couldn't bare it.
Shiloh just continued to watch Justin's hidden expressions. Right now she didn't care what he had called her. All that she cared about was that a fellow student was sad, and she as an older student was supposed to help him. Though there wasn't much that she could do right now, considering that he kept his mind and thoughts hidden away by his viscious words and blank expression. She wondered where he had learned that. She had tried many times to hide her emotions but her eyes had given her away countless times. It was actually becoming annoying. Even random students at school had started being able to tell what she was thinking. Even the professors were getting better. She could remember when Riley Smith was her Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. He used to be able to see right through her. And he had helped her alot, actually. She used to like going to his office and having tutoring lessons with him. She had even sent Grace there at one point hoping that he would be able to help her. And though she wasn't sure exactly what he had done. He had done something, because Grace wasn't frightened of muggles and muggleborns any more, which was good because it was awkward when Grace was around her. She had always had to watch what she said trying not to reveal too much, afraid that Grace would get scared. Thankfully though, that hadn't happened. Instead she had become just that much more open. Atleast that was something. She didn't know what Riley Smith was doing now, but she missed him.

"I'm sorry Justin, I really am. I only want to try and help you. I really think we could probably help each other if we really tried, don't you?" She asked as she tilted her head slightly. She had the itch to reach out her hand and rub his arm, but she was worried that he would bute her head off for it, and that was something she would like to avoid, if at all possible. "Most of you guys have it easier than me to tell you the truth. And I know you think I'm lying, but truthfully you do." She added as she started to explain her life story once again. It was a bad habit with her actually. Especially with Justin. "You see... My sister, Creta, she was born without magic. She is unable to come to Hogwarts. It makes me mad sometimes that she was treated so unfairly, but than I realise that I would not be this person if she were here. I was so weakwilled back then, I used to follow her like a sheep alot of the time and it really was quite detrimental to me." She continued. She wasn't sure if any of this was helping, but she had never really talked about this to anyone before. It was kind of weird that she was talking about it now. "Were not identical twins, her and me, we are fraternal, the only difference is the colour of our eyes, so it was simple for us growing up. Though we never did impersonate each other, we used to get mixed up all the time." A single tear fell from her eye when she spoke. She wondered how Justin was feeling. "I really miss her an awful lot."

x- 565 words.
Justin fought the urge to walk away, there Shiloh went again, doing the kindness thing, he didn't like it, it was disturbing, she was supposed to be yelling at him, possibly hitting him again, but no, she was talking to him, using kind words and a soothing voice. If Justin wanted someone to treat him nicely, he would go home to Samuel and dump all his annoyances onto him, he always made Justin feel better, it was like his job or something as his step-father to help him out in times of need. This could be considered one, but Justin did not care, Shiloh was not Samuel, nothing like him in fact, Samuel never tried to squosh him, and he never slapped him. "Shiloh..." He muttered, annoyance in his voice. "Look, I understand your little do-gooder thing going on here, I happen to have a cousin a lot like you, so I'll tell you exactly what I told him." He said, remebering when Daniel had tried to give him a big warm hug, Justin down right refused, but Daniel still hugged him anyway, Justin had glared at him and told him to mind his own Hufflepuff business. "You watch your back, and I'll watch mine, sure, I guess I might be able to help you out, but you wouldn't possibly help me, we are different people, with different ideas and thoughts, it would be easy for me to step into your shoes, but impossible for you to step in mine." He explained, crossing his arms across his chest, his frown showing what he truly felt. Sadness.

Justin sighed inwardly, it seemed as if Shiloh was going to give him her life story, or what was left of it anyway. Justin half listened to Shiloh's sob story about Creta being magical-less, and it seemed obvious to Justin that Shiloh and her sister were not identical, if they were, chances were they would both have magic. But it was the same with Justin and Drake, they were not identical, Justin had bluey-grey eyes, while Drake had just grey, but they fixed this by wearing contacts, though it was usually Drake that wore the contacts, since he liked blue eyes so much, he demanded that Justin not cover them with grey contacts, though Justin quite liked his brothers grey eyes, they look so cool. Another similarity and difference between Justin and Drake and Shiloh and Creta, they had different eye colours to each other, but Justin and Drake used to always impersonate each other, they still did, but aparently Shiloh and Creta never did that, it confused Justin, why would she never want to walk in her twins shoes, other than the fact that Creta was not magical. Justin sighed quietly when Shiloh started crying, he had expected much, it seemed that girls cried quite a bit and it was slightly annoying, no wonder why Justin found that guys was better, they didn't usually break down in tears. He patted her on the back softly, he knew the pain of leaving someone behind at home, not his fathers, but his dog, he really loved Poppie, his and his brothers little pomerainian, he was adorable and so fluffy, and Justin was sad that they could not take him with them to Hogwarts. "I know how you feel..." He said, nodded slightly. "I had to leave my dog behind, Poppie is his name, I'm really sad about it too..." He explained. Justin meant this sentence to be wrapped with senserity and warmth, because they were the feelings he was trying to emit, he was really sad about his dog and was sure that he and Shiloh were feeling similar feelings, even if Shiloh's was more potent, it did not mean that Justin couldn't relate.
Shiloh once again did not acknowledge Justin's insults, she was too busy thinking about Creta to hear such things, she shook her head sadly when Justin tried to push her away. She didn't know why, but she had to help him, as a fellow twin and an older student, she felt it was her job to help him if he was not coping properly, even if he was a horrible person and probably deserved to burn where he stood, Shiloh was too kind to slap him again because of his stubbornness and rudeness, even if he was blantantly insulting her and pushing her away, she didn't care, she was here to help, whether he liked it or not, Shiloh was positive that nothing he could say or do could make her give up on helping him. Shiloh never gave up on anyone, did she give up on Grace? Nope, so why would she give up on this horrible little boy? Surely he deserved to be helped once in awhile, it was obvious to Shiloh that he must be missing his brother, he had called her Drake not too long ago, if that wasn't a sign, Shiloh didn't know what was.

Shiloh stared at Justin in disbelief, how could he be so heartless? How could he be so mean? How did he manage to make Shiloh hate him as much as she currently did, not five seconds ago she had been determinded to help him, but now? She hoped he died. He had just mocked her feelings for her beloved sister, relatiing Shiloh's love for her twin, to his love of his dog? Was he truly that horrible a person to say such a thing to her? She was baring her soul to him and he just spat all over it, Shiloh had never hated anyone quite as much as she did right now. "You..." She growled, standing up abruptly and glaring daggers at Justin. "You are a horrible little boy!" She accused, tears streaming down her cheeks in anger and hurt. "I hope you burn in Hell!" She yelled, storming off, back to the castle so she could wash her face and forget about ever meeting Justin Kuya.

x- 371 words.
Justin was very confused, just a few minutes ago, Shiloh was being nice to him and was trying to help him with him missing Drake, he then decided to try to be nice and relate to her problem, but how was he thanked? Shiloh just told him that she hoped he burnt in Hell and called him a horrible little boy, what had he done to deserve that? Earlier, yes, he would have understood her saying all that to him, but now? It went over his head, he was trying to be nice for God's sake, it was stupid of him to even bother, he was naturally a non-nice person, why did he try to change himself to try and relate with such an annoying girl? He had just wasted engery and time on something that would never have worked in the first place. He shook his head and let the girl walk off to where ever she decided to go now. He didn't care anymore what she was going to do, she was probably going off to have a cry somewhere, it was none of Justin's business anyway, she was just an annoying girl that thought that she was better because she was older, she was just a nosey do-gooder who stuck her nose where it was not wanted. She was just a pest that should not be occupying Justin's thoughts. He was probably never going to talk to her again, why would he need to? They were obviously in different houses, she was in a different year and they didn't have much incommon, so he would never have to talk to her again. Ever.

Justin got up off the bench and returned to what he had been doing before he had sat there, shopping. He now had an idea of what he was going to get Drake, it was going to be a great present for him and would hopefully keep Drake off his back, atleast until their brithday. Justin smiled when he saw what he wanted and nodded slightly, a pendant. Perfect.
<FONT font="Times New Roman">.Finished.

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