I'm sorry, you're here because...?

Taneaka Kalforovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka sat on the sofa, holding her baby in her arms. It was an easy birth, as her other two were, and she was happy to have the little girl in her life, even if she wasn't her husband's child. Her other two were at school and her husband out so it was just her and the little one in the house.

As Taneaka was just making her lunch there was a knock on the door, she picked up the small gurgling baby and answered it. She recognised the woman but had no idea why she would see her. Why would she come to the home of the woman her husband cheated with? "Can I help you?"
Sam hadn't managed to find anyone to look after her babies so she had to bring them with her. She wanted to see her dead husband's baby. The one that wasn't hers. She had been upset at him at the time but he had been drunk and she didn't want to stay angry at him after everything that had happened.
She tried to smile when she saw Taneaka answer the door. "I'm just here to tell you that Dervish is dead. I thought you'd want to know." She shrugged.
Taneaka was confused until she realised Dervish was the name of this womans' husband. The father of her little girl. "Oh, I'm sorry. Would you care to come in?" She always showed hospitality, no matter who it was. It wasn't until someone completely p!55£d her off that she was blatently rude. She noticed the two children this woman had with her and realised they were the children of her own daughters father. That meant this woman had to be pregnannt at the same time as herself. "I am Taneaka Kalforovich, and you may be?"
Sam smiled and walked into the house. "I'm Sam Green." Sam had never used her full name. She loved her parents-when they were alive-but she thought they were mad for wanting to name a child Samaire. Sam smiled and followed Taneaka. "You have a nice house." Decoration was something Sam liked. She always looked to see whether someone had a nice house or not.
Taneaka smiled as she lead Sam and her children to the sitting room. "Thank you, Sam. May I ask what they are called?" she spoke gesturing to the two little girls with the woman. She sat on the family's white leather couch, her daughter on her arms. She had remembered the fathers' name when she names her daughter, or, at least, half of it.
Sam sat down on the sofa and rested a baby on each knee. She gestured to one. "This is Bellatrix." Then the other. "And this Rosalinda." She smiled over at Taneaka. "What about yours?? I must say, she looks nothing like Dervish and loads like you." Sam had noticed this the minute she had spotted the baby.
Taneaka smiled as she was introduced to the two girls, she assumed twins. "Those are lovely names, this little one is Andromeda." She turned to watch Sam's' face very carefully for her reaction. "Andromeda Dervie." She had felt the girls' father deserved to be honoured in her name, the only trouble being she couldn't remember it. All she knew was it started with Derv so she had changed it to Dervie.
Sam's eyes widened slightly when she was told the babies name. She smiled. "It's nice of you to name her after him." She couldn't think of what else to say. She hadn't expected someone to name a child after a one night stand. "Do you have any other kids then??"
Taneaka shrugged. "I felt it was appropriate, it is the only thing of him she will know after all. Yes, I have two others' they are at school now. And yourself?" She could tell this woman was a mother already by her experience, she was holding her girls perfectly. As was Taneaka. Really, Sam should guess that she had children by the family portraits around the room. There was one of her and her husband, one of all four of them, one of just the kids and two others, Markov and Benson as well as one with Ivana and Taneaka. Soon there would be another, once the children were back, Andromeda would be involved as well.
Sam smiled. "I have nine children of my own but I also look after my five nieces and nephews. Mine and Dervish's sisters died and seeing as we were the closest family they had we offered to look after them." She shrugged. "I was close to my sister so I felt it only right to look after her children."
"I've always been very motherly it's kinda natural for me." She smiled. It had been hard work but she had managed it. "I used to look after my sister all the time. That's when I first realised I wanted kids." Sam had always loved baby sitting Stacy when her parents went out and got money doing it for other people.
Taneaka grinned. "Oh, I love children, they are so cute but, well, I am more of a social person and Romeda here makes it impossible to go out properly. I have to wait for Benson to come home or take her up to the girls house." The girl was a sweetheart, the daughter of one of her friends who was interested in childcare and needed money, so she babysat small children and, like the weird girl she was, enjoyed it.
"I've never hired a nanny or even a girl for that matter. I usually get one of my kids to stay home and look after the babies if I need to go out." Sam loved how there was always someone there to help her with the babies. It just happened that this was the one time they were all busy.
Taneaka laughed and shook her head. "I've still got a few years before either of mine are out of school to babysit. At least three." Markov had just gone into his fourth year and Ivana her second. She sometimes worried about her daughter but the girl seemed to make her way through the tough school by freaking out the bullies according to Markov. That and Markov trying to kill anyone who touched her.
"Back then I used to leave Dervish to look after the kids when I went out. He was home most of the time. He didn't work so he only really had outings with his friends." Sam wasn't about to split that Dervish was a death eater. The ministry had worked it out but that didn't mean she was about to spread it.
Taneaka rolled her eyes, she could guess what meeting those were. "You're lucky there, Benson is almost always out but he insists he's faithful." She grinned, she knew it was the truth, there was no need to lie, it wasn't like she was. "He should be back soon though." She hoped Sam didn't assume she assumed Benson was cheating.
Sam frowned slightly. "If you think he's cheating on you then why are you still with him. If I thought my husband was cheating on me, I would have left him the minute I found out." She shrugged. "I only stayed with him when I heard he'd slept with you because he told me he didn't even remember it he was so drunk."
Taneaka laughed and moved Andromeda to her other leg. "That would be hypocritical of me. I wasn't drunk when I slept with your husband and Benny knows I did it. He knows about the many other affairs I have, I'm a bit of a get around." She smiled. "We had an arranged marriage. We're more friends than lovers. We're perfectly fine with an open relationship."
Sam smiled slightly. "Don't you want to settle down and marry the man you love?? I don't think I'd ever be able to live a life with a husband I didn't love." She loved down at her now sleeping babies. "They are so much easier when they're asleep. If they slept all day then they would be the easiest things to look after in the entire house."
Taneaka smiled. "Trust me, if I met him I would stay with him. I am only married to Benson legally, we are more friends than anything else to be honest. He should be home soon and, tust me, he'll agree with me." She cradled Andromeda and watched as the little girl sucked her thumb and looked up with her big brown eyes. "Andie is normally quiet, she's an odd baby really, nothing like the other two."
Benson entered his home, he was surprised that his wife was already here. He could hear her talking in the living room. Benson followed the sound of his wifes voice and found her talking to another woman, one holding two children, around the same age as Andie. The woman was beautiful. " What's going on here then? I thought you were taking Andie to the girls' so you could go and shop or something." He sat down besides Taneaka and smiled at the other woman. "I'm Benson."
Sam smiled. She could understand why someone might like that but she preferred to have a steady relationship with one man. She turned her head to the new voice in the room. "Hi. It's nice to meet you." She shifted the babies slightly to keep herself comfortable. "My name's Sam. I would shake your hand but mine are a bit full." She laughed slightly. This man was quite cute. He even looked slightly like Dervish.
Taneaka smiled as her husband entered. " I was about to leave when Sam here showed up. She was Dervish's wife." Benson knew all about the situation. "Look, I hope you don't mind but, now you have some company, I best be off. Sty as long as you like, Benson is good at making tea." She smiled and stood up. Placing Andie's little pink boots on and her little gloves before placing her in the baby stroller."You two kids have fun now." She laughed and left the house.
Sam watched as Taneaka got ready to go. "It was nice meeting you anyway." She nodded as Taneaka left the house. She then turned to Benson. "Is she telling the truth when she says you're good at making tea??" She wanted to be as kind as possible to this man. He looked so much like Dervish that it was like being in the same room as her dead husband. She didn't want to lose him again.

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