I'm So Sorry

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Dannii Merrythought

Falmouth Falcons Coach | Lion Animagus | In Love
OOC First Name
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Pure Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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Straight 13.5" Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
38 (11/11/2011)
I'm so sorry to anyone I've ever rp'd with because there is a 90% chance that I just stopped replying. I'm a complete failure at life at the moment and I'm sick of letting everyone down. So I've decided to quit HNZ for the time being. I haven't decided to give away my characters yet because I love them too much but I more then likely will be. I want them to at least go through with the futures I had planned for them. Once again I'm so sorry and I love you all so much and I would be far worse off right now if it weren't for the amazing friends I've met here. I have to go back to bed though because I've started sobbing again while writing this.

Love Sammy ♥
Awh Sammy this breaks my heart :( I'm so sorry that you feel like this!
Hit me up on facebook or skype if you ever need to talk, my ear is always open for you!
Love you Sammy xx
Oh no, Sammy. :cry: Don't leave!

Come back to us asap. We will all be here waiting for you. :wub: :hug:
Gee Sammy, this makes me sad. :cry:
I'll be on Facebook, Skype, and My PM box is always open if you feel like saying hi or anything. I really hope to see you come back around though.

- Jessye
Sammy you can talk to me over facebook or even text me but I thought metro pc will let me text you :(
If you need to talk I'm all for it ( I know how it feels sometimes) will be on facebook if anything :hug:

Ever need an ear, I'm here, through facebook, MSN, skype, whatever. ;)
It is ultimately your choice, and do hope you will be able to come back to us.

Hopefully things will get better! :hug:
~ Sir Kaitlyn
Sammy don't gooooooo. :cry: You're one of my best HNZ friends! Please take care of yourself and remember that you are NOT a failure. :mad: Email me if I'm not on MSN, okay? :console:
I'm sorry to hear this Sammy.
I hope you'll make your way back to us after a time. I'll miss reading your rps.
Take care of yourself :hug:
Please come back to us soon :cry:

I hope everything's going to be ok...

Even though we haven't talk that much, I know that you dont deserve being called a failure.
I have to agree with Helena ... You are not a failure

Take care Sammy :hug:
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