I'm probably a bit insane...

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Wow...I haven't done one of these in so long that I don't even know where to start. I probably shouldn't even be posting one of these, but when the RPing bug hits...you know what happens.
I guess I'll start with a few warnings:
1. My RPing is much slower than it used to be. I frequently go a day or more without replying to a post.
2. I probably won't be able to start any of these until after the holidays end b/c I have some other plots planned.

What am I looking for? Plots, of course. I have a few charries that have fallen by the wayside :( and I need your assistance in picking them back up. :)


Ioan Finch​

Ioan isn't the friendliest guy around, but he's become a bit nicer since his children were born. He's very much a faithful and loyal DE so Mudbloods need not apply :p
Looking for: Bromance?, Associates, Bleak Street fun

Sebastian Rossi​

Current lead singer of Ares Moon but much more comfortable behind his guitar, Rocker inside and out, Beauxbatons Alum
Looking for: I'm not sure, but I really enjoy RPing as Bas so I'll listen to any and all ideas.

Sola Vitaz​

I originally created Sola for someone else, but that person has since left the site. Sola is a loner, intrigued by the dark arts, and quick witted.

Looking for: Girlfriend(s) [both as friends and for a relationship], Roommate perhaps?

Mason Talarico​

He's my new guy. He's an Auror, transferring to New Zealand from Italy. He's got no kids, no wife and became an auror after his cousin was killed by dark wizards.
Looking for: Friends (co-worker, ministry employees or other), casual acquaintances

My other characters are RPed a bit more often, so I'm not really looking for much for them though I will entertain any ideas you might have for them as well :) .
Hey there Cyndi,

First thing, I will reply to Athena soon, but I know you are busy so I often take a while to reply so you don't feel pressured. Anyway, I have Richard Mckay who could I dunno, sort of be friends with Ioan if you want. He doesn't really have many friends, he's about 36 and is a pureblood and is currently divorced, but no-one knows this, because he never admitts that he was married, (He was married to a Muggle, had three kids and was a very happy guy, then his wife and kids died, except Nadia and now he acts lie they never existed) so he often pretends that he is still single and waiting for the right woman, though he sometimes likes to have alittle fun now and again.
personality said:
Richard has a distinct personality, something that should never be taken lightly. He has many layers, which comes out the longer one has been around the man. At first, one would see that he is simply observant and a man that is after something deeper, and from within. However, after this, Rick starts to show a darker side, something that many would see. Rick is obsessive and he will go after what he wants, no matter what it is. Rick is determined to have what he desires, and he is also an analyzer. He will study someone, everything about them, and see what makes them tick. Rick has a snarky attitude at times, and he loves to press buttons to get under other's skin. He is a trustworthy ally, however, when he is suspicious of someone, which is easy to do, he will turn his back and either watch them die, or kill them himself. Rick is also possessive, and everything he does is rather...unique. Even his thoughts are beyond what most would say. Rick however will do anything to avenge someone that did in fact matter to him, though sometimes, he makes sure that others carry it out. This personality is new and is very different to the Personality he used to have.

Anyway, so what do you think??
I can offer Corvin up as a friend to Mason or a roomate if you are interested just let me know!
Teigan: No worries about the Athena RP. Take your time.
I can see Ioan and Richard being acquaintances. He's not exactly trusting, so I could see him being just as suspicious of Richard as Richard would likely be of him :p

Brandon: Sounds good. Maybe we can start off with them meeting at the Ministry and see where it goes from there?
Okay so i have another for you as well.

This here is Elaine Desmond and recently I was doing a complete character overhaul, so she is entirely different to her previous state. For one, she is about ten years younger. Anyway, seeing as i never really red her originally anyway, I decided to change her personality. So now she is more if a wild child and is intrigued by anything mysterious, though that's not ti say she would ever go out to intentionally cause someone harm. But she likes the feeling of power it gives a person. So i was thinking she could be an interesting lover (if that's what you want) for Sola. She's Spanish, so she is rather a good cook :r and french too so she's a good lover ;)

As for Richard, that's cool, so i'll start something soon.
Hey Cyndi!

I have Anthony Kelly that could be a roommate for Sola. She is a DE in training. She is currently staying at a one of the many houses her father owns, but she does not like it, and she is looking for a roommate, so she can start being more independent. She can be difficult because she was home schooled and was not around many people. She is not supposed to be easy to get along with anyways, but I think she would take an interest in Sola. Tell me what you think. :)
I can offer Sebastian Willow now that's out of the maternity ward and will probably need a break from her new 'brat' (she calls her son that affectionately.)

I have Jaylisa Newton for Mason. She's a fellow Auror, Brazilian and a very straight and narrow kind of person. She has one adoptive son who is grown up and living his own life while Jaylisa tries to do everything she can as an Auror. If you want to throw these two together and see how they get along we can ^^
Teigan: Awesome. If you start the one for Richard and Ioan, I'll start an RP for Sola and Elaine and we can see how they get along ^_^

Lovi: That sounds very interesting. The person I was RPing Sola with was also a DE in training, so I think that could work well. Sola's not always the easiest person to get along with, so I think they might be interesting together. Let me know if you want to start an RP or if you want me to :)

Ana: Definitely to the Bas/Willow RP. He has to meet the baby!
And Jaylisa sounds good too. He needs to meet some of his co-workers. If you want to start one, I'll start the other one. Just let me know which one you want me to start :)
I can start the one with Willow and you can start the one for Jay and Meson.
I can start a topic, and I will PM you the link. Or I can just post it here if you prefer that.
Rig to Cyndi,

I shall be on that soon :hug:
Hi :hug:

Okay so.... I think that Katheryn and Sebastian have met before and might have been friends ages and ages ago. Anyways, I think they would get along ^_^ They can be friends or something more if you are interested. I really haven't rped much with Katheryn since she graduated from HNZ. What do you think?

Oh and Cameron can always be a friend to Mason :p
I have Serena that I can offer up as anything that you need for any of your characters. I haven't really used her much at all. She is the owner of Vibez and has a beautiful little girl who is almost 1 (Schuyler Andromeda Landers) that she is raising all on her own...well with the help of her sister that is. I can start a topic just let me know who you want her to RP with :)
Lovi: If you could PM me the link that would be awesome. :)

Teigan: Thanks!

Brandon: I can start it :)

Kait: That sounds good. I actually have a plot I am working on for Bas and I think Katheryn might be able to help. I will pm you tonight.

Katie: Can she RP with Cyndi? I don't think they have rped much at all and they ought to know each other a bit. Maybe Cyndi can go to her shop for some last minute shopping? Have any baby clothing there? :p
Absolutely she can :) Umm, the store is in serious need of some inventory additions so I'm thinking that maybe adding some baby clothing might not be a bad idea. I have to take one of my days off this week and update the store anyways. I think an RP with them would be fun :)
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