i'm not slow, just wasted;

Laura Montiez

Well-Known Member
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains.
Night-time was what Laura craved most during the day. Neither alcohol, nor dancing to a beat surrounded by nothing but hot and sweaty bodies in a club could compare to it. Since moving to the big apple Laura's lifestyle had changed dramatically. No longer was she the quiet Ravenclaw who worried oh so much about her grades. She was now reckless, careless and free. During the day she longed for nightfall, and when nightfall dawned she let loose. School no longer held her back. Neither did the controlling ass wipes that were her parents. She was free to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. This was how she wanted to live the rest of her life. Why she'd wasted her younger years being good she had no idea. As Laura stepped out of her small apartment, her pale features scrunched into a frown at the chilly New York air. She suddenly felt under dressed now that winter had finally arrived. The brunette wouldn't let this get in the way of her night however, so with a shrug Laura apparated to New Zealand. It took the girl a moment to compose herself, and adjust to the change of scenery. The season was dawning on summer, so now she felt comfortable in such a short dress. No matter how much she loathed her years here, the brunette couldn't help but feel nostalgic being back. But she wasn't back for the nostalgia, she was back to get wasted.

It didn't take long for Laura to find herself in nightclub, doing shots of tequila with a complete stranger. Tequila wasn't usually her drink of choice, but if the alcohol was free she couldn't refuse. It didn't surprise her that three shots in her vision was already fuzzy at the edges. A naughty grin spread upon her face as she downed her fourth shot of the night. She was a lightweight, she knew this well. But she couldn't care less. It never stopped her drinking before, tonight wasn't any different. All she wanted right now was to get drunk, and have fun doing it. She could worry about sleeping arrangements later.

ooc: fountain of blah. Hopefully my posts will get better ♥
Alyce was out again. she had taken her bike out and driven around for a bit until unsurprisingly she had ended up at a club. this had become the norm for her now since she had left school. and moved to new zealand. she would do it three or more times a week. drinking and partying her nights away. the other evenings she was still in the clubs but as a bar tender, a little top up cash for her trust really as one of the conditions was she had a job. it was surprising how many guys hit on her as she toped up their glasses. she flirted back and got their tips occasionally she would let one of them take her home but she want truly interested.
she parked and headed inside the bouncer waving her in. as soon as she was in she headed to the bar. she had to push through the crowd a little to get there but she ended up next to a girl who was taking shots. she waved to the bar tender not caring what the shots were. she would take shots of everything from water to fire whisky. "hit me" she said tapping to the table. a moment later a shot glass was placed in in front of her and filled with the alcoholic liquid. she drank it in one and tapped it signalling more was needed. it took a few even for her to feel it. "do you want another?" she said to the girl. the person she had been having them with had left and she was sitting on her own by the bar looking a little lost. she took another one or two and smiled "I'm Alyce" she said introducing herself. she had done this enough times to not feel odd about entering a club and buying a stranger drinks.
Laura glanced behind each shoulder after realizing somebody new offered her a drink. Where did the other person go? Was there even someone else? Shrugging it off, she flashed her toothy grin at the new stranger. She didn't look like a creep, rather the opposite really. Laura didn't mind sharing a drink with her. "Yes please!" She answered a bit too enthusiastically. Another drink sounded like heaven. She wasn't completely drunk at the moment, but she sure was getting there. Her fifth shot was downed quickly, sparking a case of the dizzies. Laura loved it when her head started to spin; it made everything feel unreal, and like the world was only a dream. This was why drinking had become her favourite pastime. It was a sure fire way to get away from herself, and out of her head. Believe it or not, she loved silencing her common sense. There was no other way for her to have fun. The stranger introduced themselves as Alyce, what a lovely name. Laura always wished she had an interesting name, since hers was so generic. She couldn't even have a cool nickname if she tried. She stifled a laugh as she leant closer to the other girl. "My name's Laura. Don't tell the bartender." She was under the impression the bartender knew her by a different name, though the tequila had merely made her confused. Laura absent mindedly draped an arm around the other girl, and began to play with her hair. "Your hair is nice, it's choppy and blonde." She mused; half forgetting she was saying this out loud. When sober she was the textbook definition of plane jane. Nobody would expect the wild child she turned into when alcohol was in the picture, though this was partly due to how much of a lightweight she was. At least that was the conclusion she drew when she was sober.
alyce was glad that the girl let her buy drinks. she found that either she was the one buying drinks for someone or some sleezy guy was there trying to buy drinks for her. and well lets face it Alyce was the kind of person who liked being in control even if it was under the impression of not being in control. she had a couple more asking the bar tender to move from tequila to vodka. she preferred that. the girls name was Laura. it was a nice name she was sure she had known a laura whn she was a child though she couldn't remember much about her other than she was a muggle and like playing video games. she leaned a little closer to the girl conspiritoriously the alcohol starting to take a little effect though she was not even tipsy enough to be called tipsy "shh, I won't tell him anything. my lips are sealed" she whispered. dragging her fingers accross her lips like she was doing a zip. the reason why the girl didn't want the bar tender to know her name alyce wasn't really bothered about. if it was just the alcohol talking then fine she had long since learned it best to sometime just play along with those who were drunk and telling stories if it was something else then she wouldn't say.
it surprised even her for a moment when the girl reached out and put her arm around her and started playing with her hair. though she wouldn't say she didn't like it. the girl was cute. the weight of the laura against her gave Alyce the feeling that alcohol may have something to do with the way she was acting and she wondered how many the girl had had before she had arrived. she had only had a couple of hers. she put her arm around the girls back in a way that tried to support her. and giggled. if laura wasn't so drunk this would be how her perfect night would have played out. "your hair is dead pretty too. so long" she said. most of her friends has short hair, well most of her friends were guys which was probably why. absentmindedly she twirled the ends of the girls hair in her gingers. she had actually had quite long hair but that was before she had moved to dermatrang school and cut it all off one evening in the bathroom before she left. her mum had freaked out and sent her straight to a salon to get it done properly. leaving her with a short bob. but she had then cut it further leaving it in a choppy style. it was now done professionally but back then it had just been a mess of where she could reach mixed with what she felt like. the alcohol was nor starting to properly kick in. "hey do you wan't to dance" she said as a catchy beat started playing through the room.
Laura was relieved when Alyce moved from Tequila to Vodka. She preferred vodka over most other drinks; Tequila was good and all, though vodka with lemonade and lime was to die for. Now that was certainly her drink of choice. Laura flinched when Alyce wrapped her arm around her back, the action certainly surprised her. Though she didn't stop it happening. She convinced herself it wasn't anything to worry about, and that Alyce was just looking out for her. A stupid decision since she was almost drunk, but her common sense was too deeply buried now. "It took me like two years to get it this long dude." Laura giggled. She never really did much with her hair in the morning besides brush it, she thought she suited a more grungy look. Alyce on the other hand suited the tomboyish look she had. Was that was the look was called? She couldn't remember. A smile continued to grace Laura's lips, not faltering as Alyce asked if she wanted to dance, though she felt awkward. She was so used to dancing alone the idea of dancing with somebody else confused her. That was if Alyce wanted to dance with her in the first place. Laura's nearly drunk mind could hardly process the idea. "Dance?" she wasn't noticing she was thinking aloud. The song was pretty catchy; it wouldn't be difficult dancing along with her borderline drunkenness. Soon enough the brunette gave up deciding, and downed another shot. If she didn't get out and dance now she knew she wouldn't. She knew she would look like an idiot anyway. It was now or never. In the blink of an eye Laura grabbed Alyce's hand and dragged her small frame onto the dance floor, with her new friend in tow.
Alyce heard the girl giggle. it was the sort of giggle that said I am well and truly tipsy. "two years, thats a long time. I get sick of mine after two weeks" she said. that was why sometimes she was blonde. sometimes she was pink other times she was different colours. she got up. "Dance, of course dance. This song is perfect to dance to" she said as the beat echoed around the room.
the blonde was a little surprised when the other girl got up and dragged her across the room into the crowd. Alyce had no option but to follow her leather bike boots maybe not the shoe of choice for dancing. heels weren't good on a bike though she could ride it in them.
they dodge through the people until they were in the middle of the crowd. she liked the feeling of being in the middle of things. as the beat picked up she started dancing. it was only a small cramped little dance. more of a shuffle stepping one time this way then one the other. and swaying a bit. but there really wasn't the space for much else. one hand was still linked with the girls. "So What Brings You Here?" she asked shouting over the noise of the music and people.
Being in the middle of the dance floor made Laura feel queasy. She usually chose to dance on the side lines, if she danced at all so being crammed in between unfamiliar sweaty bodies was a whole new experience. Regardless she danced the best she could with the amount of alcohol in her system. Though she probably looked like an idiot, she was clumsy at the best of times. Luckily Alyce was here to keep her stable though, if it weren't for her Laura would have fallen by now. Laura squeezed the other girl's hand, glad she hadn't made an ass of herself yet. This was probably a new record. She was too drunk to tell if the alcohol was making the claustrophobic feeling worse or not, despite it all she continued to dance. This was Alyce's scene right? Being pushed around by strangers on the dance floor? The brunette had no idea. All she wanted to do was impress her new friend, and if that meant braving the chaos she'd dragged them both into then she would gladly do so. Laura raised an eyebrow as Alyce shouted something. She could barely make the words out, but somehow managed to reply. "I was bored." She shouted back. It was true; she came back here due to boredom, and the chill back in New York. Laura hesitated to ask Alyce the same question, unsure of whether or not she would be heard. Instead the brunette placed a gentle kiss on her new friend's cheek. It was merely a sign of affection and nothing more. She would have hugged Alyce if there was enough room, by the looks of it there wouldn't be much room for a while. If she remembered this in the morning she would remind herself never to drink tequila again. It made her act weird, like she wasn't weird enough already.
Alyce started dancing it wasn't much if a dance because there wasn't much space it was ore of a swaying with the crowd. She could see Laura was the same. It was pretty safe to say neither of them would make a prima ballerina she nodded she she said that she was bored. She curtainly understood that boredom was a reason she came out as much as she did. There wasn't much exciting going on in her empty flat, she didn't know anyone well almost no one in New Zealand and such was the nature of her personality that she could only handle so many nights in with a movie, take out and beer.
What happened next did surprise the pink head girl Laura leant forward and kissed her on the cheek. She was a little surprised sure she guess she had been hitting on her from the start but she had learned ally not to try hard and try as a friend or you would often meet an annoyed boyfriend or worse an annoyed girl. The kiss was all she needed although it was only on the cheek it did say something to her, sure she was tipsy and Laura more so but it was what she wanted. She stopped dancing for a second and that second was enough for someone to barge into her knocking her forward like a sign. She then leaned towards the slightly younger girl and kissed her. It wasn't a long or passionate kiss just a light short one before she broke it and pulled away.

((Typing that on the train=slightly awkward. I hope that the girl who disembarked at the next stop after typing it was a coincidence))
Laura's eyes widened as Alyce suddenly fell forward, causing their lips to meet momentarily. She wasn't going to lie and say she hated the kiss, but she was too drunk to understand most things right now, let alone kissing a girl. Immediately Laura bit her lip after they pulled away. She was completely unsure of how to react. The kiss wasn't deep nor passionate, merely a peck on the lips. Regardless the brunette needed to react, she couldn't just go on and pretend like nothing happened now, could she? All of a sudden the queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach worsened, now she felt sicker than ever. Was she going to vomit? The sudden tightening in her throat told her so. She needed to get out of here, and she needed to get out now. Vomiting on Alyce wasn't an option. The only problem was she didn't see a way out; the dance floor was too crammed, too tight to leave in a moment's notice. The brunette leant closer, resting her head on Alyce's shoulder in the hope it would put an end to the nausea. "I need to get out of here." She whispered. She knew Alyce wouldn't hear, the music seemed even louder than before. Now all she wanted was to go home and sleep the alcohol away. This happened every single time she got drunk, she would feel energized, excited and reckless. Then everything suddenly got worse. The worst thing about this was she never learned, and the cycle always repeated itself. She hoped Alyce would know what to do, how to get her away from the dance floor. She'd had a lot more experience with alcohol, her confidence was enough of an indication. Unfortunately Laura had no way of asking the other girl for help without vomiting everywhere. At least that's what she thought would happen.
alyce was enjoying herself. it was places like this that she felt the most at home and free, odd really when totally squished with people on all sides, maybe it was the alcohol thinking. she stopped thinking such thoughts and focussed on the moment people all around her and there was a pretty girl dancing with her. she looked across at laura and saw she was looking a little odd but the thought was gone in a moment she had hardly even thought it. she seemed to be saying something though Alyce could not hear here and hadn't got a clue what she was saying. however she realised that she looked a little uncomfortable. she felt the girls head o her shoulder and lyce automatically put an arm around her. and used her other hand to brush the hair away from her face smiling and glowing in a slightly tipsy way.
she looked at the girl and saw that she didn't look too good. "do you want to sit down for a minute" she called not giving the girl the chance to respond she kept her arm around her shoulder so she wouldn't loose her and started to make her way through the crowd dodging through spaces that really were too small, she had learned long ago that people generally let you out at least if you try enough. it was a minute or so when they ended up outside the crowd in front of them was a few empty sofas. and just to the side of that were the doors to the toilets. alyce smiled at laura her arm still around her shoulder and started to make her way towards the sofas. she let go of the girl briefly as she sat down heavily into one.
Laura suddenly found herself on a sofa of all places. Not remembering how she got there, she began to worry. Though this worry was only short lived, all she needed to do was glance to her side and see Alyce. Did she faint? or just Zone out? She couldn't fabricate a reason why Alyce got her out of the crowd, regardless she wanted to thank the other girl. She didn't think she would have gotten out otherwise. Laura sighed with relief, slouching back into the sofa. It felt good to rely on something else for support; her legs grew too tired too quickly when she was standing up. She wasn't feeling so sick anymore either, could the sickness have merely been claustrophobia getting to her? Of all the nights she had to over dramatize things it had to be tonight. Of course she'd embarrass herself by making a scene sooner or later; she just wished it had been later. Laura cringed, she suddenly craved another shot. However despite how much she craved another drink, her body refused to move. She was too worn out to get up just yet. "So, thanks." She finally spoke, surprised how clear her voice sounded compared to minutes earlier. Just another reason Laura needed to thank Alyce. Because now she didn't have to struggle in order to hear her own thoughts. "What happened though?" She wanted to know what drove Alyce to getting her out of there; she held her breath while awaiting a response. Laura was hoping she didn't faint, knowing that would just make her feel more embarrassed. Was that even possible at this point?
Alyce was a little annoyed with herself, she was usually pretty good at picking people out at bars. however tonight she had messed up. instead of picking someone who would be fun however she had been wrong and she was looking after a lightweight. ph well the girl was still cute. and she knew she had been a lightweight once once a very long time ago. the girl seemed some how zoned out. she found a glass and grateful they were in a wizarding bar managed to clean it and fill it with water with just a couple of waves of her wand, it had been hot in the crowd maybe the girl had overheated or dehydrated, or was just a bit drunk.
she heard the girls voice thank her though it seemed like she had missed a little of the start of the thought. "you're welcome." she said before passing the girl the glass "have some water. It may help" she said. not sure what else to do she put her arm around Lauras shoulder more reassuring than romantic, but maybe a little of that too. "you looked like you were about to chuck up. so i got you out of there" she said "I'm not that fond of vomit on my boots you see" she said winking, she was teasing the last bit. maybe it wasn't that much of a waste of an evening. she was on the sofa with a cute girl, even if she was drunk. it was comfortable, and Laura did seem nice, maybe she hadn't messed up so bad after all.
At this point all Laura wanted to do was go home and sleep herself sober. This happened every single time she drank, she'd end up so intoxicated it wasn't fun anymore. She felt sick, irritated and annoyed at herself for ruining Alyce's night. She really needed to learn to hold her liquor better; the way she drank now was getting quickly out of hand. A thankful smile appeared on her lips as Alyce handed her a glass of water. She didn't realize how much she needed it until it was right in front of her face. "Thanks again A, you're the bomb." Laura wanted to hug the other girl, though refrained from doing so and instead drank up the entire glass in one big gulp. She didn't expect to meet someone so genuinely kind in a bar of all places. In her experience they were usually filled with the rudest people, things in New York were so different to New Zealand. She'd almost forgotten how kind strangers could be. Though Alyce wasn't so much a stranger anymore, Laura wanted to call her a friend. She felt better after that drink of water, but unfortunately not better enough to return to the dance floor. She still really wanted some shut eye. It didn't seem like Alyce would mind if they went their separate ways now, nobody wants to party with a lightweight anyway. Though Alyce's reassuring arm around her shoulders caused her to think otherwise. Laura couldn't help but laugh at the blonde's comment; while entirely glad she hadn't managed to faint, or vomit everywhere for that matter. "Have you been vomited on before?" The question escaped her mouth before she had the chance to think about it. Truth be told, she did want to hear some of Alyce's party stories. But she was currently too drunk to listen, plus a crowded nightclub posed a horrible setting. She found herself wishing there was a potion that could sober her up so she could hold her end of the conversation.

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