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Riley Jones

New Member
OOC First Name

I'm new here and I need some topics or some plots for my new character Riley Jones.

Riley is a ten year old from a muggle Irish family.He likes horses and sport.He is your typical ten year old who likes to have a laugh but knows when to take things seriously.He is loyal,modest,friendly and funny.He has a younger brother aged six.

Well there ya go. I would like some friends,enemies and maybe a girlfriend???

Hey :) This is Chandler Bronette(Bro-net) Dunley. She's really sweet, friendly, and always up for a good time. She has a lot of people living in her house so she loves to get out and do things. She sings and loves to dance although she's not good at it. She doesn't care what people think of her and she will always stand up for her friends. Always looking for someone new to talk to :)
Yeah sure.Do you want to start the topic or will I??

Sorry thats meant to be Riley and I'm writing for my friend while she's gone and I forgot to change characters!

My character, "Artemis Jackson" would probably like to RP with Riley. Is that fine with you? She prefers to be called "Arty" instead of Artemis. So, your character is 10, correct? Right, so, Arty is 11 years old and currently a Slytherin, 1st Year. Is that alright?

And also, my real name is also Artemis, so you don't to get confused, really.

Arty xx :lol:
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