I'm holding on, (I'm still holding)

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Charlotte Bouvier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey guys!!

So, I have Charlotte here. She's 15 years old, a real sweetie, but she's been through a lot (abusive father, recently orphaned...). Because of the trauma in her life, she refuses to talk and communicates through a notebook. She's also very shy and is quite scared of people, particularly guys. However, once you break through her shell, she's lovely - smart, caring, loyal, honest, and all round bookworm with a golden heart. Once you earn her trust, she'll go to the ends of the earth for you.

However, at the moment, Charlotte is broken. She's a bottler, but sooner or later I want her to be brought out of her shell, and then it will all come spilling out. Then, she will get over her shyness and silence and will talk again, becoming the strong, smart, caring person she really is. That's my ultimate plan for her.

Where do you come in?

Well, I need a nice, sweet, caring, confident guy. Someone who won't be deterred by her shyness and silence. Someone who will bring her out of her shell and be the first one to love her. Someone for her to love. A shoulder for her to cry on, etc etc.

I want it to last for a while, but I'm not sure about finals. If you have already said something about being a friend to her but think you could be something more, say something. Even if you're not sure if they'll suit, just say. I'm protective over my girls (meaning my charries) and I'll say if I don't think it will work, but I'm glad for any options/ideas you can throw at me. (Please don't actually throw them at me - I'm injured enough without you adding to it!!)
Currently, Charlotte can be spotted around NZ and occasionally in Europe, although she's mostly in NZ. I'm not sure about students, but if you think it will work...

Thanks :hug:
Hey Hannah.

OK so I've had this character and what I had going for him has gone down the drains so I'm completely re-doing him and I think he could work well for Charlotte but I'll let you be the judge of that xD

So James here (who I have a name change pending to James Peck) has just turned 16. He had been home schooled his whole life and has very few friends due to his lack of being social with ones around his age. He isn't shy though, he is quite outgoing, in a way. He has this way of reading people by their body language etc and from his vast experience of people watching at his parents functions he can tell a lot by a person, so if he thinks the person is nice he will talk to them, if they aren't so nice he'll be weary around them.

His father works in the Ministry in the Experimental Charms Department and his mother stays home to teach him. On the side though she is a music teacher for muggle children so she has taught her own children (2 sons and 2 daughters) to play an instrument or two and if they have the talent she helps them with their singing skills. James here plays acustic guitar and can sing well (one of my fav songs of his :wub: )

Like most musicians he is quite sensitive and wouldn't be one to turn away Charlotte because of the way he is. While she has her notebook, James finds he can get his point across more with music than words.
Hey Hannah :D

Well I have Speedy here :D

He is cuddly, he loves hugging, and talking, he is quite feminine and is emotionally weak, he is very susceptible to verbal attacks but mental and physical he can take, he is a clutz and falls over often, he likes helping people and wouldn’t mind her being silent, in fact that would draw him to her, he has had some hard times, like crying because a little girl teased him, but nothing major, and he understands that some people dont like telling people their problems, but that wouldn’t stop him trying to help her.
He lives with his uncle and sister and two roommates, who aren’t really important xD

Oh and he’s 14 and may transfer to Hogwarts :p

So thats his life story xD anyway he could be anything really, im still wondering if he’s gay or not so yeah im open to anything :r but he could be the close guy friend you want :)
Char & James - hmmm, I'm liking the sound of that, it has a 'music and lyrics' thing going since Char's a closeted poet. He sounds about perfect!! (I like that song too ;) ) Do you want to start something, or shall I?

Char & Speed - I'm not sure whether he'd be quite right for her in terms of a boyfriend at this point in her life (sorry), but he definitely sounds like he could be the close guy friend!! Would you like me to start something, or would you prefer to start it?
Woo that's awesome ^_^ I must say I like the sound of them myself :lol: So seeing as you started at the other RP I could maybe start up this one but this week is so full for me so it won't be until the weekend? Feel free to start one up beforehand if you want - I'll reply as soon as
Here is the RP for Speed and Char. Sorry it's lame, my muse has gone AWOL. :doh:
Hey Charlotte

I have two boys for ya.

Dyfan Venturino
is the oldest of three triplets along with a younger sister in the family. He is very wise for his age, which suprises alot of people when they meet him and he looks at them with eyes of someone much older then he seems to be. He is also the most friendly of his siblings but not the most outgoing. He's like a Prince Charming (which was his halloween costume)

Jace Venturino is the youngest triplet. He loves to shop, and shop he does. He has a wicked fashion sense though often loses track of time. His mind is always thinking about something and sometimes he gets lost in his mind even though it's not really a deep thought, more like "I wonder if jelly and fluffernutter would taste good..."

They both are 15 years old, and were hoping to be a transfer however it didn't end up like that for them.
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