I'm Back

OOC First Name
Hello all,

I know, I have been gone a long time. I was having a lot going on with school and in my own life. I am well enough and stable enough to return, hopefully for good <3

If you guys will let me come back? Me and my other charries <3?

We love you guys and miss you. :cry:

Also: What's the easiest way to get back to normal and get all back in the flow again?
Welcome back, Harleigh!
I think the best way to get back into the flow would be to contact the people you have had plots with, if they are still around, if they are willing to do the plots, or starting fresh with a plot development! ^_^

~ Kaitlyn
Welcome back!! ^_^
Plotting is always a fun way to get back to the flow... ^_^ :r
Welcome back to the site, Harleigh! ^_^

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