I'm Back!!

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Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Hello Everybody!

Its great to be back again! I've just come back from three weeks in Irish College! sadly there was no internet there so I haven't been on this in three weeks which means most of my characters have basically died. :(.So I was hoping that some lovely people (Old or new) would like to start Roleplays with either three of my characters.I'll give a little info to remind old people and inform some new people!

Kate Moon

Kate is a funny,kind third year Hufflepuff.She is great to be around and loves having funny
though she has her limits.She loves acting and sports but her first love is music.She sings
and plays the violin.She has a twin but they don't talk much anymore.

Johanna Murray

Johanna is a quiet,loving seveth year Beauxbaton.She is starting to come out of her shell
and she is going out more and not staying inside studying.Her passion is music.She sings
and plays the piano.

Ryan Moon

Ryan is a quiet second year Slytherin.He has changed since coming into Slytherin
but he is not arrogant and doesn't really fit in with the other Slytherins.He is
still trying to figure himself out.He likes music but sport is his thing.

I would like friends for all of them and maybe for Johanna a boyfriend??

I can offer Max as a friend for Johanna, he likes music, plays electric guitar. Has a very nice black mustang he takes good care of. His grandpa just died and his sister is a mess.

As for Ryan, I have two first year girls and two first year boys... Sebastian is about to turn 12 (gryffie) and so is James (slythie)
any idea for either of them?
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