Illitharis Mansion

Because of the fight, Hoshi was in a better mood that she had been earlier. It always happened that way. "You know how to do that?" She asked almost laughing in psychotic glee. There was pure blood lust in her but it was slowly starting to fade with the stillness that come from the white haired girl having her feet captured. "I wouldn't be able to train like I came here to do. That and would you really. I mean we are having oh so much fun." She said in perfictly pleasant. "Your good by the way." She added airily.
"When you have been watching your relatives do acupuncture, and have relatives as sinsehs (chinese physicians), and you just sit there.. and watch, you learn many things. Inclusive of the part that the human body can might as well be lego parts." Kagyou stated, holding the feet by the ankles itself and pressing under the bone while her other hand pushed the feet up, in attempt to bend it backwards. "Cept that they break much easier."

However, when the other female continue to speak, Kagyou carefully got off her other feet and somewhat throwing the other leg back onto the ground. But she was still cautious of the other's female's action. Tanrei, who took flight when the battle commences, returned to perch upon the female's shoulder. "And you're learning- but you need you becareful about openings." Kagyou shrugged. "I need more practice myself."
Hoshi had listened to what Kagyou was saying then whiced with one eye when she bent feet back. Hoshi ran a hand though her hair to put the stray strands back in place of the pony tail when she was let go. "I know but then again we are only eleven there's not rush to become masters. Ah that was fun and I feel great." She said putting her hands over her high over her head in a good streatch. She was almost glowing and giggling at thing point. Where it not for the fact that Hoshi never giggled that is. That would have given the gothic girl an even creepier feel.
"Family's a bit.. not right." Kagyou gave an insignificant smile, "Somewhat not right."
She turned to Hoshi and outstretched a hand. A peace offering. "My apology for the personal attack, but _he_ really might come later." she paused. "Might."
Hoshi took her hand and shrugged. "I'll try not to let it bother me but really it hurts a lot still." She said her voice becomeing a sigh. She didn't react the way she normally would because she was still worked up a little bit. "It's alright. I got you wronge that day on the quidditch field." She said with her super stare smile. With that Hoshi got up and dusted herself off. She walked over to Niky's cage and opened the door. The ill tempered animal quickly got out and nipped at Hoshi's finger. She shook her head and stroked the bird's chest before leveing it be. "Might is better than Will though." She said as she walked back her hips moving in a way that was not normal for a eleven year old.
"Sir, I really must insis-"

The panicked servant was ushered out of the way was three young boys skulked forward, huge black cloaks billowing as along with their long strides. Two of the boys nodded to the one in the lead, "Na, wo men xian zou le, da ge." A pale hand slid up and removed the cowl obscuring his features, throwing the angled brows and perfectly emotionless face into sharp relief. His lips barely moved as he replied quietly, "Hao ba. Bao zhong."

"Bao zhong!" The two cloaked figures echoed in unison as they turned and were gratefully escorted out by the same servant. Henric's black orbs narrowed down towards the manor; his demeanour more cold and harsh than ever, if that was possible. "Xiao jie..." He murmured, walking up to the entrance of the manor quietly.
I'm gonna get Nick to give Sakura access to his board. Makes things so much easier.

"... Are you two finished?" a soft voice spoke out from the corner of the room. Sakura stood there, gently poking a cobra coiled around her arm. The cobra, for her part, put up with it with the air of someone used to being abused in this way, though her eyes were fixed on the two other girls. "... If you're not, do ignore me and continue. If you are, lunch is being served. Denver is a very good cook."

She turned towards the window, then paused. "... Koshiba-san. You must move faster." Then she pulled herself up, over and through the window, landing lightly on the balcony below. "Are they done?" he asked, still drinking his tea. "How was Hoshi?" "... Fast. But not fast enough. Yet. Soon,"Sakura replied. Tichondrius turned to her, frowned, reached out and pulled Vyper away. "Don't torture him!"
"... Okay," she moved to Tichondrius, and began poking him instead.
Rhianne smiled when she noticed Peakes and Hayate met at the sky..Suddenly,a man in suit stepped up towards her.."Good day,sir..Is Tichondrius home??",sh asked politely..
Quite abruptly and plainly, Henric Lee took directly to the doors. The servant in the suit behind him protested, but he unfastened the cloak and threw to to his side. With a single pale, vein-etched fist, he rapped on the doors smartly. And then without waiting for a reply he simply walked right in. He was dressed in an elaborate French Dragoon's uniform look-alike, with silver fastenings and a richly-coloured pair of greave-plated pants. He tightened the navy blue tie adorned upon his red vest, and glanced towards Tichondrius, wherever he was. "Where is ojou-sama?" He asked plainly.
"Upstairs, making friends with Hoshi," he said simply. Watching as Henric went up the stairs, he shrugged and continued drinking his tea.

The door opened again, and Tichondrius had a split second to think, 'Maybe I invited one too many people ..., before the door revealed Rhianne standing there. Rising, he smiled slowly. "Hey there. Didn't expect you to drop in. C'mon, sit down." His gaze flicked to the servant behind her, who bowed and left the room. Guiding her to a chair, he sat down in his own, smiled again. "So what brings you her, Rhianne?"
Rhianne smiled as Tichondrius led her to a seat..Smiling her thanks,she glanced who are also there..Hoshi,Kagyu and Henric..She also noticed a girl standing.."Just passing through..I celebrated my birthday today the other way..I asked Mama and Papa if I could just have the day to myself.."Looking up to him,she asked,"How are you??"
"Its easy to get me all wrong. Its much more fun to act as if I had no balance at all." Kagyou grin before looking down towards the bird. "Interesting."

"Well, after you've done getting over what I've said, Koshiba, I suggest you return back to where your teacher is." she tilted her head backwards, noticed a movement behind before she turned around and walked back. "My tea is getting cold." Tanrei went ahead first and re-perched itself upon the seat that Kagyou too before. Just as soundlessly, Kagyou re-settled herself in it. The first thing she did, she sipped her tea. Yeah, it was starting to turn cold.

Looking up, she noticed a familiar face. And well, another less familiar one. She gave herself an approving nod and returned to her tea. "Would you want some tea, Henric? I reassure you my Longevity Eyebrow King is much better than Earl Gray."
"Ojou-sama." Was the calm greeting as the tall boy swooped down in an elegant victorian gentleman's bow, raising his body up again, fastenings clicking against his brilliant red vest. "I have hot tea available." Henric offered, holding up a metallic liquid container. He momentarily paused at the sight of Hoshi, smiled benignly at her, another smile laden with emotionless facade, then stood behind Kagyou.
"Actually, ojou-sama, the family..." He paused at the word, grimacing, or smirking as he said it. "... Wanted me to let you know they're still concerned about you... And they don't entirely approve of you going off to other people's residences." He glanced up at her, his eyes almost saying that he blanched at his own words as well. "Lord Cao sends his regards. White Tea from Fujian Province, ojou." He proferred, uncapping the lid, sending a thick, mellow smell of tea floating out with the hot steam, tinged with a hint of sweetness.
Hoshi rolled her eyes at what Kagyou had said. She didn't need to get over what she said because Kagyou had not said his name. She followed back to where lunch and tea was being surved. She laughed when Sakura said she needed to move faster. She was right. Hoshi had shown some speed but nearly enough to be unbeatable. That's why she was here. To learn now to be fast. Hoshi dipped into the room where they where having tea then came face to face with the stupid fake grin.

Stillness Hoshi reminded herself and plopped down on the next avalable chair and crossed her legs at the knee as she had been taught to do at gatherings like this. She smiled at the other girl then listened to what was being said. "From what you told me about Kagyou-chan it sees to me that while she's away from where you come from she can do as she pleases." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. She wasn't taking anything though. Hoshi didn't like tea much. To her it was just hot water and lemon.
Kagyou contemplated on the warmer tea, but decided to drink at least half the cup before taking any new one. Perhaps even taking the whole cup of Longevity-

"Actually, ojou-sama, the family.."

You remember the phrase 'what goes around, comes around'? Yeah. Kagyou felt that that completely applied on her. Just a few moments ago, she was mentally torturing Koshiba about Henric. And just a few seconds ago, she was just tortured. The moment the word 'family' comes into mind, she doesn't recall happier thoughts. No.

Kagyou awaited Henric to finish, and opened the tea, and just as she was about to say something, Koshiba commented on her situation. And Kagyou gave a wide grin. "Indeed, Koshiba." Kagyou cooed towards her Puffskien who came to greet her on the table. She then place a treat on the table for the puffskien. "Isn't it, Chibi-chibi~" her voice was quite the same to then at school. The puffskien gave an agreeable humming, quite happy to get a treat from doing completely nothing.

"Send Cao my regards when you can, Henric." Kagyou paused and canted her head backwards slightly to face him. "And to _the_ "family", you can jolly well tell then what Koshiba had said." she spatted. "That and they can be reminded of my grandparents death because they all wanted to be the next clan head."
"Ojou..." Henric murmured, brushing her hair out of her eyes with a sweep of his pale hand. His keen black eyes focused on her intently, then it died away with his usual black, empty orbs taking thier place. From youth she had never been one to be subtle; that could cost her her life from day to day matters as she grew, and yet, she remained oblivious. His expression bright with a fixed smile upon his face, he took the haversack off his back and placed it upon the ground. "Biscuits, ojou-sama?" He questioned lightly, removing a silver platter laden with cakes and treats of all sorts that could not be called 'biscuits'. God knew how he managed to pull something like that out.
Kagyou returned with a glare, then she narrowed her eyes. From focus to distant, and then, very suddenly.

"Biscuits, ojou-sama?"

There, Kagyou gave a sweeter note to her puffskien. "Do you want more treats, Chibi-chibi, huh~ Huh~?" The puffskien gave a relatively loud humming.

"Bounce." Kagyou commanded and the puffskien started bouncing on the spot. Kagyou laughed and gave a bit of the cake to puffskien who started rolling around happily.
Hoshi sort of hid her mouth behind three of her fingers in a poor atempt to hide the fact she was laughing. "Nice burn." She said to Kagyou then watched the thing on her arm start to do tricks. "I really should have talked my mother into letting me bring Modoki but the tank was too big." She said. She didn't want to feed the puffskien to the large spider anymore but she was really starting to miss those eight legs.

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