I'll Tell you Once, You Tell me Twice

Sirius Snape

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Starting another year at Hogwarts, Sirius felt like being regenerated once more. He decided to stay on Hogwarts grounds for the break, simply because he didn't hear anything from his parent's. He had a feeling that his mother wasn't too fond of him changing his name, simply because she was the one who came up with his old name when he was born, but when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Sirius thought of making his name change to his own best interest and for his own future. What he did for himself was the best thing he could have ever done, and he doesn't regret it one bit. Now all he was now concentrating on was his own future. He believed that his future would be successful and now being behind the shadow of another person.

As he was walking through the garden, with his hands in his pockets, his hair spiked a little, and wearing his normal white t-shirt and jeans, Sirius was glad to have school year started again. He was getting a bit tired of doing the same routine again and again during the break. He wanted a change and now he was going to be getting it. As he walked slowly, he thought about one person, who was Lilith. His last meet with her went pretty well for him, although the lie he told her since he didn't tell her his real name, he regret doing it and he just hoped that it wouldn't have an affect on her in way's of viewing Sirius.
Lilith was back at school nothing new there. The break had been good for her. She had spent it in the Americas at a muggle summer camp. It was refreshing for her not having to be around so many people all the time that didn't like her. Now Lilith was back and looking foreword to whatever the school year had in store for her. Walking along the grounds in brand Slytherin uniform Lilith thought she looked put together.

Walking into the garden Lilith saw someone who had spent a lot of time on her mind. The last time they had met he had lied to her but there was something about him that called to Lilith. Walking over to him Lilith tapped him on the elbow. "Hello there Sirius." Lilith looked up at him with her lilac colored eyes and smiled.
Thinking about Lilith made him worry a little bit. He is a changed man, a new born and exceptionally evolved individual. He wasn't too sure about letting Lilith get too close to him. He once had his heart broken already and he didn't want it to happen again. Though something about Lilith made him want to let her get closer to him. He didn't understand just yet as to what was it about Lilith that made him want to let her get closer to him, but his heart told him that he should and so he decided that he would let her get closer to him, although still keeping a safe distance that if he was to get hurt, he would still be able to recover without a problem.

Feeling a tap on his elbow, he turned around and only to notice that the very person he was thinking about was now in front of him. He wanted to give Lilith a hug, but he didn't know if he had gotten the privilege to do so yet. "Hey there Lilith." Said Sirius as he tried to put his arms around Lilith to give her a hug, but held himself back because he didn't want to make a mistake of making her unhappy. "How're you?" Asked Sirius with a smil.e
Lilith was happy when Sirius greeted her back. She was glad that he remembered her. Sometimes she would meet someone and than they would not remember her the next time they ran into each other. As Sirius reached out to hug her and than stopped Lilith shook her head. Reaching out and pulling him into a hug Lilith giggled. "Hey there silly you can hug me I wont break." Lilith wondered what was coming over her. She was never this foreword with someone.

Lilith took a step back from the hug and looked at Sirius closer. He was handsome and seemed to care what Lilith had to say. It was very new to her and she liked it a lot. "So how was you break?" Lilith asked shyly as she continued to look at the boy who she was fast starting to have a crush on.
When Lilith pulled Sirius in for a hug, it made him feel a bit better about him and Lilith. He was just glad to see that she wasn't ignoring him or anything of that nature. The last he wanted was to be ignored, especially from someone he thought was a pretty awesome individual. "Sorry Lilith, I just didn't know if you were ready or not." Said Sirius scratching the back of his head. He really was glad that he got a hug from Lilith, it made him feel better, but he just didn't want to think about himself. Now that he was a new man, he always thought about how other's would feel and he put other's feeling's over his own.

"My break was rather boring. I just stayed here." Said Sirius. He really had nothing to do this break. The reason being was that his parent's didn't want him to come home, which is why they didn't contact him, so he had no choice but to stay on hogwarts grounds. He could have gone to his uncle's house in the muggle world, but he didn't feel like packing up all of his things and then moving them to another place. "What about you? How was your break?" Said Sirius as he sat down on a bench close to then and put his hand in Lilith's to pull her to sit next to him.
Lilith smiled very brightly when Sirius hugged her back. "It's alright I am always looking for a hug." Lilith said. This was all very new to Lilith she was trying to become a more outgoing girl not just someone that let the world pass her by. It was all a bit crazy but Lilith was starting to like it. Four years ago when she first came to Hogwarts Lilith was sure that not only was she going to hate it but that she would never fit in. Now that she had been her for a while it seemed that not only was she starting to get friends but she even liked a boy. After Alex breaking her heart she was sure that she would never love again but here she was flirting with a boy.

"I am sorry to hear that your break was boring." Lilith replied. She hated it when peoples breaks where not as fun as they could have been. "My break was very relaxing. I spent the summer in America at a muggle summer camp. It was all so nice I wish that summer could have lasted just a little bit longer." Lilith said wishfully. Noticing that her and Sirius where still holding hands. Lilith gently drew her hand out of his grasp.
"Good to hear your summer was fun Lily." Said Sirius. Sirius then looked towards the other side of the garden in embarrassment because he had just called her lily. He wasn't too sure if she would be fond of the name. He didn't know how or why he came up with the name, but he just wanted to call her Lily. He felt so embarrassed that he noticed her taking her hand out of his own hands, and then he quickly retreated his hands in his own territory and felt very embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you that. I just thought ..." Sirius cut himself off because he was too embarrassed to continue saying anything. He just hoped that she wouldn't get upset of anything. Sirius never felt this way before. This was the first time in his life that he was feeling these sorts of attraction feelings towards someone else. He was starting to like Lilith a lot, and for some reason, he wanted to get more closer to her. He moved more closer to Lilith and put his arm around her waist, but he still felt a little embarrassed.

Lilith blushed when Sirius called her Lily. It was different from the way her sister did it. There was no added commend to it. The way it just rolled off his tongue that was nice. This was interesting she liked the fact that they where getting close it made Lilith feel special. She just wished that there was a nickname she could call him or maybe if she got closer to him she could give him, his own special name.

"O it's okay I like it." Lilith's words come out very fast. She could not believe how easy it was for her to get close to Sirius. Lilith wanted to get closer to Sirius but didn't know how. So she sat there looking at her hands. When she felt Sirius put his arm around her waist Lilith leaned into Sirius and relaxed against his body. Is this what it feels like to fall in love? Lilith caught herself thinking.

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