Open I'll Swing Right Around

Liusaidh Styx

100% defeated styx
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Kalif II
Knotted 12" Flexible Chestnut Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
7/2040 (21)
Liusaidh had shaken Bonnie off, a little lie here, a little point there and she’d taken off. She’d go back eventually and everyone would just laugh at her antics, so what did it matter what she did or where she went. She would come back and she would get away with it as she always did. Her father never got mad at her, and her mother had given up trying to control her. So, instead of doing the boring school shopping that she didn’t need to be there for the young girl made her way to the park. She was pretty happy to find it largely empty, clearly a lot of the kids weren’t around, both a slight pity that she didn’t have anyone to spend the time with but also a blessing so she got full reign of the place. Liusaidh went immediately to the swings and began swing back and forth, uncaring for anyone who might cross her path, this was a magical swing it wouldn’t break and she would be able to swing right around. That was the goal.
Giselle was not sure why she was already here. Her dad and Sofia made her a list what she had to buy for her upcoming adventure at Hogwarts. They were more ready than she was it seemed. Not that she knew Sofia had such nice grades, not Gabriel. And they were not there. A big part of her family was, but Giselle just wanted to do her own thing. It was good to be away from home she figured, sometimes she just needed a bit of air. Clashing with her siblings and father. And sometimes she didn't even ment what she said, but she was so angry at everything! She missed her mother badly. Her mother didn't even could see this, seeing her daughter going to Hogwarts. It made Giselle sad and the emotions were mixing through eachother. But she finally had found an escape from her sister who had joined her going shopping. Gabriel lived here now, but he was too busy with his Quidditch. She walked towards a park, Sofia would sure be looking for her she had gone off without telling her. But she didn't cared. Sofia could shop the stuff she needed. She spotted the swings and figured it would be nice to sit on it. A kid was trying to get before her but Giselle pushed her away for a bit, she was first. Than she noticed a girl sitting next to her. Giselle looked at her for a moment. '' I bet I can go higher.'' She just said competetive as she were. Giselle made easily contact with people not always in a nice way but she did.
Every few weeks, Violette now went on a trip to New Zealand with either her mother or her father. They never visited Aunt Claudia anymore, but she did hear her dad mention her a lot in passing whenever he talked to anyone. But Violette knew they were here for her, so she could get used to New Zealand as she would have to go to school here. She knew she wasn't supposed to want to go to Beauxbatons like her parents and sister, she knew she was lucky to have the opportunity to go to a school in the country where she was related to the Minister of Magic, but she sometimes wished she could just stay in France. Everything was different here, and she would miss her home.

Her father had gone out to do some shopping, telling her to play in the park and meet some other children. She had noticed a redheaded girl on the swing, and had watched in admiration how she didn't seem to be scared of going very high. Violette herself had simply gone to sit on a bench, thinking of how she might approach the girl and what to say. But then another girl appeared, and Violette had to rethink her strategy. She watched how she pushed someone, which made her frown a little. She averted her gaze. Maybe this wasn't someone she wanted to get to know.
It was nice to spend a little time in the park, but there wasn’t a whole lot for her to do, it was just a park after all, and her attempts to swing right around weren’t working out nearly as well as she had been hoping that they would do. But that didn’t mean that she was stopping pushing the limit as much as she could. She had been keeping a slight eye on park but aside from a few young kids and girl with dark brown hair upon the bench there was not much fun to be had. So, she began ignoring it and just swung to her hearts content. She eventually began slowing down, she was letting herself slow by leaning back far more and pulling up far more slowly. It was as she did this that she spotted a girl shove a younger kid out of the way and take the swing next to her. She drew herself up and just slowed her swinging, which was a good thing since this girl spoke. Challenging her…..that seemed like a mistake... Liusaidh had no interest in competitions, it wasn’t like it mattered if she won or not, her status would mean that even if someone else won they weren’t better than her. She had never cared about it. So she gave a little smirk. ”Show me how high ye can go and then we’ll see,” Liusaidh said to her, she had no intention of challenging her, or rising to it, but she could have way more fun. Liusaidh much like her siblings had a thick scottish accent, but she was never going to care if people didn’t understand her. ”Ah’ll tell ye when yer high enough,” The smirk remained on her expression.
Giselle didn't knew why she went to the park, but it was just something what came around. And she was done with her sisters rules and stuff. Giselle was sure that Sofia would be mad at her when she found her, but a talent was always in the hide and seek game that Giselle was nowhere to be found. Not actually listening to the rules of staying in the house had some details into that. The blonde jumped on the swing and looked at the girl who she just challenged. The girl said that she had to show it. Giselle frowned for a moment, didn't she believed her or something. Well if she wanted to see she should get it. '' Fine. Whatever. '' Giselle than replied shortly. She would tell when she was high enough, but how did that work. Giselle started to make a bit of speed and pushed with her feet on the ground. The girl would say when she was high enough. The blonde took a hard swing and moved around. '' It's very high for sure.'' The blonde than told the other girl and grinned for a moment. Deciding this was more pleasure than she figured it would.
Violette stayed seated on her bench, but observed the girls from far away. She no longer felt certain that her father would want her to approach them, as they seemed to take the kind of risks he would want Violette to avoid. They went very high on the swings, and from what she could tell, they were challenging each other. She felt both envious and apprehensive, wanting the girls to both notice her and not notice her at all. It was a weird conflicting feeling, and Violette stayed where she was.

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