I'll Leave 'Fore The Dawn

Mandalyn Love

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Mandalyn felt it, the wind in her hair, the chilled breeze of a summer night. She felt more than just the wind on her skin, she felt her heart thumb as night approached, knowing that if she didn't find something soon, she would be sleeping in a park again. Andi hated the thought, that because she and her traveling partner were separated, she was now homeless. She had very little money, and had no luck yet finding any work. Everywhere she was supposed to work was asking her for her address, her experience; Mandalyn had none of that. Back home she had everything given to her by her father, and her schooling in Salem was still in it's early stages. She had heard of a school in this area, the area where her mom disappeared, but she had missed the time that their sorting was going on, and was out of schooling until the time came back around.

Mandalyn looked around, thinking she'd heard something. She'd been wandering aimlessly for at least an hour. When she'd started, it was too early for the bars to be opened, and that was what Mandalyn counted on. Some man or women who was at least a bit tipsy, who would agree to let her stay for the night. It may not of been safe, but until she found Rosario, she didn't have much of a choice. With those thoughts in her mind, Mandalyn thought maybe she should turn around and head back toward the light. After all, the sign in front of her said Bleak Street, and that didn't sound like somewhere she'd want to be.

Mandalyn, now putting on a coy smile and flipping her slightly messy hair over her shoulder, made her way to the nearest pub, and waited. She waited outside of the door, gauging the danger of each person that came out, or each person that walked by. Maybe she would pick someone eventually, but everyone that left the bar seemed to be in too good of a state. Mandalyn eventually decided to move on a bit, and that's when she saw her target. Well dressed, well kept; and he looked as if he might have a couch she could sleep on. Mandalyn approached him carefully, and cleared her throat. "Excuse me?" She asked, waiting for him to reply.
Stefan Archer had been having a strange day. Work had been strange, since things were winding down for the year, well, for the semester, the year for students was far from over. But, for Stefan things were strange because of the time of year. He had been in work watching the students talked animatedly about they would be getting up to during the holidays, if they were staying in school or going home. What gifts they expected to receive, what people they couldn't wait to see, and his job as good as it was meant he had a lot of time to think, and this was not a good thing, at a time like this. With others talking so much about what they were looking forward to. Christmas for the Archer had always been tricky, they'd been good for a little while now. Well, the past two or three had been good. But, he'd really only been celebrating it for about 4 years. Before going to Hogwarts, the entire idea of christmas hadn't existed to him. His father and Stefan had never celebrated it, and of course Stefan had no idea of if they'd celebrated it with his mother in the two christmases that she'd been with them. Stefan had learned about it when he'd gone to Hogwarts and in the month of December conversation had turned to that, when the decorations had been put up, and he hadn't understood what it was. To him December 25th had been a day just like all the others. The former Slytherin had the good sense to not ask his father about it when he got home, why they'd never. It would've made things worse. His father wouldn't have cared if it was christmas or not. They'd never had money, it wasn't like he could've even bought Stefan a gift if he'd wanted to. But, Stefan's father wouldn't have wanted to. This time of the year was just a constant reminder of his father, of knowing what Christmas could mean, and how he'd never had it until the magic of the holiday had been lost. His entire day at work had been spent batting away the memories as they flooded his mind. Demanding to be felt. Demanding to be remember. It had made it strange, it had made it long, it had made it exhausting. It was why, he'd asked to leave a little early on that day. He had a couple of days off, and really just couldn't take any more of it. His superior had kindly given him the time, and it had taken no time at all for the librarian to gather himself and then leave the castle. He had left the boundaries, and had fully intended to apparate home, but knowing that the house was likely empty he decided he didn't want to go there. The man didn't want to go home just yet. Too much had happened there. Too much that was fresh on his mind. Instead he made the choice to kill a bit of time, distract himself so that he could adequately get rid of the memories.

With a small crack the man apparated to Obsidian Harbour, he began just wondering the streets. Keeping his eyes on the ground, not looking at where he was going. He wasn't exactly going anywhere, and he had no intention of sitting anywhere. At least not somewhere he might buy something. Stefan knew that one of the reasons that this time of year made him a little off, gave him a couple more bad days than other months was that it was when his father had died. Leaving Stefan finally alone in the world. It was strange to think that it would be almost seven years to the day. It seemed strange that in a few years he would've spent more of his life without his dad than with him. Most would argue that in Stefan's case it was probably a good thing his dad had died when he had, had he lived Stefan himself knew that he himself probably wouldn't have ever seen the age seventeen. Not that the actions his father had made before his death hadn't almost cost Stefan his own life. His father for reasons that Stefan didn't even try to understand had driven a knife into the former slytherin's stomach in the moments before his own death. Stefan's own memory of that time were sketchy at best, a blur of pain but he held the still very visible scar from it. Then in leaving him alone without any way of contacting the school, had left Stefan in a muggle hospital where he'd then had to spend time with another family, who had treated him in the same way that his father had. He'd gone back to Hogwarts at the start of the following school year, but it had been too hard to deal with. Too many things in his life were different, too much had changed and he couldn't deal with it. Stefan remembered the decision to leave as clear as if he'd just formed the thought. That too had almost killed him. But, here he was, healthy, twenty-one years old and very much alive. The memories of all three of these points in his life were the memories that eventually caused him to stop. Stop walking and just stare out at the road in front of him. He was a little off where Obsidian stopped, just staring ahead. His mind was being loud in his ear. The walk was doing him some good, it was easy to take his mind off it when he was just staring ahead, when he was walking and focusing on that. But it took time, and he wasn't at that point yet. Stefan was so wrapped up in his mind that he hadn't heard the girl beside him speaking. He hadn't even realised that she was there, not until he turned and suddenly she was in front of him. He jumped slightly, startled by it, but unsure about what to say, if she was this close and not moving was it likely that she'd said something.

"Hi" he said to the young girl, unsure about what to do. He looked down at the ground between them, taking a small step away from her, before glancing back up at her and meeting her eyes, "Can I help you with something?" he asked her, focusing on his words, pushing the still present memories away, he wondered what she might've said, or what she wanted. He was focused on her that was clear, it wasn't obvious aside from the fact that he hadn't heard her that he had a lot on his mind.

This is a lot longer than I had intended it to be. Others will be shorter!
The next breeze brought scents from stores and bars, sweet and sour alike. There was a hint of cinnamon in the air, and spices that were common to Christmas time. Mandalyn really hadn't though much about the fact that it was December here. Most of what distracted her was the weather, since she was sure back home had gotten a little bit of snow; and Salem was probably drowned in the white stuff. She could remember sitting on benches in the courtyard until her nose was frozen, just watching the light flakes touch the ground so peacefully. The young blonde hadn't even thought about the fact that this Christmas, she'd be without any family. Maybe the thought crossing her mind would be too much to handle; and since she was determined to not go home without knowing something about her mother, her mind repressed the feelings of sadness. However, her mind didn't bother to block out the anxious feeling she had every time she approached someone, or was approached by someone.

The man whom Andi had addressed spoke to her, and Mandalyn knew that now she had to choose her words carefully. As she did with many other men and women, she batted her eyes a bit and tried to smile. She had a fake ID on hand if anything went sour, but most likely, he would just say no. He obviously wasn't drunk, and from the looks of his stature and what he had on him, he looked like he may have a significant other. Mandalyn only thought this because he was older and a relatively handsome man. There was something about him that almost reminded her of her father. Of her father before he started seeing other women, that was. Mandalyn drew in a breath, but silence still surrounded them as they stood there, Mandalyn's blue eyes trained on the tip of his nose to give off the vibe that she was making eye contact.

Finally, after being asked if he could help her, she began a memorized spiel that se always used. She held her own hands together, clasped behind her back. "Hi, my name is Andi, and I've been travelling for a while trying different restaurants and staying in Hostels." She paused and looked behind her at a cracking sound. It was getting ever darker, so she talked a bit more speedily. "However, I haven't had any luck finding a place to stay, so if you have a couch that I can stay on I'd really appreciate it." Mandalyn stopped and drew in a quick and silent breath, waiting to find out what he had to say. If he even believed her lie.
Stefan didn't often have meetings like this. He didn't run into people like this, even if he was at a school dealing with a library and therefore students. He took the time as a small silence allowed him to actually look at the girl. His eyesight had been greatly improved by his glasses, and the contacts that he wore on occasion. They didn't help much in sunlight, but they helped him now. He was looking at the girl, and noted that she was young. She was clearly trying to look older, but he spent enough time around teens to know how to tell them apart from the adults. But, there was something about her that seemed familiar. It wasn't her looks, Stefan knew that he'd never met her before but he still felt like there was something about her that he recognised. It was strange. This situation was strange. Stefan remembered a time when this sort of meeting would've scared him. When someone who had managed to creep up on him as she had would've scared him a lot. He knew that it was a long time ago that he'd felt that but Stefan didn't think it made it any less valid. During the time in which he had stayed on the streets, he'd often avoided people and crowds. He had made a point to not talk to people unless it was necessary. It had meant that Stefan had at times gone days without saying a word to anyone. But, now here he stood, with someone he didn't know in front of him, and a strange feeling in his gut. He was keeping the memories at bay with focusing on her. The girl appeared to have a certain charm to her, she was not in the slightest unattractive but, there was a enticing charm to her. Something he couldn't pinpoint. Then as he'd been about to ask once again if he could help her, she took a a breath and then started speaking. Stefan who had been waiting to find out what she had to say sighed ever so slightly in relief. At least they were now getting somewhere.

What this girl was saying however, Stefan realised was almost rehearsed, like she'd said it before. It was a strange thing to just come up to some stranger and ask, more than once. Stefan was harmless, but surely it was dangerous. Where were her parents? Or anyone to look after her? Had she been in a situation like him? The former slytherin continued to focus on what she was saying. But, he was sure that what she was saying was likely a stretch of the truth. He looked at the ground between them, and the familiar feeling that he was having came back stronger than before. He let her finish, without saying anything. He was putting together what she'd said. Somehow he was doubting that she'd been staying in hotels, hostels and going to different restaurants. And then just the bluntness of the question that she had asked him. His natural reaction was to say yes, he knew that it was something he should talk to Kate about, but he was sure that she'd say yes too. He glanced at the girl, wondering what had driven her to seek out people's sofa's to sleep on. And with his experience he jumped straight to the worse one. He couldn't help it. This girl, who had introduced herself as Andi was having a rough time, she was sleeping around in different places, never really safe. Stefan glanced the girl up an down, look for signs that she was hurt. He doubted that she had stayed in a hostel in a long while, he was sure that her speech had been told to others. Stefan knew all too well the troubles and dangers of living on the streets, and this girl was just picking people and probably hoping for the best. He knew how little there was to eat, and he remembered the rain and the cold. There was something about this girl that sort of screamed at him that she was more capable than he'd ever been, but it was no reason to say no. No matter how capable, the streets were dangerous.

"I'm Stefan, by the way" he started finally looking back up at her, letting his eyes try to find the signs that he remembered in himself. He had no idea that she like him, had incredibly blue eyes. He took a small breath, "Andi, right? Listen, my fiancee and I, have a spare room, so you can sleep there for as long as you need, for as long as it takes for you to find a place" he wasn't going to tell her right there and then that he was beginning to guess that it was a lie and that she had no place, but Stefan didn't want to scare her off. "Because a bed is more comfortable than a sofa and a sofa is more comfortable than the floor" he said, as if he knew from experience how a sofa was more comfortable than the floor and not just through common sense. It was as he spoke that he realised why she was familiar to him, he'd been in a situation where he'd had no where to sleep and had so desperately not wanted to sleep in the cold and wet. He knew how tricky and dangerous it was living on the streets, if he could help her, even just a little Stefan would be more than happy. "Can you apparate?" If she was older, and therefore a legal adult then, she'd be able to, but if not then it was another indication that this girl's story wasn't quite as true.
Mandalyn's large, blue orbs were not just focused on the taller man before her. She let her eyes wander, watching people who walked by them, who sat on benches, and even people who were leaving bars. Keeping options open was key to not sleeping on the streets again for Mandalyn. After all, her magic wasn't so advanced that she could look showered when she wasn't. The thought of a shower made Mandalyn's hairs stand on end, as if they were shouting at her to clean them. Andi had never been more than two days without a shower, and while she didn't smell bad thanks to some magic, she definitely didn't feel as clean as she would had she been home, showering every morning before classes at Salam. Mandalyn's blonde hair showed signs of breaking from the lack of expensive hair care products, or really any decent hair care products at all. She'd only made enough to buy food by finding some Galleons on the ground, and in some cases being given some by the people who took her in. Mandalyn was very pleased that she had come to a place where the people were so generous. She'd only really had one bad experience thus far, and that was he airport in Italy saying better luck next time and refunding her ticket.

Mandalyn tried only to think of the positive though, however there was a fair bit of negative around her that made it hard to do so. The man in front of Mandalyn spoke to her, and to be honest, her mouth opened wide in surprise. The shorter blonde stood there, looking like a wide mouthed bass trying to breath again. Stay as long as she like? Was her charm that much for someone? Mandalyn knew that she had something about her, a light charm, that seemed to draw people in when she was using it; but there was no way that this was it. In that moment all of the possibilities ran through her mind. Was he going to take advantage of her? Was he a member of the new group of death eaters that had risen up? Maybe he was a father, and so worry for a young woman came natural to him. Whatever the reason, Mandalyn knew that she should answer soon, but she couldn't find the words. Thank you would have been a good start, but Mandalyn remained silent for another moment.

With her head tilted to the ground she was caught up in hr thoughts. Finally, after some deliberation, Mandalyn's bright blue orbs raised to meet Stefan's brown ones. "I don't know what to say..." She said, only focusing on his offer to let her stay as long as she wanted. Then his question hit her. Apparate. Can she apparate? poop. Mandalyn couldn't apparate yet, she hadn't learned how. This was a dead give away. She'd managed to hide it from Rosario, but how was she going to hide it from someone who outright asked her. "I can, but it's not something I enjoy doing..." Then Mandalyn continued. "You see, I've been unable to eat today, so if i do it on an empty stomach, I risk splinching." The excuse made sense in her head. Her father always ate half an hour before apparation. This way he had a more stable mind to concentrate with.
Stefan hardly made decisions that were so quickly made. he just didn't. It wasn't really his style he was all about taking his time and figuring things out, too many uncertainties that really couldn't be accounted for in a quick decision. Stefan smiled however at the girl. The more he looked at her the more he felt like he realising what was wrong with her. Stefan had met more than a few people who had been in a similar situation to him during his time. The signs were usually noticeable, though, he was sure that his own experiences made him more attune to them. He knew that she likely wouldn't want to say what was actually going on, and he could understand that. It had been incredibly hard for him to tell anyone what had happened to him, or why he was there. He didn't like questions and the more questions were asked the less likely he'd been to answer them. he would step away, he would've stepped away. Stefan had been wary of people who asked too many question, who presumed to know. It had only been in the true moments of desperation that he'd gotten help. When he had been so done with it all. Now, he was much better. He was happier, more alive, healthy. His life was on track despite all of the things that had happened. And in his mind, he knew that it wouldn't be like that, had it not been for the kindness of the people that he met. Which was why, he felt just so inclined to help her. She needed a place to stay and he had such a place, he had plenty of space. Those things were not so much issues in his mind. They were normal things that he had. And things that he could offer to her as help.

Stefan was not that surprised by her reaction, after all he had just offered her something most would not. And really he didn't want anything in return. He just wanted to help someone. She seemed to repeat it, and he just smiled and nodded. "There's the space, you don't need to say anything" he replied with a little smile. Stefan had asked the question, and wondered if she was old enough. While he didn't want to ask that many questions, he wanted to see how old she was.If he could by this. However her response stumped him. He had never been bothered by apparating on an empty stomach, though with his new views on life he was rarely doing anything on an empty stomach. He ate pretty much anything. He nodded accepting her answer as both a fact and also that maybe she didn't know how. He wondered how else to get her back to his home. Unless she was comfortable with side along apparition, which he didn't know because he'd literally just met her. "That's alright" he told her with a smile. He was sure that mostly the reason for her not wanting to apparate was because she was too young, but he wasn't going to push it. He would accept her answer as it was. "I don't have a car or a broom or anything, so are you good with side-along apparition?" he asked her a little nervously, of course there was the option of walking, but it was far, and he didn't want to make her have to suffer that when they as wizards have easier ways. "Or we could go grab a bite to eat before heading back" he then offered, knowing that was also a good option, and if she really was living around like he thought she was, then surely something to eat wouldn't go amiss.
Mandalyn felt her facade was slowly coming to an end. However, the petite blonde would grip any sort of familiarity that she could. She was not going to let her lie be saw through. She needed this. if she was discovered she would be back to square one, and may even be under arrest for running away. She wasn't sure if they'd be able to send her back though, as she was from the states and was all the way down here. Her father would throw the biggest fit if he was forced to come get her. Mandalyn had to stay strong in her ruse, too many things could go wrong if she didn't. The petite blonde was now shifting weight from one foot to another, wondering if she would be able to hide what was truly behind her large blues. The homesickness that welled in her any time she thought of her father, it was something she was hiding now a days. She wondered if the man even missed her, or if he was too preoccupied with his new woman to give a damn. The silence in her brain after that last thought was almost eerie. The she repeated the question, did her father miss her? She was sure that the answer was no.

Mandalyn's head tilted down toward her shoes and she smiled lightly. Once again emotion welling up in her eyes. She wouldn't cry though, it was not her place to do such a thing. Instead she nodded at the brunette man. "Thank you, Stefan." She said with a toothy grin, batting her eyes a bit out of habit. Her mind was racing with ways to say thank you, as she was so grateful for an opportunity like this. She wasn't just offered a night, and it seemed that there were no strings attached. Mandalyn was young and naive, even if there had been, she would have just been happy to be out of the cold. The young woman hadn't encountered someone that was as kind as Stefan, well with the exception of Rio's family. Though, Mandalyn had become separated from the boy some time ago, otherwise she would not have a need for the streets. Mandalyn did not dwell on this, though, knowing that she needed to answer his next few questions carefully. The short woman though, and then gave a definitive nod. "Side-along should not be a problem for me. Less energy exerted and what not." She gave a smile, now hoping that her facade had been picked up.

sorry this has taken so long, life has taken an odd turn

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