I'll Keep Loving You Forever.

Raffael Fox

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
With a flick of a wand, around two dozen thick emerald green candles lifted into the air of the apartment shared by Hadan and Raffael. After twirling the wand between his fingers, Raffael walked towards the light switch and dimmed them down low. With another swish of his wand, the candles were lit, causing beautiful shapes to flicker off the walls. In the centre of a room was a small table, covered in a soft white cloth. Two tall, elegant candles burned in the middle of the table, reflecting light onto the beautiful china that was pure white with a deep green pattern tracing around the edges. A piano medley played softly in the background, adding to the mood that Raffael had put a lot of effort into setting.

Raffael checked that his shirt was completely tucked in and the sleeves were rolled up for the millionth time. He ran a hand through his hair as he scanned the room to check that everything was in place. He watched as the floating candles drifted slowly around the table where he couldn't wait to be sat with his girlfriend of three years. It didn't feel like that long, as every time he saw her, or even thought about her, it would feel like the very first time. Raffael smiled as some of his nerves fizzled away at the thought of his beautiful Hadan. He stepped past the table to the window. Peering out, Raff took in the rain and the way tiny water droplets slid down the window, merging together occasionally and slipping faster. It reminded him of the very first time he had met Hadan and they had danced and splashed and fallen over in the rain, without a care in the world except the feeling of a connection. The feeling of a greater bond between them that had yet to discover for themselves.

Several minutes passed with Raffael's mind buzzing with thoughts about everything and nothing all at once. He turned back to the dimly lit room. He hoped it wasn't too much, but he honestly couldn't help being a hopeless romantic. Nothing he had done in the past quite compared to what he was doing tonight, but Hadan was worth it. Raffael knew that words could not even begin to express how much he truly loved her, so perhaps romantic gestures could achieve what Raffael's words could not. The whole room was decorated with white and Hadan's favourite colour, green. It had been a while since Raffael had seen his girlfriend. He regretted not going with her on her trip to Romania every second that she was away. If everything went well, the night would be perfect. Raff turned to the door, the hard part was waiting for her to arrive.
Hadan Johnson had long since notified Raffael of her return sometime today. Hadan was a little nervous about meeting with him again. Why was this? Hadan for a fact had changed, and probably not in the best way either. The reason why it is was because she had joined the Death Eaters and was being trained by Hades. She wasn't really that third year Slytherin anymore. She was a little colder, more ruthless, and her anger could be controlled by some means. Hadan had a pregnancy scare, but thankfully that was corrected because she did not want children right now. Even at twenty years of age, she was still too young to be a mother. She did not want to be for years to come actually. But those were her thoughts now. Her red eyes glanced up at the apartment that Raffael and herself shared. She had no idea what her boyfriend could be planning, but she had to tell him eventually. Could it be possible that Hadan was actually dreading this? Perhaps she could run away to Romania because he might not even like the idea of having a Death Eater for a girlfriend anymore. She was not going to back out of them because of that. She liked training, and she liked training with Andromeda Fiorelli. Not many knew that she was staying with the Zhefarovich's, but Hadan knew her, and they talked quite a bit when she went there from time to time.

The former Slytherin entered the apartment, just dodging the rain. Her eyes went to look outside, and she smiled faintly. It reminded her of the first day that her and Raffael met. Acting like they had not a care in the world back then. But now, life was taking its toll. She had to look for a job soon. She wanted to work at Saint Mungo's with Alyssa. But she might wait a bit on it, to brush up on her healing skills anyway. She needed to make sure that everything was perfect. Hadan made her way up the stairs, and she found her apartment. She opene the door slowly, her black jeans forming over her long legs, and her hair waved around her. She wore no make up, and her boots were heeled. What she saw was not what she thought she was going to end up seeing when she returned. Everything was white and green, the color that she truly loved. It was a small gesture, but the Death Eater in training smiled warmly at such the welcoming present. The table was a sight as well. Wow, he must have worked hard to get this all going, just for her. She closed the door behind her with a soft click. Hadan might not be that romantic, but what girl would not love this? Alyssa would love to hear about it. Did Raffael take lessons from Vincent? Hadan turned her eyes to Raffael and she inquired in disbelief, "Is all this, for me?" Surely she did not deserve this.
Raffael had begun pacing around the apartment. He was usually a very patient man, but his skin was itching with the need to see Hadan, to have her in his arms. Every second that he was forced to wait felt like hours. Raffael paused by the table and reached up to gently prod a candle that loomed near him, he then cast a spell to clear up a spot of melted wax that had dripped onto the table cloth from the tall candles in the centre. Just as he was pocketing his wand he heard the click of heeled shoes outside the door. His breath caught in his throat as he watched the door handle turn. When Hadan was revealed it felt as though every nerve in his body relaxed. He stood silently, watching her reaction to his gesture. A smile lifted the corners of his mouth at her words. "Who else?" Raff asked with a fold expression. Finally concluding that he couldn't wait any longer, he walked over to his girlfriend and wrapped his strong arms around her slender form. He inhaled deeply, not realizing how much he had truly missed her until that moment. "How was Romania?" He asked, knowing that he didn't need to tell her that he had missed her, as that much was a given.

Pulling back from the hug, Raffael closed the door behind Hadan and moved to the table to pull out a chair for the former Slytherin. He knew that Hadan could be guarded and that overly mushy things and a lot of physical affection weren't her cup of tea, so now that she was here, Raff couldn't help but feel a wave of uncertainty wash over him. Was it too much? He bit his lip as he pulled out his own chair and took a seat opposite. He then ran a hand through his hair, which was once forced to be kept in immaculate condition, but now usually had a hand in it, mussing it up. However, Raffael did not think he would ever forget his proper mannerisms, as his back was kept straight as he sat in his chair and took in the features of his girlfriend. They had changed, but Raffael struggled to figure out in what way they had altered. There was something there that was new, that much Raff could be certain of. But whether it was a good new or a bad new was what Raffael struggled on.
The Death Eater was truly amazed. Everything was so detailed, and wondered what the special occasion was. Her red eyes may be colder, but the emotions of how she felt for Raffael were still like fire, pure red and beautiful fire burned behind those eyes. Hadan wasn't too emotional, but it was enough to really put a warm smile on those lips, as much as she had when she graduated with her friends and family, how everyone arrived to meet her, and congratulate her. The moment he hugged her, Hadan just felt like play-doh. Then again, it was similar to how everyone felt when they were in love, was it not? Hadan returned the hug, really missing those muscles on her love's body. How could she have left for Romania when she clearly could have brought him with her? Hadan murmured, "Wow, I'm just impressed that you worked so hard just for me." Hadan felt honored to have someone care about her. Not many ever did in her life, and growing up with death all around, one appreciates the smaller things in life. Once she pulled back from the hug, same time as he did, Hadan had forgotten what she really wanted to talk to him about. It was something really important, but it was not until the question was asked when she remembered.

It made her wonder how one could tell the other that they had joined forces with killers, and was going to be one herself? Some people accepted, others did not. Hadan murmured, "I'll save that for a moment. I am still taking in the welcome home." Hadan smiled softly, before she walked over to the other chair, and then taking in the handsome features of her boyfriend and her lover. Many times, she wondered what would happen between them. Never once had she doubted that they would last. Hadan figured that they just clicked and it was just meant to be. Hadan folded her hands in her lap, and she felt that now would be better than never. She decided to just kind of ask the question, one that she might not want to hear the answer to. "Okay, Raffael, while on my trip to Romania - which you should totally come because it is amazing! - I was researching. So, what are your takes on the Death Eaters in general?" Hadan looked almost completely innocent when she asked this. Hadan knew that she was a blunt girl, but she always had a reason behind every question she asked. She prayed that the answer would be something in her own favor. She was risking a lot as it was, and being best friends with a woman who's husband was an Auror was enough. Could she risk being with someone that hated people like her?
Raffael's smile reached his eyes. Eyes that didn't leave his girlfriend for a second. In Raff's opinion, Hadan got more beautiful every time he saw her. He was pleased to discover she was impressed by his efforts and it put his mind at ease. He knew better than to worry of what Hadan thought of him, they loved each other too much. "You know that I would do anything for you," he reassured with truth in his words. He never thought it possible to care about someone as much as he cared about Hadan. His parents had never truly loved him and his past relationships with woman had always felt more like friendships than love. Things with Hadan were so much different than that. He doubted he would ever feel this way about any one else, it was one of those things that you only found once in your life.

When they were seated, Raffael pulled his wand out of his pocket, holding it under the table and mumbled a charm that conjured the creamy pasta dish he had cooked earlier from the kitchen. Raffael wouldn't brag, but he knew that he was a good cook. He had been forced to learn at a young age to make dishes for himself, because it was often that his parents would go out and leave him to his own devices. He'd often get his mother's cook books out and try as many dishes as he could, altering them to his own tastes, until he had quite a range of cooking knowledge under his belt. He had made this dish a couple of times for Hadan and it was one of his best, so he figured it would be perfect for tonight.

Dinner would have to wait though, a heating charm had been placed on the dish anyway to keep it warm and still taste like it had just been cooked when they got around to eating it. He had a lot of questions for his girlfriend and general catching up to do before they got stuck into their food. Raff crossed his arms on the table in front of him, leaning forward to listen to Hadan as she began to talk about Romania. He would definitely be going along the next time she went, he didn't think he would be able to survive being away from Hadan again. He couldn't even remember the reason he had stayed home last time. When his girlfriend mentioned Death Eaters, Raff's interest perked up. Raffael knew his girlfriend well enough to know that she rarely even mentioned something unless it had significance. Raff swallowed, drawing a million conclusions in his mind. Had she been abducted while she was there? And she was acting innocent as to not freak him out? His mind had stuck on that one. Drawing up images of her screaming as she was dragged off by a dark figure, and he paled a bit at the thought. "Hadan," Raffael started in a quiet tone. "What happened in Romania?" His eyes displayed concern and his tone conveyed that Hadan could trust Raff enough to tell him the truth, but also that he needed to know said truth.
Would that be before or after you know that I kill people? thought Hadan as she heard what Raffael said. Hadan was petrified that if she told, she would have to kill the one that she loved. The moment of revealing something like this, other than her family, no one knew about the darkness and the evil that lurked within Hadan's mind and soul. The darkness that lurked beneath every Zhefarovich was there, and it was yearning for a way out. She had to make sure that he would accept her, and if he didn't, Hadan would not know what to do. He was the only boy that really treated her like she was accepted in this life. Hadan was just thankful that her time with him was grand, and she just hoped that it would last. "You always were the charmer," murmured Hadan when she glanced down at the creamy pasta dish filled her eyes, but there was something that she just did not feel up to, and that was eating. Needing to tell him completely made her forget about her hunger. Hadan liked this dish, it was one of her favorites from Raffael. Hadan herself was not a good cook. She was good at anything liquid though, and she was good at potions, but food was not in her range of expertise. Hadan never bothered learning because she could just conjure it really, and she preferred drinking liquids over eating anyway. But with the way her stomach felt right now, she did not want to really eat anything. Why did this have such an effect on her? It was just one little thing, really. Well, not really little, but it should be no big deal actually.

But when she heard her name, her red eyes were forced to meet with his own, and then he asked what happened in Romania. Hadan shook her head and she doubted that he was thinking anything good about the Death Eaters. Hadan let out a frustrated sigh, "Nothing happened in Romania. Mom and I were researching, and well, the reason being, Raffael, I have to have your thoughts on Death Eaters." Hadan held up a hand before he would be able to say anything. She did this to warn him that she was about to tell him something large. She rubbed her left forearm subtly, and because she was in training, she did not have the mark yet, but she did have missions to go on though. The things were just too important to just pass up. Hadan would have to go back to the Zhefarovich Manor soon to continue with her training, and maybe set up a schedule or something. She did not want to take Raffael there, because she knew that he would get freaked out over it. He had seen her father, the largest in bulk of the Zhefarovich's other than Asparuh himself. But being amongst the giants would very well frighten anyone. Hadan took a breath before her red eyes locked with his. Her red eyes were hardened, to block all emotion and taking on a more serious tone. Her expression was not a laughing matter at all. She was being utmost serious when she said, "I've joined them." Now, she wanted to see what would happen. Would he turn her away to the Aurors? Would he accept it? Hadan tapped her fingers against the wood of the table, anxious but looking as calm as ever.
Raff shook off her words, but accepted that they were probably true. He would admit that he may have been a little bit of a charmer, because he liked the knowledge that he could make someone feel special or wanted. Well, perhaps not any old someone, but Hadan. Raff knew there was nothing better than to see her smile, or to make her happy. And if that made him a charmer, he wouldn't deny it. But at that moment with the two of them sitting at the dinner table, Raffael knew that there was something holding Hadan back from being happy and it bothered Raffael. He wanted to snatch away whatever was making her feel that way, but Raffael knew better than to think he could protect his girlfriend from anything. Deep down he knew that she was a lot stronger than he was. She had been through and seen a lot more than Raff had. So in the long run, Hadan could handle herself just fine.

At Hadan's frustrated sigh, Raffael tugged his hair, confused. If nothing happened in Romania, then what was wrong? Raff's mind started thinking up a million thoughts about death eaters. All of those thoughts involved death, destruction and war. The death eaters were the ones that had followed Voldemort blindly through the darkest times of the wizarding world. They had an intense hate for anyone that wasn't of pureblood descent. Which meant Raffael's birth mother would be one of the first to go being a muggleborn. It was incredible that they still existed this long after the war was over, and with their forces growing, they might not have been an overall threat to the world at that moment, but it could very well get that way in the future. If there was on thing that Raffael could conclude from his thoughts, it was that no good could come from those people.

When Raffael was about to voice his opinions, Hadan's hand silenced him and he peered at her in desperate curiosity. Why was his girlfriend acting so strange? There seemed to be a thick silence that spread between them as Raffael waited patiently for Hadan's next words. When they were finally spoken, they came out like a knife slicing through the tension between them, but also cutting deep into Raffael's heart. His mind switched off, his earlier opinions on death eaters the only things bubbling around in his head, although this time they had Hadan's face. Blood, violence and murder, with his beautiful girlfriend behind it all. Raff went pale and had to sit back a little in his chair as the smell of his meal made him slightly nauseous. The tapping of Hadan's fingers was loud in the quiet room. He peered into her eyes, his mouth gaped open slightly. He didn't know what to say. An image of the large tattoo that covered Hadan's back flashed in Raffael's mind and he knew that this was the world that Hadan had been brought up to be a part of. Maybe she didn't have a choice but the join them. It felt like a long time before Raff finally spoke. "You... have to hurt people... don't you Hadan?" Raffael found himself flinching as he pictured Hadan coming home one night covered in blood. The images didn't add up in his head, Raff didn't want it to be true, but he knew that Hadan had said it and that she wouldn't have lied.
The news was out, and Hadan almost wanted to run, run like a muggle being chased by a car. Hadan had seen a lot of the muggle world and she knew how it was going to be. Hadan figured that the thoughts that were running in his mind were nothing short of the cliche thoughts of the Death Eaters. They brought about fear, destruction and death. Wars were started and they were ended now that Lord Voldemort was deceased. However they Death Eaters were still strong under the legacy of his leadership. He supported the eradication of those that she blamed for ruining her life. Those without magic and those that should have never had magic. Muggle-borns descended from a squib so long ago, and that was what her birth father was. He was a squib and because of him, he had torn her family apart. Even though he was dead, she still wanted revenge of those that could do the same thing to others as he did onto her and Miriah. Because of him, she would not ever met Miriah. That one lucky meeting was by chance, and that was pure luck. Hadan loved that day and now, things could not have been better. Hadan just hoped that Raffael would come to terms that Hadan was not the nice person that she appeared to be. Well, she was nice, when she wanted to be and to those that she believed deserved it. However, there was a raging pit inside of her heart that yearned for the spilling of blood to those that descended from the same type of people that Bryan Stuart came from. Hadan made sure not to allow these thoughts come to her mind, but every action of Raffael was vital to this. If he could not accept it, she would not be here.

The red eyes could see the whiteness spread across his face like wildfire, and Hadan just knew that this was a bad idea. He did not want her to be a Death Eater. He probably would leave her now that he knows. Well, Hadan would beat him to that to save her dignity. The paleness was enough to cause Hadan to avert her eyes and she folded her arms across her chest. Her cold, red eyes closed for the moment, and she suddenly did not feel like eating anything right now. Or even drinking. Her mind screamed at her to go back to Romania. Hadan finally glanced up when she heard what he had to say. Or rather, what he had to ask. It was a simple question, but it was almost common sense. A Death Eater does in fact have to harm people. That is one of the only ways to get their names out there, to make sure that there was no peace in the world. Death Eaters were on the rise, and blood would end up spilling. Hadan also knew that she may have to kill if she needed to, especially when there was an Auror on her tail and she was cornered. She would fight to the death. Hadan slowly nodded and she murmured, "I may even have to kill, Raffael. My question is; can you bear being with a murderer?" A part of her training at the Manor including killing, and that was something that she would have to learn how to do without so much as a second thought over the person's life. Hadan needed to harden her heart, and she would have to learn how to do the things that Hades could do as well for the most part. Not following people over obsession but tracking people down on a mission.
Hadan's arms crossed across her chest. Raffael watched her eyes close for a moment and took in the gesture. He knew that his girlfriend was nervous about this, about telling him, but she was choosing to remain closed off to avoid letting him know how she was really feeling. He had always respected how strong Hadan could be, but it pained Raffael to know that his reaction was the reason Hadan was putting on a brave front. Hadan was often hard to read, but Raffael knew her well enough to know what her emotions were when it came to him. He knew that she cared, and if she felt anything to what he felt about her, then she cared a lot. It couldn't be easy telling someone you love something this large.

Raffael averted his eyes at her nod as the words kill and murderer echoed in his mind after Hadan's question. He didn't know the answer, which made him panic. His mind was spinning and he gripped the edge of the table to steady himself. He wanted to think rationally about this, but he didn't have time. Not with Hadan sitting so close to him, expecting an answer. It dawned on Raffael that this was one of the biggest strains their relationship could possibly try to endure, one that Raff wasn't entirely sure he could handle. He had always played by the rules, he'd never broken a law or stepped out of line. It was the way he was raised. Hadan was entirely different. He realised time had stretched on and Hadan was still waiting. He half expected her to leave. It wasn't a matter of whether he loved her, because there was no question that he did. It was a matter of could he continue loving her with the consequences that her lifestyle would involve. He knew there was no way he could try to talk her out of it, once Hadan's mind was made up, that was it.

'Can you bear being with a murderer?' Raffael didn't look up. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, because the silence had been thick in the air for long minutes now. But no words came. He couldn't answer her question. He didn't know how. 'I may even have to kill, Raffael.' He didn't want to let Hadan down, didn't want her to doubt herself and their relationship, but the bomb that had been dropped was too big for Raffael to process in mere minutes. His elbow came to the table and he covered his eyes, resting his face in his hands. His head was throbbing with mixed emotions. It was just too much.
This silence was getting too much for her. Her red eyes closed momentarily, but the silence, it was indicating that she and Raffael - if he could not accept it - were obviously not meant to be. He was not raised like she was, but he had been around her adopted family, which were full of Death Eaters. Chavdar was one now, which was something large in itself. Hadan honestly had no idea if he even liked Raffael. Was she in the wrong? Maybe she should have given him time. But time was just it. She could not lose any more than she had to already. Time was precious, and something like this, Hadan thought that all it took was one minute to see if one can handle being with a Death Eater. Obviously, she could see that Raffael could not, and it had been longer than a minute. Her appetite was long gone. She couldn't bare to be here anymore. Blood deafened her as she thought about what she was going to say. The biggest bump in their relationship, Hadan hated to say that it was her, but it was. She would be the downfall of it, and she would not be able to handle it. Not here. Hadan had to get out, and she knew it. The rain outside did not let up either, but where would she go? Hadan didn't think. She couldn't think. After many years of being with Raffael, just a few words could cause it all to end. Hadan wanted to avoid drama at all cost, and now she felt like she was the source of it this time. Technically, she was. She caused them this...this obstacle. Hadan let out a small sigh, and she opened her red eyes once more. Cold, lost, but also swarming with a sense of hurt and betrayal. She wanted her face however to stay the same, but her expression was practically spelling the words that she was about to say.

Finally, words so soft, yet unwavering, escaped her lips, "I can see how it will be... Don't worry Raffael, you won't have to be burdened with having a Death Eater around any longer." Hadan could not bare to even look at him. She just got up, and with her heels clicking, walked out of the room. A heaviness overwhelmed her, the first feeling of heartbreak perhaps. Was this how Miriah felt when Aiden practically stomped on her heart before he repaired it? If so, perhaps she could flee to Miriah. But even then, she did not know how Miriah would take her being a Death Eater or not. She practically felt alone. Perhaps she could run to her mother and see how to get over it. Hadan would have to live with this for all of her life. Hadan went into the elevator, and traveled down the apartment with that elevator. Once on the first floor, Hadan went out from whence she came. Out into the rain and then she stopped under a streetlight. The sky cried still, hard and heavy, soaking Hadan to her bone. She did not care though. She was going over how she felt right now. Never had she cried, but she felt like she could. That heaviness in her chest, that tightness of her throat. She could feel it. But no tears ever came. Hadan stared up at the crying sky, wondering if the sky was doing all the hard bits for her. Hadan let out a sigh, and she thought, Death Eaters weren't supposed to be harmed by a significant other. We are supposed to stand strong. Yet, me feeling this...it is just pathetic... Hadan also had to remember, she was still young too. Grown up as she might be, or might feel, everyone is vulnerable to love, and the repercussions of it. She was feeling the part she never wanted to feel, which was why she was frozen on the spot.
The words that came out of Hadan's mouth added to the heart ache he already felt. He had been heartbroken when his parents had abandoned him, but to Raff, this was worse. He devoted his entire world to Hadan. Loved her with every tiny bit of his heart. He couldn't imagine himself loving anyone else in the world as much as he loved her. And now she was saying it was over. Over? He didn't remove his hands from his face, even as he heard the chair push away from the table and the clicking of Hadan's heels make their way towards the doorway. He listened to that sound against the floor, each step a direct puncture in his relationship with Hadan. She was walking away, from the years they had spent together, from the love they shared and Raffael was letting her go. Something was definitely wrong with this picture.

The sound of the door clicking shut made Raffael's head snap out of his hands. He stared at the empty seat, before his eyes moved to the door that had just closed on everything. In that moment Raffael felt more alone than he ever had in his life. He could hear his own heartbeat echo in the room. Regardless of the soft piano playing in the background, Raffael was swallowed by a looming feeling of silence and regret. He sat there, for only a moment, the thoughts that had been swirling in his mind, slowed to a stop, finding their place in the puzzle that was Raffael's brain. Suddenly Raffael shot up from his chair and practically ran to the kitchen, yanking open a draw and withdrawing his conclusion to the whole situation.

Raffael bolted from the kitchen to the door, in a very uncharacteristic way. Raff was usually the model of all things proper, but now was not the time for that. He just prayed that Hadan hadn't apparated away, because after what had just happened, he doubted he would be able to find her if she had left. He pounded the buttons on the elevator in haste, hoping the doors would open faster. When the did, Raff rounded the corner to see Hadan on the street. His movements slowed, but he still pushed open the doors of the apartment building in a swift manner and called out to the love of his life.

"Hadan!" Raffael felt the back of his eyes sting with the build up of all his emotions, but he had to stay calm. He needed Hadan to hear what he had to say without any confusion. Raff let the doors close behind him as he stepped forward slowly towards his girlfriend. "Hadan, I don't want you to go," he said a little breathlessly, "ever." Raffael reached up a hand and touched Hadan's cheek gently, swiping a droplet of rain away, only for it to be replaced by another a second later. He ignored the droplets rolling down his own face and starting to soak his clothes. "I don't care what happens. I don't care who you work for or what you have to do. As long as the way you feel about me doesn't change, none of it matters." He stared into her eyes and the words came straight from his heart. Through all his thoughts about violence and murder, he knew one thing was for certain. And his feelings had never once changed on the matter. He loved Hadan. Love was stronger than anything else and love would be nothing without trials. Raffael knew he would rather be with Hadan and her choices than be alone and without her in his life.

His eyes never leaving Hadan, Raffael fell onto one knee, a puddle of water splashing and immediately soaking through his trousers. The street lamp was struggling to illuminate the couple through the rain, but Raffael could see Hadan's beautiful face perfectly. He lifted the small box that he had extracted from the kitchen draw. It had been the original purpose of the night. And it would remain so. Tilting the lid back off the box, Raffael revealed the contents; a sparkling diamond and emerald engagement ring. "I had this planned for dinner, but..." Raff trailed off knowing Hadan would catch on without him explaining. The rain falling on them brought the memories of the first time they had meant to the front of Raffael's mind. "I love you, Hadan. And I have no intentions of stopping anytime soon. Will you do me the honour and allow me to keep loving you forever?"
The feeling of heartbreak was seriously not in the small print of having a relationship. The feeling was worse than anything she had ever felt in her twenty years of living on this dreadful and pitiful planet. Hadan clinched the cold, wet metal of the lamppost that she was standing next to for support. Her legs felt as though they could collapse at any time as she realized just what she had done. She had just ended the most precious thing she considered in her life. Something that caused her to think about crossing the path to good, but then again, love could work both ways after seeing the true love between Thorine and Arnost, Kalif and Nicolette, and so many others. Love was something that a Zhefarovich found only once. How could Hadan think that she could just throw that away as if it was nothing? What hurt the most was that on her way out, there was no sounds of footsteps behind her, no calling out her name, nothing but silence. The thought of being let go felt as though she was just nothing more but a burden. Perhaps she was. Hadan closed her ruby red eyes and she hoped that all these years, when thinking back on it, they were the happiest years of her life. Raffael, her sister, her family, everything was just perfect. Now, none of that mattered because what if she threw away the only person that could ever love her fully away? Then again, love worked both ways. If Raffael truly loved her, he would not care what she did, and what group she was in, whether it would have been the Aurors or the Death Eaters. Hadan let out a soft sigh, and exhaled slowly. She leaned against the lamppost, trying to gather any thoughts that would be considered rational in her mind. Never in her life would she have dreamed of this nightmare. The rain soaked her brunette hair, causing the hair to darken around her enlightened skin from the rays of the lamppost. Rain continued to pelt her, as time began to slow. Her thoughts raced, blood pounded, heart was behaving like a combination of her thoughts and blood. Not many people were walking, but she did hear someone coming. Slowly, her head turned toward the sound.

Her name was called, and she stared into the face of the one that stole her heart. Skipping a beat every so often as each second passed, her facial expression was more or less confused. What was he doing out here? Was he trying to stop her? Not more than ten seconds later, she would have apparated off, not leaving any track behind her. Raffael was extremely lucky. He said that he did not want her to go. Then well, would he be able to accept her as a Death Eater? His hand caressed her cheek, and she let out a soft sigh. She wanted to talk, she wanted to, but he continued on. The feelings doesn't change, and then she knew that perhaps the man came into his right mind and chose to go on love, rather than what the person stood for. The feelings she had for Raffael had never once changed. None of that would change, or would it? Hadan nodded softly, saying that she felt the same, as the feeling of heartbreak slowly washed away with the rain that fell onto her body. But the moment she watched him get down on one knee, she could not help but whisper, "Raffael, don't kneel, you'll get..." but her voice was cut off by the moment that she saw a box. The box, inside was a sparkling ring that literally took her breath away - either that or it was the coldness from the rain that suddenly washed over her body. Hadan heard that the original plan for the dinner was the purpose of the ring. It was an engagement ring. Hadan was baffled. Never once had she thought of marriage. Well, the original purpose was interrupted by what she wanted to tell him, but without him knowing what she was, she was not wishing to say what she wanted. She wanted to say yes, she dearly wanted to. Spend forever with Raffael, however the thought of marriage petrified her. However, the Slytherin girl was brave. Everything was a new challenge. Hadan smiled lightly, and she murmured, "...Yes, Raffael, yes..." It was all she could breathe out, before she embraced him tightly, though she had much force when she hugged her love. He at least accepted her as a Death Eater, chose love over it all. Hadan just hoped that nothing will indeed go wrong.

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