I'll heal you up in any possible way

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Sydney Melbourne

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Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
I know ... bad title :tut:

Though, Sydney will really heal you up because she's an ER/Trauma Nurse but also a Healer in the wizarding world. Sydney Melbourne is a frank and clever lady that gets easily away from the wizarding law with the help of the people who hires her as their private Healer *insert mob/mafia movie titles*. Only known and rich family knows who she is and what she does in the wizarding world. Sydney also just joined the Scitorari, of course, no one knows that either except fellow Scitorari but that doesn't mean she's mean. She can be uptight sometimes but she's loyal and friendly. The only thing she hates is when people questions about how she brews her potions.

So, yeah, she needs everything from friends to enemies. Love interest/final are open as well (she prefer to get married at an early age) I was thinking for her final that the man doesn't know that she's a Scitorari (Blood statues are not my concern but I'll be applying Sydney as pure blood). If y'all are interested, let me know by PM through Peyton Baird or just reply here.

Can't wait to rp Sydney with your IC
Okay so don't worry I'm not crazy but I totes want to have a best friendship with this beautiful Punnily named woman. And I have just the woman for it. Her name is Regina Tennet, she's a professional Quidditch player - and oh yeah totes gives us oppertunities for gifs like these!


Okay Regina is a go getter, she's confident and fairly intelligent however her head has always been in the game. Back a while ago she broke her leg and had a bar put it, so imagine she has check ups on it. Because it was a muggle doctor who did it she prefers to see them, but if she found a hired nurse that is private and up to standards she might be hella game for that :r

Besides that we can see if they bond and what they have in common. For instance Regina didn't hate potions :r

Lemme know what you think about that.

I also have a potions woman, Astrea and she's a bubbly little thing so they might not get along - or might like each other for their similar interests! You can get in contact with me any time I'd love to get plotting!

So sorry for the lateness, Cole

When I finished reading I told myself she's perfect, so perfect. You want to try Sydney as her private healer or private nurse? Just a precaution, she uses potions that are not quite Ministry approve but don't worry, she's not going to accidentally kill Regina. Maybe that way they could know each other more.

And as for Asteria, we can try everything for them xD they're both into potions anyways.

Let me know if you're okay with this.
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