If you can't be nice

Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; mum of 5½; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (46)
Libby shoved her hands into her jacket pockets. She looked across the lake, thinking, the wind whipping her brown hair across her face.
Everything had been so peaceful recently.
Turning she saw the familiar platinum blonde hair of Larissa. Surely she hadn't come to bother her although she was the only other one around.
Now what had she done?
Larissa skipped towards Liberty, silvery blonde hair bouncing around her shoulders.
She had been thinking things through.. She'd decided that winding up Libby was the best course of action.
Larissa smiled with gleaming white teeth, her blue eyes on Liberty.
"Well hello, Barnett." Larissa said in a mock posh voice, "I've just paid a visit to Mr Gillan."
Larissa smiled broadly and continued to skip around Liberty.

Libby watched with her green eyes as Larissa approached. She listened, choosing not to believe it yet alarms went off in her stomache. "And?" she asked, trying to stay casual. Prehaps Larissa was intending to wind her up. Well she wouldn't succeed. What had she ever done to her?
Larissa laughed.
She continued skipping, eyes bright. She was going to make this work.
"And I was letting him know how I feel about him."
Larissa beamed at Libby.
Libby glowered at her. They may not be "going out" but Libby still felt something for him. Something she had yet to tell Jacob. "What" she said simply, her hand slowly reaching for her wand.
"Yeah," Larissa said, glad to see she was getting a reaction, "I told him how I feel butterflies in my stomach, my heart thumps and I feel like I'm in a dream.. He found it so romantic he.." Larissa paused for a moment to let Libby wind up a bit more, "He kissed me." Larissa grinned broadly.
Libby felt burning in her eyes. How could he? He wouldn't. "Stop lying!" she suddenly shouted, raising her wand. "Stupify!" she called, glad to see she'd caught her off-guard. "Leave me alone. What have i done for this?" she held onto her wand expecting an outburst.
Larissa had suspected the attacks would begin soon and just managed to dodge the spell last minute.
For a moment, Larissa looked like she was going to kill Libby, then she stood up, straightened herself out and burst out laughing.
"Oh," Larissa said, her face still bright with the thrill of upsetting Libby, "But I'm not lying.. You just wish I was."
Larissa grinned broadly. She didn't reach for her wand. For now, Larissa her the power of verbally attacking Liberty.
Libby raised her eyebrows. She knew him better than Larissa thought. She KNEW she was lying. "At least i don't find myself needing to be part of a "scary" gang to get my friends" she said, crossing her arms. Two could play at this game. "When i was on my own, you know who was always there? Robert" She knew Larissa hated him, but knew also they were together once, "Maybe Alyssa will hold your hand" she smirked, continuing to walk along the lakefront.
"A 'scary' gang?" Larissa laughed.
This was classic. She had to hold on to her sides to stop them dropping off.
"The Goth Gang isn't 'scary'. We just believe in Slytherin power and the right to posess it." Larissa shrugged and smiled.
"And good, you and filthy mudbloods go well together," Larissa sneered. Nothing could have prepared her for the next thing Libby said as it sent her into hysterical laughter.
"Alyssa? You mean that glammy?" Larissa roared with laughter. She began skipping alongside Libby, her hair fanning out as she skipped.
"I'm glad you find it funny" she said, not looking at her. She could act the stupid child if she wanted. "What do you want from me? You've made your point. You're jealous. Now go away." If only looks could kill.
"Jealous?" Larissa asked, her face mock dropping, "Of what? Being friends with mudbloods, being in Hufflepuff or being a dis-loyal loner?" There was certainly venom in Larissa's voice.
She could not forgive Libby for some things. Larissa was always the one to heal their relationship. It was over. She had better friends now- Ones who cared about her life ambitions and didn't tell everyone her secret.
"What have i been dis-loyal about?" If it was over why hadn't she left?
Larissa raised her eyebrows.
"You put your house before our friendship. I told you a secret, you told the Puffskeins. I cannot trust you. You also refused to stand by me during some tougher points in my life." Larissa was trying to calm the fury- Sparks of fire were chasing up her throat.
Libby sighed. "Get over it. And i can't help it if i got pulled out of school. You wern't exactly there for me ether you know" She stopped walking and turned to Larissa. She was slightly taller too, she'd grown to 5'6 and a half in the last 18 months.
Larissa had had enough.
She swung out her more powerful arm- her left arm- Claws sharp ready to scratch at any skin they met.
Larissa was deadly. Her eyes were furious, her teeth sharp in appearance and bared, her hand sweeping out at Liberty's chest and face.
How dare she? How dare this mudblood lover tell Larissa to get over it.
Did she not know what she'd been through the last couple of years?
Her father had died and her mum was already re-marrying, there turned out to be another Sedgwick and, after inspecting the Family Tree, Larissa noted that the woman was pregnant.
Libby ducked. "Go find your friends" she said putting her wand in the air "Accio broom. Like you said, you have better friends now." She mounted her broom and with a last smirk she flew off. Trust her to be a drama queen...
Larissa watched as Libby flew off, she aimed her wand into the air, targeted on Libby, "Av-"
Larissa stopped herself. Libby was not worth a lifetime in Azkaban.
She placed her wand back inside her robes. "One day, Barnett," Larissa muttered, eyes narrowed and full of a promise, "One day I'll get you."
Larissa stalked off into the shadows, eyes dark and still with a fierce heart.

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