IDK (I Don't Know)

Atticus Tyler

Well-Known Member
Atticus hadn't seen her in a while. He stopped thinking of Odette, and Mae... almost everyone. Candice had stuck in his mind. Though he slightly felt like a pedophile, he still couldn't stop thinking about her. he wondered if she would ever look at him like that, or just keep going as a kid. Either way he was going to be friends with her. How could someone not? She was funny, cute... very cute. He smiled. What was making him think like that?

"I don't know." He answered his own question in a whispered sigh.
Candice was bored. She was more than bored, she was mega bored. Though it was interesting to re-find herself, it was getting old and she wasn't so... Excited about everything any more. The blonde had decided, since there were never any customers, she could shut the shop for a while and head on down the village for a stroll.

About five minutes into her stroll Candice saw someone she recognised and smiled. Of course she had forgotten he hadn't seen her since she had remembered everything, Meaning, he hadn't met the new her. Even her smile had changed. She walked up behind him, just in time to hear his whispered sigh. "What don't you know?" She asked.
"Holy lactating spider!" He yelled out with a slight smile. He had recognized the voice, but, had been a bit surprised. He smiled down on her and gave her a bear hug, much like she had last time. Muttering in his head 'thank merlin'. He was so happy now that she was there/. He let her go. "Anything..." He said as an answer to her question.
Candice laughed her new laugh at his expression and returned the hug. Her whole posture and voice was more confident and mature with a hint of mischievous. "Long time no see babe." She grinned and ran her tongue over her teeth, another habit she had picked up. She laughed again at the answer to her question. "Of course not, you're a bloke." She stuck out her tongue before hugging him again.
The first thing Atticus noticed was her laugh; then her calling him babe. It surprised him. That and her licking of her teeth. That was a strange thing to come from her. He hugged her, cautiously. "Something's different. I thought I had cooties?" He asked.
Candice laughed again. "Oh yeah, you don't know." She took a breath. "I remembered my family and, now, I'm like, a totally lush new person." She said in a plastic sounding voice. "I'm only kidding, I ain't shallow. I just rock. The family bit is true though." She giggled and leant on him. He smelt nice and it was odd.
Hearing the news, Atticus wrapped his arms tightly around her again. "Oh, I'm so happy for you!" He exclaimed. He really thought it was good news. Now maybe... maybe she would be different. "You've always been awesome though," he said poking her nose lightly. Even after letting her go, she leaned on him. "So how was finding out about your family; was it a surprise? Was it everything you expected?" He was really intrigued with her.
Candice grinned. "It was so scary. I even passed out, my brothers had to go and get Sam they were that scared. It was awesome too, I have a sister! She's called Melanie and she was adopted and, oh, it was the scariest thing I've done in my life. Right, i turn up at their door and her new parents are all like sorry no we don't know you and then she comes to the door and, believe it or not she's been in the shop looking for books to find her family, but her new family clicks on why I'm there and lock her in her room, she was like their little slave. Soi Right, guess what I did." She paused, grinning her face off almost. Taking a breath, the blonde continued her story. "I apparated to her room, where her mum was with her, grabbed her and apparated away to the shop mega quick. It was awesome and scary and lush all at once." Candice laughed and snuggled Atticus' shoulder. "Wow can I talk."
Atticus listened intently to Candice's brave and enticing story. She was a great woman, she was just wonderful. He felt butterflies when she snuggled his shoulder. He wondered if she was doing it in a friendly matter or not? did she even know the difference. She was an adult now, but, was she educated. He wouldn't ask; it would be rude. Though he did drape his arm around her shoulder. "That's amazing. You were right and very brave to do that. You are amazing." He repeated with a sigh of admiration in his voice. He hugged her one armed again, a little squeeze.
Candice smiled, she liked being complimented, it seemed to mean much more to her now than it did. "Oh, and I got this really rude customer in the shop. He came in and then had the cheek to tell me that anything to do with muggles was disgusting while staring at my chest. I kicked him right out of the shop." She rolled her eyes and huffed, she never noticed before but some guys were pigs. In fact, there was a lot she hadn't noticed before. "Come on, I can't be the only one who's has an interesting time. What have you been up to lately?"
Atticus froze up. He got a mean look in his eyes. "Remember any names or addresses." He asked seriously. Suddenly he felt upset. Maybe it was because his brother was a squib, or because He was looking like that at Candice. Either way; it upset him greatly. "I'll go bloody him up bad." He threatened, keeping his arm protectively around Candice.
Candice smiled, it gave her a warm feeling that Atticus was willing to protect her and got angry over that sort of thing. "Don't worry about it, i don't even remember his name and I can handle him if he returns." She looked up at him. "Thanks for saying that though." Candice reached up and kissed him on the cheek before returning to her leaning position.
"Men like that irritate me." He said with a slight frown. He smiled gently at Candice. His cheeks turned red with the sudden contact between the two of them. "S-so, where ya heading?" He asked with a slight smile, clearing his throat.

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