Closed I'd Rather Not Do This

Stan Beckett

Three Broomsticks Server
OOC First Name
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Seeing Somebody (Tara)
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Curved 14 Inch Sturdy Reed Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
11/2039 (17)
Stanislaw didn't want to go and introduce himself to the nurses of Hogwarts, he had better things to do right now than to pay them a visit. Unfortunately, the Gryffindor didn't have much of a choice when it came to this. If he wanted to become a wizard and follow an education at this school he would have to follow certain rules from now on, especially with a full moon around the corner. Leaving Allie behind in the common room with the excuse of going to the library to return a book he had borrowed for one of their classes, Stanislaw made his way towards the third floor. He was to come straight to the Hospital Wing after the night of a full moon to rest there and get his strength back. It frightened him, the thought of the transformation process and how unpleasant it would be according to the adults. They had looked at him with a certain pity in their eyes and he couldn't help but dislike it. Would it really be that bad? Thankfully there was a potion that would make things a little easier, even if it tasted horrible. When he arrived he opened the doors to the infirmary and glanced around. It was empty, which was good. He would rather not have other people know about his condition. He had been told that they all knew about his condition so it didn't matter much who he would approach. Walking over towards one of the two women, the one not dressed in all pink, Stanislaw tapped her on the arm. ''Hello, my name is Stanislaw Kurek,'' the boy began. ''My Head of House told me to introduce myself to you.''
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Josephine hadn't had too much to do with the previous student at Hogwarts who had been a werewolf, as he had already been at Hogwarts when she got her job. But it seemed like the new boy would be under her care, and it made her a little nervous. She didn't have any of the silly prejudices about werewolves some people might, but she was scared she might not be able to give the boy proper guidance. Josephine had done some extra reading on werewolves and their medical needs, and felt as ready as she could to help this boy. It broke her heart a little that he was only eleven, but she knew she couldn't focus on that too much. Josephine turned as she felt a tap on her arm, and looked down at the young boy as he introduced himself. She gave him a professional smile. "Hello Stanislaw, it's good to meet you." She said, gesturing over to a couple of nearby chairs. "I'm Miss Arora, one of the nurses here. Let's sit down and have a chat about how things are going to go at Hogwarts with your condition." She moved over to the chair and took a seat. "Do you have any questions to start off?"
Stanislaw smiled back at the woman and nodded politely when she said that it was good to meet him. He wondered how glad she actually was of meeting him because the other adults had told him that some people might not be so kind towards him as others because of his condition. He followed the nurse to the chairs and seated himself opposite of her. He nodded his head when she asked if he had a question to start things off with. ''Do I have to stay here all day after the night of my transformation?'' the Gryffindor asked. He had several questions, actually, but he figured that he would start with just the one for now, as it had been on his mind ever since he was told that he would have to spend some time here the day after. It would be tricky to explain to Allison why he would have to stay at the Hospital Wing for a day every month. She would surely get suspicious of the whole situation at some point, which was not something he wanted to happen.
As she watched the boy take a seat, she was reminded again of how young he was. But she hardened her heart for now, as all she could do for him was help him deal with his condition. It wasn't her fault he had been hurt, and it didn't do anything for her to dwell on it too much. She listened to his question, then thought about it for a moment. "We can see how you feel, but you do need time to recover properly." She said gently. "Let's keep you for a day at least at first, to see how things go." She told him, "and if things go better later, maybe we can let you go a little earlier." She doubted he would feel well the day after, but she figured that when he was a bit older he might need less time to recover from his transformation. "Are you concerned about that?" She asked him, wondering if he didn't like being in the hospital wing, or maybe was worried about missing classes.
He was a little disappointed when she told him that he would have to stay in the hospital wing for a day after the transformation. He had hoped that he would be allowed to follow his classes and have fun with his friends again as soon as he would wake up. Of course they had told him that he wouldn't feel all too well before and after the transformation but honestly how bad could it be? If it would be just as bad as when he would have a cold, there was nothing to be worried about. He nodded his head and said, "I do not want my friends to find out that I spend a day here every month. I am afraid that they might suspect something." He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, the thought of his friends finding out about his condition after hearing that not everyone might react as positive about it as others was not a pleasant thought.
While Josephine could tell the boy wasn't thrilled by her words, she knew he would need her care after each transformation. She sighed softly. "I can understand that, and we can make up a cover story for your hospital visits." She said gently. "But I'm afraid we have to do it, at least at first. You'll need the extra support the day after." She told him, hoping she wasn't scaring him. It wasn't an easy thing, but she knew it was necessary. "We'll be there to help you." She said softly, though she knew they couldn't do as much for him as she would have liked.
He nodded his head once more, agreeing with the nurse that they could make up a cover story. If the nurse would be in on it too, Stanislaw needn't worry about his friends ever finding out the real reason for his monthly visits to the hospital wing. It'd be a weight off his mind for sure. ''What about the days leading up to the full moon?'' the boy asked, ''They told me that I would feel bad before the transformation, too.'' Whether that would just be a side effect of the wolfsbane potion, Stanislaw did not know. For someone who had been informed on his condition by multiple people already, he was asking a lot of questions.
Josephine was glad the boy seemed to move on from what she had said without fighting it too much. She nodded at his next question. "You won't be feeling very well around that time, you're right. But it won't be as bad as after. More like you feel when you're getting sick." She explained. "You won't need to be in the hospital wing beforehand, unless you want to." She told him softly. "You can always come to me or the other nurses if you feel the need." She said, hoping he would take that advice to heart.
Stanislaw nodded as the nurse confirmed what the other adults had already told him. He was glad that it wouldn't be as bad as after the transformations because he could probably deal with feeling as bad as he would be when he'd be sick. At least he hoped he could, he had never been that sick before. He almost immediately shook his head at her words, there was no way that he would go to the hospital wing beforehand, that would be risking it too much, even if they would make up a reason together. ''Ok. I have one more question before I go again, if that is alright with you, of course. What will you do when I am here? What will I be given to make me feel okay again?''
Josephine smiled and nodded when the boy mentioned having one more question before he would go. "Of course." She said, listening to what he had to say. She understood what he was asking, but she wasn't sure if her answer would be very satisfying. "Well, there is nothing I can do to ease the transformation, but your body will be very weak and exhausted afterwards." She explained. "You'll basically be at the Hospital Wing to recover and rest, you'll possibly get some potions to help that process." She told him. "Is there anything else?"
He had hoped that the nurse would tell him that she would give him some wonder potion that would make him feel better in no time but appeared that he would really have to spend some time at the Hospital Wing after his transformation. He nodded his head to indicate that he understood what the woman was saying. He could only hope that their excuse would be good enough for curious people like his friend Allison. ''I think that you have answered all of my questions. Thank you for your time,'' Stanislaw replied politely as he stood up from the chair. At least he now knew that he could count on the nurses to help him feel better again, which was a very comforting thing to know.

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