Ice Frozen Rivers & Friends In The Making

Paul Skullebrew

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
All there seemed to be was peace. It was a calm winter morning. Most perhaps asleep, however not Paul. He took the opportunity to inhale the great air without anyone annoying showing up. Namely Slytherins. He was by the Lakefront. It was quite a nice place. It was iced over with a thin layer of snow laying on the lake like a soft blanket provided by the clouds. He inhaled deeply for the air was calm, and the Sun was shining. There wasn't a cloud in sight. It was simply a perfect day. Yet, he was missing something. No. Not something. Someone. He had only just moved to New Zealand with his aunt. He hadn't ANY friends at all. Not that this bothered him. Okay. It totally bothered him. He loved having companions. Without them he was nothing. He wanted some sort of company. Even if it was a Slytherin! His father was a Slytherin anyways.

Presently he noticed different people coming outside. However he decided to ignore it and stay where he was. If someone pushed him, he could have easily ended up in the lake. Thus, he stepped back a bit bumping into someone.
Minoas moaned from the tapping sunlight against his face. He blinked and shut his eyes several times before he decided to leave his bed and pull the curtains. Semi-conscious, he dragged himself towards the window and had a glance out of it. The white scenery made his struggling eyes to open widely. Spending his life in a greek island, he had hardly ever seen snow in his life before. He dressed up quickly and left the dorms, rushing out of the empty common room into the castle's corridors.

He opened the heavy double door, leading to the grounds and the cold air stung his face. It stung but in a good way, fresh and clean. He inhaled, wanting to take in the air's smell. The sun was quite deceptive as it was there in the clear sky, shining but its warmth was absent. He stepped forward into the thin and soft blanket of snow to hear a muffled packing of frozen wetness. He decided to head towards the lake that he had seen from the dorm's window as he was suspecting that it would be frozen.

As he was approaching closer to his destination he was wondering if this burst of sunlight will melt the remaining snow away, that he didn't noticed the guy in front of him. Absent-minded, he bumped into him, almost losing his balance on the slippery ground.
"Sorry my friend. I didn't noticed you. Are you ok?" he asked him apologetically. He then realised that the guy was one of his roomates.
"Hey, aren't you a first year Gryffindor?" he wondered although he was completely sure.
"I'm quite alright!! I'm the one who bumped into you. Are you alright?" Paul asked fast. He felt embarrassed he had just done something such as that. He should have looked where he was going. Now for sure this guy was going to beat him up. Or at least Paul thought so until he realized he was a Gryffindor 1st Year such as himself. Or so he thought and hoped. He didn't really want any trouble on his first days here at HNZ.

"Why yes, I am! Are you? It seems we may be roommates!"

OOCOut of Character:
This is where I always seem to never give any content. Sorry, I'll try more in future replies.
Loki exited the towering castle dressed clothing barely acceptable for winter. Heading towards the lake he had spotted, he attempted to walk lightly on the snow, trying to not make a deep footprint. Glancing over to his left, he stared into the thick forest, covered in snowdrifts. "So that must be the Forbidden Forest," he thought to himself. "I wonder why it's so forbidden? I'll have to find out one day, it might be a fun adventure!" Approaching the lakefront, he spied upon several groups of people chatting amongst themselves. A group of girls sat in the snow to his right, laughing and building a snowman. "Don't want cooties," he muttered to himself, shaking his head subtly. Looking to his left, he saw two boys conversing that looked around his age. Taking a quick breath, he headed over towards them, giving a quick, awkward wave.
Paul waved back at the boy. Whom looked around their age. At this point there were many people outside. He was curious as too if this boy would be an additional friend. He seemed friendly enough. Well he seemed friendly. Never judge a book by his cover. Or her cover for that matter. "Why hello there. Name's Paul."
Approaching the two boys slowly, Loki nodded at Paul and smiled. "Hi Paul, my name's Loki! And you are...?" he said as he smiled, turning towards the other boy. "These guys seem all right, I wonder if they're in Slytherin too," he thought, looking closely at the two.
"Hey there Loki. Name's Paul. Paul Skullebrew. I'm part of the Gryffindor house. What house are you?" Paul asked. He noticed the day growing colder. A little bit of wind sifted throughout the plains. A drift blew over on the Lake. He couldn't wait till summer so he could swim. Unless swimming was banned right there. Then he'd just play Quidditch. He couldn't wait for that either.
"Gryffindor," Loki thought to himself. "Isn't that the one that my papa said he absolutely despised? I wonder why...Maybe this guy is evil or something? He doesn't look evil..." Loki shifted his weight on his other leg and scratched the back of his head. "Oh umm..I'm Slytherin. It's my first year here, what about you? This place is so big, I don't think I'm ever going to remember where everything is!" he said, laughing slightly.
"Oh you're a Slytherin!?" Paul exclaimed. "So was my father." He said again. Paul's father had always told him that every house was equal and to always have friends in each. Only then would he ever get through school with ease. Even then, enemies are made. You can't always keep friends as your friends.
"Yea I agree! Hahaha!" He said laughing.
"No it's alright. I was so switched off in my world. I should be more careful." he apologised back.
"I guess we are roomates. I hadn't really spend any time in Gryffindors common room to be honest." he admitted. He was so excited that he had stayed out of bed to explore the enormous castle. He had found a couple of shortcuts and secret passageways too. Now was time to explore Hogwarts grounds as he had heard from some fifth years about a forbidden forest.

Another guy waved at them from the distance and approached them to introduce himself.
"It's Minoas. Nice to meet you Loki and Paul." he introduced himself to them.
"Slytherin huh? I think your common room is in the dungeons right? That place is a total labyrinth. I was making circles in there last night." he agreed with the guys about the extremely large area the school was covering.
"Say, has anyone heard about a forbidden forest or something?" he asked both of them as he was looking around.
OOCOut of Character:
Apologies Liam for basically not letting you get a chance to roleplay during our conversations.

Paul looked around. Indeed he'd heard of the Forbidden Forrest. It was well...forbidden. And for a great reason too. People have died there and things just happen that shouldn't. Although mystical creatures live within there. Which would be amazing to see. He wanted to visit a centaur. "Why yes I have Minoas. Have you ever been there? What about you Loki?" He asked. He wondered if the three of them would venture there. IT seemed that it would be an impudence pleasure to do so.
OOCOut of Character:
it's alright

Minoas' gray eyes glowed with excitement when Paul said that a place called forbidden forest really existed.
"Hmm...sounds interesting." he said with a mischievous grin as he was already planning to visit it, ignoring the fact that it was forbidden. " Nope. Unfortunately I have only started exploring inside the castle. This place is full of secret passages!" he exclaimed as he turned to face the building. A flock of ravens flying above the gryffindor's tower caught his attention for a few moments but then he continued his conversation with Paul and Loki. "Actually is my first stroll, outside the castle's walls. I heard from some Gryffindors, in the common room, that this lake is full of merpeople and some kind of sea monster." he stated as he was staring at the frozen, slippery surface of the lake. It was like he was expecting, sea creatures to be smashing the thin layer of ice to get fresh air.

"So how is all this new experience to you?" he asked both of them. He didn't know if they were muggle-born or they had a magical background. " I can't wait for our lessons and of course for Quidditch matches." he said and shoved his hands in his pockets. He started shivering a bit. "It's such a shame that we are not aloud to try out for the teams." he frowned a bit.
"I heard that too. I would kind of like to see a merperson. It'd be really neat." Paul said. He looked around them. There was so much to explore. So much to see. He had yet to find secret doors and places in the castle. He wondered if Minoas would go with him. And maybe even Loki. "Loki, Minoas, we'll have to explore the Forest sometime. It would be a total blast." Paul exclaimed with a huge smile.

"This whole experience is just amazing. I can't believe I'm...I mean we're going to actually learn to be true wizards and learn magic. It has always fancied me! I can't wait for when I get to take Defense Against the Dark Arts. That will be totally awesome." He said all at once. "Oh yes, learning Quidditch as well is on my priority list. I simply cannot wait till I can fly on a broom and play the game!!!" Paul exclaimed in glee. "Yea it is quite a shame we can't try out for the team." He replied.

Paul stretched a bit as he yawned. He was finally totally awake. "So what about you Loki and Minaos, how is this experience for you guys?" He asked.
Loki looked beyond the two of them as they conversed, staring at the distant sea of trees, otherwise known as the Forbidden Forest. "Do either of you know why it's forbidden? I personally heard it was haunted, but I have no idea with what," he replied, breaking his concentration on the forest. "Merpeople would be cool to see, I guess. I dunno how often we'd see them though," he stated, glancing at the lake momentarily. Loki looked at Paul as he asked a question. "Experience here so far?" he thought to himself. "Well...Overwhelming." Loki cleared his throat before replying. "It's been fun so far! I like meeting new people and getting the opportunity to explore new places!" he replied earnestly.
Paul turned to Loki. He had a serious look on his face. Something was going through his mind. This boy his age was a Slytherin. However, he acted so friendly like a Hufflepuff. Or even Gryffindor. It was odd, yet very neat. He believed this boy would be a very good friend. "Loki, you're different from the rest of the Slytherins. You're so much kinder." Paul said smiling.
"I kinda want to go venture into the forest." Paul said.
Receiving a compliment, Loki half-smiled, unsure of what say. Quickly changing the subject, he replied to Paul. "Definitely. Want to go now? It's still light out, and I'm sure it would look wayy too creepy in the dark." Loki stared into the forest, the rush of a possible adventure soaring through him.
OOCOut of Character:
If we do go to the Forest, we'll need to start a new topic.

"I'm agreed to going to the forest. I agree also that night time is much more creepy. However seeing as there are three of us, I'm sure we can handle ourselves and hopefully not get caught! What about you Minoas, do you want to go? It would be a great little adventure." Paul said. He glanced over in the direction of the forest. It looked magnificent. That's where the Centaurs were. The half-human half-horse creature. They had helped in many Wizarding Wars. They were our friends. Paul also knew however that they didn't necessarily enjoy them going onto their land.
OOCOut of Character:
I was thinking of going slower. they could go first to the library to find out a couple of spells or practise the lumos charm, give some time until the lessons begin. then it will be reasonable for them be able to cast a couple of spells and venture into the forest.

Minoas liked the fact that Paul was eager to explore. They both shared a thirst for adventure. However, in his head rung the words of Janey, the gryffindor girl he met a few hours ago.
" I really want to venture a walk in the forest..." he said as he enjoyed the peaceful sound of air moving through tall treetops of the forbidden forest.
"...but shouldn't we first be able to fend for ourselves?" he asked reluctantly. He didn't know if Paul and Loki knew any spells but he knew just one and it wasn't enough.

He raised an eyebrow as Paul said to Loki that he was different from other Slytherins. How was supposed to be a Slytherin? he wondered. To him houses were nothing more than possible Quidditch teams. Loki could possible be a Gryffindor like him and Paul. He couldn't find any reason why he couldn't and vice versa.
When Loki wondered why this forest had that title, Minoas smirked.
"Well because of acromantulas of course!" he exclaimed passionately. Whatever had to do with magical creatures was his staff.
"And not only. Hogwarts' forests are house to many different creatures. Some of them are quite dangerous. That's why I guess we should know first how to defend ourselves." he explained his last statement.
"Of course there are also humanoid creatures like trolls, still dangerous though, and centaurs which are highly intelligent and harmless. I had a centaur as my mentor." he explained how he could possible know all those staff.

He liked the idea of exploring the forbidden forest at night. Like in the morning it wouldn't be forbidden anymore.
"I know it might be more dangerous at night but I would prefer it. Not currently though. I would like to know first a defensive charm." he confessed. He was recklessly brave when it came to adventures but this time the advice of the gryffindor girl had rooted and bloomed inside him.
"Do you know guys at least the lumos charm?" he asked curiously. It was the basic staff they should know before they were going to enter the darkness of the forest.
OOCOut of Character:
Honestly I totally agree. It would make more sense. Seeing as they are simply 1st Years.

Paul was intrigued by the common sense Minoas had presented. It was almost as if he could have been a 2nd or 3rd year. Not a hyped up little 1st year tyke just as Paul was. He also agreed with his statement about being able to fend for themselves. The Forbidden Forrest was a dangerous place and they needed to know a few spells before they could just walk in there and explore. Although Paul's thirst to explore the forest was great he said, "I agree. We do need to fend for ourselves. We should probably wait till classes start and even do extra at the library. We could certainly become more advanced students that way. However if the Headmistress knew our purposes for so it would be for a lost cause."

"Indeed Hogwarts's Forest is dangerous, it's also filled with wonder. We may not know spells, but going just on the outskirts to possibly meet a Centaur would be safe to me. Even so, we are always in danger even if we knew the greatest spells. Fierce and strong creatures live in that forest and it's never smart to go alone. Even in groups people are liable to danger. It's always going to be there." Paul informed the others. Whether it was useless knowledge they already knew or something they didn't, Paul felt it needed to be said.

"Of course I know Lumos as well as Nox. They're basic spells a 5 year old would understand. However light won't help us fight off gigantic spiders, or something worse. Who knows, there could be Death Eaters in there. They would easily try and kill us." Paul said. Seeing Death Eaters there probably wouldn't happen. However it's not unheard off for a trap. Anything could happen there. Anything.
"Ok that's good! Lumos spell can defend us from creatures that prefer darkness and shadows. I believe we must learn an offensive spell and a defensive one." he adviced. He then remembered his visit in the library. There was a restricted section that it was not open to all students. He wondered why it was forbidden like the forest. There might be some spells they could use.
"Hmm...maybe we should visit the restricted section of the library. There we could find something useful. The problem is we can't enter...unless we get there by night that is closed." he told them his risky idea.

"Of course for the time being we can just have a look of the outskirts of the forest. It won't be that dangerous but it won't be that interesting either." he pointed out both the positive and negative aspects of this option.
"I don't think the professors are really visiting the forest during nightime. Maybe the caretaker or the gamekeeper but still if we are careful and stealthy, we won't get caught." he said as the idea was pumping adrenaline through his veins.
Then Minoas listened clueless at Paul. It was the first time he heard about death eaters. How on earth it was the first time he heard something about this creature.
"Umm, what's a death eater Paul?" he asked curiously.
OOCOut of Character:
I'm not 100.9% sure, but I think we'd need to get a plot accepted by one of the Administrators in order to go into the restricted section and learn a spell. I guess it all depends on if we learn it before classes and what spell we learn. Depending on if it gets accepted it would be a great addition to the plot of our characters. :D

"What if we run into a rouge centaur though? I don't think light will scare them off. Noise might, but that's a long shot. Although I totally agree, we need to learn some offensive spells and some defensive ones. When D.A.D.A. starts, we'll probably learn some of those." Paul said. He was smiling. He liked the fact Minoas wanted to explore and learn spells just as much as he. It would be pretty amazing if they had a few classes together. especially Defense Against the Dark Arts. "A restricted portion of the library? I've never heard of it or seen it. If it's restricted it probably has some nice spells in there. The only question of doing so is how to get it and without being caught." Paul said glancing back and forth from Loki to Minoas. "It's risky, but I'm so for it. That's the kind of adventure I love." Paul said with a huge grin.

"It'll have to do. We don't want to get too cocky and put ourselves in some unnecessary danger. I mean, it would just be stupid. Most 1st years don't understand that. Parents should teach it more." Paul told them his opinions. They'd have to wait. There was really no other option. They could explore the castle though, that was a great adventure. "While we wait to learn spells, or before we go and hatch your plan Minoas, we could very easily go and venture around the castle. There are many secret doors. It'd be fun!" Paul explained his idea to them.

"Y-you've never heard of the Death Eaters?" Paul asked. It totally amazed him. They were the most known evil force located all throughout the world. "They're the worst and cruelest scum ever. They are why we have Defense Against the Dark Arts. They're the people who kill for the game of it. And not just creatures, wizards and witches. My father once met one. It turned awful, but he survived. They are known for using the 3 unforgivable curses. My father has taught me all about them. Probably so I can keep away from such an existence." Paul explained to his friend Minoas.

OOCOut of Character:
I love roleplaying with you Liam. You give so much content to feed off of. :)
Minoas remained silent. He hadn't thought how he could defend himself from being trambled from a centaur. He insisted believing that centaurs were harmless, judging from his mentor and didn't continue arguing.
"I do believe that this year in Defence Against the Dark Arts we are going to learn the stunning spell and the defensive charm. Sound quite good. We could also find a fire spell! Most creatures are afraid of fire." he pointed out as he remembered his father telling him about it through his exprerience and travels as magizoologist. He was glad that Paul liked his idea of visiting the restricted section. "Exactly my thoughts. But maybe it is restricted because there are books on dark magic. Anyway, I would like to have a look." he concluded as his curiosity was already triggered.

"We can do it by night. Library will be empty and if we are quite it will be like we had never visited it." he said with a large grin. An invisible cloak was exactly what they would need but such item was quite hard to be found.
He nodded lively at Paul's suggestion. "I have already looked around. I found this morning a strange room at the seventh floor corridor. I was hoping to find a bathroom quickly and then that door appeared out of nowhere. It was a bathroom indeed but when I left and returned back, I didn't find the door. There was just the wall." he confessed, wondering if it was his imagination.
"We could look again for that room or find others. I'm sure there will be numerous like that one." he said pretty sure.

Minoas felt embarrassed as Paul's reaction was indicating that he should know about those death-eaters. He listened carefully, almost holding his breath. They weren't such thing like death-eaters in his homeland. They had the Pure-ones that were claiming that only the pure-bloods had the right to practise magic and the Doricans, wizards and witches practising magic without obeying the laws of the ministry. Minoas suddenly felt that he had lots of things to learn about this new land and he was eager to do so.
"They sound pretty nasty. I'm sure there is some place to keep them away from the rest of the magical community." he said.
He was even more surprised when Paul informed him that they had only three unforgivable curses.
"Three? What about the rest?" he asked surprised.
"Anyway. What about going to visit the cliffs next to the lake. I'm sure that we could find a nice view of the whole school from up there." he changed the subject as he had already received too much new information.

OOCOut of Character:
They could go to the restricted section but that doesn't mean that they could find necessarily something. They could be caught(that means we'll have to drag the librarian in our plot) or find some other students in their way(i see that your character have started some foe like relationships with some slytherins in other threads) so the possibilities are endless.

Thank you. I enjoy roleplaying with you too. Paul and Minoas stick together pretty well.
Paul was amazed at the stuff he and Minoas had in common. It was pretty neat. So far, he had met people who were somewhat like him. Minoas was different. Not different in the sense that he was different from Gryffindor, but in the sense he had more in common with Paul then anyone else did with Paul. It made Paul smile. Just slightly, but it was a noticeable smile. "A fire spell is probably just the thing. It would be amazing if we could learn that. Just think guys, we'd be way ahead in everything! Most 1st years can't even master their defensive spells and charms." Paul said with pure glee. He was almost eager to go to the Library right away. He usually didn't like the library very much. To him it was a waste of time to read books. He now realized that reading these books would give him more knowledge in the art of spells. "Books of dark magic? I would be afraid to even touch something like that. But why would such books be kept at Hogwarts? Maybe because the Headmistress doesn't want them into the wrong hands." Paul said. Somewhat talking back
and forth.

"I seriously like your thinking Minoas." Paul said with a grin. He was amazed. The thoughts that Paul seemed to think were being spoken out by Minoas. Paul simply loved the connection. "I'm with you. I think it would be a great adventure. We could use an invisibility cloak if we had one, or we'd just have to be Wizard Ninjas." Paul said with a wink towards the two. "The door seriously did that!? That's unimaginable! I agree though, I bet there are many doors like that. Even if we don't find the right one right away, it would be quite an adventure anyways. Wouldn't it?" Paul asked with an ever so big smile.

"Yeah, the Curse of Control, the Curse of Pain, and the Curse of Death. Once used, you must bear its burden." Paul tried explaining. He really wasn't good at repeating what his father had told him. He mixed a lot up and usually ended up looking like a total fool. It was quite embarrassing. "I think the cliffs would be a great adventure. We'd could even possibly meet more people. I'm always up for any adventure. It's as if it runs with me. Without adventure, I wouldn't be who I am today." Paul said with a great look in his eye. He loved adventure ever since he could see. His eyes never stayed focused, even when he started walking. He was always getting into some kind of trouble. "Wanna go now?" Paul asked.

OOCOut of Character:
Paul and Minoas seem to have quite the connection. I hope to become good roleplaying friends. Possibilities are indeed endless. We should see if they'll let us learn a spell early just for plot.
Minoas shrugged his shoulders as he didn't know the right answer for that question.
"Perhaps dark magic is taught to older students that's why it is available in the restricted section. Of course they are possibly provided only for educational purposes." he suggested.
"Exactly what I was thinking!" he exclaimed when Paul mentioned the invisibility cloak.
"It's quite difficult though to find one of them. Personally, I don't have one." he said disappointed, hoping that Paul or Loki might had one. "I'm pretty good at sneaking around. I'm might be a bit tall but I'm quite agile and silent. So as long as the caretaker is a limping, old men, I think we'll be fine." he joked.

"Yeah it was quite strange. The room was for a moment there but then disappeared. I thought it was merely my imagination but then again...I used the bathroom." he said and laughed, recalling the evidences of the existance of that mysterious room. H remained silent as Paul was referring to the unforgivble curses. Minoas' father had told him about four. He couldn't remember the name of the fourth one but he could recall that involved something about the soul. It could be something completely different and he had possibly mistook it with the unforgivables.

"Yeah, let's go! I bet we have to walk along the lake's shore to get there." he said excited. He enjoyed long walks in nature and maybe from the cliffs they would be able to find more places located on the school's grounds to explore.
"Dark magic to the older students? Wow. I wonder what it's like. Maybe there are spells just to powerful to control. Who knows. once we get in there." Paul said with a smirk. "I kinda of doubt we are going to get our hands on an invisability cloak. We'll just have to be really quite and sneaky. There is honestly no other way. I mean unless you all feel like banging around in a marching band at 2 in the morning as we go there." He said sarcastically with a smile. He really enjoyed Minoas. There was just something about him that he felt a connection with. Probably the fact they had so much in common. It was real nice. "What if he happens to be extremely good at catching kids?" Paul said with a wink.

"I'm game to go as long as you all are." He said.

OOCOut of Character:
New Topic?

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