Open Ice Cream Adventures

Xiuying Huang

woolongong chaser | goofball 🤪 | 60' grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Veela Hair Core
22 (11/2041)
Open after Charlie as Jingyi

Xiuying had felt a little weird when coming into New Zealand, especially since she was going to a magical school here in New Zealand that was so far away from where her family was. Xiuying didn't know if she was excited because it was a different opportunity to make friends or to be nervous about going to a school that was super far away and was separate from her little brother. The magical world in New Zealand was a little different from what Xiuying thought it would be. Though she did like experiencing different things.

Today, Xiuying was allowed to take her brother out for ice cream while their parents were up to something, though she was absolutely clueless about what they were doing. However she didn't care with what they were up to, she just wanted ice cream. Xiuying walked through the crowd of Obsidian Harbour, looking beside or behind her every few seconds to see if her brother was still with her. "Hurry up" Xiuying calls out to her brother with slight annoyance but with a little laugh when it seemed that her brother was becoming slow. She just wanted to get some ice cream with the money that her parents gave her, but it was taking forever to get there.
Jingyi was not looking forward to the coming year. Xiuying would be leaving him and going off to Hogwarts for a whole year without him. And of course, he was upset about it, he was going to miss his sister and didn't really want her to go away, he wanted to Hogwarts with her and not just be stuck at home for a whole year by himself. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if Hogwarts was in Australia, but it was in a whole other country. New Zealand and the magical world there was still pretty new to him, even if he had been dragged to Obsidian Harbour and Brightstone a couple of times now in his life.

He was trailing somewhat behind his sister as she took him to go and get ice cream, but Jingyi wasn't really feeling in the mood for ice cream right then. "I'm coming," he called back at his sister's complaint, pulling the brim of his baseball cap a little further over his eyes to try and cover up as much of his stupid birthmark as possible. "I'm not that far behind you."
Xiuying slightly rolls her eyes as she hears her brother call back. "Whatever you say, slowpoke," Xiuying says with a small laugh. They had almost made it to the ice cream, or that's what Xiuying thought was the right direction. She wasn't even sure where the ice cream place. This whole area was still new to Xiuying, and it was still confusing to her. She stopped at where she was, looking for any familiar places, as she had been here a couple of times. Xiuying knew she had been in the mood for ice cream, her tastebuds were in a big mood for it, but had felt a little bad that she hadn't considered what her brother had wanted. She then turned towards her brother who had finally caught up with her. "Okay, Two things. One, is there something you'd like to eat?" Xiuying asked her brother, she had felt a little bad that they were getting ice cream because she wanted it, and hadn't really asked what her brother wanted. While she asked, she was also looking around, pretending to look help for options that he might like when in reality, she was looking for a map stand on where they were. "And, uh, number two, don't freak out, but... I don't know where we are..."
"I'm not a slowpoke," he was rather quick to whine back as he continued to trail just a little behind his sister. Sure, he could probably walk a little faster if he wanted to, but he didn't really think he was trailing that far behind, not enough for Xiuying to complain at him about it, anyway. It was just the nine year old had a lot on his mind and he was trying to think through it all. And thinking too much and not paying attention to where he was walking was a pretty dangerous thing for someone who was as accident-prone as he was. Not paying attention to the floor under his feet meant that the next second he could end up flat on his face after tripping over his own feet. But the sudden question id throw him off, "I thought we were getting ice cream? I don't know what they have until we get there." And then he supposed it made a bit more sense when his sister finally admitted she was lost. "Great," he switched over to Chinese almost out of habit when he got annoyed, huffing as his shoulders slumped, "I thought you knew where we were going."
Xiuying rolled her eyes playfully, slightly enjoying teasing her brother. She had always enjoyed the banter that she and her brother had. And knew she was going to miss it once she made her way to Hogwarts in the next yeat. When she admitted that she was lost, the eldest sibling bit her lip nervously as well as slightly rolling her eyes when she sensed her brother's annoyance, especially since he suddenly spoke Chinese. "Well, I thought I was. But this whole place is a maze!" Xiuying replied to her brother in Chinese and with some annoyance in her voice. The girl knew that she was going to be in big trouble with her parents once they found out that they had lost their way around the place.
The last thing he wanted to be dealing with was getting lost. He didn't like being lost. But he at least he supposed he was still with his sister and he wasn't all lost and alone by himself. But that only made it marginally better. The young boy huffed, adjusting his baseball cap one again as he glanced around where they were currently standing. "Does anything look familiar?" That was usually the first step when you were lost - try and find something that looked familiar so you could work on finding your way back. "You're gonna be in trouble if Mum finds out," he also had to add, rather unhelpfully.
Xiuying squinted her eyes a little, trying to find anything familiar in the place. The girl had poor eye-sight and never liked wearing her glasses, always trying to leave them at home without her parents knowing. While looking around the harbour, mostly everything that was further away from her was blurry. She knew that she was gonna get a huge lecture from her mother about not wearing her glasses. Xiuying shakes her head when her brother asks if there was anything familiar. "No" Xiuying replies in English, while still squinting her eyes, in hopes that it would somehow improve her vision into finding somewhere. Xiuying then rolls her eyes. "Yes, I know. Thanks for the help, genius" Xiuying replies to her brother sarcastically, going back into Chinese. The girl knew there was gonna be another long lecture coming her way once they got home.
Well, if his sister didn't know where they were, then Jingyi was going to have no idea. All the same, he turned his head, looking left and right a couple of times to see if he could spot anything which seemed familiar. But nothing sprung to mind and the boy sighed, clearly quite annoyed by the fact they had managed to get lost already. And he had so been looking forward to getting his ice cream. "Just making sure you knew," he offered not so helpfully. Maybe he wouldn't get told off because it wasn't really his fault, he was just obediently following his sister. But now this did leave them with a bit of a problem. What were they supposed to do now they had gotten lost? "Well..." he trailed off with a shrug of his shoulders, switching back to english "What are we going to do now?"

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