Ice Cold Apology

Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
It had been five days since Ai had last saw Liam. It had been quite an eventful day it was. The day her patience broke and she slapped Slytherin student, Liam Nightray. But Ai had been regretting it for some reason that was unbeknownst to her and neither did she want to know. But, she had been sending ice packs to the Slytherin for four days just to make sure that the redness of his cheek at the time would not develop into a bruise. She had seen how Liam reacted towards her action and she had immediately regretted her actions. Not because of fear. But because he had not hurt her and yet she had hurt him. She knew that the boy was ready to go physical if it meant her staying or doing what he wanted, but never did he do it. Despite her faults, he had not hurt her yet physically. Even when she had slapped him, she probably deserved to get hurt as well, but he did not. Instead he had chosen to hurt himself. Was it really Liam Nightray that she saw?

And those were the reasons she had asked Sadie to bring ice packs to the Slytherin's room. She knew not if Liam would recognize her owl or not, but she was sure that she was yet to use or show her owl in front of Liam. After a few days of sending the ice packs, Ai knew that it was only right that she also apologize to him. Apologize personally and properly. And so, she had sent a note to the Slytherin boy, asking him to meet up with her in the dungeon cell beside the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room at eight in the morning. It wasn't quite early since it would be a weekday tomorrow and they had classes too. No reply came, but Ai had already made a decision that she was not backing out from. She was going to apologize no matter what.

The next morning was a cold one despite the summer season. It had been raining hard since last night until now causing some classes to be cancelled. Ai had woken up at 7:30 in the morning and so she practically rushed herself and got ready for meeting the boy. She had only taken a very short detour to the Great Hall to grab a slice of bread and then headed straight for the meeting place she had indicated in her letter. She sat within the dungeon cell, and ate her bread as she looked upon the time. "7:58," she whispered as she waited. Two minutes passed and there was no sign of the Slytherin boy. Another minute passed meaning he was late, but Ai was not about to give up. Seconds that passed turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. The Hufflepuff was already shivering from the coolness in the confines of the cold dungeon walls.

How many hours had it been since she had started to wait. Two? Three? Four? She had lost track of time already and she wasn't even willing any more to check the time. It was already past lunch she was sure as her stomach was already grumbling in disapproval. But then again, she was determined and she was making herself believe that Liam would come. Maybe he hadn't read the note yet or maybe he was stuck somewhere! Or maybe he wasn't able to wake up! Ai shook those thoughts out of her head, willing herself to stay for a while longer as she shivered from the cold. Perhaps the rain hadn't stopped yet, causing the dungeons to be way colder than they usually were. She hoped she had worn a different set of clothes that would have kept her warm, but she was in too much of a hurry. Therefore, here she was, rubbing her arms to keep herself warm whilst the other Slytherins passed by. Many were already wondering why she was there for they had already been going back and forth yet they could still see her there. Waiting and wondering if Liam would ever come.
A few days had passed since Liam Nightray had first experienced being hit by a girl. It would have been better if he had forgotten about it already, but as he had always said, a Nightray never forgets. Besides, how could he forget when, only a few days ago, his cheek was still red and swollen? He had never imagined that such a tiny girl like Ai would have caused so much damage. What he had not expected the most, however, was how he reacted. he could have hurt her, but he didn't. He didn't know what had gotten into him. Sure, he was less harsh when it came to women and the elderly, but he never hesitates. Yet, he did. Frustrated yet again, he pushed himself off his bed and checked his reflection on the mirror. He wasn't vain, no, but still, it wasn't like parading around the castle with a swollen cheek was a noble act. It was embarrassing in fact. Sure, his roommates had not uttered a word about it, had not dared ask him, but he knew, he knew that they were formulating their own stories, making fiction out of fact, something which he didn't quite appreciate.

He changed into his usual attire, bearing the Slytherin crest on his clothes. He checked his reflection yet again, his cheek was no longer swelling, which was good, but the memory was still fresh. His eyes caught sight of a set of ice pack resting on his bedside table. Ai had sent his those. He was quite sure that she was doing that to mock him, reminding him of what she did. He should have gotten rid of it, but because he was too proud to go to the infirmary and relay the story of what had happened, he used it despite not wanting to. Beside them was a note that he had received from the girl, asking him to meet her up. It was the first time that she had ever sent her something. But alas, the proud boy would never give her what she wanted. Nevertheless, he snatched the note from his desk and put it in his pocket, deciding to get out for a while since strangely enough, he can't keep calm while staying on his room.

He checked the time, 7:30. She asked to meet at exactly 8:00, but then again, he knew that with her stupidity, she wouldn't even know what time it was already. He sat for a while in their common room, occasionally scanning some books, or if he was bored, watching the fire dance. He was feeling a little restless though, and his eyes keep looking to check on the time. It was almost eight and being the time freak that he was, he almost walked to their meeting place. But he was proud, too proud. He valued time yes, but he valued his ego too.

As soon as the clock struck eight, he stood up and headed for the door, only to realize that he was doing exactly what he didn't want to do. Thus, despite not really liking being in close proximity with anyone, he tried to blend in with the other slytherins getting out of their dorm. As he passed their meeting place, he saw her. It surprised him actually. For the first time, she wasn't late. But he was proud. If one would be asked to define him, it was that he was proud. Too proud for his own good in fact. so he ignored her, walking past her and heading to the great hall.

after eating his breakfast, he decided to head to the library. He didn't really want it but he had to study. He was barely passing his subjects, that was precisely the reason why he called for her that day. He wasn't able to get what he wanted though. and it annoys him just thinking about it. He wasn't stupid though. He was smart in fact. He was just too lazy to study. He spend a few hours reading. The silence was usually calming for him, yet at that moment, it unnerved him. The clock wasn't helping either as he couldn't stop himself from checking the time. It was at times like this that he cursed himself for being obsessed about time.

It was already past lunch when he decided that he had enough. His head was beginning to ache again and he wanted to do nothing but rest for the day. Perhaps, she was no longer there. After all, it had been hours. She would have given up already. He borrowed a thick book from the library and decided to head back to his room. as he descended to the dungeons, however, what greeted him had caught him off guard. She was still there. He didn't expect it actually. Sighing, he had figured that he had to face her. He wouldn't be able to enter the Slytherin common room without passing by her place. He silently walk towards her, ignoring her purposely, his footsteps echoing in the almost empty dungeon. The dungeon was especially cold today, and he could see that the girl wasn't used to it. He walked, not daring to look at her, tensing a little as he passed her place.
It was really cold in the dungeons and with Ai not wearing her Hogwarts uniform and instead wearing some muggle clothes that were not quite made for the cold season, she was freezing. The cold had already been clinging to her the first hour she waited for Liam and she thought that she would eventually get used to the temperature, but she was wrong for every minute that seemed to pass, it was getting colder and colder within the dungeons. She had already begun sneezing and she was sure that she'd develop a cold for it was already starting to. Not only that, but her body temperature was also getting higher, her head was starting to ache and her vision was that the room was spinning a bit. That was definitely not a good sign. She had been in the cold for too long and now she would be developing a fever. But then again, she was stubborn not to leave as she waited for the Slytherin boy to arrive.

Many Slytherins had already passed the cell and most were already whispering, which probably meant it was about her. She could not blame them though, they had been seeing her every time they came and went out of their common room and she had been there for more than four hours in the cold dungeons. It wasn't quite a surprise that something was already forming in their minds and was no doubt that it would not be a bad one. But she did not care. She came to the dungeons for one reason and one reason only. To apologize. And so let rumors spread and her fever develop and worsen but she will apologize to Liam Nightray and she will not leave her place until she gets the job done properly.

After a while, the number of students entering the Slytherin Common room had lessened for it was probably the time for lunch. Or was it an hour ago? The Hufflepuff really had lost her sense of time whilst she was in the dark and cold, literally cold, dungeons. Yet, there was an echo of steps that were ringing about the dungeons. Ai's vision was already failing her but she could see who it was. It was clear for she remembered him clearly and he could never forget who that Slytherin was. "L-Liam," was also she could stutter, her words failing her as she could not nearly believe that he had arrived. She stood up quickly and immediately regretted her action for it seemed like a boulder had been dropped on her head and her vision suddenly went in circles whilst she almost lost her balance. But she managed to regain it quickly, thankfully. "Are you alright?! You weren't stuck somewhere, were you? Were you in the infirmary? You didn't get yourself in accident, did you?!" Ai had quickly began throwing questions unconsciously, all scenarios that had formed in her mind while she was waiting had suddenly flown out of her mouth. She was worried the whole time and her voice and eyes tried to show it, but it would probably be to no avail. Liam was never late as he valued time so much, and so she couldn't help but think of different reasons of why he would be late. It was her job to be late, not Liam's. Ai shook her panicked thoughts out of her head and looked at Liam. He was ignoring her, that much was obvious. But she had to apologize properly and it should not take very long as she could feel her fever getting worse. Ai tried to form thoughts in her head, words she could say, reasons she could state. Of course, she had already formed a coherent and reasonable sentence for her to say to the Slytherin boy. But, words failed her as soon as she had spoken, and yet, her voice sounded sincere and true as she had only spoken two words.

"I'm sorry."
The dungeons were especially cold today. It had been raining all night long and thus, making the already cold place even colder. A slytherin like Liam was already used to it. He had lived an entire four years there, turning five. The cold didn't affect him anymore, though of course, it didn't mean that he liked it. Water was dripping somewhere, the sound of water hitting the stone mixed with the sound of his own footsteps. The dungeon was dark, barely lit by the torches situated on the walls. Liam continued to walk. The place was too quiet, that he swore he could even hear his own pulse. Usually, the young Slytherin valued silence, finding it really irritating to be surrounded by a bunch of noisy people. Too much noise makes his head ache, yet at that moment, the usually calming silence unnerved him. He didn't really understand why but he had no intention to think about it further.

Liam kept his head straight, willing himself not to look anywhere but front. He quickened his steps, however, it seemed that time was playing some tricks on him as it seemed that it took him forever to pass the hufflepuff that he had swore not to see again. As he passed her, he noticed that something was wrong. He couldn't point his finger on what that was but she seemed different. However, being him, he ignored it. He no longer have any business with her. Whatever relationship they shared, if one could call it that, had already ended a few days ago. He need not see her again as seeing her only made him hate her further. Yet, as he saw her there, looking really weak and frail than ever, there was this disturbing feeling in his gut that he could not really explain. He, however, had decided to push it to the back of his mind. He didn't really want to associate himself with her again. She was...too much trouble.

He heard her speak, yet he paid her no heed. He had already resolved not to talk to her again. To him, she didn't exist anymore. He had no use of her. Heck, he was not even able to use her at all. He had only wasted his time. He continued to walk despite her calling for him, not turning back to look at her. Yet, as he turned to face the entrance of their common room, he caught sight of her almost losing her balance. Still, he ignored. The girl, however, seemed to not understand that he had had enough of her stupidity. It seemed that she was no longer capable of understanding anything unless it was shoved to her face. Liam's determination, however, was no joke too. He had decided to ignore her, and ignore her he will. He was about to whisper the password to the Slytherin common room when he heard those two cursed words from her again. He stopped, his already non existent patience running thin, and alas, he had had enough. As soon as those words left her mouth, Liam turned around. Too quickly in fact that it was a surprise that he had not lost his balance. "I'm tired of it," he muttered. He was angry, and unlike before, it was showing on his face. He walked towards her, cornering her on the wall. He then slammed one hand beside her head, restricting her movements. Their shadows stretched into the walls. If someone should see them right now, people might misunderstand the position that they were in. But he didn't care, all he could think about was how angry he was. "Didn't I tell you not to show yourself to me again?" He told her again, glaring. He was looking at nothing else but her. His fox like eyes looked even more dangerous with the way that his face was being illuminated by the torches around them.

He despised her, he seriously do. Yet, he didn't understand why. He had not hated anyone this much before. Yet, as he looked down on her and noticed how cold she was, he felt something else. She had to endure this cold because of him. Because he had been late. Because he had intended to be late. But he hated her, was he developing another kid of hate then? He didn't know what came into him as he removed his robe and dropped it on the girl's head. Perhaps it was that pride of his or perhaps it was his obsession with time that made him do that. He didn't know. But as soon as he had realized what he just did he took his robe back again, doing so too harshly than he had intended. What was he doing? Irritated, he turned around again. "Forget it. I don't need your apology." It was true, after all, how many time had he heard her apologize? He had already lost count, such an apology from hers meant nothing anymore. No matter how sincere she tried to sound, it was of no value.
At times like this, Ai wished that she were taking her meals properly and maybe even gain weight. She knew that body fat and muscle mass helped in reducing the cold, but then because of loads of work to be done, she tends to neglect eating thus, here she was, thinner that she was in the past year and shivering because of the cold. She knew the causes of feeling chilly and suddenly she were regretting what she had been doing. Skipping meals, not getting enough sleep and added is her low body weight. She was not malnourished nor too thin for her age, she was just thinner than she used to be which may be deemed as just right. The Hufflepuff shook those thoughts out of her head. Now was not the time to be thinking about those stuff nor regretting them, the deed was done and there was nothing that can take it all aback. She should just move on forward and focus on the task at hand. Apologizing to Liam.

The Hufflepuff was trying so hard to keep her balance. She had no idea what her temperature now is, but one thing's for sure. This would be her worst fever and she still wasn't willing to head back to her room until Liam forgives her, but she won't be blackmailing him to do so. No. That was not her. But right now, it was so tempting as her vision was already going in circles and blur that she barely managed to notice Liam walking towards her. She backed away, nearly stumbling as she does so but was thankfully able to be supported by the wall. She leaned on the cold dungeon walls giving her the shivers as the Slytherin slammed his hand, merely centimeters from her head and nearly causing her to jump in surprise. "I... Guess I'm too... Stupid to understand," the Hufflepuff breathed out as she felt her head getting lighter and lighter. Possibly even lighter than air itself. She needed to get out but how? She could barely take a step forward without falling face first on the floor.

Ai could barely process the things that were happening now. What's going on? she thought as she looked at Liam shuffling about, until she realized that he was taking off his robe. Is he crazy?! The temperature was freezing and yet he was removing the article of clothing that the Hufflepuff wished she had at this very moment. What made her more surprised though was when the Slytherin's robe was suddenly on her head. She took it off from her head and looked at it in confusion. Was he giving it to her? If he were, it was a bit off-character for the Slytherin, but she was thankful, yet she knew the boy needed it too. She was just about to give it back to Liam when he had suddenly taken it from her harsher than she had expected. Ai knew that she was already at her limit when her vision was getting more blurry by the minute. As Liam turned and spoke, Ai moved from the wall in an attempt to apologize once again despite him not wanting to hear her out. "I'm really sor-" And everything was dark in the Hufflepuff's vision as a loud thud was heard throughout the dungeons as her consciousness drifted away.
Liam Nightray was not liking whatever it was that was happening around him at that moment. He does not regret a lot of things but as he stood there, his back turned away from the hufflepuff who was causing him too much head ache and unwanted confusion, he couldn't help but regret not staying in the library. Sure, the smell of old books, the millions of letters, and the thousands of words that he had to read would surely cause him some head ache too, but he was sure that it was better than what he had been dealing with right now. He shouldn't have gone here. He had actually underestimated the girl's will. He had thought that since hours had passed already, she would have given up and head back to her dorm or hang around with her stupid and pathetic excuses for friends. But she did not, instead, she waited there for hours, even longer than the time that he had waited for her a few days ago. If it was him, he would have left the instance the clock strikes pass the time that they have to meet, at least, the old him would. He had no patience for waiting. He valued time so much that people might even say that it was to the point of obsession already. Yet, when it came to her, it was different.

He hated waiting, yet he waited for her. He didn't like being late, yet he had been late. He didn't care about anyone, yet, as it seemed, he had been ready to give up his robe even if it was too cold at the dungeon, this, especially, had made him despise her even more. This wasn't like him, no, not at all. The only girl that he had actually look at and dare to touch was that daughter of his parents' friends, and it was only when they were too young and innocent, unaware of the harshness of life. It seemed like it had happened a long ago, for Liam was anything but innocent right now. He clenched his fist again and pursed his lips. He didn't have to remember about those things, he had forgotten them already, he had vowed not to think about those anymore. His parents were gone, and that was it. He changed, and he was not going back to how he was before. Life is not as easy as everyone makes it out to be.

The slytherin was ready to take another step and to completely ignore the hufflepuff when he heard her speak again. She was apologizing. Again. He hated it when she says those words. He hated them more than he hated anything else. He couldn't understand a thing and it irritated him so much. He pretended not to hear her and took another step forward, determined to just leave her alone. Yet, as soon as he heard the sound of something hitting the floor, he froze. It was as if time was slowing down as he turned around. He already knew what he was to see, yet, he still turned. And as he had expected, the hufflepuff lay unconscious on the cold dungeon floor. He knew that there was something wrong about her earlier. Against better judgement, he approached her, kneeling down next to her unconscious form. She looked more vulnerable than before. He was about to touch her forehead to check her temperature when he stopped. He mentally scolded himself for acting too out of character for him. This wasn't him, he wasn't supposed to act like this.

He quickly stood up and walked away from the hufflepuff, willing himself not to look back. As he stood in front of the stone wall leading to the slytherin common room, he whispered their password. He need not worry about her, he wasn't supposed to care in fact. The door shut behind him, separating him from the cold dungeons and the probably still unconscious girl. He sat down and watched the fire dance in the common room's fireplace, filling his mind with anything but what was outside their common room. Not even a minute had passed, however, when he hurriedly stood up and went to his room. He wasn't thinking logically. It was as if his body was moving against what his mind was telling him. He searched for an unused blanket and took it with him down to their common room. He was to open the door again when he stopped, realizing what it was that he was doing. He turned around again, this time, walking back to the seat that he was occupying earlier. He couldn't settle down though. He didn't understand but he was bothered. He couldn't calm down. And Liam never did like this feeling.

Thus, to stop whatever it was that was nagging him, he dragged himself to the door again yet stopped for the second time around. He shouldn't be doing this, he shouldn't be acting like this. He didn't know what was making him do things that he knew he was not supposed to do. Perhaps it was the cold, or perhaps it was the books that he had read earlier. He turned around again. He cursed himself for acting like those stupid and indecisive person. He set again, covering his face with the blanket that he took from his room. He hadn't been able to use this one, he vowed not use this one in fact. It was, after all, something that his mother had given him before. It had childish prints on it, its color a vibrant green. He stayed in that position for he knew not how long. His face covered by the blanket, his eyes closed. He tried to calm himself down, told himself a hundred of times to forget and just sleep. It was futile for after a few minutes, he quickly stood up and headed for the door again. His mind was telling him that the logical thing to do was to sleep this confusion away and to just ignore everything, yet, it was as if his body was moving on its own, but before he realized what it was that he was doing, he was already at the door. He assured himself that he was doing what he was doing not because he cared for the stupid hufflepuff. No. It was because he would be the one to kill her. He wouldn't let a mere fever or cold to do what he was supposed to do. He was the one to punish her and this stupid fever will not take that away from him.
Killua had been going in and out of the Slytherin Common Room. Lately, he just couldn't seem to find a place where he could settle down for even an hour or two. Everytime that he would end up in some place, he'd just stay there for minutes to pass and the eventually, get the hell out of the place and head to another one or maybe head back to his dormitory or to the common room. The fourth year Slytherin could not exactly understand his inability to stay put nor his indecisiveness for the day. And the cold air surrounding the castle caused by the rainy weather was not exactly helping him either. Perhaps it was the rain that was causing him to be as such? Or was it that he wanted to stay outside but did not want to get wet that was making him so restless? He didn't know and he most certainly did not have any plans to find out.

Although, in the midst of his multiple trips to the common room, he had not failed to notice a lone girl sitting about in one of the cold cells within the dungeons. From the looks of it, she was neither a Ravenclaw whom preferred to read books and stay within the library nor a Gryffindor who'd rather roam the place than sit around. And so, he had thought of her as a Hufflepuff as no Slytherin would be out in the cold dungeons for several hours when he or she can enjoy the warmth of the fire within the common room. But what could the girl be waiting for? Many whispers were already spreading about in the common room about her being there since morning and never leaving until now. Was she that much of an idiot? Surely, she'd have to give up soon or else her body won't be able to take it right? But then again, for now, Killua tried his best to pay her no heed as he once again left the common room and searched for a place to stay.

About an hour since his departure, Killua was already descending the steps leading to the dungeons. Yet, something was amiss. Instead of the usually calm, cold and silent dungeons, he was welcome by whisperings and conversations. He hurriedly headed to the source of the commotion and was surprised by the sight before him. The girl who had been sitting in the dungeon cell for hours had collapsed on the floor, unconscious and unmoving. He glared at the onlookers and muttered, "Get the hell out of here. There's nothing to see," quite loud enough for everybody to hear. Of course, most left without another word, trying to make it seem as if they were oblivious to the sight or cared for it at all. Kil sighed and approached the unconscious girl, kneeling beside her and letting his hand wander to her forehead. He widened as he felt her temperature as he found out that she was having a hell of a nasty fever, and if she were left on the cold stone floor, it could get unimaginably worse. He sighed as he knew that what he would be doing was going to be troublesome, but then again, he was not heartless to let a girl freeze to her death. And so, he scooped the unknown girl into his arms and stood up. She was surprisingly light and that was a relief as he started walking towards the stairs to head to the infirmary.
Carrying the blanket with him, Liam went out of their common room. He had no idea why he was doing this. In fact, he should have ignored everything like always and sleep. Yet, he can't settle down at all. And it was seriously annoying him. Never did he feel this bothered before, if that was the proper term to describe that uneasy feeling in his stomach. He didn't understand. Perhaps, he assured himself, that it was because should someone see the girl lying there, and should the girl really die, he'd be the one to be blamed. After all, there had been quite a few people who had seen him, and more so, he was quite sure that the entire Slytherin common room had seen the girl waiting there. He, however, had forgotten one important factor in this conclusion of his, he didn't care about authority. Yet, he decided not to think about it anymore, thinking just makes his head ache, it makes things complicated, and the last thing that he wanted at that moment was complication. This would be it, the last time that he would associate himself with her. He convinced himself that he was doing it not for her but for himself. He was selfish and proud. He didn't care about anyone, he wasn't supposed to care, even though that someone was someone that he knew for quite sometime.

His lips pursed into a thin line and his expression as hard as ever, he walked back to where he was expecting to see the supposedly unconscious form of the girl. Yet, as he neared his destination, what greeted him was far from what he had expected to see. Instead of the girl lying alone on the cold dungeon floor, she was with someone. What made the matters worse was that someone was trying to help the said girl. He didn't know what came into him, but he before he could realize it, he was already walking hastily to the two. He was angry, and he didn't understand why. He knew, however, that he should not be feeling like this. He should have turned around and leave everything to this stupid student who dared to help the hufflepuff again. However, that realization hit a nerve. Again. She was being saved by another wannabe hero. Again, she was a damsel in distress. Seriously, won't this stop?

His pace quickened, his steps wider, it was almost as if he was running already, but the boy knew nothing of what he was doing. And as he neared the two, his free hand which was not holding the blanket grabbed the person's shoulder and harshly forced him to face him. Great, he touched another person. This disgusted him. He, after all, didn't really like these physical contacts. This girl was seriously making him do things that he never meant to do. He immediately withdrew his hand as if he had been shocked by a strong current. He recognized this boy. It was another Slytherin, probably from another year. He had often seen him around the common room but being who he was, had never really bothered to talk to him. He sneered. These kids are really meddlesome.

He glared at the boy, shooting daggers at him. He hated him, but somehow, he hated the girl for being unconscious and vulnerable to these kinds of things. He didn't trust this boy. "Where are you taking her?," he said darkly, his face void of any emotion but his eyes, the only part of his face that is capable of showing his emotions, showed how angry he was. "Didn't anyone thought you not to touch other people's properties?" AS soon as those words left his mouth, the Slytherin realized why he had been so angry when this boy appeared out of the blue. Ai was his property. She was his puppet. Sure, he had dismissed her a few days ago. But she returned, did she not? Her return only meant one thing, she was his, and no one can take her away unless he said so.
Killua may have been an assassin four years ago, but that was all in the past. He knew that he had made dreadful mistakes that his family may still be doing at this very moment, but he was done with it. Never in his life did he wish to witness death or even be the one to cause it. Yet, his own parents had thought him to bloody and dirty his hands. And now that he could make decisions of his own, he would not let anybody die on his watch for he knew now that it was not his judgment nor his decision to make or anyone else's for that matter, on whether a person or a human deserves to die or not. For him, it was all about preventing death now, for he need not to see anymore of the saddening and sickening sight. No more killing for Killua Jacob Freecss.

And so, here Kil was, walking through the maze of stone walls, most commonly known as the Dungeons by those whom reside within the walls of Hogwarts New Zealand, an unknown girl in his arms. He had no idea who the girl was or where her house really was for all he could go on was his guess that she was a Hufflepuff for she bears no crest of any house whilst she wore her muggle clothes which he had noticed weren't exactly suitable to the cold rain occurring outside nor the nearly freezing temperature within the territories of the Slytherins. And thus, it resulted to the very high fever the unknown girl now had when the Slytherins, along with Kil, found her, laying unconscious on the cold stone floor of the dungeons and her fever getting higher by the minute due to the cold. Killua had resolved to bring the girl to the infirmary to have some medicine given to her immediately before bad goes to worst. Well, that was until someone had grabbed him by the shoulder and forced him to turn around, almost losing hold of the unconscious girl in his arms.

The younger glared at the one who had grabbed him. He was irritated for he knew no reason to be grabbed like that, and aside from that, the girl in his arms almost fell to the floor and it would have been quite nasty and unpleasant. And so, Killua's glares matched up to that of the other boy's. He was not even noticing that the older was glaring at him! For he was too busy assessing the boy, if he would be a threat or not, but the old assassin could see no possible threat the boy could give. His thoughts were stopped though as soon as the other boy began to speak and Killua just kept his glare. Didn't he tell people to just buzz off just a few moments ago?! Then why was this boy meddling with things. "Infirmary," the younger replied as if he was bored, yet his voice also showed coldness that he was not even trying to hide. The Slytherin was slowly getting irritated for the girl in his arms was still unconscious and her temperature still showed the seriousness of her condition. It was not getting higher but not getting any lower either, but then, he still had to give his attention to the boy in front of him. And then realization dawned upon him. This was not just some random Slytherin boy. This was the one the girl's been waiting for for hours. "They didn't teach me a thing besides killing annoying people like you," he said plainly before turning his back and resuming his walk, making sure the girl was secured in his arms.

"And she's not your property. I don't see your name on her and she is not a thing to be owned. And beside, you don't deserve her," Killua said as he looked forward and kept on moving.
Liam Nightray wasn't really the scariest looking guy. No. In fact, it was quite the opposite. The only part of his features that was close to being scary was his sharp foxy eyes. Other than that, he was far from being scary. He was quite tall, yes, but he wasn't the tallest guy in the world. He was quite lean too, in fact, he was close to being skinny. He didn't look that threatening at all, he wasn't all muscly and buff. He was quite pale too, his skin have that ghostly shade of white that suggests that he wasn't one who stays out under the sun for long. People who knew him not would most likely comment on how he looked so innocent and angelic. He looked vulnerable and harmless. Everything that he was not. His personality and everything about him betrayed his outward appearance. His youthful appearance, combined with the fact that he had lost his parents at such a young age made him an easy target for bullies. These bullies, however, soon learned that the boy was far from what his appearance suggested.He was rotten inside. Peel off that pale skin of his and nothing would be left but rotten flesh. That's why those who dare and made the mistake of underestimating him paid greatly in the end.

"Figured. You might be too stupid to learn anything else," he answered shortly at the boy's statement. It was one thing for him to hate someone and another thing for him to want someone dead. This boy was slowly inching to the latter category. He was being underestimated, that was evident, and Liam Nightray hated being underestimated. He was a Nightray. He was proud. He may not look threatening and all but he never did like being treated like a kid. If there's one thing that he hated more that waiting, it was being underestimated, for he valued his pride greater than time. That was the reason why he didn't come here earlier in fact.

"They'd be greatly disappointed though, for the one thing they taught you, you could not do at all. You won't be able to kill me. I doubt that you could kill anything at all." It was rare of him to get out of his way just to taunt someone, but this boy was asking for it. He knew nothing about this boy except those rumors about him coming from a troublesome family. He didn't care though. This boy didn't deserve his attention. Besides, rumors are just rumors, they were either true, or they were just lies sewed together by really stupid people. People whom he wished to disappear and die a slow and painful death. Whatever it was, he didn't care. He had other greater things to think about, and this boy didn't deserve to be a part of his life. In fact, he need not know his name too. He was nothing.

He walked again, grabbing the boy by the shoulder and roughly turning him around. He then snatched the girl away from him, pulling the hufflepuff towards him. He wasn't exactly the athletic type. He struggled to maintain his balance as the girl's wight shifted to him. The girl might be as light as a feather for all her knew, but being nonathletic, anything would be deemed as heavy for him. "Deserved it or not, she's mine. She's my property." He supported her weight by his left arm, his body leaning against him. He was yet to lift her. He was already struggling enough with just having her entire weight leaning against him, he was quite sure that he would struggle further in trying to carry her. The girl was too close, but that went unnoticed to the young Nightray. Besides, this boy was underestimating him already with just his physical appearance, he wouldn't do anything to make the boy further insult him. "You're not needed here. She's not a damsel in distress that a hero wannabe like you need to save. Get lost." His voice was low and dangerous, his face serious. He didn't stop glaring at the kid, in fact, his glare only intensified. He then turned around, dragging the girl along with him. This girl was indeed a royal pain. If he wasn't too proud to let go of his properties, he would have left her alone. This girl had too much to pay. His list of her obligations to him was too long already. A Nightray never forgets, and Liam had always made sure that all debts owed to him would be paid.​
Killua Freecss was getting irritated with the boy in front of him. Aside, from the fact that he had forcibly turned the younger around, he was also the reason for this whole trouble! If this boy was not stupid enough to have left the girl waiting, then she would not have gotten sick, lost consciousness and be carried right now! A part of his brain had told him to just leave the girl on the floor, after all, he had no idea who the hell the female was. Another part was telling him to just leave the girl to the disrupting boy, after all, he was the reason for the whole chaos and so he had to be the one to resolve it, right? But then, the probably most rational part of him was telling him to not hand over the female. He did not know why, but he trusted his instincts and besides, the frail looking boy was nothing close to a threat to the old assassin.

"Do not underestimate what I can do," Killua warned the Slytherin boy darkly. He wished that right now, he had brought his swiss knife, but then again, he had decided to leave it in his room since he found no use for it within the castle walls. Well, that is until he met the boy in front of him right now. Kil shifted the girl's weight a bit, adjusting her in his arms as he glared at the other boy. He would have left immediately, but it seemed that the boy was seeking attention. Who was Killua to deny him that? "Any member of the Freecss family could easily kill you. Even my sister who hasn't even trained yet. You would be nothing but a practice dummy, especially to me," the old assassin smirked. Even though this boy would put up a fight, it would be useless for death was evident if the name was on the list given to his family. Even to him whom was said to be the one to lead the family in the future. But Kil didn't want that fate, he wanted to live a different life from his family. Yet he wouldn't mind one last kill if it meant the target would be the boy in front of him.

Killua was quite surprised when the other boy had taken the female from his arms yet he couldn't even carry her and was obviously already having trouble supporting her unconscious form. But, he didn't try to take her back for he knew that if he did, it might cause pain to the girl for she would be the one most affected should a fight start. "Pathetic. That's what you are," Kil muttered quite loudly as the boy still claimed the girl as his property. For all he knew, people could be payed to do other's bidding. Their services could be bought, but they could never be another's property for even they need their own space too. "She wouldn't even be a damsel that needed someone if you hadn't been a jerk," Kil muttered, rolling his eyes as he watched and pitied the female as she was being dragged through the dungeons. He followed slowly. He wanted to make sure the girl would get the help she needed.
Liam Nightray might have been rude and cruel, but he had never been one to curse or swear. He had been brought up strictly by an aunt who enjoyed living the old fashioned way. An aunt who had taught him everything about manners and right conduct, and though he wasn't really the princely or the gentleman type, he wasn't one to shout profanities at someone. He vows to kill, yes, but he never did forget his manners. Yet, at that moment, while looking at this meddlesome boy in front of him, it took all his efforts not to curse. He couldn't really understand why every time he was with this stupid hufflepuff, he always gets caught in a situation that he never wished to be in. He wasn't one to look for a fight randomly, in fact, he rather much preferred to be by himself and do his own business. Yet, it seemed that that sort of thing was impossible as long as he associate himself with the puff. Yet, despite already coming to that realization, he couldn't bring himself to let go of her. She was his puppet, his property, and Liam has never been one to give up the things that he owned. He had already lost a lot of things before, and he wouldn't let that happen again. Not ever.

Though the rational thing for him to do to avoid this irritating and useless conversation was to just turn on his heel and leave, he didn't. Instead, the fifth year Slytherin stood his ground and continued glaring at the boy. His posture and his expression compensated his lack of muscles and lack of threatening qualities. His eyes showed it all, he would kill this guy. He would. Not now perhaps, for this guy didn't deserve his being expelled from the castle. But he would, he really would. This guy would pay him greatly, perhaps a thousand or a million folds.

The boy's statement hit a little too close to home. This boy was from a family of murderers, and Merlin did Liam wished all of those types of families to cease to exist. The walls that he had built to protect himself from the memories of his past began to crack. He could hear it. Slowly, the memories began to resurface. His birthday, their manor on fire, guests yelling and running for their lives, and most of all, his mother hugging him, her blood soaking his clothes. The memories were coming too fast, and it took him a lot of effort not to drop on his knees. His clenched his fist tightly, his knuckles turning white, his fingernails burying deeply on his palms, leaving its marks there. The hatred for his parents' killers was slowly mixing with his hatred for this boy, and at that time, as he glared at the other, he saw nothing but the flames and his mother making her last breath. "I'll kill you. Every single one of you," he said darkly, repeating it a few times without even realizing it. He vowed a long time ago, since he woke up surrounded by nothing but white, his aunt wearing everything red peering down on his little form. He couldn't forget that face that she made, nor the face of everyone when they first saw him after that incident. That look of pity as he walked pass them, the whispers that followed him everywhere he go, it changed him. He couldn't remember how he was before, but he knew he changed, and he knew that it was for the better. He couldn't be weak. Not when he had people to kill and pay.

The Slytherin realized that he was yet again swimming on the river of his past when the boy spoke again. The face of his mother disappeared and he was again back inside the cold dungeon walls, the stupid puff leaning against him. The hatred and anger was still there, but so was the headache that came with it. It was even greater now, like thorns piercing his head. He decided not to answer the boy. Not that he can, for in his head, the memories were still fresh, and every now and then, as he walked dragging the girl with him. He would flicker back to that time of his birthday, then again to the dungeons. It was slowly driving him mad. The headache intensified that his grip on the girl's arm tightened, it would probably leave a mark, though at that time, he could care less. He knew however, that they were being followed, for he heard the boy's footsteps behind him, that along with the headache and the memories which are pulling him back to being a six year old kid again, made him snap, turning around so quickly that he unconscionably released the girl. "Stop!" he yelled, his voice echoing in the seemingly empty dungeon. He didn't know why he said it, nor why he yelled, but at that time, all that he was was a six year old kid having people constantly telling him that it would be fine and talking about how poor he was being orphaned at such a young age. He was angry. No. It was more than that. Words would not be enough to describe what he was feeling. He walked quickly towards the boys direction and grabbed him by the collar. "Get away from me. I don't need you," he said, venom dripping on his words. It was not that boy that he was seeing, rather, was the people that he used to be with before. "I'll kill you," he said repeatedly, like it was a mantra, his grip tightening, his nails digging on his palm which caused him to bleed. It was only then that he realized what he had been doing. His foxy eyes widened a little in a realization and he let go of the boy. This was one of the rare times when he hated himself, hated himself for showing what little emotion he has, for letting his past cloud his actions. His palm was still bleeding, small droplets of blood hitting the floor. He turned around, his face void of any emotion. His expression was blank, showing nothing of what it was that he was thinking or feeling. "I don't care anymore," he muttered softly, his voice was blank too, monotonous. He started to walk then, back to his common room, forgetting about the girl that he had been previously claiming to own.
Ai was feeling woozy. Or was it really the best way to describe it? She really couldn't sum up all that she was feeling into a single word. Maybe elaborating every detail would be much easier? Perhaps it would be. Her eyes felt like they were burning hot, and her skin feeling the cold air around the darkness. She must still be in the dungeons for all she knew. It was the last thing she remembered and it would not be much of a surprise if it would be the first she would wake up to. Her arm felt like it was being pressed and then there was her head. Her head felt like air. Heavy air. It felt empty and yet so heavy that she felt that she would fall face first to the ground again. Wait. Didn't she fall to the ground already earlier. Now that she thought about it. She was being dragged. Turning her head lightly, she found that the one who was dragging her was none other than Liam. And he was holding a blanket too. She was squinting her eyes though as it seemed that the Slytherin's grip was getting tighter by the minute until suddenly, he let her go. Ultimately, she fell to the ground, not even ready to face the impact.

Ai gasped and grunted in pain and shock as he body fell nearly limp to the ground, her head as well, seemed to be pulsing because of the severe ache as an effect of her fever. She didn't expect him to let her go so suddenly though. And with all her might she turned her weak body around and her eyes widened at the scene before her. Liam was holding another boy by the collar and was releasing a murderous aura that did not quite match the one the Slytherin boy would always give her for it seemed that if only he had a weapon, he would have killed the unknown boy right then and there. The Hufflepuff struggled to get up, she had to stop Liam. She would probably make the situation worse by doing such, but then, the Slytherin might do something he'll regret for the rest of his life if he were to realize that a wand could be a weapon to take a life. She was barely closing the distance between her and Liam when he repeated words of threats to the boy. Threats that she was sure he'd do if he had the chance.

The Hufflepuff remained silent throughout the ordeal, until she saw Liam's bleeding hand. Must have been when he was clenching his fists, she thought as she brought out her own handkerchief. That wound needed to be closed she was sure. It wasn't long before her handkerchief was folded and the Slytherin begun walking away. She moved as fast as her body could carry her and grabbed his arm, the sleeves of his robes being the only boundary between their skin. He didn't like being touched, but this wasn't really direct contact right? Besides, she didn't care if he would hurt her. She just wanted his hand to be healed. He had been helping her, admit it or not, and she wanted to help him too. That was what she was thinking as she tried to wrap the folded handkerchief on his bleeding hand. She would deal with his fury later on.
Liam kept on traveling between the past and the present. The sence on his sixth birthday repeating again and again as he made his way back to their common room. His mother, covered in blood, desperately trying to protect her little kid from her killers, her beautiful face stained with dirt and blood. Then there was his father, once a proud man who commanded attention anywhere he goes, lying a few feet away from them, all the authority he once held gone. Everywhere he looked, there was fire, devouring anyone and anything it touched, and in the middle of it all covered with his mother's blood was his six year old form. Too small and too skinny, the clothes his parents bought to celebrate his birthday torn in various places. Then there were more shouting, and afterwards, he was covered with something. After that he remembered nothing except for his aunt wearing red looking down at him as he laid motionless on the room that they prepared for her. He hated himself for forgetting the more important details of that night, hated that he couldn't even remember his parents' murderers' faces. Then he was back to the present again, the voices and images gone and replaced by nothing but the cold walls of the dungeons and the echoes of his footsteps. If he would listen closely, he would also hear the small droplets of his own blood hitting the floor. But that he couldn't. He couldn't even feel anything. He was like an empty shell walking with no destination in mind.

He continued to walk, perhaps a little too slowly than he had intended. The headache was still there, causing his to hold his head with his right hand. He then felt something warm on his forehead and it was then that he realized that he was bleeding. His old blanket was nowhere near him too. He couldn't remember when he had let go of it, which angered him even more. that was an important property of his, a reminder of his mother, yet, he lost it somewhere in the dungeons. He was about to turn around when he felt someone near him, taking his hand to wrap it with something. Ai. And everything came back to him again. The girl waiting for him for hours down the dungeon, her fainting because of the cold, then the boy. That meddlesome boy who had dared interfere with his business. He stared down to his hand that was now being wrapped by the girl with what he assumed to be a handkerchief. Then came the memory of his mother doing the same thing whenever he hurts himself. Things he didn't want to remember. He jerked his hand away from her a little to harshly, the handkerchief wrapped loosely on his hand. It was now beginning to stain with his own blood. He never knew that he could cause himself that much harm.

He glared at the hufflepuff. She was the reason for all of this trouble. She should have chosen and obeyed him when he told her to not show herself to him again. She should have ran away and avoided him like most people did. Yet she didn't, and now, here he was, having to deal with the memories of his past and this feeling of hatred again. A Nightray never forgets, that was what he had always been told. Yet those memories form that night, he suppressed them. And now, because of this stupid puff, he had to deal with another series of sleepless nights, had to deal with those nightmares again. And it made him hate her even more. "Don't touch me you filth," he told her, his voice colder than the dungeons they were in. "Your help is not needed. I'm not weak." He continued to glare, distancing himself away from her before walking back to where he had been before, determined to look for his blanket again. Once he came across the piece of cloth, he picked it up, his blood staining it. He then found himself looking at the boy and the hatred intensified. "Is this what you want? She's my property. She's stupid. She's pathetic and she's nothing but a flea, but she's mine. I'll be the one to kill her and you can't stop me from doing that." He then turned around without another word, walking again back to his room. As he passed the hufflepuff, he gave her a cold look but didn't say another word. She would pay for this. Kill her he will, but for now, he just wanted to get rid of this stupid headache.​
Killua was used to such reactions. Blackmails and threats were nothing compared to what he had experienced whilst growing up before the start of his time in Hogwarts New Zealand. Some may have taught that being an assassin was an easy enough task. But it was far from being a piece of cake. One needed to have speed, strength, intellect and even courage. The Freecss family always said that he had those qualities. That they had seen it in him since the day he was born. Seen his potential even as a growing child. And so they taught him. Taught him to kill since he was a four year old or a five year old. Most would be learning how to play tag or hide and seek but not Killua. He was taught how to use a knife, his first weapon. Then they slowly tried to enhance his speed and his intellect. Squeezed almost every bit of information needed into his six-year-old mind. Then before he knew it, he already knew to use a gun, which could be used as potion. And even torture, in case they needed some information before the kill. By the time he reached ten years old. He could already kill someone by himself. His parents, his family, had turned him into a killing machine.

This was why he chose to remained silent and only show a subtle smirk at the older Slytherin. He had struck some sort of nerve, he knew. But he need not dwell on it further. Besides, he knew next to nothing about this boy, but he was a wee bit concerned with the girl that was just dropped not so gracefully to the ground. That can't be good, but then she was moving so it was probably a bit of a good sign. Well he hoped so. He was about to try signalling to the girl to just get away, but then the older had let go of him so suddenly. She followed him though, as quickly as her frail body could have carried her. "He's not worth it, you know," he muttered, loud enough for the two to hear, but she continued on, nursing the boy's hand despite the boy's obvious disapproval.

Killua was actually getting tired of the older boy's treatment to the girl. Surely, she was not a monster, and certainly not a nothing. In fact, the older should even consider himself lucky that such a girl as the Hufflepuff existed for not many of them lives. He approached the girl's frail figure and from behind her, he started toying with her hair, letting it cascade down her back. "What if I kill her right now? Surely, it would be an easy enough kill," he told the boy. The girl tried to resist at first and she sure was quite the energetic one, but having a fever wasn't exactly in her favor and he could just as easily subdue her. He held her wrist tightly at his one hand. One wrong move and it could break. This was going to be fun. It wouldn't even involve killing, it would be purely to his amusement. The older had underestimated him. Maybe it would be fun provoking him, using the Hufflepuff girl. "Isn't it tempting, girl? To just leave it all? Every problem? Leave him?" his voice trying to sound as luscious as possible and even said it near her ears, but with the stone walls, he was sure, his voice was echoing just enough for the older to hear. He was tempting her, maybe she would. She continued toying with her hair and whispering words to her that would likely make the idea of death sound wonderful. The boy wanted to kill her? Then that means, Killua will have his fun.
Ai didn't know what she was doing. Or why she was even doing it! Nursing Liam's hand. Perhaps she was not thinking straight, so she was trying to take care of the one who had treated her as nothing more than an animal. A puppet. A property. A thing to be owned. To tell others the truth, she was mostly saddened by this fact, for despite being treated as such for years, she wanted to be friends with the Slytherin boy. But unlike others, he had a wall surrounding him. Almost impossible to breach. Like the one she had after her parents had died and before she entered Hogwarts. But she wanted to enter those walls, make him realize that he did not need it, just like how she had discovered that she did not need the walls to keep moving forward. She knew nothing about his past, but there was something inside him that he was hiding. Something that she knew he would not share to anybody. Ai hoped he could trust her someday.

Ai wasn't surprised when Liam lashed out on her. Sure. What was new? Of course he'd lash out on her. He always does, but despite so, she didn't want to cut all ties with him just because of harming him physically. She was sorry about it. She tried to reach for his arm again to tighten the handkerchief on his hand, yet he was too busy picking up the blanket. Another try and there goes his piercing words. She flinched at his every insult, tears threatening to come out of her eyes. Tears she was trying so desperately to hide, but was slowly failing. She was just about to follow the boy's retreating figure, when suddenly, a hand was on her back. She felt shivers of a bit of fear. Who was this guy? He knew him not, but there was something about him that screamed danger. When he let out words though, Ai couldn't help but be angry. How dare this boy?! Kill her?! She didn't even do anything to him! She was just about to beat the heck out of him but he easily blocked her attacks and hold on to her wrist too.

Ai winced in pain yet she listened to the unknown's words. They were tempting. Really tempting. Leaving sounded good. No problems involving Conan. No more Taylor. No more aunts. No more of everything. Just her and maybe her happy self. The idea of death sounded too good in the voice of the unknown boy. Perhaps she should agree? After all, she would die sooner or later, right? Would dying today be of any difference? Shivers ran down her spine as different thoughts ran through her. But then, she remembered the unknown boy had asked Liam. Then did that mean the Slytherin held her life now. Any word he says could mean life or death for the Hufflepuff. Now she really felt the weight of what was happening. She was started to get scared, but she wouldn't show it. No. They shouldn't see her any weaker than they already had.
He didn't know what came into him, didn't even know why he acted the way he did, but before he could think about his actions, Liam found himself moving quickly and pulling the girl yet again away from the other boy. He pulled her towards him, the handkerchief that she tied on his hand sliding off from his grasp into the floor. He didn't know why he was acting like this. He was unsure when or how he moved so quickly to situate himself between the boy and the girl. Hust earlier, he was clutching on his head, willing the pain to stop and moving towards his room, yet at that moment, his headache was the least of his concerns. He stood between the unknown boy and the girl, acting like a her protector though he never meant to be one. He wasn't supposed to be one after all. She was not a damsel in distress that needed a savior. No. And he wasn't the hero either, in fact, he had once been called a monster, a dragon. Besides, he never did dream of becoming one. Heroes are pathetic people who one think of themselves. Pretending to care when in fact all they wanted was the glory and for people to admire their deeds. They were selfish fleas. Yet, at that moment, it was as if he was protecting the girl from this boy. Something that he never thought he would do. And surely, something that he hated as well.

"Don't touch her." The Slytherin's voice was full of malice and anger, his usually expressionless face showing nothing but anger not only at the boy but towards the girl and himself as well. Why did she have to be so stupid and weak? But of all, he was angry at himself the most. He was acting really stupid too. He was playing right into the trap of this boy. He knew, yet he let himself be lured into his games. "Don't even touch a strand of her hair," he continued on, glaring at the boy. It wasn't like he cared for the girl's life. Death awaits her anyway. For Merlin's sake, was it not him who vowed to kill her?

"Try it." He taunted him, his hand still bleeding and a murderous expression taking over his usually impassive features. "But I promise to kill you and everyone you hold dear." It was not an empty threat, after all, a Nightray always honors his words. He'd kill this guy. He hated his with every fiber in his being. He reminded him of those people. People who rejoiced in the deaths of his family, people who brought him a lot of shame. He would make them pay, make their families experience the same thing that he did. "You're really stupid," he muttered darkly towards the girl. He didn't remove his eyes away from the boy as he said it, but it was meant for the puff. He couldn't comprehend why everywhere this girl goes, there was trouble. She was in another class of her own when it came to being late yes, but it seemed that she was in the running too for the number of times that she got involved in these things because of her stupidity. She was supposed to be a useful toy. One that obeys his every whim and command, yet, every time he tried to summon her, something would happen and in the end, he wouldn't be able to get what it was that he wanted. And now, the one time that she had been on time, she brought him another trouble. Seriously, perhaps it would really be better to just leave her alone to deal with this mess.
Humans are most certainly amusing in the eyes of fourteen year old Killua Freecss. He did not know what came over him as he started to taunt the older Slytherin using the innocent Hufflepuff. But in any case, he was quite enjoying the show he was getting. Surely, anyone who decided on teasing would find it fairly interesting. Especially how the older Slytherin was acting towards him the moment that Kil decided to threaten the girl's life. It was an empty threat, but maybe it wasn't. He could as easily kill her when he wanted. He had a wand with him, strangling was unpleasant but it could do the job and beating was also an option. Yet, he wasn't really up to dirtying his hands up to when he entered Hogwarts, thus the reason he considered his own threat to be empty. But it seemed that the older hadn't realized it and so he continued. "Why?" the younger's voice possessed challenge as the older showed him his anger. But then again, Killua was not really one to care about another human's anger. He got that a lot over the years and so there was really nothing new. "Blood red looks good on the plain dungeon walls. And I am quite sure that no one would mourn over her," Kil remarked as his eyes wander throughout the walls of the dungeons, as if looking on where the color red would most suit it. "Especially not you," he said coldly as his cold eyes suddenly stared at the girl behind the Slytherin.

Killua's deep voice of laughter had suddenly filled the halls of the cold dungeon walls. What was the older's threat again? Kill anyone dear to him? The previous assassin was quite confident with the idea that the frail looking boy wouldn't even do as much as a bruise towards any member of the Freecss family. Well, theat is if the older had even guessed that his family was important to him. But then again, it was only Mitch that was important to Kil, and it wasn't really that obvious that they were related at all. Unless Mitch starts to act all b!tchy though. "Oh really now? I'd like to see you try as well," Killua laughed hard before stopping and clearing his throat. Silence didn't last long as the older boy had suddenly spoken to the older girl. "See what you do to her? You just insult her over and over again. She'd be better of dead!" Kil said as he took a step, getting closer and closer to the duo in front of him that was far from being a couple yet looking a bit like one. "Won't it be better to just die? I can help you, you know. I'll make it quite short and as painless as possible," the younger Slytherin said, his voice was again going back to making death seem agreeable and his eyes staring right into the girl. His cold eyes seemed to be dancing in the dark dungeons, as if he were contemplating on how he should kill the girl should she agree.
Ai was feeling mixed emotions right now. A lot of conflicting emotions were overruling her that it must seem that her face at the moment was stone hard for she knew not which emotion she had to show. She was feeling fear for she knew that the unknown boy could really kill her. Ai still hadn't developed her ability to willingly tell if others were lying or not, truth be told, she already wanted to give up on it, yet she had felt that the boy was telling the truth and his words held not one bit of a lie. She felt anger for the unknown was also underestimating her but it seemed that he could easily subdue her should she wish and so she also felt anger towards herself for being so helpless and that's when she suddenly felt a spark of happiness. When Liam had suddenly came back and was now in the middle of her and the boy. It seemed that the younger had managed to let her wrist go in the whole process but Ai was quite sure that it would bruise later on. The boy sure had a firm grip. She watched the whole interaction between the two Slytherins in whole silence.

Ai's knees buckled in the effort to keep her stance. She may have been standing and walking and acting all tough, but that didn't change the fact that she was still sick and weak at the time. And of course, her actions were taking its toll on her, but being who she is, she was trying so hard to hide it, she wasn't quite sure though how long she would last. For now, she wanted to get out of the cold dungeons and head to the warmth of her room. She was freezing and she couldn't help the little sneeze that escaped. If she could and if she wasn't so scared, she would have already tried to walk past through the unknown boy but fear was overtaking her and so, she remained behind Liam. She really didn't know if she needed to say anything, all she did was pick up the fallen handkerchief, dust it off, a lot, before once again trying to tie it properly on the Slytherin's wounded hand. She didn't want to listen anymore nor look at the unknown boy for she felt the fear coming to her. But then, her body betrayed her as for one moment when he spoke, asking her about death, she looked at him. She trembled as she looked at his eyes. It was as if he really wanted to kill her, and she knew that she could do nothing about it. That was when Hufflepuff prefect, Ai Edogawa, really felt fear and helplessness.
This boy was seriously getting on Liam's to kill list. Ai's name used to follow his parents' murderers, yet the more time he spent with this annoying and meddlesome pathetic excuse for a human being, Ai was beginning to slip down to the third spot. For almost five years of his stay at Hogwarts, he had never been involved in such a situation like this. Usually, those students who dared try to poke their noses on his business had ran away with their tails between their legs. Never did he have to face someone like this boy, and Merlin did it annoyed him so. If it had been under different circumstances, Liam would have found the boy useful. Perhaps, by some rare stroke of luck, they could have gotten along too. But alas, they had to meet under this condition, and thus, Liam felt nothing but hatred towards the unknown boy.

The fact that the boy had been boasting about his capability to kill anyone irked the Slytherin so much. He hated murderers, and though he knew that he was bound to become one to, he didn't like them at all. It was those people who took everything away from him. If it hadn't been for them, his parents would have been alive by now and he wouldn't have to live the way that he was living right now. Sure, his aunt never did fail to attend to his needs, but the look of pity on people's eyes whenever they would hear about his story had never been something that he appreciated. He was a Nightray, and he was proud. He didn't need pity nor did he need any help. He would make sure that those killers would feel the same shame that he felt before. They would pay him greatly, but at the moment, it would have to be this boy who would be on the receiving end of his anger.

Liam continued to shoot murderous looks on the boy's direction. If glares could kill, this boy would have been rotting on his grave already with the way that Liam was glaring at him. He had been planning how to kill the meddlesome boy. He didn't deserve a quick death. It should be a slow and painful one. Perhaps he could dismember him then afterwards feed his remains to the dogs. But alas, this boy might infect those already lowly creatures too. Or perhaps, he could burn his body down into ashes and watch him scream in pain. He could almost see it happening. Him sitting comfortably while watching the boy scream and die a slow and painful death. He smirked, and at that moment, he looked crazed. Insane, perhaps. a look that certainly didn't fit his face. A murderous and creepy expression on such a young and innocent looking face could really terrify someone after all. He was too engrossed with those thoughts that he failed to notice the girl tying the piece of cloth on his arms again. However, the boy's last statement brought him back to reality and in a matter of seconds, he jerked his hand away from the puff and soon, his knuckles met the boy's face. There was still that crazed same crazed look that he had earlier as he positioned to deliver another punch towards the boy. He couldn't see him at all, instead, it was his parents' murderers that he saw. However, before his fist met the boy's face again, he stopped, and the murderous look was gone and replaced by an impassive and apathetic expression. However, his eyes didn't soften, instead, it was full of hatred still. He looked at the boy with disgust and turned back. He didn't want to spend another minute there. He wanted to rest, and at the moment, he was sure that aside from his palm, he had injured his knuckles too. He had never been involved in a physical fight after all.

The Slytherin started to walk away, he was hurt but he didn't show it on his face, instead,he looked indifferent, with the only sign of hatred visible in his eyes. He pulled the girl along with him as he passed her, dragging with her towards the exit of the dungeon. He couldn't have her staying there. She was too much trouble. He could care less about the boy now. Should he spend more time with him he wasn't sure what he would do. Perhaps, he could really kill him then. As they neared the exit, he let go of the girl's wrist and threw the blanket at her. "Stay away from me.," was his last words before he turned around to walk back to his common room. Should this girl be smart enough, she would leave and lock herself in her room, a place safe enough for her. But then again, she was really stupid too, so he wouldn't really be surprised if that stupidity of hers kicked in.


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