Closed I wish we didn't say goodbye

Eleanor Hope

former hufflepuff and queen of flowers ♕✿
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Eleanor was happy to live the life that she lived. She wasn't making the most money, she wasn't famous or ever wanted to be famous, but was just happy where she was and didn't think she could've been doing anything better. Her greenhouse had been her project ever since she had left school, and it was definitely coming along nicely, and she had learnt so much more about plants out of Hogwarts than she ever did within it. The former Hufflepuff thought she had been living the perfect life, however one thing that stayed in the back of her mind wherever she went and whatever she did was Jerara. She had missed him dearly and wondered where exactly he was, if he had found someone else, if he had moved country, if he had found exactly what he wanted to do with his life, just as she had done with hers. Ever since the pair of them had gone on a break, Eleanor hadn't thought at all about moving on. She didn't find interest in anyone else. It was always him. Eleanor had written a letter to him in hopes that it would get to him wherever he was. She wanted to see him again, just as friends, at Brightstone Village. Perhaps he still worked at the candy shop there and she could go and find him if he didn't show up? Nonetheless, Eleanor waited at the bench in Brightstone Village where they had always met, where they met up during the holidays, and where they had decided to go on that break. She was nervous, having thought over and over in her head what she would finally say to him, and just hoped that wherever he was he received that letter.​
Jerara hadn’t expected to hear from Ellie, he had tried to reach out but every attempt he’d eventually just decided against it. He could hear Tristan’s complaints in his head in regards to it. That he didn’t need to be hung up on her, that he should move back into the dating pool, but he had never been interested in anyone else. He had never been that interested in dating either. Just in general, there was always something else he could read, some other matter that he could read into. Things with Ellie had always just been easier, and it helped that Jerara had always found that girls just weren’t as beautiful as she was. He knew that the time apart had been good. He knew that not contacting her straight out of school was a good idea. He had refrained from contacting her when she’d left school and it was the same for him, there needed to be time where he figured out his own life, and really it was relatively figured out.
Jerara had a terrible sleeping pattern, and it was all dependent on what he was reading, but he made enough money to live and he made worked enough to give him side hobbies. He couldn’t imagine being Tristan and donning a suit every day. Though of course he was thinking about in the future joining the ministry - if he even could at this point. But all of that went somewhat out of the window when Ellie had reached out to him. He had been made nervous about it. Not sure what he could say, what to tell her, but there was no doubt in his mind, he was turning up. So, that was why he found himself stood not too far from the familiar bench looking towards Ellie. There was an odd familiarity with it, something that he was pretty happy for. Ellie had always felt a little like home. Jerara was always disappointed he didn’t have a usual bag of sweets to give to her. ”Hey,” he greeted as he finally got close enough, he felt a little awkward but he smiled at her and took the seat next to her, ”How’ve you been?” normal polite conversation seemed a little wrong, but it was perhaps the best place to start for them.
Eleanor kept her hands balled into fists in her lap as she waited for Jerara. She tried to rehearse in her head what to say to him if he came and how it would play out. But before she could properly decide what that was going to be, she heard footsteps approaching and quickly looked up, smiling bright as Jerara took the seat next to her and greeted her. "Hey Jerara!" she exclaimed, suddenly feeling nervous butterflies in her stomach. It was silly to be feeling like that. It felt very much like she was a teenager again. She wasn't really sure whether or not she should give him a hug, despite how much she wanted to, and refrained from doing so as he asked how she had been. It was a polite thing to ask, however Eleanor wanted to get straight to the chase. Nonetheless, she answered him. "I've been okay. I'm pretty much on track with my life now, which is good. How about you? What have you been up to?" Eleanor was genuinely curious about Jerara and what exactly he had been doing since he left school, and was hoping that he was also on track with everything. She wanted to be more a part of his life now, and hoped that there was room there for her.​
Jerara smiled at her, noting that she seemed a little nervous, it was only seeing her nervous that made him a little nervous. He wasn’t even sure why, he didn’t expect much from this, they were perhaps both in good places, but perhaps she had moved on. Perhaps he had just been waiting around for nothing. He hadn’t reach out to her, and had just expected her to reach back out to him. Jerara nodded as she answered his question, on track with life, ”Oh yeah, what are you doing these days?” the man asked with a curious air. He was pretty sure that the question was returned to him, and he just nodded. His was good. ”I’ve been good, I’m doing a lot of reading, there are so many books that I didn’t get a chance to read at school,” he said to her, ”I don’t know if I’d say I’m on track, but I’m on a track, there's something I'm working towards which I think will be really good,” he said to her. He was very carefully picking his words, not mentioning what exactly he was doing for work, nor the other way in which he spent his evenings. Some of his evenings. He wasn’t supposed to talk about it and he knew that Ellie didn’t need to know about any of it. ”I think Tristan gets annoyed that every other surface of our flat has a book upon it,” he said, with a little smile, hoping she’d latch on to his reading more so than anything else. He wasn’t keen to share it with her, since he wasn’t sure what this was yet and as much as he liked her, there had to be a bit of time for him to regain his trust in her.
As Jerara followed up with another question, she blushed slightly, noticing that she didn't really give much detail the first time about what she had been doing. "Well, I have my own greenhouse. I'm growing magical plants that I hope to sell soon. It's still in the works as there's so many different things I still have to do, but it's definitely getting there and I enjoy it a lot. It's literally everything I do." she told him, before listening to what he had to say. She liked the fact that he read books, she found it rather interesting, and it was always something the woman had admired about Jerara. He was intelligent, and definitely a good source for knowledge. As he mentioned the fact that he was working towards something, Eleanor beamed and sat on the edge of her seat. "Oh gosh that's so cool! What is it? Is it a secret? Are you going to be famous or something?" Eleanor couldn't help herself, however she knew she shouldn't pry. If he didn't want to tell her then she would be okay with that, as she was sure she'd find out soon. "So I guess reading is mostly all you've been doing then? Does it keep you busy?" Eleanor asked, still wanting to find out whether or not he had time for other things. She also couldn't help but be interested. After all, it's felt like ages since she was last updated on his life.
Jerara nodded as she talked about what she was growing, the plants. He had known that her passion and her interests had been in herbology, had been in plants so that wasn’t too surprising. He wondered briefly if she had her own place, her own little house with the garden she could grow and nurture or if she lived still with her family. ”Are you living at home?” he asked her, quite curious. He had to imagine that she wasn’t, though he’d noted muggles tended to spend more time living at home, magical people didn’t. He hadn’t even gone home after graduating. He’d visited briefly but it would’ve been just to say hello. He was a little surprised at her enthusiasm towards what he was thinking of doing, perhaps he’d forgotten about that. He didn’t mind it, he just laughed, ”It’s just not set in stone yet,” he told her, ”But, I’m in contact with a guy in Italy whose willing to teach me alchemy,” he told her with a little shrug, as if it wasn’t a big deal, though he knew for him, and for others it was a big deal. At the words he shrugged again, though mostly because he wasn’t going to tell her about what he’d actually filled that extra time that he had. ”There are a lot of books that I’ve wanted to read. What else do you do to keep busy?” he returned the question.
Eleanor felt happy that Jerara was listening to her and asking more questions. It really seemed as though he was eager to catch up with her too, and she was very happy to respond to him. "No, I've got my own place now. Well, it's not really my own as my sister technically lives there too, but she mostly stays at our parents house anyway. I don't think she will ever fully leave home, but having our own place that she can come and go to is giving her a little bit more independence." she explained. She knew that ever since Hogwarts had finished it had been hard for Lilyanna to find her new routine. "So you live with your friend Tristan now? How's that going?" Eleanor remembered Jerara mentioned they lived in a flat together and she couldn't help but be happy knowing that they were still friends, especially after being at Hogwarts together for so long. The woman listened as Jerara told her that there was a guy going to teach him alchemy. It made sense now and Ellie was impressed that was what he wanted to do. "That's great!" Eleanor exclaimed. "You will be very good at it, I'm sure." She smiled at him, hoping he felt the same way. "Well, I still work sometimes at that Ice Cream shop in Obsidian Harbour. I've been doing it for a while now so it's become a bit boring, but it's helping me buy my supplies and stuff so I'm not complaining." Eleanor was just focused on her plants at the moment, hoping that eventually she would be able to do something bigger with them.
Jerara nodded he had always remembered the sisters to be close, but perhaps being able to share a place in some respects had made them closer again. He thought it odd that the sorting hat split twins up but from what he remembered about Ellie’s sister which wasn’t much, the two were different. ”The independence is nice right?” he said with a little smile. She was probably of the same opinion as him, that it was rather cool. He had been independent for a while, but now he lived with Tristan and that was way better than anything else. It did mean he had to keep several things secret, but it was nice regardless. ”It’s good. He works for the ministry, so we don’t keep the exact same hours, but that helps,” he knew it helped him keep part of his life away from him. It helped keep things easily separate. They were also getting along fine. He was sure that Tristan was not going to enjoy him leaving. But he couldn’t help it, it was only going to be for a year. ”Yeah, it’s exciting, first real thing to do since school.” he replied, ”It’ll only be for a year, but I think that’s more than enough time to learn all of the basics and then just start doing the things myself,” he was more than certain that upon his return, he’d be able to do more and improve it. The year would be the foundation of what he needed to learn. He nodded, ”Wow, the ice cream shop. That’s fun, is it cold?” he asked with a little smirk, making a light a joke, he was sure it wasn’t, but things with Ellie were maybe a bit difficult. He wasn’t sure why, perhaps too much time had passed, perhaps they just needed more time to get used to each other again. So he ‘d made a pretty light and terrible joke.
Eleanor nodded when Jerara said the independence is nice. "Yes, but it does mean I get lonely sometimes if I'm not focused on my greenhouse. I get lonely a lot, but I guess that's life." Eleanor shrugged. She did agree that the independence was good, as it did get some pressure off her shoulders, but the loneliness was definitely something she had to live with now, even with Lilyanna technically living there as well. Eleanor listened as Jerara spoke about Tristan. It was a bit disappointing to Eleanor that they worked different hours and she hoped this didn't affect Jerara too much. "Does it not bother you? To not be able to see him much?" she asked, curious on how he felt about that. She knew it would affect people in different ways and she hoped this wasn't a sensitive topic to be talking about. However, his new job seemed interesting and she was sure it would keep him distracted and on his toes. Him moving to Italy was something Eleanor had to admit she was nervous about. It wouldn't be for long though, and if it was going to help him do what he really wanted to do she was happy for him. At Jerara's small joke, Eleanor chuckled slightly. "No, it actually gets quite hot. It's always very busy and there's never a dull moment. Only sweet." Eleanor smirked back at him, happy that he was trying to make light of the situation and wanting to do so too. Eleanor wanted it to be like old times and she hoped this meant he did as well.
Jerara didn’t get lonely, he had his books after all, and they were always what kept him company. He had never really been the sort of person to mind being alone. Though the brief loss of his friend in seventh year had made him a little lonely, but perhaps that was just because Tristan had been the only person Jerara had ever been entirely honest with. But aside from that he’d never felt that lonely. He shook his head at the question. ”No, it’s just like when we were at school, he was in a different house than me, so I didn’t see him all the time,” he wondered what it would be like to live away from everyone that he knew. To not be too involved in his old life and old friends. He was eager to go to Italy and experience things there. As she joked with him about working at the ice cream place, a part of him wanted to ask her to come with him. To come to Italy with him. But that was completely mad. She couldn’t give up her life just for him, they’d only just re-met. ”You should come to Italy, if I go. Visit me, I’m sure we can find some equally hot and sweet things for us,” He joked, but he did mean it. It would be fun to know he’d see her again, and perhaps if she came to Italy for any length of time, he’d be able to take her out on a proper date. Maybe being so far away from everything they’d interacted with and known, being away from all possible old element so their relationship would make things easier..
Eleanor nodded as Jerara explained to her that it didn't actually bother him to be away from Tristan so much. It made sense and Eleanor understood, however she just figured it was harder for her to deal with, especially since Lilyanna was away from her at Hogwarts too and so she should really be used to it. Eleanor just liked the company of other people, it made her feel safe, and so she admitted that it was one of the only things that made life outside of Hogwarts so hard. As Jerara voiced the idea of her coming to visit him in Italy, it made Eleanor feel very flattered. It did make her anxious that Jerara was going away again after they re-met so she was thankful that he still wanted her around despite how much he needed to focus on his career. "That would be lovely!" Eleanor exclaimed, sitting on the edge of her seat. "I've always wanted to travel and go somewhere exotic. Maybe they might have some really cool plants there, I need to do some research. Do you know how to speak Italian? Is it something you're going to have to learn?" Eleanor couldn't help but be excited. It would give her something to do other than be locked up in her greenhouse, and she was sure her plants would be fine for a little bit whilst she went to visit him.
Jerara smiled at her, it would be good to see her in Italy, he had thought his time away might be without anyone from this life, but if both Ellie and if Tristan visited him, he might just have others with him for small periods. He gave her a little smile, ”There will be plenty of plants for you to look at,” he said. He thought it would be fun. He had never learnt much about plants that wasn’t really what he wanted, if he knew more about plants. Ellie would be useful in his life. He wanted her in his life, even though life had driven them away and he wasn’t sure what that element that would be, but he didn’t want to lose it, even though they were just re-meeting. ”I’m intending to learn it while I’m there, I think I’ll try to pick up latin too, might be useful for spell casting,” he told her. ”Have you thought much about travelling? You know for the plants and stuff?” he wondered if she travelled much or wanted to travel much. He hadn’t done much travelling yet, but this was now going to change.
Eleanor was excited about the idea of going to Italy and seeing all of the plants, and hopefully she would be able to bring some back with her and maybe breed them with other plants to create something interesting. It could be her new project which was definitely something she needed to make her life a little less boring. She nodded as Jerara said he would have to learn some Italian and some Latin too. It made a lot of sense, especially if Jerara needed to learn some new spells. Eleanor didn't have much interest in that however, knowing that she didn't really get to use her wand taking care of plants so there wouldn't really be much need. She thought for a moment at Jerara's question. She always wanted to travel to discover more plants, but she hated the idea of going anywhere alone which was the main reason why she hadn't done that yet. "I have thought about it, but I guess I just haven't got around to it." she told him truthfully. Taking care of plants was a lot of hard work and she was slightly anxious about leaving her plants behind for long periods of time, but she knew that if she wanted to be a better Herbologist that it would be something she would have to do. "Are you excited about going to Italy? Is it something you always wanted to do?" They hadn't really spoken about their careers before now and Eleanor wondered if Italy was always on his mind.
Jerara nodded as she answered his question, he knew from experience that it was difficult to travel if you were tied to a place and her plants were likely to tie her to a place, he on the other hand had always been tied down because of a lack of money but he could do this, had saved enough wouldn’t spend as much. ”I’ve always wanted to go to Europe, but never been too specific,” he would’ve gone wherever he needed to to be able to get what he wanted. It wouldn’t matter which country that it was. It just so happened to be Italy and he just so happened to be pretty keen to go there. ”I think I’ll always be a ravenclaw, searching for knowledge wherever it may be,” he joked. He glanced at his watch and groaned quietly, ”I have to go, I have…..stuff,” he said, finishing his sentence somewhat lamely, and then just gave her a small smile. ”I’ll owl you though and we can talk about when you’ll come visit me right?” he was getting to his feet as he spoke, ready to walk away and was pretty happy with how this conversation had gone. Nothing was set in stone for them, but it was a positive that they had secondary plans. More plans together would be better. He wasn’t sure where his feeling for her were but he was interested in finding out. ”I’ll see you later, Ellie,”
Eleanor knew a lot of people were like Jerara wanting to visit Europe. It definitely seemed like a pretty place, but maybe the reason why Ellie wasn't a Ravenclaw was because she didn't care too much about searching for knowledge. She liked staying in one place, despite being curious about what could be out there. But she liked Jerara, would definitely be keen to visit him one day, and was flattered that he even asked her. It was something she had to look forward to. As Jerara said he had to go, Eleanor was happy to let him do so. After all, they had been talking for a while and Ellie was sure he had more important stuff to tend to. "That's okay Jerara. We will definitely talk about me visiting! It will be a new experience." she told him with a smile, also getting up on her feet. She felt happy after their conversation, feeling as though it could not have gone any better. The future was near and Ellie couldn't help but be very excited for it. "Yeah, I'll see you soon!" she exclaimed, anticipating the owl she would get from him.

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