I Want More Time

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Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
Hey guys,,,

As you may or may have not noticed, I am not so active on the board as I used to be.... That's because classes is now on hectic schedule and boy, am I having a hard time keeping up... I may only be active for the weekends and on days that there are no school...

Sorry for the guys that I currently have active threads with... I'll reply as soon as possible!!

I hope that I can hurry and keep up with my current schoolwork so I can be more active here on HNZ...

We all understand Marga. My schedule is also hectic like yours and I am only able to get one peek at the computer because we currently have no class :p But our sched has been a little looser this past days since our exam is coming soon and the teachers thought that we should focused on studying. Well, good luck with your studies and Percy will always be willing to wait. Which is a miracle really :r I think he's hypnotized or something :r

Hey don't take it too hard Marga, everyone knows what it's like to have a hectic schedule. Making sure you keep up with your studies is very important, so don't worry about late replies! ^_^

I'm back guys!! Settled most of the schoolwork... Sure is good to be back!

Sorry for the guys I had roleplays with and are left hanging! I'll reply later!! xD

Anyway, I'm back!! HAHA!
Awesome! :lol: Welcome back Marga! Sorry if I still haven't replied. Will reply now though. Hehe :p
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