I Used to Think Maybe

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Adalyn Jez

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Adalyn Jez.

Troubled Soul, trying to find a place for herself in the world. She comes from Rome, Italy. Currently attends Durmstrang as a fourth year student. She acts like she doesn't care, but inside she really does.

I need a few friends who think they can get past her tough outer layers.

Boyfriends/Crushes that sort of thing as well. :)

Thanks in advance,
I can offer Ansel here. :D
He usually portrays a cool, cocky and aloof outward appearance. But in truth, this is only because he does not want people to get involved with him and cause them trouble. He is actually very kind, caring, and in a most unnoticeable way, helpful to others. He's a part-veela, and, if ever it will be approve, a werewolf as well. :D

He can be a friend or something more if you like. :D
Aldrich here can be a friend or so. :D

he's a new character, but I do have a general idea about what his personality is like, He is very open-minded, friendly, extremely talkative, ambitious, sensitive and romantic. He describes himself as an "insider" because he'd rather spend time slouching inside the house than go outside and get some fresh air. He's not a fan of exploring nature. He can be vain sometimes.

I'm planning to apply him as either a part-veela or a metamorphmagus (spelling check? :D )
Ansel and Adalyn
He may be a good type of person to ahve around Adalyn. They seem to be the same type of person.

Aldrich and Adalyn
They might make an awkard pairing at first glance I think because she's like a brick wall with everything and he is open-minded but they may turn out to be good friends.
Adalyn Jez said:
Aldrich and Adalyn
They might make an awkard pairing at first glance I think because she's like a brick wall with everything and he is open-minded but they may turn out to be good friends.
haha.. that's true :D

But maybe he can somehow influence her to be open-minded as well, you know, because he's too friendly and trusting, maybe he could see what is beyond that layers of toughness that she was putting on. :r
(so many A names in this thread!)

Ansel and Adalyn
Sure, would you like to start one?

Aldrich and Adalyn
Prehaps but I haven't really thought of making her more open minded, she just is who she is.
Adalyn Jez said:
(so many A names in this thread!)

Ansel and Adalyn
Sure, would you like to start one?

Aldrich and Adalyn
Prehaps but I haven't really thought of making her more open minded, she just is who she is.
Sure, I will, once I'm done with my homework. :D
Alright sounds good :)
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