I Thought You Should Know I Exist

Kye Askolov

Active Member
Beech Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Pixie Hair
Kye Hazel-Razelle Askolov had been waiting for this time all her life. She had been waiting to write this letter for all her life. In this letter she would be able to express all her happiness, sadness, and anger she felt. She would finally make known to her brother that he was not alone. Right now, he was wandering around somewhere in the world thinking about how his mother abandoned him. Their mother had not wanted them to ever meet. Kye found that to be stupid and annoying. It hurt her everyday to think that her brother had to face every single day alone while she spent precious time with their mother. It made Kye feel horrible to a certain point. It was not until she woke up in an orphanage, at the age of ten, one snowy winter morning. She had spent five years with her mother, and that had been the same amount of time Javarius had spent with their mother. Kye always thought of it as her mother trying to be fair. She must have not like having children hold her down.

Kye sat on a clean part of the floor in the Owlery. She had parchment and quill in her lap. Though she had been waiting for the time when she would right this letter forever she found herself nervous. What if the letter did not get to him at all? What if Javar did not believe her? Kye picked up the photo of her and Canopy, their mother. What if he became angry at her? She was so nervous her hands were shaking fiercely. She could not even dip the quil in the ink. Kye turned to look back at her pet owl, Ned. The bird was her best friend. She loved his brown, white and dark green feathers. The two had bonded when she got lost in a forest during a class field trip. The two had a close bond. Kye smiled and turned back to the parchment. Her hands had stopped shaking, and she decided she was going to be her eccentric and quirky self.
Javarius said:
Dear Javarius,

Well, hello, my name is Kye Askolov. I am obssessed with llamas, and I am currently a fifth year at the Salem Institute. It is a magical school where our father taught before he died when we were five. He taught Herbology, if you were curious. I forgot to metion that I am your sister. We are twins. Our parents seperated us when we were born because they had plans of breaking up each other anyways, but we came along and kept them together for nine months! Hehe, I think that's superbly cool. Ever since I learned how to apparate I have been tracing your footsteps. I found the orphange in Australia you used to live in. Also, I am guessing that's where Mom left you, right? Dad and I lived in America, but we were born in Russia and our parents are from there as well. Just some extra info. Then I went to the Lestrange household. They said they adopted and spoiled-, wait, attempted to spoil you, but you kept running away from home. A child doesn't run away from home because it's fun, so I knew you had your reasons, am I right?

Now I do not know where you are or who you are with. I never thought writing this letter to you would be so hard. I am holding back tears, as of now. Before now I wasn't able to do anything to try and find you, but now I am able to do most of the times I wanted to do before. I also wanted to say that I am sorry. I am sorry that our mother felt she had to leave you in order to take care of me after our father died. Our father died in a car acccident. He was walking across the street, and was his by a drunk truck driver. Pathetic, huh? A great wizard like our father was killed by some drunk muggle. It truly is heartbreaking to me. I am not usually very emotional, so I am guessing you are the more sesitive twin. It takes a lot for me to even tear up, like am now.

Our mother abandonded me when I was 10. It was five years after she abandoned you and five years after our father died. I just woke up at an orphange. It was winter. Our father died in winter, so she left you in winter too. I am just guessing and connecting the dots. I learned how to apparate, so I really would love to see you. Wherever you are. I am also putting in a picture of me and Mom when I was younger. You probably forgot what she looked like. I wish it was in color so you could see my red hair! It is naturally a really bright red. I got it from somewhere on Dad's side.

Kye Hazel-Razelle Askolov
Kye folded the parchment, put it in and envelope with the picture, and attached it securly to Ned's leg. She happily watched the bird fly off. She was so excited.
Javarius Lestrange never thought he would receive a letter by owl. It did not happen when he was at Durmstrang. It had not happened any of the times he ran away. Javar especially did not think it would happen while he was on the streets. At first he thought the strange looking owl had the wrong person. Until it kept following him around for three days straight. The owl was good on it's feet or claws, and it was not very nocturnal. Javar gave up after three days. The envelope had his name horribly written on it. Whoever was writing had bad handwriting. Javar was very neat. He had very nice and elegant handwriting. For a wild guy he was very tidy and occcasionally went OCD. He opened the letter and the bird perched itself on his shoulder. Javar was more of a cat person.

At first, Javarius thought the letter was some kind of joke. Kye? What kind of name was that? Javar's name was not a normal one, but Kye was just a name that he would definitely not name his child, if he ever had one. The first time he read the letter he did not know how to feel. He had a twin sister all the way in America? It did not seem real. The second time he the letter he felt kind of angry. His mother abandoned him for her? He was not able to be angry long because he found out she had been abandoned too. On top of that, their her father dying she was abandoned five years later. Javar did not see the dead man as his father. He did not even know him. He had not ever see him or been told about him. The man was like a stranger to him. Javar did not have any paper or parchment, so he just turned the parchment over and took out his stylish pen.

Letter to Kye said:
Kye Askolov,

Is Kye seriously your name? I personally don't like it, so I will adress you as Hazel. I really don't know what you want me to write. You've known all along that you had a twin brother somewhere in the world? I would say that I am mad, but I am not. It makes sense that you would write me when you are able to actually try and come see me. I am in New Zealand, and I am living in an alleyway. No joking intended. I used to live with those awful Lestrange's, but they were abusive, and they were trying to force me to become the perfect child they dreamed of having. I kept running away for that series of connected sentences you just read. I hope you don't mind the color of my pen's ink. It is my favorite color to be honest. You are a very smart girl. Sarcasm intended. Yes, our mother did leave me at that orphanage in Australia. I ran away from there often too. It brought back horrible memories of Mom for me. It is hard to call her mom after what she put us through, or should I say me?

I don't want to make this long. Your owl is pretty cool. It followed me, on claws, for three days. I haven't even fed it, as I can hardly even feed myself. If you want to really see me then you will come to Obsidian Harbor in New Zealand. I hang around there. Since I have this picture of you I may be able to spot you if you decide to come. It is nice that you still go to school. I dropped out. I'm not really good at anything but cleaning and cooking. That's all I really have to write to you Hazel. Have you ever thought of changing your name? I mean, really, I don't like your name. Mine is not normal either, but I don't like your name. Don't expect me to call you Kye. Ever.

Javarius Lestrange
Kye Hazel-Razelle Askolov waited impatiently for a letter back from her brother. It was even harder for her to pay attention in her classes. her professors were wondering why she was so quiet. She had not been her usual disruptive self. Since she sent off her letter she was too nervous to eat or sleep. It was like she was full of energy and did not need any extra nutrients. Kye paced back and forth in the Owlery. Everyday after her classes she would do go to the Owlery and pace back and forth. Ned did not like going to the Dining Hall to drop off post, so she would end up going to the Owlery to check and see if Ned had any mail for her. Kye heard the unique screech of Ned. She jumped and squealed happily. Ned perched himself on a pedestal and Kye ran over to him. The bird looked like he had not eaten in days? "Did he not feed you?" she cooed. She reached in her messenger bag and took out some food for the owl. After giving Ned a well deserved meal she took the letter from the owl's leg.

At first, Kye was confused. It was the letter she had sent to Javarius. Did the letter not go to the right person. She flipped the letter over to see very neat handwriting in purple ink. It was easy to see that it was not written by a quill. More like a pen. She sniffed the paper. It smelled like grapes. Kye sighed in relief. He had written her back. As she read the letter her mouth hung open. How could he be such a jerk? He did not like her name? His name was not so normal either. Who was he to say anything about her name? Kye blew some of her hair out of her face. It was hard to imagine she was related to this boy. She soon calmed down when she read that he was living in an alleyway. He was homeless? This worried her. Not many people survived on the streets for long. He could be infected with a horrible disease while living the way he was! Kye's heart started to ache. Javarius talked about it so coolly. He did not take it very seriously. Maybe she could bring him to America with her. She could get him back in school, and they would be able to be together.
Letter to Javarius said:
Dear Javarius,

I am going to pretend you did not say anything horrible about my name. You are a real jerk, you know? I am going to turn a blind eye to that though. I will come to see you soon. I really will. I promise that you will have a better life once I am there. Why? Because I am older by about 10 minutes. Keep you eyes wide open looking for me.

I will be with you soon,
Kye Hazel-Razelle Askolov
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