I think I've found this 'real world' you speak of

Salazar Strayde

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13" Ebony wand with essence of Crystalised Dragon Fire
It had been five months since Salazar had met Daytona in a pub in Hogsmeade, and he still hadn't sent the owl he'd told her to expect. Things had just happened so quickly after that. At first he'd thought, Who cares, she'd just a halfblood, I don't need to send her an owl just because I said I would, but the more time he spent in New Zealand, the worse he felt about judging her for her blood, and the worse he felt about not keeping a promise. So he wrote:
Owl mail said:
To Daytona Bradshaw,

It is Salazar. From Hogsmeade. Do you remember? Here is the owl I told you I'd send. It's taken longer than expected, but things, well... things didn't quite go as expected after I saw you in the winter.
I had some trouble getting home, and arrived quite late, whereupon I got into an argument with my father. I guess our meeting was playing on my mind, because I mentioned that I'd met you and he was furious. Don't worry, I told him a fake name, so he can't come after you (I'm sure he's trying to hunt down some poor sod named Dorothy Bradley though). I tried to ask him some questions that it would have been wiser not to ask, and ended up having to leave.
I considered applying to Hogwarts in Scotland, but decided I needed to make a cleaner break, so now I find myself in the midst of another winter in the antipodes. Hogwarts New Zealand is... well, I'm not sure what to make of it. I've been sorted into "Gryffindor" house. I'm sure that means more to you than it does to me. Which house are you in?
I'm running out of parchment, so I'll this here, but I've plenty more to tell you, and many questions. The one that has been playing on my mind most of all is this, though: If muggles look just like wizards, as I've discovered they apparently do, how can we tell who is who?</FONT></COLOR>
Salazar Strayde​
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Lucida Handwriting">
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Making sure he had the name printed clearly, he attached it to an owl's leg and sent it on its way.
Daytona was entrenched up to her eyeballs in school assignments, quidditch and trying to get Josh Baxter to notice she was a girl and not just a friend. She was having a lot more luck on the first two than what she was with Josh though. Helga and Gregor were highly amused that the girl who had been able to turn any boys head without little effort could actually become besotted for one of the schools biggest hotties, who seemed to consider her a friend and nothing more.

Daytona wondered of course where the humour was to be found in this situation. She had even taken to drastic measures, flirting with one of the schools most notorious flirts which seriously was a bad thing to do. She walked into the Great Hall and sitting down with her best friends watched as a few owls appeared and dropped mail about the hall to their intended. An envelope and a howler fell before her. She sighed looking at the howler knowing her parents were livid with her once again this time because she wasn't returning home for the holidays. Rolling her eyes she allowed the howler to have it's say while she opened the other letter.

A slight frown creased her brow and then she was smiling. She had nearly forgotten about Salazar, it had been five months after all though at the start of term she had looked about for him incase he had come after all. But he had gone instead all the way around the world to attend the other Hogwarts. The guy really was a riot. Reaching across the table she took a quill and parchment from Helga's bag, made a face at her and began writing. The howler was at this point burning itself out and was sounding sillier by the second.

OWL mail said:
glad to hear from you, seriously thought you had forgotten all about your promise or worse yet, about me but I'm pretty tough I guess to forget though no doubt you did try. What in the world did you want to go all the way to New Zealand for? Am I there? Noooo I don't think so, can't see what that Hogwarts has then that ours doesn't. I kid here of course.

You ... you got into Gryffindor. Seriously Sal, this made me crease up laughing. You the most blood bigot I have ever met got into the house that Harry Potter was once of, just makes it so funny. You might get a handful of pures in there but not many I'd imagine. And stop trying to recognise people for what they are and go for who they are dumby. They'll surprise you every time.

Here's a tip though before I run to class and try to unclog my ears from the howler my folks sent me, the purebloods go around with big flashing name tags attached to their school jumpers. So make sure you make one. Use your house colours it'll look better.

Have to run Sal,
good luck at school and try not to get into trouble

It turned out Salazar did not have to wait long for a reply owl from Daytona. He was thankful, for he felt as though he desperately needed help. After being practically attacked by muggles during the recent Astronomy class field trip to Troy, he needed to know the best way to shoo muggles away when they got too curious.

However, the first word of Daytona's letter sent shivers down 'Zar's spine. He replied grumpily.

Owl Mail said:
Sal is a girl's name. Call me that again and I'll send you a howler every day for the rest of your life.
Otherwise, thank you for your owl. Try to forget about you? I think you're the most genuine person I know. In a way I would like to forget we ever met, but I refuse to live with regret. Already I've done things that never would have been possible had I stayed at home. I visited Turkey yesterday. My father never used to allow international travel. Unnecessary, apparently, when all you need is right there in your own community.
I was unaware that Harry Potter was once a Gryffindor. I suppose you'll tell me he was a great wizard or something equally as laughable. The other Gryffindors I've met seem to be okay. I'm certain at least one of them is pureblood, though after your reaction to the question, I've been too afraid to ask. I've tried to keep an open mind, but it makes my skin crawl to think I'm sleeping near dirty blood. Are you quite sure it's safe? We eat from the same table!
Thank you for your tip about the name badges. I've not seen anyone wear them, but perhaps they're out of fashion here on the other side of the world. I think I'll try and start the trend. It always seems to be the strangest things that catch on, and it would make me feel much better about walking through the corridors if I could see at a glance those who are my equals. I've another question. Mudbloods are one thing, but muggles? Aren't they dangerous? What should I do if they come near me?
I've met a friend. Two, in fact. A Hufflepuff and a Slytherin. We didn't get off to the greatest start (Mark shares the same opinion as you, and suggested the greatness of a wizard be measured by his deeds, not his blood. Tell me, is this a common opinon?), but anyway, we get along now. Classes are interesting, however I noticed there is a Defense against the Dark Arts class, but no Dark Arts itself? To be honest it's a relief - Da was always on at me about how far behind I was in DA. But I can bet I'll be further behind in this new DADA.
Enough of me. Tell me of Scotland. The spring has begun here at last. I've so far managed to keep out of trouble but something tells me you can't say the same.
SalAZAR Strayde.​
Daytona left the quidditch pitch with her arm bent pretty bad out of shape, the professor over seeing the try-outs had called an immediate halt to the session in order to take her up to the hospital wing and the whole time up there all she could think about was what a complete and utter fool she had made of herself out on the pitch. And for what? All to impress Josh Baxter. After all she had never shown much interest in the game until he had gotten involved but taking it a step further by actually trying out for the team had been suicidal. Helga and Gregor had warned her but would she listen? Of course not!

The professor left her in the nurses capable hands the same time an owl arrived for her. She smiled as she opened it and began to read but it took her another three days before the skele-gro finished knitting her bones back together sufficiently for her to actually write again.

owl mail said:
Hey Sal,

seriously I know of two world famous quidditch players who have shortened their names to Sal. It is sooo cute and soo sexy at the same time and one of them is a pureblood and drop dead gorgeous. So seriously can't see what you're complaining about. I mean if I'm the only one calling you it, why complain? You know you like it really. 'wink wink'

Am seriously wounded that you would want to forget our most of epic meetings. That will go down in history and when we're both famous we'll be laughing about it, but me more so than you because I'll be more famous. haha

Will you give the whole blood thing a rest already, sheesh you are like a broken record. You can't catch any diseases from them, they are only people like you. Have you tried to make friends with any of them? Have you met any girls yet? Fancy anyone? Other than me of course, I know you probably think about me all the time. hahahaha okay I am soo only joking there.

Sorry I didn't write back straight away, you were right about me not being able to stay out of trouble. In a mad moment I decided to try out for the quidditch team but took the very first bludger that was hit and smashed my arm up pretty good. It's much better now of course, a muggle born nurse fixed me right up. Amazing what they can actually do!!!
Did you really wear a name badge?
I worry for you... seriously!

We've been told that we'll be going on a field trip at some point this year and guess where they are taking us? New Zealand!! can you believe it, don't know if we'll even be anywhere near your school but if we are, I'll owl you so we can meet up. Now I must go and tackle some mandrakes.

You be good and stay out of trouble.
Your friend

Salazar received the owl the day after he'd worn his name badge around school. He was so embarrassed he almost didn't go to breakfast (but of course his 16 year-old stomach complained at that!). When he read the letter he shoved a final cauldron cake in his mouth and stormed off to his room to write a reply. Classes were a no-go today - there was no way he could show his face after yesterday's debacle
Owl Mail. I wish the sold howlers at the school so I could send you a billion said:

You are infuriating.
I can't believe you lied to me AGAIN! I'm beginning to think your sole reason for existence is to torment me. Yes, I wore the name badge. And yes, I was laughed out of my classes. You may not have deserved those jinxes I put on you back in Hogsmeade, but you deserve them now.
Seriously, Daytona! I've never asked a halfblood anyone for anything before. I'm asking you to help me out here. Everyone thinks I'm an idiot. I get the picture - no-one appreciates pure blood 'pig-headedness' as I've heard it said - but I'm trying here. I can't help the way I was raised, but I'm trying to learn a new way of life, and you're making it harder! What's wrong with you? You're not as funny as you think you are, little girl.
I would dearly love to see you in New Zealand - so I can jinx the silliness right out of you.</SIZE>
/end rant​
In other news, yes I've met some girls, (and they're all a far sight better than you, squirt). The Gryffindor quidditch team is excellent, and mostly girls, but of course they've requested my assistance for the season. I play Chaser, but you can bet I'm not chasing after you. There's a Slytherin I have my eye on... her name's Cassie. As far as muggle-borns go... I suspect the Muggle Studies teacher is one, and one of the girls in my classes I'm sure of - she taught me how to play this game called "Snakes and Ladders" which isn't nearly as exciting as it sounds. None of the pieces on the board move, and there are no real snakes involved. Having said that, I learned to play 'video games' last week, and well, I have to say those muggles are onto something there. Yes, I'm beginning to realise they are human. It took me an embarrassingly long time, but I would appreciate it if you laid off. You're such a know-it-all. Being friends with you is as bad as having a little sister. I don't have one, but my friend Gwylim back home does...
Right, I'd better get going. Classes and things, you know.
Thanks for your help,
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">​
Salazar Strayde.​
'Zar hurriedly signed off, not wanting to get teary over a letter. He missed his friends at home... he hadn't had a chance to say goodbye to Gwylim and Lexx... or his brother Barnabus... but he was sure they would turn away if they saw him now. They didn't know what was out here. They didn't know there was a world beyond Gwyntogllan, where talking to muggle-borns was not a sin, and there were remarkable things like televisions and bicycles!
Daytona grinned as she read the latest letter from Salazar but life being what it was did not allow her to write back immediately and it was the middle of the following week before she finally found time. Homework assignments were just piling up.

we're mates or so I'd like to think, so I'm going to be straight with you now.
The world does not revolve around you. I seriously didn't think you'd wear a name badge... I mean who wears a name badge for crying out loud? Had you seen anyone else wear one? Surely you should have copped it at some point. Where are your brain cells? Oh, wait you got into Gryffindor didn't you... that explains it then!

Look sorry tempted to scratch a line through all of that but I won't. I felt like a rant too. School is dull and boring and I seem to be making a prize plonker out of myself at every turn. So even if you were to jinx me I think it'd be doing me a favour!

Goodluck on the quidditch team by the way, glad you have something to keep you on the straight and narrow there and wow... getting pally with the ladies already huh! Not jealous or anything don't worry. Have my own boy troubles this side of the ocean! Well I hope Cassie Whats -her-name is worthy of the great Salazar Strayde!!

There is a magical version of 'Snakes and Ladders' you know, have a look out for it if you can. Your counter moves up the ladders themselves and the snakes swallow it turn around and spit the counter out down at the end where it's tail had been before it straightens up again. It's much more fun. Muggles have very little imagination when it comes to board games I'm afraid. Well they can't be good at everything I guess. hahahaha

Well big brother you be good and stop getting yourself into trouble
OO xx OO

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