🌹 Rose Giving I never watch the stars, there's so much down here

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)
After delivering to salem Sky had a few extra roses to deliver. one of them she was glad was for a Hufflepuff which meant that she didn't ave to face searching through the buzzing school she could easily drop it to them in the common room or dorms like she had done for Evianna. however as she was crossing the lawn towards the castle she saw a familiar figure. "Aine" she called speeding up a little to catch up to her.

@Aine Thompson
((title from yellow flicker beat by Lorde))
Aine didn't like how busy the school was. And how people were going gaga over roses and romance. It was embarrassing, and it made her feel inadequate seeing everyone else get into relationships and going on dates and...all of that. Nobody would want to ask her to dance, and if they did she'd almost certainly say no because it was probably some sort of set up to humiliate her. She had gone outside, thinking that at least she could have some fresh air. But apparently fate had other plans, as the girl who was the leader of the arts club called out to her. Presumably for the sake of roses, after all she had no other reason to. "Oh, hello, Sky," she said, casually, slowing her walk and giving a small wave. "Did you need me for something?"
Sky smiled as Aine greeted her"Hello Mine, how is your day?" she asked, she wasnt sure why she was starting a conversation with aine as they never really spoke before, but they were both heading in the same direction and maybe the day and all the friendship flying around the castle was pushing her to be friendly. when Aine spoke again she cut straight to the point "I didnt need you for anything. but I have a rose for you" she said, holding out a yellow rose and a note

Stop being a know-it-all all the time and maybe you'd get more roses

@ unknown
Aine nodded, a little surprised that she was in fact receiving another rose. "Oh, er, thank you," she said, politely. She wondered who it was from, but as soon as she read the note, her face fell. "Aw, sh*t!" Aine swore, before hastily covering her mouth. She wasn't sure if Sky was one for cursing. "Sorry." Even without signing it, there was only one person who actively called her a know it all - at least, to her face - so it seemed like the logical conclusion that Cameron had sent it. Worse, she remembered that she'd sent him one, and although he was stupid he'd still probably work out it was from her. Why did she have to write a note? Now the next time she saw him would be weird, not just frosty. "...least it's not pink," she reasoned, muttering to herself. "Cause then I would've had to throw it into the lake. Possibly followed by the sender. And myself." Aine took a deep breath, forcing a smile. "Sorry. Thank you for the delivery."
Niamh couldn’t help herself but chuckle at the girls reaction to the rose. If that was going to be her reaction to getting a red one. ”don’t be. I think yours is the most genuine and entertains reaction I have seen all day she said. i’m slightly scared to think what you would have done if I had given you a red one. She had hardly spoken to aine before but she was thinking she was certainly more interesting than all the pampered princess she had had to deliver to today.
Aine read over the note again, despite herself, although she knew she should just set it aside. She hated that he seemed to get under her skin and that he seemed to be able to accurately hone in on her insecurities. She didn't get why he bothered her more than anyone else but maybe it was just because he had nothing better to do than to make fun of her. "I knew my calling was a career in the circus," Aine joked, stuffing the note into her pocket. "You might have had to call a nurse if it were red. I would have probably fainted on the spot."

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