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Jae Hyung

OOC First Name
Hey guys! It's Mimi, and I came up with another character.. So, I'm in need of people for her to start RPing with! :D


This is Jae Hyung, a sweet thirteen year old home schooled witch. She's a girly girl and loves anything pink, and also has a temper that can scare anyone out of their wits. Usually when she gets this angry, however, she usually waits for the person to leave before she explodes. As a well-bred young woman, she's very polite as well. More often than not she'll wait until she knows someone well to really start opening up to them, and doesn't complain often if at all. In her spare time she enjoys writing and reading, only rivaled by shopping and trying on lots of new clothes. At the same time she isn't the type of girl that uses 'like' as every other word in her sentences; she's just very bubbly. At times she can be a bit cruel and can have an acid tongue. It all depends on how she takes to you and what side of hers you get on. If you get on her bad side, well, she can honestly make you feel horribly about yourself. Finally, I may attempt to have her transfer into HNZ in the next year or so.

What She Needs

Some Friends : Everyone needs friends right? For friends I'm not picky at all, anyone will do as long as their nice. Though I do ask that they're around the same age as Jae so that they can relate to each other more easily. :)

A Boyfriend : What I'm looking for here is just a sweet type of relationship, even long distance if your character goes to school while she doesn't. I'm open for anything as far as plot and how they grow as a couple together. Anything would do, I just think that a love interest for her would be nice and sweet. :)

Big-Sister-Figure : Someone for her to look up to would be nice. For this I would think about having someone like her, positive, girly, etc. to give her advice and act as siblings would to each other. I'd like for this character to be older than Jae by at least a couple of years, but one or two works as well. As long as she's older it's quite alright. :)
If she's going to hnz then I can offer you Hyeori Kim, a Hufflepuff she's on Jae Hyung's age. She's a muggleborn and is a professional figure skater. She's very nice but a short tempered, she tend to ignore people that she dislike instead of yelling at them..

Or Brad Kuang, He's 16 and is in Beauxbaton, he's a class clown and is very fun. He's just crazy, he loves pulling pranks and loves playing out in the rain even if it's freezing outside. He gets a lot of detention from pulling pranks but he doesn't care. The boy is also clumsy but he's very tidy, unlike any other guys who have a messy room, Brad's room is so clean and tidy so a lot of guys had been calling him gay because of that but again, he never care what they think about him.
He's also a big fan snowboarding and quidditch. Just like his older brother and sisters, he loves muggles and their inventions.
Hey there MiMi!
I can offer here Sui Chin Ying, currently a Hogwartz NZ student. This gryffindor is very optimistic and friendly.
She loves singing and writing songs. Gifted and Talented. Just like Jae, Sui Chin is a Asian (Chinese to be exact.).
I think that Sui Chin's personality and Jae's could match very well. So watcha think? :D
@Yumi : Aw, I think they'd be great friends. :D

@Sally : I think that Hyeori and Jae would be good friends and could definitley mesh well when it came to personalities.
Brad and Jae I think would have some pretty funny RPs if we get them in one too. :)
Oh nvm lol i thought Jae's 14 .. Hyeori's a yr younger then..

Brad& Jae? arryt
I have three characters to offer, all attending Durmstrang.. :D

Dominique-Louise Bianchi (14 years of age)
Dominique is a 3rd year durmstrang. She's extremely caring towards those she sees as friends, to the point of getting incredibly upset when she sees a friend deliberately put themselves in harm's way. She can be quick tempered at times and she is very quick to be upset. Because of her friendly and caring nature she can become very emotional when someone dies, even a stranger. She is quite stubborn too.

Alois Eisler (15 years of age)
5th year Durmstrang. Alois is a part-veela. He is candid and confident. He is well aware of his good looks and on the surface he could be seen as arrogant by some. Alois is kind by nature, yet he can be very childish at times. He is also unafraid almost to the point of recklessness. He rarely gets angry or out of control. He's a bit flirtatious around girls but the sweet and romantic demeanor he shows towards women is genuine and not a cheap put-on.

Chantal Himmelreich (16 years of age)
Chantal is a part-veela as well, being Alois' cousin. In terms of personality, she is good-natured and caring towards her friends, but she is very clumsy. Her clumsiness may lead her to trouble most of the time, but she has a very determined spirit. She is incredibly a brave and compassionate person. She is very caring and somewhat stubborn, but she mostly appears happy and smiling. She is the type of person who easily forgets her worries and problems.

I think that Jae would get along best with Alois and Chantal. Dominique-Louise as well, actually. xD I'm up for a thread with any of them.
Great, who would you like to start with? And, should I start the topic, or will you? :r
Sure, were should I post it then?
alright! :D
Here it is.. sorry if it's lame.. I can't think of anything to write.. :r
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