I NEED Everything

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Adam Simons

Well-Known Member
Okay everyone. I haven't been on in a while and I'm now on regularly. My characters have a few friends, but they could use besties, friends, enemy's, boyfriends etc. So here's what I have:

Adam Simons- Adam has suffered a break up, and even though it's been over a year now he still feels empty, and all his close friends except Shaylah have moved away. He is a fifth year Slytherin and could really use friends and a nice girlfriend.

Skyle Anne Irene Darnelle- Skyle has had a really messed up past and has lost almost everyone. She lives with her guardian Damien and two cousins Angela Marion and 2 year old Kairi, whom they take care of. I have a boyfriend lined up for her but could use some good friends, male or female I'm flexible.

Alyce Ellison- Alyce is 18 and has basically disowned her family. She has had a lot of flings but i would like to find her a final to settle down with. She was home-schooled and adopted. She's nice and loves bright colors. Alyce is loyal when she's with someone but if she leaves most of the time because they don't really care about her.

Neiko Fedele- Is a 17 old boy. He is gay but that doesn't interfere with him having good male friends. He lives with his older brother, and likes things most 17 year old boys like. I would be interested in a boyfriend and normal friends for him.

Solstice Eve- Solstice is also 17, and attends Durmstrang. She travels with her mother in their gypsy clan when she's not at school. She loves to play violin and sing, like she does on the streets with her clan. She needs good friends, possible from school? It would be interesting for her to have a boyfriend because the clan doesn't except that. It would have to be a secret ;)

Corey Lovre- Is 13 and attends Beauxbatons. She is deaf but between her hearing aids and reading lips she can understand what your saying. She hates bullies and gets in fight's every once in a while when she gets sick of people making fun of her. Other than that she is normally a very sweet girl and treats her friends like family and won't let anything happen to them. I mainly want friends for her, but if there is someone interested a boy could befriend her and later on have something happen :)

So I think that's all if anyone want's more info or is interested post here or feel free to PM me. Thanks for reading,

Adam and Frances Spade
Frances is a third year Slytherin, I adopted her last week or so and so currently she has no friends. She tends to hang with guys more then girls, but she's a girly girl type and model for her parents fashion clothing line that transcends both Muggle and Wizard worlds. She's muggleborn but her attitude screams mean slytherin :) I'm open for anything between them :p

Solcstice and Durmstrang
I have a few durmstrang students that you could choose from :p
Gwenneth Adrie, openly friendly girl who used to attend Hogwarts Scotland till her life was ruined by her mother's death and boyfriends betrayel. Now she's a 5th year and dating 7th year Jack but doesn't have many girl-friends, most of her friends are boys. Which is odd for her.
Adalyn Jez- A bit young being a 4th year, but Adalyn spends most of her time amoung the older students because she can't connect with anyone her age, besides her bandmates that are closer in age to her
Maximilian Jez- Maxxie is having issues with beign friendly, he spends alot of time in his dorm making clothes for his younger sister Adalyn. He doesn't really know if he likes boy or girls. He's a 6th year right now :)
Jotham Kanu, a big time Quidditch player, he just transfered into school from homeschooling this year. As a twin, Grae, whom he doesn't know about, yet..:p He's a jock type of guy and enjoys to flirt but hasn't really been very far with a girl yet except for Michelle James in the thread they are currently in, where they've been kissing :p lol.

Hetty is a 16-year old girl who will eventually be attending HNZ. She went to Beauxbatons but that was after her father died so she causes lots of fights. She lives with her cousins and all their parents are dead as well. She is a bit mischievous but her hearts in the right place. She can be anything! :)
Frances Spade-
I think we could do something with Adam there. He generally try's to be nice to people but if you get on his nerves he'll normally get mad at little things. So i'm sure he'd get along with her. They could be friends, and who knows later? There could be drama, but what he could really use right now is a good friend.

Adalyn Jez and Maximilian Jez-
I think Solstice would connect best with these two. She would have music in common with Adalyn and maybe she could meet Max through his sister? I don't know just an idea. Let me know what you think :)

Maybe she could have met Corey, or eventually become friends with Adam. Or both I'm flexible, so... it's really up to you. :)
Adam Simons said:
Frances Spade-
I think we could do something with Adam there. He generally try's to be nice to people but if you get on his nerves he'll normally get mad at little things. So i'm sure he'd get along with her. They could be friends, and who knows later? There could be drama, but what he could really use right now is a good friend.

Adalyn Jez and Maximilian Jez-
I think Solstice would connect best with these two. She would have music in common with Adalyn and maybe she could meet Max through his sister? I don't know just an idea. Let me know what you think :)

Maybe she could have met Corey, or eventually become friends with Adam. Or both I'm flexible, so... it's really up to you. :)
Frances and Adam
Sounds good with me :)

So then we could just start up a topic for Maxxie and her now and then she can meet Adalyn later?

I can offer you two people. First, this girl here.
Kiara Tine. Now, Kiara is your classic rich girl, cold b!tch type.
But, it's not how she would first appear. Kiara is a girl who can
smiled, and seem as though she's the perfect little angel. But,
I plan on her becoming a sort of Queen Bee type of person as
she moves up the school of Beauxbatons. I can offer her as a
false friend to Corey. Kiara is out going. And she's always looking
for people to make join her group of friends. It's up to you what
you would want for them.

And secondly, I'm considering trying to Bring back Lily Fossil, so
since she and Adam are in same house and year, it would be easy
for them to meet. Lily is a b!tch, plain and simply. But she's pretty
much completely alone. They could have a hate relationship. Where
both parties can't stand the other, and maybe end up stuck somewhere
and end up getting along. Beneath everything, Lily is just trying to
deal with her family, and her way of keeping people out of her life is
by being mean, but if she was to open up to someone, then it could
be rather sweet.
But, Again, it's whatever you would think would be best. I'm open to
Adam Simons said:
Frances Spade-
I think we could do something with Adam there. He generally try's to be nice to people but if you get on his nerves he'll normally get mad at little things. So i'm sure he'd get along with her. They could be friends, and who knows later? There could be drama, but what he could really use right now is a good friend.

Adalyn Jez and Maximilian Jez-
I think Solstice would connect best with these two. She would have music in common with Adalyn and maybe she could meet Max through his sister? I don't know just an idea. Let me know what you think :)

Maybe she could have met Corey, or eventually become friends with Adam. Or both I'm flexible, so... it's really up to you. :)
Kiara Tine- I think Corey would go along with it for awhile if they were false friends, but shes a good judge of character and would in the end they would probably become enemy's.
Also i love the idea for Lily and Adam, it would be a good outlet for him for a while to have an enemy, and even better to end up with a friend in the end.

Hetty sounds great do you want to start something? Or would you rather i did? :)
Alright well i have stuff to do right now im gonna have to get off but ill do that asap :)
Adam Simons said:
Kiara Tine- I think Corey would go along with it for awhile if they were false friends, but shes a good judge of character and would in the end they would probably become enemy's.
Also i love the idea for Lily and Adam, it would be a good outlet for him for a while to have an enemy, and even better to end up with a friend in the end.

Hetty sounds great do you want to start something? Or would you rather i did? :)

Sounds awesome.
I can start the Lily&Adam one, if you start the Kiara&Corey one.
I have Solenn here, she's kind and down to earth. For more info just check her CD below.
I'm searching for a gay friend for her, she needs friends and I think it would be
very interesting to have a gay friend for her. She's currently living in NZ after she escaped
from her parents,and is alone.
Kiara- that sounds great, i dont have internet at the moment but i should wensday or friday. Sorry for the inconvenience
Solenn- Yeah, Neiko could really use some friends would you mind starting?
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