I need a Spongebob, a Patrick and a Squidward

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Aqua Reed

Active Member
OOC First Name

Aqua Reed
is a bubbly, kind, smart, fun and bit weirdo
she is confused at times but just at times. A smartypants
you can not blame her as she reads books all the time, her
parents are professional or should I say all her family
members are. So moving on, I want her to have a Spongebob
meaning she wants a Best Friend because she does not have
any of that, a Patrick, again she wants friends and a Squidward
people who are cold and mean but not the sort of enemy type
and a Plankton who can be her enemy. Aqua can also have a
Larry the Lobster, a Boyfriend perhaps? that as the same
personality as her but she does not mind which house is he.

This is the only thing I need for the time being and will post here
if I needed some more or a plot, reply here if you have any questions
or you want to role play with Aqua :) Thank you
I can offer Tracey here as a friend or a best friend. She is a sweet, bubbly little girl with dreams. She is willing to try anything once and has high hopes for the future. She is willing to be friends with anyone who isn't mean and is willing to try to be her friend.
I can offer Ryuuji as a friend. He's adventurous and very athletic. He loves to have fun and he loves to tease his friends to the point that he can somewhat become sadistic.. he's a bit of a know-it-all to though he was completely unaware of it until someone points it out.. :D

Then, I have Fayt, one who can act as the "squidward" type of character, he's a slytherin. He's mostly seen with a frown on his face or otherwise, without emotion at all. His apathetic but arrogant and narcissistic. Fayt is a person that doesn't like to admit defeat, and it's with this stubborn behavior that he'll push through obstacles with a single-minded resolve to win, to advance, and to do anything and everything perceived as necessary to achieve his goals.
@Tracey: Ohhh, She will be a best friend to Aqua.
She is totally perfect for her. Want to start a topic?

@Ryuuji: The first one seems fine with her, he will be the 'Patrick' type :)
and about the second one, I think he is very suet to be the
'Squidward' type xD . I'll take them both. Want to start a topic?
Sure (Is Tracey) I should be able to get to that today. If not I'll let you know, I have a few things going on but should be able to do it this week.
Aqua Reed said:
@Tracey: Ohhh, She will be a best friend to Aqua.
She is totally perfect for her. Want to start a topic?

@Ryuuji: The first one seems fine with her, he will be the 'Patrick' type :)
and about the second one, I think he is very suet to be the
'Squidward' type xD . I'll take them both. Want to start a topic?
Sure sure, so, would you like to start one, or shall I? :D
@Tracey: Thank you very much, mate
@Amberly: Yay! I can't wait to rp with you and go jelly fishing (meaning shopping)
@Ryuuji: Can you do it? I'm low on muse today :)
Aqua Reed said:
@Tracey: Thank you very much, mate
@Amberly: Yay! I can't wait to rp with you and go jelly fishing (meaning shopping)
@Ryuuji: Can you do it? I'm low on muse today :)
Alright! :)
I have James to offer here, he would be like the Patrick type, just a LOT smarter. Interested?
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