I Miss You

Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
21 (12/7/2041)

I know it hasn’t been long, but I just wanted to check on you. How’s it going? I miss you desperately, and while I’ve got nothing better to do than sit by myself, I thought I’d write you a letter, if that’s okay. If not, and you are extremely busy, I very much understand.

I heard you took my place as Head Boy. How does it feel? I knew you’d get it, and I’m so proud of you. How did the prefect’s meeting go? I’m sure you would have smashed it.

Love you always,
Jordie was pleased when he got the letter from Ares, settling down immediately to send out a reply, a silly look on his face.


Gods, it's so good to hear from you. I miss you so much already. I'm sure they wouldn't notice if the head boy just dropped out, right? Right? Damn, I guess they would. Why don't you go check up on Amelie? Onyx told me she's struggling, I bet she could use the company. And I don't care how busy I am, you're always going to be my priority.

The meeting went well, and Wes hung out after to help me out a bit. I'm busy as ever, but it's the last year. Almost to the finish line, right? Keep writing, quick, I miss you so bad. My saturdays with you last year were what got me through; I don't know what I'm going to do this year. I could probably talk one of my friends into cuddling, but we both know it wouldn't be the same.

How's life in the outside world? Have you found a place yet?

All my love, Jordie

I'm so glad you were able to reply. It made my day finding your letter. I was afraid you would be too busy to get me a reply so soon. And don't think about dropping out, please. I know you can get through it, and I really want you to.

I didn't know Amelie wasn't doing too well. I'd be happy to check up on her for you and let you know how she is. Just try not to worry too much.

That's nice of Wes to be there for you. I know all of your friends are looking out for you, and I am still always here for you so please don't forget that.

The outside world isn't as scary as you think it is. I've just been working a lot, trying to save for a place so I don't have to be living with my family for too much longer. It's good having Estella working with me too. We've been hanging out a lot when she's not hanging out with Sawyer.

Thinking of you always,

Ares x

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