i know where i am

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida heard a voice and didn't even bother to look to where it was coming from "thats not a party, thats a bunch of people all with logs up there ass" she said as she stopped and took of her heels and held them in her hand before she continued to walk "and besides i know where i am" she said and pointed in various directions "centaurs, cliffs, school, wolves" she said "allthough some wolves like to hang closer to the cliffs to get unsuspecting students" she said as she continued to walk "and you?"
Carlisle raised and eyebrow with a slight chuckle as she pointed out the various directions. "Well.. I fit in somewhere there" He walked after as she continued and lent down near her ear, "And I like to follow little girls off into the forest" He murmured into her ear lightly with a laugh. He paused after this and watched her for a moment. "Now why would someone like you get to know a forest like this?" He asked, head tilting off to the side slightly. He moved around in front of her once more, this time enough to bar her way. "Don't you know it's a tad dangerous out here... You never know what you might find.." Once more his eyes burned golden in the form of his wolf for a moment, Lighting up in the growing dark around them
Kida watched him for a moment and laughed "Little Girls, Psh" she said as she continued to wind her way through the forest, when Carlisle stood infront of her she stopped and crossed her arms. "Don't you know i am slightly mental" she said looking at him "Well i think i have been through this forest a million and one times, i know my way around, and if i get lost i can just climb" she said "This is my place when i get away from school, i know where to hide, and i know where to go, You don't scare me" she said
She explained how she was a slight bit mental and also that she basically knew this place like the back of her hand.. She wasn't afraid of him. Now where he had heard that before. His face lost abit of its humor before he said, "You know the last girl who said to me went screaming out of the forest with bite marks an inch or so deep in the side of her neck.." He looked the girl over for a few more moments. "It's not the forest you should be worried about.. but whats in it". He took a step closer to the girl, Golden eyes flickering in the gloom. "What is your name?". He didn't want to hurt this girl.. He didn't want this to end up like the last time. That was a damn right mess.
Kida dropped her shoes on the ground and slipped them back on her feet. she smirked "I have been attacked my centaurs, fallen from these tree's plenty of times, i got attacked by my cousin and i'm still fine and a still coming back, trust me, you don't and you won't scare me" she said as she looked at him "you are really failing at the scary part" she smirked again to herself "i surely ain't afraid of what is in it, but on that, I'm in the forbidden Forest, does that mean you should be scared of me aswell" she said as she laughed softly to herself when he asked her what her name was she sighed "Kida Frost" she said "you know the one in LOOOVE with the Transfiguration professor... apparently i'm in love with my god father" she said as she rolled her eyes "and who are you, i might know the secrets about you, well gossip" she said as she rolled her eyes once again, she was getting Really annoyed with the gossip magazine but she wasn't going to let it get on her nerves. Kida put her hands on her waist when he took a step closer to her, "your still not Scary" she gave him a once over with her eyes and smirked "Macho Man"
"My names Carlisle... Carlisle moonlight.. Though im not sure what gossip your going to find" his voice kept even. It wasn't like he wasn't use to questions. Especially about Andy.. but this kid better not try that on him.. Not in this mood. Carlisle rolled his eyes for a moment. "You really don't get it do you. im not trying to scare you.. im informing you. There's ways this conversation could go... one of them ends with you not leaving here... do you understand that?" He wondered what would happen if this girl died tonight.. He would probably get int a lot of trouble. Don't even think about that. He gave the girl a thoughtful look and wondered what sh wold say to the possibility of her not leaving the forest tonight.
Kida Smirked "your one of them Moonlights then" she said as she looked at him "i don't think you understand, i have been here plenty of times, i'm not scared of this forest, and i'm not scared of you, anything that could happen and i could easily get out of here, by Tree's or running... running doesn't always work, either way, i don't care if i get killed here" she looked at him. Kida gave him a pat on the head and walked around him and walked further into the forest "go warn some other person now Carlisle, i don't need warning" she said over her shoulder
Carlisle went to say something when she came to pat him on the head. A memory flash came before his eyes. She began to walk off. If there was one thing she should not have done.. it was to pat him. So many bad memories about it that it wasn't funny. He growled and as it formed more animal like so did his features. Wolf fangs grew to replace his normal teeth. His skull formed more wolf like along with his hair changing to sleek midnight blue to black fur. his hands and feet changed also. The toes and fingers forming down into wolf like skeletal form along with the nails changing to retractable claws. It wasn't a full transformations. But something caught in between. In an instant he made it up behind the girl and pressed a clawed hand into her back, forcing her and pinning her to the ground. "Don't...pat..me.." The worlds came in a half growl as he lent over her.
Kida felt something press into her back and force her to the ground, "Bloody augh, would you mind" she said as she put her hands on the ground and pushed up, Kida had been training herself in upper body strength, she managed to push herself up high enough to roll out of the way of the thing that was pinning her down, Kida lay on her back and looked up at the creature that was above her "So your an animagus" she said as she stood up and looked at him "in... training.... wow that was the most weirdest transformation i have seen dear carlisle" she said as she smirked "has Remus been training you because i think you might need to study more" she laughed as she slid her left foot behind her incase he tried to attack again
Why did there have to be one kid. One kid.. that would turn his night upside down. In an instant his features changed back to normal except for the eyes and fangs. His hair still retained a wolf fur look also. He drew his wand and aimed it at the girl, his own foot sliding behind the first in a ready stance. "Yes.. And your right.. I really should study more.." He stood there looking over her, "Now I would very much appreciate it if you made you would reconsider toddling back to the castle.. Or at least letting me come with you". The wand didn't lower and inch and if she moved for hers. Well, he had the upper hand not to mention he was wickedly fast at casting spells.
Kida rolled her eyes when Carlisle drew his wand at her "i'll see you another time Carlisle" she said as she turned around, she didn't care that she had a wand pointed at her. Kida walked back through the Tree's, Carlisle had no authority over her, she could walk where she wanted she didn't have to go back to the castle, Kida didn't even bother to look behind her to see if Carlisle was going to do somethng.
She was a complete idiot. There was no other word for it. Turning your back on an attacker. He flicked his wand at her and murmured, "Stupefy" With force. The spell struck her on the shoulder and she fell to the ground, knocking her head on a rock as she passed. "...She hits... the only rock.. within a kilometer.. as she goes to the ground? COME ON!" He growled as he made his way over to her. Now he was going to have to take her all the way up to the hospital wing wasn't he. Brilliant, just brilliant. Within moments he had scooped her limp body into his arms and started heading back to the castle, growling to himself the whole time.

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