🌹 Rose Giving I know I'm meant to be with you

Tempest Vero

Trying To Be Good But Still Better Than You 💋✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 15 Inch Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Doxy Wing Core
5/2047 (16)
Tempest stood outside Heta Omega with a tad of bitterness. She had been part of the club at one point, but it was such a waste of time. Nevertheless, there was a girl that was supposedly part of the group, and Tempest hoped to find her here. "Is Eurydice in there?" she called through the doorway as she stood outside, not sure if she could even enter, but seeing as the door was open a little, she figured no one would mind her yelling. @Eurydice Nightray
After what had happened earlier in the day, Eurydice hadn't really wanted to be around people, but her brother insisted that she stay with him for the majority of the day just in case something else happened. It made her anxious that something else could happen, so she agreed. She did, however, ask Tizi-nii to accompany her to get something she forgot in the Heta Omega clubroom - though he had to wait outside since he wasn't allowed to come in. She hadn't been there for more than five minutes before she came out to someone calling out her name. "I'm Eurydice," she said suspiciously, making no move to come near the Slytherin girl.
Tempest looked at the younger girl with curiosity before twirling the pink rose between her fingers. "Someone must like you," she teased before holding out the rose that had a small note attached.

Love William
GM approved/requested by @Tiziano Edogawa

Eurydice made no move to grab the rose but her older brother had been quick to approach and pluck both the rose and the note from the girl which made Eury sigh in relief. The rose wasn't a red one this time but she couldn't be sure anymore of what lows Morrie would stoop to. When her brother handed her both the note and the rose, Eury took it and read the note. It instantly made her smile while heat flooded her cheeks. She hadn't expected a pink rose from William although she'd hoped and now she wished she signed the rose she sent him. It was no matter, she was going to see him at the dance and she could tell him then. And she was going to wear this pink rose he sent her to the dance too. "Thank you for the delivery," she told the older girl.

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