I Knew I Knew You

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Sapph almost wished she had stayed at school over break. The only reason she had come back to Arrowtown over break was because of this stupid Inn. She looked up at the oak double doors. The entire place seemed warm and inviting. Sapph stuck out her tongue and entered, cautious. She was pretty sure the owners were offering cooking classes and she was intrigued by it.

She made her way through the entrance hall and into the living room. At least, she thought that was what it was called. She walked over to the Welcome desk, pulling a nearby stool over so she could stand on it. It brought her chest level with the desktop.

Sapph took a deep breath and rang the bell, hoping to acquire the attention of the perky blond owner. She had to be nearby, or maybe her husband.
Kira had been organizing the books Tyra kept inside the Welcome desk when she heard the bell ring. She tried to stand too quickly and smacked her head against the desk. "Ow!" She cussed silently, standing. The desk was about chin height so she pulled a little wooden stool over with her as she stood, hopping up onto it so she could properly greet their guest.

"Hello, welcome to-" Kira stopped her greeting short as she saw the Raven haired girl across from her. "Wait, I know you..." Kira cocked her head to the side a bit, her brow furrowing. "Aren't you the Slytherin girl from school?"
Sapphire snorted as the desk vibrated. Apparently the girl behind it was too short or too short sighted to notice the top of the desk above her. When she finally hopped up, though, Sapph's jaw dropped.

The girl recognized her as well, because she stopped the greeting Midway, furrowing her brow. When the brunette asked if she was the Slytherin girl, Sapph smirked and leaned onto the desk. "I am. And you're the Ravenclaw girl that's built into the library."

Sapph held out her hand. "Sapphire Michaels. I live over at the Home. I stopped by for that cooking class?"
Kira took Sapphires hand almost hesitantly. "Um... I'm Kira... Wolf. Ah... The cooking class is this afternoon, my brother-in-law Jason is teaching it. You, uh, you like to cook?" Kira wasn't sure why she was nervous. Maybe she was just surprised to see someone magic that wasn't a Harkness here.

Kira brushed her hair behind her ear awkwardly. "So, um, you've been in here before." It was lame and she knew it was lame, but she couldn't help it.
Sapph raised a brow as the wolf girl stuttered over her words. "I have," she replied coolly. "And you didn't tell me why you're always in the library at school. Aren't there other things to do? Don't you have friends?"
Kira nodded quickly. "Zoe Harkness and Lauryn Woodlock, possibly Jacob Finley. Do you have friends yet? I've talked to a lot of people."
Sapphire smiled. This girl was definitely cheery. "Oliver Foy, a Hufflepuff Second year. Alkander, a Gryffindor first year, and Diana Holland. She's a First year Slytherin like me. So your sister runs this place?"
Kira nodded. She wasn't quite sure who any of those kids were, but that was okay. "Tyra does, yes. So, uh, Sapphire? Would you like to um, come back and see the kitchens?" Kira asked nervously.
Sapphire grinned. She couldn't say what exactly it was but she saw potential in this girl. It was like she was hiding another person behind some charade and Sapphire was instantly determined to bring it out. She winked at the brunette playfully. "Of course I do. Lead the way."
Kira gave a nervous smile to the other girl and stepped off her stool. "Right this way please." She knew she was going into customer service mode, but she couldn't help it. If her companion was just anot her customer she would be okay.

Kira started off down another short hallway. "Jason is probably in the kitchens now."
Sapphire grinned wickedly and followed the brunette down the hall. She wasn't exactly sure why, but she could tell that whatever else happened, there was something going on here.

This was going to be an adventure.


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