I kinda got caught up so I'm like...blah...

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Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Madderz MAIN
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Tallon
I didn't know where to post this, if it matters or anything. But I'm really am sorry for a lot of people that I plot with for the past few months. For those I agree to become family members which is bad of me, blah I'm so sorry for now because I can't handle with to many charries. I feel a little emo at the moment cause of what's going on (RL), I'm capable of handling pressure just don't want to keep you waiting anymore. Here a list of my characters if anyone wants them, go ahead be my guest. I just can't be on here twenty-four-seven even if I :wub: Hnz but I rather my two first family to stick around than the rest. Sorry I know it sucks, and the sad part about it is that I may go away for a while. I'm not sure I don't want to leave, its so easy to stay on Hnz and be here for most of the part. However I rather leave with a few active characters than a whole bunch. Again I apologize.....
Lana Hayden
Isobel Montiez
Dihlana Nasr
The Makwa Family (Shared Accounts)
Ashutosh Aniwaya
Anthony Warlock
Travis Laybis
Sinhella LeMour
Lucifer LeMour
Zion Deveraux
Paris Cahors
Leslie Danielsen
Esmaa Lee Hale

Hope you can forgive my emoness and why I may add more to the list. Again sorry :(

♥ Madz
Okay I'm on my phone, but. Did you get my email with the question about Isobel? Gracias chica xx
No I haven't but I'll check it right now...,
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