🌹 Rose Giving I hope you like yellow and roses

Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
Delivering so many roses was kind of tiring but it was also sort of fun, she got to talk to people she never usually did and that was probably one of the points of this whole event. It had been fun delivering the roses and currently she was one her second to last one, waiting for the first years to be done with Herbology. As the students started filing out she rose to her feet from her seat looking around. "Peregrine Piper?" She called out looking at the first years, remembering well her own first year last year.

@Peregrine Piper
Peregrine almost regret signing up to deliver roses. It was fun, and she got to see lots of different people, so all in all it was a good thing. But she still had classes to go to, and she had to find out who half the people she was delivering to even were...and apparently could receive her own roses around it too. That last part was a nice surprise, at least. "Oh! Yes, hello, I'm Peregrine," she said, waving to the girl who called out. She looked a little older, maybe in second or third year or something, and Peregrine subconsciously tried to dust herself off from any dirt that might have lingered on her robes.
Lilith gave a soft smile to the Gryffindor and approached her with the yellow rose and note in hand. "Hi, I have a rose for you, hope your day has been going fine today so far?" She said as she extended the rose towards the girl.
Hi Penguin, Jasper here! Did you get a new gobstone set for Christmas? Please show me if you did. Signed Jasper
Peregrine beamed, now she kind of better understood why people liked receiving roses. It felt nice to receive one of her own. She read over the note, and smiled fondly at it, before freezing for a moment. She suddenly remembered she'd sent Jasper a pink rose, and that was even more awkward now she had his yellow rose. She had just thought it would be a nice way to say thank you to him for being so nice and helpful to her and making her feel at ease. Then she suddenly remembered she was probably holding the other girl up, and unfroze to give an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I just remembered something I forgot," she explained, even if that wasn't exactly it it was close enough. "Er yes, it's a bit difficult to get deliveries done around classes though, right? Um, thank you very much for this, and, oh right, happy valentines!"
Lilith watched the girl curiously as she smiled at her note and then seemed to remember she was there too and had asked a question. Giving a soft laugh she nodded, "It's quite alright and yeah I agree it's been rather hectic to say the least. No worries, you too have a good rest of your day and happy Valentine's." The second year said, giving a maybe a bit of an awkward wave before turning to leave the girl and to continue her own tasks.

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