Open I Have No Idea How I Came Here

Giselle Rosenberg

In therapy, working on herself.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 15 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
ID #113581

Giselle had an amazing evening. At the medley she had a few drinks, she thought. Or more than an few, but she didn't counted. The more the better it seemed. And every one of them tasted good. It was becoming an facination and sport to try out every drink. She had to do something with the time and that was good. Some time ago she had runned into the party of the graduating people, it had been funny and horrible at the same time. After when she got home she slept a lot since she was so drunk that she didn't even made it to her bed. But slept in front of her bedroom door. Sofia had found her and when she woke up she was lying in her bed. Giselle didn't even remembered it anymore but she knew she woke up in her bed. Later on she got told by her sister. It was painfull to watch her sister and father and even her younger sister, who she tried to avoid. But right now Giselle was selfish and looking out for herself in her own way. This was the only way to her to deal with the pain she had. And on top of that she was angry and sad about her being an failure. Even Lius had said something to her. And how much she was distracted by her stupid boyfriend or fiance with the same name as their head of house back than, there was some part that remembered it. And seeing the students continuing with their life. And what did she do? Drink all night and sleep during the day, crying or be angry until it was time to go out again and drink.

And so she had done this evening/night. And it was getting light it seemed, the blonde had no idea how late it was. But she found herself in an street somewhere. Sitting on the ground with an empty bottle beside her. Still in her party clothes and looking around, the light hurted her eyes an bit. Giselle tried to stand up but she felt like she could fall down any minute. Sitting was better.
Ilija's last few years had been a bit strange. He'd more or less been focusing on his career as a way to get over the fact that Elsie had passed away when he was still at school, and that Alice had been dating Elliot. Trying to figure out what people wanted and how Ilija could make people happy wasn't something he found came easily, so it was much better for the former Hufflepuff to keep to himself and his work. After all that was something he could control. Ilija didn't exactly make a habit of coming to bleak street, but sometimes it was a shortcut to the stores he did need, which was the case this evening. Wrapped up in his jacket and a beanie, hands stuffed into his pockets, Ilija was walking through the dodgy back alley's when he saw someone just sat on the floor by themselves. Surely that wasn't safe? He paused, eyes glancing around to see whether anyone was going to come and check on this girl, but it seemed like there was no one looking out for her. "Are you okay?" he asked, unable to stop himself. Maybe he didn't know what was best for others, nor did he even feel as though he was the best person to talk to, but he couldn't just leave this girl sat out here at night by herself.
As the blonde tried to stand up she sat back down again. And the bright sun hurted her eyes, she did saw movement people walking by. And Giselle figured she had to leave here. She tried to grab the bottle beside her and wanted to take an sip but realised it was empty and sighted. Putting it down again. And than she heard something and noticed an man in front of her. ''What?'' She repeated didn't catched what he was saying. '' Can you turn of the light please?'' Giselle said, putting one hand before her eyes, trying to see the face of the person.

ooc: sorry missed this completly
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