Open I hate shopping

Noah Mendes

Troublemaker| Sports Lover| Reckless| Carefree
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (Too Young to Care)
Sexual Orientation
Too Young to Care
Straight 11 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Noah wasn't very happy today, he and Aaliyah were buying things for their next school year but as soon as they arrived to what was called Obsidian Harbour, she just disappeared and left him to figure out where he was supposed to buy cauldrons, a wand, what it seemed to be an endless list of books and stationery.
He had never adventured himself around that place so he was completely lost, he entered a shop but that one only had pets and after checking them out he left the shop. He hated that his sister did that to him and he most definitely take revenge on her and turn off the wifi while she was gaming later. He started wandering hoping to maybe find Branson, he was a good person to tell him where to get all the stuff he needed, maybe even Raven, she seemed smart enough for that but none of them were in sight.
He was completely lost so he had an idea, go inside every place and store until he had everything but that would probably take him all day. With that he just decided to sit on a nearby bench and wait for his sister to return, then she could tell him where everything was.
Eoin was more or less glued to his mother's side as they walked through Obsidian Harbour for the first time. It seemed as though his mother was just as confused about all of this as he was and he couldn't help but notice the strange looks she was giving things through the shop windows. Eventually, they came to a bench and his mother sat him down, rummaging in her pocket for her purse. The money they had brought apparently wouldn't work here, they need some special new money to actually buy anything. Which just made this whole thing even more completely ridiculous. His mother informed him that she was going to find the bank to see how this worked and he should sit there and wait for her to get back. Fine by him, he supposed. Eoin simply pulled out his book and flicked back to the page he had been previously reading from as his mother left him to work everything out.

And it wasn't long before there was someone sitting beside him, another boy around his age, it looked like. But Eoin didn't say anything, simply peering over the top of his book at the boy next to him for a moment before going back to his reading.
Noah sighed, he felt the other boy looking at him but his sight was in frustration to the list of materials he had in his hand. He looked at the other boy too, who was now reading, maybe he knew where everything was, he was reading so he was probably smart right?
"Hey I'm Noah" he said in the most friendly way he could "What are you reading there?" it was a dumb question, whatever the book was Noah didn't know it and wouldn't like to get to know.
He couldn't help but wonder what he was sitting there for "You sitting here because you don't also know where everything is?" he said half joking half serious, this was his way to figure out if the boy could help him out or not without being too obvious. "You are going to Hogwarts right?" he remembered to adk in the end, it would be really awkward if he was still like eight years old or something but in his defense the other boy looked a lot like a boy around Noah's age.
Though he would much rather not be bothered, it seemed as though the boy next to him wasn't interested in just sitting there in silence like Eoin was. He couldn't help but sigh at the conversation topic, peering over the top of his book again as he gave the other boy an almost pointed look. "Eoin," he offered his name before turning his eyes back to the text in front of him. Maybe his mother would return soon after having worked out how the money in this weird world actually worked. "The famous five," he didn't even look up from his reading this time, flicking over the page, "and no, I am just waiting for my mum to get back." Though it was partly true he didn't know where everything was, he was hardly going to admit it. And yet this Noah character kept on talking and Eoin simply sighed again, tears his eyes away from his book as he adjusted the glasses sitting on his nose, "Apparently, yes."
Noah forced a weird yellow smile, showing his teeth a lot more than a normal person does. He was right about the book, he had no idea what it was about, the famous five could be about anything, creatures, people, places, there are a big amount of famous things which also didn't make sense, why only do a book on five things?!
The boy didn't seem very talkative and Noah knew that this guy was probably a big nerd, he knew that Eoin was getting a bit annoyed so he decided to keep making conversation "What's your mom doing?".
He was not appreciating the boy's sigh but honestly it was kind of fun to annoy him, Noah could never pass up an opportunity to annoy people that seemed as stuck up as this boy, it was probably one of his favourite hobbies.
This boy was being very friendly, but Eoin was not interested in that in the slightest. He was just not a very sociable person and much preferred sitting in silence and reading through his books and studying. Or even going out with his father when he was working and exploring the ocean around Darwin. But this boy apparently didn't know that and kept asking questions, this time inquiring about the whereabouts of his mother. Eoin did have to frown as he glanced up from his text, wondering why on earth he was asking about that of all things. "Just getting some money," it wasn't anything interesting.
Noah again felt like the boy wasn't really appreciating his questions and he had to admit that his cold, short and emotionless answers were making it hard to come up with questions and keep the inquisition going not to also mention the the boy wasn't even looking up at him.
"So are you from a magical family?" he asked. He had met a big amount of people so he was starting to see that some came from magical families and others didn't. Maybe some people could figure that out just by looking at others but Noah couldn't and besides, it was a question that could keep things going.
It was quite clear this other boy was not getting the message about him not wanting to be bothered. All he wanted was to be left alone for the moment so he could continue reading his book until his mother came back. But apparently he couldn't have that, this boy continuing ask even more questions. "Does it matter?" he eventually snapped to the next question, not really in the mood to be discussing that aspect of his life. All of this was still incredibly new to him and the last thing he wanted was for someone to start making fun of him because he didn't know anything. Not that Eoin knew this boy was going to do that, but he didn't really want to risk it.
Noah was a bit surprised at the harshness in the other boy's voice. He knew that he was pushing his luck with him but honestly he never expected him to snap back "Nope" he ended up saying. He figured that it was better to just sit quietly than try to have a conversation with this guy and sign up for another harsh answer, maybe he would get up and find the stores himself entering one by one until he reached the correct ones. That would take too much time so he guessed he would just wait there, in silence, for his sister.
Eoin did have to exhale softly, feeling just a little bit guilty about the way he had just gone and snapped at the other boy for no reason. Just because he was annoying didn't really mean that he should be snapped at like that. So, the boy sighed, looking over the top of his book again at where the other boy was now sitting in silence, clearly having given up with the barrage of questions. "No, I'm not," he eventually answered the question, in a softer voice this time, "Both my parents are normal and there is no magic in my family, as far as I am aware. I'm the first one." And, hopefully, the only one as well as he didn't really want Ciara getting involved in all this magical stuff too.
When the boy started talking again Noah slowly turned his head to head with his eyes open wide still a bit surprised that after just snapping at him the other boy decided to talk "Now you talk?!" he said still incredulous, he wondered why this guy feel the need to be rude first just to answer the questions right after.
Noah wasn't sure if either to be mad and keep the conversation short or to take advantage of this and push the boy's buttons again so he decided to keep it in between "That's cool, probably a lot scary and nerve wrecking but cool!" he said. Noah technically wasn't the first, or the second or the third wizard in his family but he had only found out a year ago about it so it was also very new to him too, maybe this boy had more in common with him than he first thought.
Eoin did have to narrow his eyes just a little at that response from the other boy, "I can always stop again if you would prefer." He certainly wouldn't mind sitting there in silence and just getting back to reading his book. He had only decided to finally speak up because he had felt a little guilty about the way he had just gone and snapped at the other boy for no reason. But Eoin wasn't usually a boy for many conversations. "I guess," though he did have to admit it didn't feel very cool and he would still much prefer to be just like his parents. Nice and normal with none of this weird magic stuff to worry about.
Noah smiled at the boy, now he was starting to like this conversation a lot more even with the other boy threatening to shut up "No no no no" he quickly said, almost like a machine gun "I rather have the talkative you if that's ok" he said still smilling.
Eoin didn't exactly seem excited about being a wizard at his response so Noah thought twice about rubbing salt on the issue or not, he decided the first option "Not really looking forward for all the magic or anything?" he questioned wondering if that was what the boy didn't like or was more suspicious about.
There was a flash of a smirk on his face at the boy's response to his threat, though it was gone again almost as first as it had arrived. Hopefully, the threat would mean he wouldn't get any more stupid comments about how much he talked. Sure, he didn't speak much and didn't really like talking, but that didn't mean he wanted to be reminded of that. "Not in the slightest," and he didn't mind admitting how much he really wasn't looking forward to Hogwarts or actually learning magic. "If I had my way, I most certainly would not be getting on the train in September."
Noah was a bit shocked by the boy's answer, clearly there were people who didn't like magic and would rather do chores normally rather than magically and without even getting tired but his parents always taught him to respect different opinions "Why do say that? Is it because you feel different from all your family?" he asked. Maybe the feeling that he wasn't like everyone else in his family, the whole coming to a new world thing and not being able to share that properly with his family was making Eoin feeling bad or maybe it was something totally different.
He doubted that many people were actually going to understand where he was coming from. Everyone seemed excited about magic and wanted to learn everything and was eager to get to this Hogwarts and see what it was all about. Well, mostly everyone. He had met at least one girl who seemed as hesitant about the whole thing as he did. "No, it's not that," though he supposed that did play a small part of it, "Magic just makes no sense. I don't really need it, I had my whole future planned out, what school I wanted to get into, and where I was going to end up at the end. Magic has sort of ruined everything." Not to mention the idea of waving a stick in your hand and doing magic didn't even make any sense.
Noah listened as Eoin talked, clearly his behaviour was starting to make a lot more sense. Noah thought that as an eleven year old he didn't have much plans, he didn't knew what he wanted to do it was still too soon to decide but maybe other people had plans and especially people who expected to live a normal life. "Well...if it helps I also don't need magic, even though that it would help with chores. My mom only told us about the whole magic thing a year ago so I lived a pretty normal life too. I can't lie, I'm extremely excited but also really nervous." he told the other boy hoping that somehow he was making him feel better or at least no so alone "I don't know if I'm going to belong there or if people will like me or even if I'll be able to do any magic" he said to Eoin. Noah had never really said that out loud nor he would say it again out loud, his parents didn't need to worry about him. He would be fine, he always had been, or at least he hoped he would.
While he could appreciate the fact that Noah was sort of coming from the same background not really having much of a clue about magic before Hogwarts, the difference was that he still seemed to be excited and eager to learn. Unlike Eoin, who would still much rather have nothing to do with any of this magic business and just go back to his normal life and simply pretend that magic and everything to do with it simply didn't exist. "Don't see why there is any reason to be nervous about anything. I doubt they would invite you to Hogwarts if you can't even do magic or something," though he was still somewhat doubtful that he would be able to do any himself. But he wouldn't really say he was feeling nervous about it or anything, more indifferent about the whole thing. He supposed he'd just have to find out when he finally got to school and sat in his first class to see what happened.

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