I feel cold.

Arielle Lemaire

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust.
Spending another few hours was a bit disheartening for the second year Slytherin, she hated how low-class and unclean the dungeons were, in her opinion at the very least. Arielle sat on one of the stone benches that looked the cleanest. She didn't have anywhere else to go between classes, seeing as the twelve year old didn't have any friends. It was how she judged them by their looks, how she snubbed them if they didn't have a decent amount of wealth. This was something that she needed to change in order to make friends, or at least not make any comments or let her guard down a little, at the very least. She did need somebody to talk to, the lack of socialising in school was making Arielle irritated with being a witch and not want to make her magic stronger at all. She would much rather tall to people and be social than sit in dark, dank classrooms and learn about Magic. Still, she continued to sit on the bench and look out into the distance, like she was thinking about something important and meaningful, which she wasn't. Arielle was just thinking about how much she wanted to leave and how bored she was sitting there, there was nothing signifigant about that. At least she thought there wasn't. She was probably wrong but caring was the last thing she needed to do.
Paul had just had a nice talk with his sister Rebecca. After talking to her friend he realized how he hadn't really asked her about her friends or if she liked school life. So it was nice to just talk to her like they were at home. He had been on his way back to the common room to try and find something to do when he saw a girl up ahead. He thought he remembered her from some of his classes although they had never talked. She looked as if she was thinking deeply about something. Paul wondered what it was and decided he would see if she would like some company. He had been thinking lately how he didn't have as many friends as he should have, and he figured it was never to late to start. Walking closer to the bench where the girl sat he smiled, "Do you mind if I join you?" He said in a smooth casual voice as not to scare her. She seemed so deep in thought he figured she probably hadn't heard him coming.
The second year was still lost in thought when she heard a voice; Arielle looked up to see one of her fellow housemates. It must have been them who had said anything, after all, there was nobody else around them. "I don't mind, go right ahead." Replied the twelve year old, as she rested her head in her hands and stared at the floor. She had seen the other Slytherin from a few of her classes, but they hadn't spoken which wasn't a surprise to her. Arielle hadn't said much, if anything at all to her housemates, she had tried to be nice since she started attending Wizarding School, but she couldn't help saying something rude every now and then. "My name's Arielle. What's yours?" Uttered the French girl, her accent being obvious yet again. Since her move from France, the blonde hadn't made any friends, she had tried to be kind to people, but her rude personality always got the better of her.
Paul smiled when the girl said yes. He sat down next to her. He hoped he wasn't interrupting anything, she sat her head in her hands and he wondered if he was bothering her thinking. 'But she did say to sit down.' He though trying to decide if he was intruding. He knew he was okay when the girl Arielle introduced herself. "I'm Paul. Pleasure to meet you Arielle." He flashed a toothy smile at the girl. She was pretty, he normally wouldn't notice things like that but she was, and she had the cutest little french accent. So he decided to tell her, "I like you accent. French right?" He had heard several accents in his two years at Hogwarts. A lot of kids from abroad came to attend so you learned them all pretty fast.
The second year nodded at Paul. She was unsure of what to actually say just yet, Arielle had no real idea of what the other Slytherin was like, spite that they had were in the same house and year. This was without a doubt disheartening for the twelve year old, now she only needed something to start a conversation. Something simple, and not too unusual. Luckily for the blonde, Paul did this for her. "Yes, it's french. Have you ever been to France before?" Arielle queried her fellow second year before straightening her uniform. Since Arielle had been attending Hogwarts New Zealand, the uniform had always annoyed her, no matter how many times she straightened it, it would never look right. "So, Paul. What's your favourite subject?" Asked the Slytherin. They only way you can really get to know somebody was by asking questions and listening to the answer, Arielle had tried to be kind to her housemates but sometimes it was impossible. She was making an effort to seem nice to Paul, even if that meant asking a lot of questions.
Paul wasn't surprised when Arielle confirmed her accent was French. He had been pretty sure of it, "No I haven't but I've heard it before, that's why I knew." He smiled at the girl, he hadn't really took the time to get to know anyone else in his house. He had been really distant since staring Hogwarts but he was starting to come out of his shell. Arielle asked his favorite subject, he knew a lot of people in Slytherin would say potions but he really didn't care much for potions, "Probably Astronomy or Defense Against the Dark Arts." Paul and Rebecca had always liked stargazing when they were at home. Just starring up at the stars and seeing what you could make out of them. "What about you?" He asked curious about what kind of girl Arielle was. She was pretty that was for sure but her personality was a complete mystery to him.
The Dungeons were a typical place for the Slytherin house to abide, however the only two occupants for the time being was Arielle and Paul, this made for relaxing atmosphere, it allowed the blonde to talk to Paul without any anxiety of judgement. Sure, Arielle could dish out insults but honestly, she wasn't able to take them very well. "Mine's Transfiguration." Said the French girl, Paul seemed like a nice guy, after all he had started a conversation with her, a preferred change to the snubbing she usually had to deal with. The twelve year old smirked at the stone floor, if she got to know Paul better, it would let her do something more productive with her time, sitting at the Slytherin table alone during meals had become almost unbearable, now at least she had an acquaintance, and a cute one at that. "I assume you like astronomy then, like star signs and stuff." Arielle stated, she made the connection that Paul could possibly be an astrology fanatic like herself. If Paul liked looking at stars and studying them in Astronomy class, it would be natural for one to like astronomy from Arielle's point of view.
Paul nodded as Arielle said she liked Transfiguration, he wasn't the best at transfiguring but the lessons were always fun. "Transfiguration's nice." He smiled at her. She said he must be into astronomy then. He grinned, "I love it my sister and I have always been interested in it." He wondered if Arielle liked astronomy too, "I'm a Gemini, what are you?" He asked curious. He didn't believe in the your more compatible if you date a person born with this zodiac stuff, but he would like to know just to see. Hopefully the two would have some things in common, he wanted to get to know her better and maybe they could be friends, or more than that. He was really interested in Arielle which was saying something for him, he normally didn't pay attention to anyone let alone a girl.
The French girl hadn't made a friend since her move to New Zealand, she had par taken in a few conversations now and then, but they were only shallow, they had bored the Slytherin. Because of this, Arielle had not said much to anybody since her start at Hogwarts New Zealand, in fear somebody else would waste her time with nothing more than a superficial discussion. "I'm a Leo. Which is kind of funny because I'm in Slytherin." Replied the blonde, irony was the sort of humour Arielle didn't tend to dwell on much, she preferred to talk about clothing rather than something that appeared to be ironic, however Arielle wasn't going to let Paul become tedious with fashion. Arielle had been born in Paris, the fashion capital of the world, which had naturally brought on an interest in fashion to the twelve year old from a very young age. "What do you do to kill time?" Arielle queried, she was asking some very general questions, but that was an obvious way to get to know a person better.
Paul smiled when Arielle said she was a Leo, there zodiac signs were compatible. Not that he really believed that if you married someone you weren't compatible with it wouldn't work. He just figured they had the stars in there favor this way. Then it dawned on him, he didn't even know this girl and he was thinking about his compatibility with her. 'There must be something wrong with me.' Paul thought. He hadn't thought about a girl in this way in ages, granted Arielle was pretty and cute, but he hardly knew enough about her to be pinning. She asked him what he did to kill time and he shook all previous thoughts from his head. "I like flying, and I run quite a bit. Plus my star gazing." He smiled, he loved just running. It was a good way to clear your mind and stay in shape, and flying was just amazing. Being as he had never flown until coming to Hogwarts it was a new experience and he had been trying to make the most of it. "What about you? What do you like to do?" He hoped maybe she would like some of the things he liked.
OOCOut of Character:
I'm soo sorry it took this long...
The second year smirked at what her fellow Slytherin did to pass his spare time, Arielle liked to exercise, and made sure she stayed active for at least an hour a day, she knew it would ultimately add up to how successful she was in the fashion industry. The French girl knew she wanted to have a career in fashion, and being a cutting edge designer that dabbled in modelling was her idea of the perfect career. In one way or another, Arielle wanted to be just like her mother, she didn't remember her, she had only seen photos and heard stories about her, but she did know she had inherited her mother's looks. Which was the twelve year old's only reason to aspire to be a model in the first place, designing had been her choice and modelling went right along with it. Most people wouldn't understand why somebody as young as Arielle had make her career choice at such a young age, but Arielle did not care, she had never thought that knowing exactly what you wanted to do since birth was a bad thing, it meant she had more time to prepare herself for the intense stress, long days and busy nights the fashion industry had to offer. "I design clothing, mostly. But I do exercise a lot, maybe we should go for a run together sometime." Suggested the second year, she knew she had to keep herself healthy and slim to be a model, she also knew she needed to be the proper model height. That was obviously something Arielle couldn't control, but she remained optimistic she would experience the same ammount of growth spurts her mother had while she was in her teenage years.

OOCOut of Character:
It's okay, I have been busy anyway. ^_^

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