I Don't Know How To Talk To You

Madeline Walden

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
It had been a while since Maddie had visited the Lakefront even though it was the place where she felt most calm. The lake had the effect of eradicating the drama in the castle and Maddie loved spending time outside in the open because it was almost like an escape from the buzz of the castle. Every now and again Maddie needed the peace and quiet, the place to unwind and to think, and the Lake had fast become the perfect place for that. Unfortunately, the only thing on her mind at that moment was what happened at Obsidian Harbour a couple of weeks ago. Something that Maddie had tried to get her head around what she had seen but it hadn't made sense and she never got the chance to ask James what he was doing. But, he didn't really need to explain his actions, did he? she thought to herself. After all, James and Maddie were nothing... right? He liked Amy before and now he was with this new girl that he seemed to like and Maddie needed to shake the feeling that there was maybe something between them. After all, thinking that way meant that there was a wedge between Amy and Maddie and she didn't want that. Maybe it was a good idea after all that he was focusing his attentions on someone else.

She sighed and slid down the nearest tree while looking out at the ripples of the water. She imagined that each movement washed away her thoughts which would allow her to start the new year afresh. Being able to focus on her classes without any of the drama like last year. At least that's what she thought, it would be nice to get through a stress free year but knowing her friends, that would be almost impossible.
James had had an interesting winter holiday. Ezra had returned home and was wreaking his own kind of mayhem in James's life. Then there had been the good points in his holiday. He had got to spend the day with Misha at Obsidian harbour where they shopped for their school supplies. James had enjoyed his time with the Ravenclaw girl mostly because she was drama free and he liked being with someone who didn't hide her feelings in schemes and pranks like a certain brunette Gryffindor. The truth was his feelings for Maddie were complicated. He liked her, that was wy he kissed her bu the event had not been discussed again so he assumed she did not want to talk about it, let alone relive it.

The Gryffindor boy needed some time away from the chaos of his friendships so he decided to take a walk to the lake, it was a place he liked to go yo clear his head. Howeve when he arrived at the lake he found the last person he needed to see. Maddie. "I didn't expect to see you here,"He mumbled at her as he walked towards her.
Maddie thought she heard something move behind her so she jumped up defensively. It was early morning and it was hard to see who was walking towards her. But from the second the person opened their mouth Maddie knew who it was and she was dreading having to see him again after all the events of last year and what she had seen at Obsidian Harbour with Charlotte a couple of weeks ago. She forced herself to smile at her fellow Gryffindor, trying to hide the butterflies in her stomach. However, despite the dread that she first felt, she was actually beginning to feel happy to see James appear out of the misty fog that seemed to engulf the early morning air.

She shrugged her shoulders at his statement "I like it here" she explained "It's a nice place to think and to... chill" she finished sighing, looking out over the lake. "Shall we er... shall we sit?" she said lamely. Why was she being so weird? She coughed and returned to the place that she vacated, quickly glancing from the lake to the Gryffindor boy.
Maddie's behaviour surprised James. He had half expected her to curse him as soon as he appeared before her in the fog. James of course had known who he was approaching from just her shadowy outline in the mist. Maddie was easy to spot, it wasn't like she could be mistaken for anyone else. The holidays had been brutal what with Ezra moving back in to the house, thankfully attempts by their parents to have him enrolled at Hogwarts had been unsuccessful.

There seemed to he a strange calm about Maddie, his appearance had had little affect on her when it would usually stir up feelings of rage and annoyance in his fellow Gryffindor. "I agree, sorry but you never struck me as having a peaceful place, you only ever seem worked up around me," James shrugged his shoulders. He was only saying what appeared obvious to him. When Maddie suggested that they both sit James was almost speechless. At least as speechless as he could be, "Err, sure," He was apprehensive about it but nonetheless he took a seat next to her. "So, is this the part where we stare off into the sunset and fall in love?" He turned to her and grinned hoping his question would freak her out.
It was strange for Maddie, she wasn't acting up or shouting at James or showing off in front of him this time. She felt almost numb, there were so many feelings inside of her at that moment that they seemed to cancel each other out which left her almost emotionless. After the disaster that she had seen at Obsidian Harbour she felt so angry that she didn't want to see James again and as a result she decided to distract herself with somebody else. Someone that might cause her less drama and less headaches. That someone being Felix, the boy she had liked since early second year and it seemed he felt the same which naturally led to them coming together and deciding to date. Maddie thought this was the perfect opportunity to tell James about Felix but she couldn't bring herself to. The words just wouldn't come out of her mouth. Anyway, he probably wouldn't be that bothered by the looks of the girl he was with that day. Rumours had been circulating that something was up between the two of them but she didn't want to ask, it would probably only make her feel worse.

She was glad that he decided to stay with her though. It showed that her strange behavour hadn't bothered him that much. She smiled at him as he sat beside her and she listened to what he had to say. "Well, it must just be you then. You seem to drive me crazy!" she replied, not realising the connotations of what she had just said to James. But then he said the strangest thing and she turned to face him and her eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock. But after a couple of seconds she laughed and pushed him a little "Well if we could see past our hands then that would be a beautiful story to tell our kids one day" she joked back while holding out her hands in front of her face, demonstrating how hard it was to see because of the mist. She shuddered because of the morning chill so she slowly edged closer to her fellow Gryffindor avoiding his gaze.
James's words had little affect on her which he found strange to say the least. Normally Maddie wluld have bitten his head off for such a comment or gone to extreme lengths to outline why that wouldn't happen. Maybe that was when she was just with Charlotte or Amy, after all the last time he saw Maddie alone the two had kissed in detention so perhaps her unusual behaviour wasn't all that unusual.

That was all behind him though. Or at least it had to be, things were happening with Misha and the last thing he needed wasva hang up on Maddie. James could only handle the drama of one girl at a time. Any more made his poor head spin. He did smile at her comment about him driving her crazy, "My mum always said she knew my Dad was the one because he drove her crazy," He winked at her. Her reaction would be funny but e had come to learn that his relationship with Maddie was similar to that of his parents in their early years. It was a very strange thought. Maddie made a quib about it being a story to tell their kids, James laughed. "I dunno, we're both pretty big headed, there's no getting passed that,"
This whole encounter was awkward and Maddie wished she knew how to combat it, but, unfortunately, it was partly her making. She thought that maybe talking about their last interaction would help clear the air but she didn't know how to bring it up. You couldn't exactly say "Oh, by the way, how are you doing since the last time I saw you? You know when we kissed and never spoke again". She couldn't do that, it would make things even more awkward than it already was. Especially because Maddie was supposed to be with Felix now so she couldn't very well bring up the events of last year.

She smiled at James' comment about his parents. He had never spoken about them before in front of Maddie and she appreciated the comparison. "Well I suppose it keeps the relationship interesting" she shrugged. She shot James a funny look when he spoke about their characteristics "I think you'll find you are the one with a big head" she retorted playfully pushing him. "I'd feel sorry for our kids if they took after you" she teased him. Talking about future children with James was weird. Maddie didn't know what to think about the conversation, she knew it was just hypothetical and a bit of joke but there was a part of her that kept thinking what if?
It was a little awkward for James to be sat with Maddie, given the last couple of times they saw each other was awkward. There was the kiss followed by their encounter with Amy where she found out about the kiss, James hadn't spoken to Amy since and didn't know how she felt about the whole thing but by her reaction he guessed she was at best shocked. It didn't matter anyway, the kiss with Maddie, as good as it was, and Amy being mad at him for, whatever reason she was mad at him, it didn't really matter. James was kind of seeing someone, he wasn't sure what he and Misha were, they hadn't discussed it, but he considered himself off the market.

It was strange for him to be discussing anything personal with Maddie, their entire 'relationship' had consisted of pranks and sly insults. His brother had described it as 'sexual tension' but what did Ezra know. Though discussing their hypothetical future children with Maddie did make him wonder if his feelings for Maddie were mutual, yes she had kissed him back but he hadn't actually thought for a moment she might like him. Maybe James had missed his window. "Let's compromise, we both have big heads, its why we clash so much, and as for our kids, with my natural charm and your good looks, they'd be unstoppable," He grinned at her hoping she didn't pick up too much on the comment about her looks. Though he did think she was prettier than Misha, not that he'd admit it, to anyone. Ever.
Maddie faked being shocked at James' comment and then giggled at him. "Erm... I'll think you'll find that our heads do not compare in size. at. all!" she said emphasising the last three words by poking him in the arm. "How dare you even compare the two" she teased. Maddie had no idea how long the two had been outside but the fog had began to clear and she could finally see the ripples on the lake. She let the breeze wash over her and lay back on the bank.

She suddenly turned to James when he continued talking about their children and Maddie's... good looks? Was that what he actually said? She shot him a confused look but went along with what he said anyway. After all, what he was saying was right... She grinned at him "you're right, they would be unstoppable" she agreed "the beautiful and unstoppable Walden's" she said winking at the Gryffindor boy.
James was surprised to hear Maddie giggle, it wasn't a sound he heard very often and it was a shame, because it was the cutest thing he had ever head. "Actually, I think you'll find I wasn't comparing physical size, because we both know my big head would triumpth, but you love my big head, don't pretend you don't stare at it during class," He stuck his tongue out and poked her back three times mirroring what she did to him. "You're just jealous because you have a small head, mine is glorious in its stature, the face isn't too bad either." He smiled and winked at her.

Maddie seemed to agree with his assessment about their kids, they would indeed be unstoppable, and beautiful, how could they not be when both their parents were stunning. He smiled and ran his hand through his own hair. Though something she did say stood out. "I think you'll find they will be the beautiful and unstoppable...Cade's," He said streching out his own last name for emphasis. Surely any kids he had would bare his name right? Like he did with his fathers name, Maddie may have just been teasing him. It wasn't like they were really going to have kids.
Maddie rolled her eyes and tried to hide the blush that was appearing on her cheeks when James mentioned her staring at his head. "How does he know that?" she thought to herself. But it seemed like he was joking, he was laughing anyway so Maddie laughed along trying to hide her embarrassment, probably a little too enthusiastically to be believable. "Hey, I have to stare at your big head, I can't see anything else when you're in front of me" she joked, sticking her tongue out too. Once again she rolled her eyes at James' statement and laughed a little. James was nothing if not confident, sometimes on the verge of arrogance, but it was part of his charm.

She nodded along with what James was saying about their children until he mentioned keeping his own last name. She frowned and shook her head "erm, actually no. You're wrong" she said pointedly. "They will be the Waldens" she stated, raising her eyebrow at James almost daring him to challenge her again. The only person that could go toe to toe with Maddie was, actually, James. The pair always clashed, even when they were supposed to be nice to each other. It was never simple between the two of them, there was always some kind of drama taking place; whether intentional or not.

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