I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now.

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Daniella Varius

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

*Daniella Snow*

Isn't she pretty? She is right? Well she freaking should be because this little beaut here is part veela...and not just any veela, but a Snow veela at that. Well, I recently acquired this wonderful little bird, erm, character and well I'd like to start using her a bit. She's a fifth year prefect at Beauxbatons. So what does she need exactly? Well funny you should ask because this little lady needs a couple of different things. She needs friends. Maybe a couple close friends and definitely a best friend. Seeing as she's now 16, I think that perhaps she's old enough for a boyfriend, don't you? Maybe a little crush or two followed by a relationship. I'm also looking for a potential final for her as well, but that idea can be played around with a little bit and is open for discussion. Alrighty all my good friends, get to digging through that stash of characters that I know you have and let me know what you come up with.
Hey :D

I have only just noticed this topic left alone on its own :( so i decided to post :D

I think i may have what you are looking for....

This character - Amelia Johnson is also a half-veela and goes to Beauxbatons. She is now in her 6th year and is a prefect as well (by permission of Nick :p ) She could be a best friend, because at the moment it seems to me like she only really has main friends who are boys.... She is clever and pretty, but spends her time flirting with boys more than anything else :p She would probably need another girl who understands her to bring her back into the world of being a 16 year old...

I also have her cousin, Jack Evans who is also a half-veela (surprise surprise!!). He is a durmstrang 7th year and is 18. He already has a final (i think :p ) but he could be a crush followed by a relationship. He is clever and caring about girls, but he also has a dark streak when messed with. He is planning to become a deatheater when he finishes school, but no one knows this yet apart from him. He wouldn't tell anyone about it unless they too were interested. He wouldn't be mean to a girl and is a bit of a ladies man.

So let me know what you think,

Kate :hug:

I have Steven Green. He's seventeen and has just graduated from Hogwarts Scotland. He's a kind boy as long as you stay on the right side of him because he has a short temper that he can't really control most of the time. His dad was a death eater so he agrees with death eater ways but at the moment he's not looking for a way into being one as he has a soft side and doesn't think he'd be able to cope.
Steve could be a friend or a crush or something?? Up to you really.

Hey Katie, don't forget about your (older :r ) twin sister here :p

Kate, seeing as we are to have Amethyst and Amelia be BFF's maybe Daniella could join and they could be a trio of BFFs? Just an idea :D
Also, the twins should be 6th year now :r xD

kalani & daniella
so i have kalani who is the head girl at beauxbatons so i'm pretty sure
that she and daniella would know each other. kali is a pretty goofy girl
who doesn't take much outside of schooling seriously. she likes to have
fun so if dani thinks she can keep up with kali, i'm sure they could be
good friends which is always awesome. so let me know what you think.
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