I Can't Stand It

Angela Marion

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
There was one thing that Angela could always escape into, something that she had appreciated since she could talk; music. However much she loved it, she still didn't like preforming in front of other people, which is why she went to the cliffs that early morning. She had the tan case that Sarah had brought out whenever Angela had nightmares. she would play music for her, and eventually had taught her how to play. When Sarah died, Angela kept the guitar with her all the time. it always laid under her bed in her dorm room, along with a few other of Sarah's belongings. The cool morning breeze dried the tears that threatened to form in her eyes. She hated herself for crying so much. Even she had realized that she had been moody lately, and she was now trying to be a better person.

She sat down a little ways away from the cliff, looking out over the edge. She had almost worn white jeans, and was now glad she hadn't. it would be easier to get the dewy grass off of the darker color she was wearing. She was no longer worried about the scars on her shoulders, they didn't bug her as much. She found them to be a part of who she was. She took the guitar out, and dusted it off. It had been so long since she had seen it. No on but her could touch it, so she didn't bring it out very much. She smiled lightly and looked out over the cliffs again; beauty was the nature around her. Lately she had stopped noticing that, and she needed to get back into the habit of looking around slower, and not being so harsh on everything.
Tohoru woke up early and made his way outside. He normally avoided the cliffs at all costs but for some reason today he wanted to go and hang out there. Making his way up the cliffs. Tohoru saw a young girl. She seemed said. Walking over to her, Tohoru tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey there. Is everything alright?"
Up went Angela's eyes. She looked at the boy for a second, he didn't look familiar. Maybe and older student. She looked back to her guitar and started to dust it off more. "I've had better days, kiddo." She said. her voice was dull, not the same pixie tone she had last year, or the year before. She looked back up at him. "Sit?" She asked him, she needed the company. She felt to silent, too alone.
Tohoru looked at the girl and wanted to reach out and hug her. He hated seeing girls sad. It must have something to do with having three sisters. Thinking about his sisters made him sad. One of them was really upset and hurting and there was nothing he could do about it. Taking a seat next to the girl. Tohoru pulled her into a hug. "You look like you could use a hug."[/b[ Was all Tohoru said simply.
Angela stiffed up noticeably when the guy hugged her. she had her mouth a gape, and gave an awkward glance to the left and right. She wrapped her arms slowly around him and smiled a bit. "Thanks, kid. It means a lot more then you think." She pulled out of the still slightly awkward hug and smiled at him. "I'm Angela." Angela found it much easier to trust someone who had an asian face, most Asians reminded her of her little cousin, Kairi. She couldn't wait to get home and see her.
Tohoru let her out of the hug. "I am Tohoru Koshiba. Nice to meet you Angela." Tohoru was happy that his hug had made someone feel better. "Thats means a lot. I spent all day yesterday trying to cheer up my sister Eden and no luck." Tohoru looked around and saw the guitar. "So do you play?" Tohoru had never picked up a guitar in his life but if you put him in front of a piano he could play all day.
She heard the name, boy did it ring a bell. "Eden? Are you also related to Hoshi?" She asked with a bit of shock. She almost didn't hear his other question. She looked at the beautiful guitar and removed her sunglasses to hold her red hair back. "I don't play well, someone was teaching me but..." She didn't go any further, it was still hard. Hard thinking about Sarah, hard talking about her. A breath hitched in Angela's throat, but she didn't let it show.
Tohoru grinned. "Yea Eden is the adopted sister, and Hoshi is my twin. I got another sister Lilith. She is Eden's younger sister. How did you know?" Tohoru did not think that many people knew that him and Eden where brother and sister. Tohoru could hear her voice start to crack almost like she was about to cry when she mentioned that she had been learning but than from the sound of it they stopped. "Well could you play me what you know? I have never heard someone play the guitar live and I would very much like to hear you play." Tohoru looked at Angela for a moment and than looked out over the cliff.
She frowned a little bit, his twin. This boy seemed so nice and Hoshi had been so, so rotten. Angela grimaced a bit. "I've had run ins with both Eden and Hoshi." She said, not specifying what went on. She didn't like talking about it anyways. She smiled when he changed the subject, and delicately took the guitar in her hands. She realized that her fingers were a bit bigger then before, and she felt a little ashamed of it. She realized that she had gained a little weight, she would work on it soon enough. "Here's one." She said with a smile. "I can only play a bit, because i'm working on playign and singing at the same time." The Song was a rough one, and took a scratchy little voice like hers. And when Angela sang, it came out with emotion.
Tohoru shook his head. "As much as I love my sisters. They can be very mean. One of these days it is going to come back and bite them on the arse." Tohoru knew that whatever it was Eden and Hoshi did to this girl it was not nice. Tohoru was happy when she picked up the guitar. "I am sure that you can sing very well." Tohoru closed his mouth to listen to her song. While she was singing Tohoru felt his mouth drop open. Once she was finished Tohoru clapped. "Wow you where amazing. I am shocked." Tohoru could not believe that such a voice came from that girl. She was so young but the way she sung was just amazing.
She nodded at him. It was true that Eden and Hoshi could be very mean, but Angela was able to deal with it. She didn't care, she really didn't anymore. She had received an apology from both girls, though she didn't accept Hoshi's. Only because she had insulted her Aunt. No one touched or talked about Sarah in that way. She smiled and her cheeks turned a color that nearly matched her hair. "Th-thank you. I only wish I could write songs, I have no talent with rhythm." She laughed slightly, looking at this boy. He wasn't half bad, he was a nice guy; maybe some people were. "So, what brings you out here?" She asked, not wanting to brag any.
Tohoru grinned when he saw the girl blush. It reminded him of a time when he was not such a nice guy and went after everything in sight., but those days where over now and he did not do those kinds of things anymore. "I am sure that if you kept working on it you could write some pretty awesome songs. Or with a voice as pretty as yours I am sure that people would love for you to sing there songs." Tohoru said gently. Looking up at the sky Tohoru shook his head when Angela asked him waht had brought him outside. "Been having trouble sleeping. Eden broke off her engagement to her guy and she is really upset about it. The whole family has been trying to get her to talk about it but she refuses." Tohoru felt bad for the girl but it was her own fault for falling in love with a Death Eater.
The color on her cheeks spread up to her ears. Only the right one was visible, and that was quickly changed when she nodded, and her hair fell from behind her ear. She listened to him explain. "Oh my! I wish I could help!" Angela was young, she had never been engaged, but she knew what heartbreak was like for her, and it had went pretty bad. She couldn't imagine if you broke off an engagement with someone you were ready to spend the rest of your life with. "I'm so sorry to hear that." She let out a sigh, the empathetic part of her sipping in the sadness that she was sure he and the sister felt.
Tohoru shook his head. "No, no. It's fine. The bloke was a Death Eater and he was not good enough for Eden in a million years. He is going to be in Azkaban for the rest of his life. She will find someone better for her and never think about him again if she knows what is good for her." Tohoru knew he had said to much but there was no taking it back. Tohoru figured that if people knew that Eden had been engaged to a Death Eater they would not feel sorry for her at all. They would tell her to get over it and move on, and than Eden would. "I am sorry for that. I just don't like those sort of people and I don't know how someone as lovely as her could get mixed up with his kind." Tohoru yanked a handful of grass out of the ground and tossed it up in the air. Watching as the blades floated slowly back down to the earth.
She nodded at him. "You aren't the only one who doesn't like them." Angela knew what happened. It was left in Sarah's will. She got a letter out of Sarah's jewelry box, and she still carried it with her to this day. She took it out of her back pocket. "i know them to well." She handed it over to him. No one besides her had ever seen it. she wouldn't even let Skyle see it, because she wanted to protect her cousin. it was really a heart breaking thing to hear. that your parents had been attacked, why she was abandoned.

((If you don't want to read the letter, then here's the basics. It was a stormy night, Sarah and her brother and his wife were in the house when someone, whom was assumed to be a death eater, came in and killed Sarah's brother (Angela's dad) and caused his wife to go insane through teh cruciatis curse, this was Kari (Her almost uncle)'s Girlfriend before Sarah. Angela is a mixed blood, and she wasn't supposed to know til she was seventeen.))
Dear Angel (i know you hate it, but bear with me),
By now, you're going to hate me, and no longer need me. I was instructed to tell you on your seventeenth birthday the truth about your father's death, and why your mother went crazy. I am way to chicken to tell you, that's the honest truth. So I wrote everything that I remember in this letter. i was there when it happened, and I did nothing to stop the girl who killed your father. it was a really dark night, I think, and it was me, your mother, and your father talking at home about me coming to live with you guys. I was still young, just out of school. It was terrible. this woman came in and started to yell things. Your father didn't want me hurt, and he hid me right away. I was stuck under a desk for three hours while they went back an foruth in the attic. It was a difficult thing to watch, and he wouldn't let me out. He was so brave, he even protected your mother, but, she did a thing i could never forgive.

She used the worst of the three unforgivable curses.

He died then before my eyes, even then I didn't come out. I waited until she was done torturing your mother, like a coward, and then came out. i had to dial the police, and explain to them what happpend. it was terrible, and this girl had been Kari's girl before hand. I made a scene about that, i did when I found out. I never went after her, but that's the truth. Angela, your father, mother, and I love you very much still, no matter what. I pinky promise.

"That is the understatement of a lifetime." Tohoru hated them there was no dislike it was just pure and utter hate. Angela handed him a letter. Tohoru raised a eyebrow. He wanted to ask what it was but decided he should just shut his mouth and read it. Looking the letter over, Tohoru shook his head. "You should talk to Eden. I doubt she will think Death Eaters are so great if she met a person who suffered at there hand." Tohoru wondered how people could like Death Eaters. When so many witches and wizards now and days had muggles in there family it made no sense.
"If I ever see her, I'll give her the letter. i don't really want it in my possession. Just in case." She said. The just in case was because of Skyle, because she didn't want Skyle knowing this. Angela's dad was a great man, he had been a hospital worker, he had saved lives. She hated the Death Eaters, why were they so pointless? She looked at him. "I don't know what else to say. I don't talk to a lot of people." She looked at her guitar. "Do you play anything?"
Tohoru nodded his head. "She stays locked up in her dorm or hiding in the rosebushes." Tohoru was going to rest for a while and than start looking for Eden maybe. Not likely, Eden wanted to be alone and she made that all to clear when she had chased him away at wand point. "I um play piano. I have been playing since I was a child. I think Hoshi can play as well I don't remember." Tohoru grinned it was funny. He used to know everything about his twin now he had to try really hard to remember what her favorite movie was.
She nodded. "I go to the rosebush sometimes when I'm upset, it's where I go to talk to Sarah." She admitted, without even meaning to. This guy didn't even know who Sarah was, why would she tell him something that personal? Obviously her mouth had a mind of it's own, because she wasn't able to control it. "She was my aunt." Seh said smiling slightly. She then nodded with more of a smile. "oh, the piano is such a great instrument!"
"If you see her, please be nice she is really upset right now and the smallest thing seems to set her off." Tohoru felt his face go pale. He had heard his father mention a Sarah. It could not be the same women. The things his father had bragged about doing to her and made Tohoru sick and angry that he had a father as mean as him. Tohoru went back to thinking about playing the piano. "I like it a lot when I get really angry I sit down and play for house at a time and I feel better." Tohoru wanted to hurry up and get back to Japan so that he could play again. It had seemed like forever since he had played it was time that he started up again.
Angela nodded. "Nothing but the best. I would not bug someone when they were down. That would make me as bad as..." She didn't really have an example. Teddy maybe, but, he had made up with her. They were even going to the Ball together. She smiled at him. "Emotions make music all the more sweet. Wow that was poetic." She paused. "that was pathetic." She giggled a little bit, trying to hide the fact that she was sad.

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