I am in a tree.

Sasha Harris

Well-Known Member
Sasha was in a tree. She wasn't used to climbing trees, she didn't like climbing trees and she had just found out she couldn't get down from climbing trees. She looked down through the branches, seeing if anyone was there but the only person she could see near her didnt look like he could get a girl out of a tree. Well, It's your only shot. "Excuse me! You! Sitting by the lake!"
Sasha rolled her eyes as the boy asked if it was him she was talking to. "No, the squirrel(!)" She spoke sarcastically. "Of course you, you numbnuts. Get me the hell out of this tree!"
Kit huffed. "Fine, but only because you asked so nicely." He shot back up at the girl in the tree. Kit looked around, wondering how to get up. There was only branch within his reach, so he walked around to it. After a few second of scrambing, bracing his feet against the trunk, Kit was up on the branch. "Why are you in this damn tree, anyway?" He asked, peering up.
Sasha shrugged at the boy. "Well, I never climbed a tree before and I thought it would be interesting. I wouldn't have done it if I knew I would get stuck." Her problem was she couldn't tell how far away any branches were, if she went to step on one and misjudged the distance she copuld fall and hurt herself.
Kit frowned and pulled himself up another couple of metres. He wasn't too far below the girl now. "Uh... There's a branch not too far away from you. You could probably step onto it, if you reached out." He pointed at the branch in question, hanging onto the treetrunk with his other arm.
Sasha reached out a leg, feeling for the branch. Thankfully, she managed to reach it and slid onto it, being careful about balancing her weight. She looked down, the boy wasn't that far away now, maybe he could get her out of the tree after all.
Kit nodded in what he hoped was an encouraging way. "Yeah, that's the way." He paused to look for another branch for her to reach down to. "I think... Maybe you can grab the one just to your... left. Then sorta swing down." He bit his lip, not entirely sure if this was a good path.

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