Closed I’ll Stay Here

Eurydice Nightray

princess • wanting to be seen • sweet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Eurydice’s whole weekend has gone down the drain. If someone were to ask her to pinpoint the exact moment it did, she would say that it was when she’d signed up for Heta Omega last semester. She kinds of regrets it really. She’d been looking forward to joining it ever since finding out her mum had been a past president of the club. And when she did, she’d had high hopes. And they all came tumbling down quickly. Eury had never had any friends before Hogwarts so her cousins were the closest thing. Which is why she hadn’t taken kindly to Vanity just dismissing Rose so callously. And it just went downhill from there. How was she even going to cheer for girls over boys that were her friends and family. Sisters before misters they said. But Jonah was her cousin. And Elio-nii was apparently her brother-in-law. She wasn’t even friends with any of the girls. And why would she cheer on such horrid people. People who set snakes on people. She hadn’t even been able to sleep or function well since yesterday. She kept checking the floors in the dorm whenever something made the smallest sound. And she kept seeing the snake fangs of that bright red snake. She couldn’t even focus on schoolwork because she couldn’t stand to be anywhere quiet or free of people right now. And because she didn’t want to be caught alone while walking, she hadn’t even bothered showing up to the Great Hall for breakfast. Or lunch. So she’d parked herself on the student lounge, just staring blankly at her book. Maybe if she read about Astronomy enough, she’d start thinking of stars instead of snakes.

@William Potter-Cade
Will couldn't believe what had happened during the tug of war event, the girls of heta omega had gone feral and turned on Eury for the crime of cheering on her family, who just happened to be boys. He understood that Morrie had considered it a betrayal, but for a group that claimed to be about sisterhood, it wasn't very sisterly and it had gotten awfully tribal. A few people from both groups had their fair share of things to say, in support and against people swapping sides for the sake of the tug of war, Eury had borne the brunt of most peoples anger and had excited quite promptly. He didn't see her for the rest of the day so the first chance he got he went looking for her, she wasn't in the great hall for breakfast so he went off to see if he could find her somewhere else, he eventually ended up at the student lounge and there she was. "Eury! I've been looking for you everywhere,"
Eurydice didn’t know how long she’d been sitting in the Student Lounge staring at her book blankly before she heard her name called quite loudly, making her nearly jump in fright and frantically look around. The relief that it was only William made her sigh and sink into the couch, clutching her book tightly. “William, did you need anything? Come sit,” she said as she patted the space beside her on the small couch, moving a little to the side to make space for him even with her legs tucked underneath her. She hadn’t seen him since the game - was it two days ago? She wondered if he’d heard all about the meltdown she had in the Great Hall yesterday. She really should go get food later. She’d missed quite a few meals already. She wasn’t quite sure she’d like to walk the corridors to the Great Hall though. Maybe the house elves would give her food if she was nice enough.
Eury reacting to his presence by asking if he needed anything was very her, but his own needs weren't what he had sought her out for, he was worried about her after the incident with Morrie. What had she been thinking setting a snake on her? It was madness, he wasn't sure if it was still fallout from the tug of war incident or if something else had happened since then. "No, I'm here to see you, make sure you're ok after yesterday,"
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Eurydice felt her smile fall off her face when William asked about yesterday. She hadn't talked to anyone after hysterically telling Ben about the snake that the hag had set on her. She hadn't even tried to leave her dorm room. She knew people were talking about it. Some people had seen her all messed up and attempting to cast a spell on the older student. And she knew some had tried to eavesdrop on her attempt to tell Ben. If there was anything that could be said about a boarding school, it was that gossip traveled fast. The tug-of-war and then her stunt yesterday weren't exactly moments that would endear people to her. She just... she hated being like this - afraid. She hated not being able to walk down to the Great Hall or the Kitchens without the mere thought of it sending shivers down her spine. "What did you hear?" she asked softly as she closed her book, hugging it close to her chest.
William hadn't been in the great hall but the rumour mill at Hogwarts went into overdrive whenever anything happened and gossip travelled like wildfire through the halls. It hadn't taken long for the news to get back to him and when it did, he immediately had to check on her. "Not much, something about you pointing your wand at Morrie, and you yelling about a snake but no one believed you, for what its worth I believe you,"
Eurydice's grip tightened on the book as she thought of what had happened. He must have been worried. She would have been if she'd heard such an outrageous rumour and hadn't been able to find him. She did feel the tears building in her eyes when he said he believed her. She never thought she'd actually be thankful she had someone who listened to rumours. She knew Kael-nii wouldn't have believed it, and unless Benjamin approached him, Kael-nii wouldn't find out what happened. Considering her brother had yet to find her, it was unlikely that anyone had approached him about what happened. She moved slightly, leaning against William as she settled her head on his shoulder, trying to keep herself calm. "It was red. And black I think. Or white. It wasn't even very big," she said softly. "I tried to move... But I fell... And it got mad."
William didn't know what he was feeling as he listened to Eury tell him what happened. Anger? Most likely. He couldn't understand why anyone would want to mess with her. She was one of the nicest people at their school, and she befriended his house elf for Merlin's sake. William sat closer to her so he was nearby if she wanted to lean on him or whatever she might need and no sooner had he done so she leaned her head on his shoulder, "It's okay Eury, you're okay now, I'm here,"
Eury didn’t expect the relief that immediately washed over her at the assurance. Everything didn’t feel okay, but it at least felt like it would be. She had to quickly wipe her tears though because she wished he didn’t have to see this side of her. Afraid. Weak. “I ran when I saw,” she swallowed, “saw fangs.” She couldn’t get the image out of her head. She couldn’t get the whole thing out of her head. “I got mad and tried to fire a spell. Benjamin stopped me before I did,” she said as she wiped what she hoped were the last of her tears, sniffling. That just about covered what the rumors would have been spreading. And then she chuckled wetly, “I haven’t left the dorms since and I think I missed tea,” and breakfast and lunch and dinner. What time was it even? She should probably apologize about missing tea.
It sounded horrifying and William couldn't believe Eury had to go through that and no one was doing anything about it! Professor Kaster didn't believe her and Morrie wasn't facing any punishment as far as he knew, but then William didn't really know anything, just what Eury had told him and what he had overheard. "You won't be in trouble for missing dinner, though I hope you'll come with me to lunch so you eat something, you can sit at the Gryffindor table with me and I'll make sure no one says anything to you,"
It was a bit of a relief to know that she wouldn’t get in trouble for missing meals. She did tense though at the offer to come with him to lunch. She knew she should. She’d missed meals and she was already hungry even though her stomach had been in knots. But the mere thought of walking down that corridor had her wanting to throw up. Not today. Maybe tomorrow. Would it be too rude to refuse his offer? He was even going to make sure no one bothered her. “Thank you,” she said as she moved to sit upright, lifting her head from his shoulder to look at him. “I… I think I’ll stay here though,” she said biting her lip because she was gripping the sleeve of his robe, and she really should just let him go off to lunch because it would be selfish of her to ask him to stay. Even if she so desperately wanted him to. She didn’t realize until now how much she didn’t want to be alone just yet.
William felt Eury tense up at the suggestion to go to lunch and he knew she wasn't ready, and by the way she still clung onto his sleeve she clearly wasn't ready for him to leave. A plan started to formulate in his mind as he thought of a solution, and then it came to him. "Dakrey!" William called out for the family house elf and moments later he appeared in front of them. "Hey Dak, could you bring us some sandwiches, snacks and drinks from the kitchen? We're gonna have lunch in here,"
Dakrey dropped what he was doing and appeared in the student lounge as the sound of his name drew him to its speaker. He opened his eyes to see Mr William sitting with Miss Eury, the two looked cosy and he wondered if he was interrupting them, but he had been summoned and answering his master's call was a house elf's most sacred duty, even if it was one he performed voluntarily. "Master William," Dakrey bowed his head and listened to the request from the young man, he could do that. Miss Eury looked upset and he was glad to see his master was comforting his best friend. "I will bring food for Master William and Miss Eury," Dakrey bowed and then disapparated. He returned a few moments later and summoned a table in front of the two of them with plates of sandwiches, chips, cold meats and jugs of cold juice. He also summoned a tall candle for the middle of the table because he always did when he summoned dinner for Master and Mrs Cade. He bowed when he was finished and stood back to await further instruction.
Eury had been about to let him go when he called for Mr. Dak. She gave a small smile at her friend as she gave a small wave when he popped in to greet William. She hadn’t thought to have lunch here or anywhere outside of the Great Hall or Kitchens really. “A-are you sure we won’t get in trouble for having lunch here? I don’t want you or Mr. Dak to get in trouble,” she said hesitantly, though she didn’t have much time to object because the house elf was back all too soon with quite the spread. And her stomach just made a loud rumble now that food was actually in front of her. She blushed brightly because obviously she can’t even feign not being hungry anymore. “This looks great Mr. Dak. The candle’s a nice touch. Oh, and I’m sorry about missing tea yesterday,” she said with a small apologetic smile. “Maybe you can join us for lunch?” she asked with a sideways glance to William.
The candle was unexpected, but it made sense the more William thought about it. Dak was used to preparing dinner for two adults eating alone, married couples like his aunt and uncle. He was just doing what he's used to. He smiled awkwardly at Eury, hoping she didn't mind the candle, wondering what, if anything, she thought of when she saw it. "We'll be fine, probably, if not my uncle is my head of house so, how much trouble will we really get in?" He laughed lightly, he wasn't one to play the uncle card, but given his head of house would be the person in charge of punishing him, he did feel rather untouchable. Eury looked over at him when she invited Dak to stay for lunch, almost as if she was checking for his approval. He wasn't really sure why, "Stay Dak, you missed your tea date yesterday after all,"
Dakrey was taken aback by the invitation to stay and have lunch with them, he had assumed they would want to be alone. Dakrey looked from Eury to William when William repeated the invitation he beamed at the two of them and joined them on the sofa. "Of course I'll join you,"
Eurydice beamed as William echoed her invite to her elf friend and she turned to him leaning up a little and pulling him down so she could plant a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you," she said softly before turning to the food and serving Mr. Dak and William a glass of juice each while she grabbed a sandwich for herself before regaling Mr. Dak about the events of tug-of-war in between bites. She'd skipped most of what happened with the girls of course - she didn't want to worry him, but it was their routine by now that she would tell him all about the exciting happenings at school. She told the house elf about her cousins and friends not really pulling very well until she yelled at them so she totally helped the boys win even if they wouldn't admit it. When she finished telling him all about tug-of-war - minus certain details - she asked how his week went and how the other elves had been since she last visited. All the while, she kept close to William, almost leaning against him the whole time, her hand on his leg so she could make sure he was still there - he needed his arms to eat after all.

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